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The worst thing ever

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FatewithFury, May 26, 2012.

  1. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Here I wanted to find out what the worst thing that ever happened to you was and if it's not self explanatory then explain why it was.

    For me it was yesterday.... I had collapsed on my living room floor and blacked out. It hurt like crap and it has effected me horribly and my brain was bruised...

    So I umm guess tell me what is the worst thing that has ever happened to you.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Fell off a tall slide head first. Ow...
  3. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    That sounds painful... Was there a grass cushion on the bottom???
  4. SoRoxas

    SoRoxas New Member

    back in middle school i had an EXREMLEY mentally disturbed friend that tried to slice my wrists in about 8th grade...i didnt know weather to be scared, to run, or to just sit there, i was like freaked the heck out o_O well thats the worst thing that happened to me, i still have nightmares about that day
  5. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Holy crap i would have been scared to death..
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I ordered taco bell. Soft tacos beef and cheese only.

    You know what I got beef, cheese, and lettuce. It's not the same taking the lettuce off of the taco. I should of drove to Taco Bell took the taco and smeared it on the counter yelling "I said beef and cheese only" It's the same with Burger King and McDonald. I order a double stacker or double cheese burger cheese only then they give you onions. Oh my Gosh!!!!

    Worst EXPERIENCE of my LIFE!!!
  7. SoRoxas

    SoRoxas New Member

    @Angel. OMG! IKR! I HATE LAZY FASTFOOD COOKS! I WANNA RIP THERE BRAINS OUT! I SAID I WANTED SOME FRIES OF THE VALUE MENU NOT THE VALUE COMBO MEAL!! (i got the value combo meal an hadda pay $5.00 when i ordered $1.00 fries) people like that make me very VERY angry. Lazy People who dont listen to orders

    @FateWithFury, i was scared...i nearly pissed myself running
  8. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    lol fastfood always messes up its their job
  9. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    Lets see, There was the time I fell down the stairs twice and then the time I had some glass deep Inside of my hand or the time- you know what I had lots of bad times! Lol
  10. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    those all sound extremely painful. ouch...
  11. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    Yeah they were and I almost threw up looking at the blood, I hope It doesn't happen again
  12. Luke

    Luke Member

    Probably when my dad died.
  13. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Holy crap. i now am realizing that what happened to me was nothing at all compared to some people.
  14. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    The worst thing that's ever happened to me was when I was running down a hill with my flip flops on; I ended up tripping and falling down the hill, scraping my knees badly and needing my nanny to remove the pebbles from them. Eww.
  15. SoRoxas

    SoRoxas New Member

    LOL, reminds me of 5th grade for some reason
    MK, so my skin is pale as hell, and it was Career day at my school, we were supposed to dress up like someone that inspired us, so i dressed up as michael jordan, Spray-painted myself brown (I was 11, okay), so i was running to class and i fell in the DEEP gravel..i had brown spraypaint all over me an had like, spraypaint getting inside of my blood okay, hurt like hell, they hadda clean me off AT SCHOOL, with that alcahol that stings like hell..WHILE being the opposite of my natural color, AND lost my report, :C
  16. Noir


    The worst thing that happened to me so far is when I was a kid, I fell on my bike from a slippy road and it was worse.
    I had wounds. One on my face, and some on my body, and one weird wound in my right foot. I also broke my arm!
    It happened when school was out.
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I crashed my motorbike into a barbed wire fence once. That hurt.
    When I was 12 I passed out in the kitchen one morning and nearly planted my face right into a frying pan full of boiling hot bacon greese. My mom caught me just before I would have mutalated my face.
    And a few years ago I was in a car accident that landed me in the hospital.

    I'm accident prone... >.<
  18. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I remember slipping off from a very tiny cliff so that my leg got twisted under me body as I landed. I just heard a crack and the pain was unbelievable.

    And that's why I suck at sports, yo. Our school nurse didn't want to diagnose it well so I couldn't get a time to the hospital for scanning or anything to see if there was something wrong.

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