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Sorkai Fan? Or Soramine Fan?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by kuraichan, May 17, 2008.

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  1. kuraichan

    kuraichan New Member

    Who do you think is the cuter couple sora and namine or sora and kairi:confused:

    Me i would say sora and namine for KHCOM becuase there really cute and sweet

    and Sora and kairi for KHII becuase namine doesnt look like what she was in KHCOM and kairi and sora go well together in KHII they are really like each other
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Hooray for shipping.

    In this case, I go with the canon. Sora/Kairi make a better fit, imo. But I also like Roxas/Namine, so Sora/Namine seems weird to me.
  3. Even from the start, I never really liked Sokai(no offense meant to those who do like it). I did however, like the idea of Sormine ever since COM, so I support SxN.
  4. tinytommy

    tinytommy New Member

    Sora and Kairi were born for each other
    it would be weird for sora to be with namine because he would have to be with kairi at the same time (nobody)
  5. rikus1fan

    rikus1fan New Member

    sora and kairi
  6. Tifa_03

    Tifa_03 New Member

    i would say sora kairi because it is kinda obvious, and ya i kinda supported roxas and namine to be together :)
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I say Sora & Kairi, because that is how it goes. And Sora was willing to bow down to Saix to be with Kairi.
  8. YRPgrls <3

    YRPgrls <3 New Member

    Kairi and Sora Roxas and Namine

    Thats how i see it :)
  9. Kairi008

    Kairi008 New Member

    Sora and Kairi but in CoM Sora and Namine were pretty cute yet he forgot everything there and him and Kairi are better in my opinion
  10. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Sora and Kairi, that's my opinion. ^^
  11. Suicidal_Romance

    Suicidal_Romance New Member

    I'm more of a Sormine fan...
    I like odd pairings like RoxasxKairi and RikuxNamine.
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