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Thoughts on Skyrim

Discussion in 'General RPGs' started by beefjurky, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. beefjurky

    beefjurky New Member

    So, i just want everybody's opinion on the infamous game named, Skyrim.

    To be truthful, I'm addicted, but its because i don't know any other anime rpg's other than the KH series and FF series
  2. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    I really wanna try this game, I heard it's good. Isn't it like part of a series or something?
  3. beefjurky

    beefjurky New Member

    It's part of the Elder Scrolls series. I have tried it, i am currently addicted but i wanted to know everybody else's opinion on it. And no, you don't have to play the others to understand what is going on in this one, the game informs you about the past and it engulfs you with so much info about Skyrim that you don't think about other games haha
  4. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    Ohk, well I'm gonna try it soon and then I will come back here and tell you how it is. Lol
  5. beefjurky

    beefjurky New Member

    sounds like a plan man!
  6. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Skyrim is SO much better than Oblivion. I'd call it a completely new game. It is drastically different to the previous games. GET THIS GAME NOW!....and Tales of Graces...

    This game is insane though. During a siege, I summoned a dragon and it helped me in that fight. It was crazy!
  7. beefjurky

    beefjurky New Member

    .. i like this guy, cuz i agree with him haha
  8. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Well, Oblivion was a pretty damn good game when it was released, because it was just so much ahead of other games of it's time - the playable world was huge and there were much to do, just like in Skyrim. I know that Skyrim beats Oblivion like 100-0, but respects to Oblivion still. It was probably one of my favorite games when it was published.

    Skyrim has the same goodies as Oblivion, but one thing has always bugged me when playing these two games - the voice actors. I don't mean that they would sound bad, no, they're good, but there's so few of them that you'll encounter same kind of voices during the next few minutes while conversing with other people. And all the guards have the same voice actor.

    Other than that, the games are good. I've stopped playing a few months ago when I got the main story completed in Skyrim and completed the Dark Brotherhood Missions. Then it felt like that there wasn't anymore much to do for me.

    If you like RPG's, try out Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Night series. If you're not so picky about graphics in a game instead of a good story, you'll love those games.
  9. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    Skyrim is the 5th game in the Elder Scroll series, the only two I've played are Oblivion and Skyrim. They are western RPGs so they don't have the same elements that JRPGs do. Instead of getting to know main characters and connecting with them on an emotional level, you become the main character by creating any character you wish, either in your own appearance or just something you like. A popular element of western RPGs is decision making, that is - you change the outcome of the game and mold the storyline based on the decisions you make at certain critical points. The same is true for Skyrim.

    I liked Skyrim a lot more than Oblivion, I spent around 145 hours playing through on two characters to get the full 1000G for the game. The Dawnguard DLC comes out exclusively on Xbox for an entire month and then is being released to PS3 and PC, so I will probably request off work and spend the whole day streaming Dawnguard on the 26th. I've been looking forward to the DLC ever since it was announced, really excited for it.
  10. I love the Elder Scrolls series! :D I've been playing it since Morrowind, but I think out of all of them Skyrim is my favorite.
  11. DarinTheUnsent

    DarinTheUnsent New Member

    only 2 things r missing. Keyblades n a Divorce option. Maybe bring back create a spell...

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