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My Little Pony FIM Official Topic

Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by Bjoacx, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

    This is the new official My little pony Friendship is magic thread! The old one got clouded up with spam and a Moderator will be noted immediately if such things happen again.

    Now, lets go over the rules of this thread...


    1.No Spamming.
    2.Only Bronies and Pegasisters can talk and discuss soon, haters, kindly leave this thread alone, or a Mod will be notified.
    3.No misleading content or spoilers for new episodes.
    4.Be modest, no swearing, or immodest content, we do have viewers that don't like that you know...

    NOTE: If rules are broken depending on how bad the rule is broken, Mods will be Notified! For instance, if a rule is broken by a mere accident, you will be warned before, we notify the Mods, but if you are braking the rules on purpose then they will be notified immediately!

    Now, for those of you who don't already know what My little pony is than it is a little girl show disliked by all except little girls of course. But that soon changed, for the new season, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic by director Lauren Faust the director of many other popular shows such as: Code Name Kids Next Door, Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends, and Power Puff Girls. All which are great shows, thus making this a loved show for all genders of a lot of ages. In Fact, 2/3 of the fan base are male, aging from 15-30... That's how awesome it is!

    So anyways, now that you know what it is here's what will happen, if you are a male and you like the show then you are a Brony! If you want to decide what you are for your self then click this link to see My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 1 - YouTube

    Now Bronies and Pegasisters, you can talk about ponies here!!! As Applejack would say... SOUPS ON EVERYPONY!!!!!
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2011
  2. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

    Hey guys! So... Who has watched the latest episode of MLP? It's really funny! Any thoughts on it?
  3. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    i missed it can u fill me in?
  4. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

    Well, here is a link to the episode, My little Pony Season 2 Episode 3. Words cannot explain this episode, watch for yourself! And also, the theme song is updated slightly! If you pause the theme song right when you see the first box car on the train, Madame Foster from Fosters Home of Imaginary friends is sitting in there!!! Funny Easter Egg...
  5. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    WOW nice really nice
  6. Luke

    Luke Member

    So whose everyones favorite?
    I like RainbowDash
  7. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

    Rainbow Dash FTW!!! Maybe I should make that a poll on here...
  8. Key King

    Key King Member

    Yeah...anyways, took me a while to find this new thread! lol!
  9. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

    Yeah, even though the last thread was really big it was mostly filled with hater junk so I made this one like a few weeks ago.
  10. Key King

    Key King Member

    okee dokee! well, i'm here now! ;)
  11. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

  12. Key King

    Key King Member

    not yet..haven't been watching much tv lately...
  13. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

    Well din click the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Craterfist

    Craterfist New Member

    I'm new here

    Well, a brony-exclusive KH thread is pretty good to me. So, who here wants to see Sora and Nightmare Moon battle? I can picture that so easily.
  15. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    ...No. Just no.

    My friend got me to watch the 1st 4 episodes. I thought I would become one of "You" but I didn't. However, I might. Besides, what's all the hype about it anyway?
  16. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    It's not the hype, all the haters are making the series so famous.

    I watched one episode a few months ago. It wasn't bad, just a normal show that you'd imagine what children might watch. Nothing special, really.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ??? Is My Little Pony that good? I always thought it was another "main girl" normal show myself.
  18. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    You need to watch one or few episodes and decide yourself.
  19. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    I've only seen the first two episodes of MLP, some clips on youtube, and a fan series of a Phoenix Wright x MLP crossover. All in all, it is definitely a girl's show, but it's actually pretty cool.

    Oh, and I found this:
    Pony Creator
    hmm, I guess, make your own and post it here? Maybe we should get a MLP social group thing or something.

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