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Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Angel, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Yes. It's that time of the year where everyone comes out of the woodwork, gather round, and get a big high off life. For those who don't know, April 20 is a holiday to some because it involves the consumption of marijuana. I bet we lost California today. Of course like all things bad in the world, it started in California. 4:20 became a popular phrase for teens in search of a high at that time so popularity grew and it is what it is today.

    Basically here's my experiences. I can't go to the bathrooms at school and I can't go in the gym. People act so stupid. I've seen kids feeling up on other kids. I've seen kids run into lockers. I've seen kids acting hyper and doing double takes.

    My personal opinion is if you live in California your screwed by the influence. Last thing, some may disagree but smoking pot is dumb and stupid. Your asking for a death sentence.
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I agree completely. I'm sick of these idiot stoners running around all over the place acting stupid. One of these daye all the stoners are gonna be locked up. I bet they don't even know what 4/20 really is
  3. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Like everything else in this world. Too much is bad.
    I mean neat. Cool a day where everyone gathers and and gets loose. You're having a good time as long as you leave others alone or smoke up in a designated private area like your own house instad of public areas and bother non users. Invite your friends to your house, party, watch TV, have a huge orgy and wake up the next day thinking "that was a mistake" or "I had a good time"
    Personally, it wouldn't bother me one way or another but I would consider the feelings of the public first and thus maybe have a little rant (for both parties).
  4. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I live in California and not everyone is high here. That's totally opinionated, so yeah. Though California is probably one of the biggest pot smoker states. I don't smoke, but I don't treat those who do smoke like I'm better than them in anyway. I actually know an avid smoker who, is really smart and will be headed to a major college this summer.
  5. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    Yeah, I'm from California too, but I think it really depends in what area of the state. And being up here with San Francisco and all, it's gets pretty ugly around Golden Gate Park since probably every SINGLE pot smoker in the area pretty much go there and go all out.
    Don't smoke either, my parents would probably beat me into an early grave is the main reason why, and i think that it could probably screw up my diabetes more than it already is ^_^; But I kind of see your point x3pic, there are people that i know that are interesting and fun people, but they smoke on occasion because they know the risks of being caught in the dorms and being thrown out by the school.
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Haha yeah. I just love picking on California for some reason.

    Anywho, I know everyone is not smoking in Cali, but I wouldn't be surprise if the majority or even a group gets together and smoke in public.

    You can be smart and dumb at the same time. Smoking weed doesn't make you dumb. It's just a common sense thing.
  7. Noir


    Well, I live in Asia, not North America.
    Does this happen in Asia?
  8. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    What's this all the hate towards stoners and marijuana?

    Wow, kids around there must be smoking something else than pot if they're running into lockers and acting hyper. Sheesh.
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    As far as, I know 4/20 started and is celebrated in NA.

    Truly I don't care but poisoning your body is dumb to me.

    Disorientation. I really don't understand the hyper kid but he wouldn't shut up and jittering! He did smell like smoke though on 4/20. I'm just assuming.
  10. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I would really like to know how marijuana "poisons" the body.

    And do you even know what pot smells like?
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I really want to know how it is good for you?
    Poison is a harmful substance! Last time I checked. Respiratory problems, increase in heart attacks, impaired memory, weakened immune, and possibly cancer are not body enhancers.

    I don't think it matters. I assume that I assume that I assume. But to answer your question "no". Next time, I will ask "hey man how's that Mary Jane?!"
  12. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    It's only debated that cannabis could harm your body in any way and the chance for lung cancer is just as high as it would appear on a person who doesn't smoke. It's more used as a medicine than thought in the way you say it. Or are you a slave of the media and truly believe that cannabis harms your body just as some poison? It doesn't differ too much from alcohol, although if you drink too much, you'll get nauseated and most likely you will vomit, etc. Cannabis doesn't have those side effects, and when smoked it's a very tiny chance that you'll use it too much. And if a person has a weak heart, he/she shouldn't use cannabis, alcohol or anything that may cause dangerous situations to him/her.

    Weakened immune system? Of that I've never heard. You've got some articles on that or studies? You got me interested.

    And oh, it does. The smoke and scent of cannabis can be recognized even from long distances and it doesn't resemble the smoke of cigarettes in any way. I think the kids that you described in your post didn't really smoke weed or you're just making stuff up. I've actually never seen or heard about a person going all hyper from smoking cannabis, because the THC relaxes the body and calms you down. They could had smoked cigarettes or something else than weed, I don't know about that but really it doesn't make you all hype and make you run into lockers.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2012
  13. I live in Cali and yes it's deflationary bad here, but I know people all over the US lighting up on 4/20 I am one of the few that don't. I've done pot once and it's not that good. It didn't even make me high and it tasted weird XP
    Plus I don't see why 4/20 is so important for those "die hard" stoners. When they smoke bowl after bowl every day, why is one day of the year so much better than the other 364?
  14. Luke

    Luke Member

    I like weed, i hate the people that smoke it though.

    I hate 420 though. Its a fun idea that people ruin. Though i did celebrate by smoking and going to see iwrestledabearonce lol
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Well see here's the thing about weed. I smoke every now and then. Most of the time is stimulates my mind so I can preform at a higher level in which I really don't. Now the intake of Weed is what makes most people do dumb this. I believe 4/20 is a nice day just like any other national holiday. I just feel as though people should not be penalized for what others do or neither should anyone else.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD And smoking make you a terrible speller like it is doing to you right now that you cannot even spell perform HAHAHA! But man... I didn't know that you guys smoke... but anyways, I don't think that anything that can be used as medicine also mean that it can be good for you.

    XD It's called being special.

    ??? May you please rephrase that. It sounds as though you like weed, meaning that you too also smoke weed but yet you are saying as though you do not want other people to smoke it.
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Lol Nice one summoner. I'm not addicted like most just to let you guys know. It's just a thing I do before parties and if im stressed, sometimes not even then
  18. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Anything can be debated. Weed produces tar and tar in your lungs creates damaging effects. Cancer is an option for heavy smokers along with bronchitis and laryngitis. Weed also contains more carcinogens, cancer causing agent, than Tobacco.
    Nah I just happen to stumble upon it while learning a little bit of psychology.

    Vomiting is a mechanism to prevent you from dieing. So obviously if you throw-up from drinking too much alcohol. You just about killed yourself.

    Marijuana does cause an increase in heart rate and hypotension which increases a chance of a heart attack. Tar does damage the lungs and carcinogens in Marijuana causes Cancer.

    Apparently, it lowers white cell count. I don't really know all too much about this one.
    Apparently, your speaking from experience. I have a lack there of so I could not tell a difference if there is one.

    I don't know if he did! I was assuming.

    Eh. A possibility as well.
    You really can't account for everyone who smokes weed to be relax. Yes, it "relaxes the majority" but some could be affected differently. Maybe an increase feel of euphoria and anxiety which pot causes to make them hyper. Disorientation and impaired cognitive thinking does causes people to harm themselves under the influence IE: Running into lockers!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2012
  19. Luke

    Luke Member

    I like weed. I smoke. I will even go as far to say that i smoke alot. I was kinda raised on it. My dad grew and my mother loves it. What i meant was i enjoy the substance but hate the users. I mean alot are very okay people, i just hate the ones that are like "4 20 man haha if you dont smoke weed your no fun blahblahblah" and those who think smoking weed makes you cool.

    Weed has helped me with so many things. Such as getting over the death of my dad, and I wouldve never gotten the grades i got in AP english without it. I write so much better when im high, not just papers either, but music as well.

    It is impossible to be chemically addicted to weed. However you can form a psychological addiction, but thats true with literally everything.

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