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Live Music

Discussion in 'Music & Industry' started by Flash Delirium, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    The only other thread regarding going to shows is like over 4 years old, so making a new one seems much more appropriate.

    Does anyone try to go to shows on a regular basis? In the past few years I've probably been to upwards of 20-25 shows (I've completely lost count in all honesty). I've seen some really beautiful acts, such as Bon Iver and A Silent Film. I've seen some crazy acts like Anthony Green, Manchester Orchestra, Airborne Toxic Event, Silversun Pickups, and Bombay Bicycle Club. I've seen some shockingly good sets of bands I wasn't too familiar with, like White Denim, The Rosebuds, and Tennis. And I've even seen some really, really disappointing acts like fun., New Found Glory, and Train. But no matter what, going to show is such an awesome experience and there are very few things that feel as incredible.

    Anyone have any good concert stories? Bands they intend to see soon? Anything?
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Just came back from seeing Veil of Maya on Thursday. So gnarly.
    Live music is one of those hit and misses though. Some artists have it, some don't. Dragon Force for example. Cool studio band, hopeless live. Noticeable mistakes and what not.

    I wanted to hit Soundwave in Australia this year, great line up. Pretty much my Childhood wet dream (music wise). Tickets sold out when I saw the line up, but fortunately I live aout 2-3 blocks away from where they were playing. I could hear it enough to wnjoy it. Unfortunately I missed out on the acts and firey exploisions as mega bands played and killed the crowd with awe.
    I still go out to see a few local bands play every now and then.. 10 dollars at most, usually free. It's enjoyable as they are usually cover bands and they play things that you and your friends can sing along to.
  3. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I usually don't have the money to buy tickets to the shows where I want to go because I'm just a poor student, and most of the time the bands and artists that visit Finland are either in Helsinki (capital city) or one of the larger cities, so it would cost way too much to go and listen bands.

    I usually visit the festivals that cities have during the Summer. There's many bands and it doesn't cost too much to see a lot of them. And the feeling is way different than visiting clubs to see the bands.
  4. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Like Cameron, I frankly don't have a lot of money to go see concerts and live performances (some ticket prices are ridiculous) and not to mention that I live in the middle of nowhere in Canada. Usually when bands come up this way it would still take me another 4-7 hour drive to get there. (Not that realistic, so I don't often go to concerts.)

    I seen Brian Melo (guy from Canadian Idol a few years ago) perform back in October which was pretty cool. He sounded decent live, since he was on a singing show and all, and I enjoyed some of the covers he did from artists such as Foster the People.

    In the fall I'll be going to University in a big city where several larger bands ranging from Metallica to LIGHTS go through on tours when they visit the grand North. I'm hoping to see a lot more concerts when I'm up there :)

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