• Square Elite
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King/Queen of Arcade & Leader of Leaderboards

Discussion in 'Square Elite Arcade' started by EtherealSummoner, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    It has been two years since Goldfish has triumph the Arcade completely on both sides... XD BUT GOLDFISH IS GONE SO THERE IS A CHANCE!! As of now, this is where I will update information on High Scores and the TOP FIVE on the LeaderBoards. I will reward someone greatly if you are able to take down Goldfish's high score. It will be hard but it IS POSSIBLE. Feel free to discuss about points and high scores here but do not dare spam up the thread please.


    Goldfish: 1050
    KeylbadeBarrer92: 1041
    G.SummonerBWM: 673
    Murf: 628
    Desert Warrior: 521

    King of the Arcade High Scores

    Goldfish: 33
    LivingDeath: 22
    KeybladeBarrer92: 21
    Murf: 17
    Desert Warrior: 16


    DX NUUUUUUUU!!! I just took down 4 of your high scores!! Why do you have to come back now?!!! Gosh! Anyways, I will update the top five on the leaderboard and the King of the Arcade High Scores soon in this post and in the first post.


    Goldfish: 1050
    KeylbadeBarrer92: 1041
    G.SummonerBWM: 673
    Murf: 628
    Desert Warrior: 521

    King of the Arcade High Scores

    Goldfish: 33
    LivingDeath: 22
    KeybladeBarrer92: 21
    Murf: 17
    Desert Warrior: 16
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2012
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    If I beat GOLDFISH, do I get a reward?
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Haha. Perfect timing!

    I'll give the arcade a shot though I don't prefer online games.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Another update on the Arcade Leaderboard and High scores.


    Goldfish: 1042
    KeylbadeBarrer92: 1035
    G.SummonerBWM: 691
    Murf/Kairu: 625
    Desert Warrior: 514

    King of the Arcade High Scores

    Goldfish: 34
    LivingDeath: 22
    KeybladeBarrer92: 21
    Murf: 17
    Desert Warrior: 16

    Keep it up guys!!

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