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Best Game

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Reonarudo Butsuchiru, Apr 23, 2010.

Greatest Title

  1. ~ ~ Kingdom Hearts ~ ~

  2. KINGDOM HEARTS: Chain of Memories

    0 vote(s)
  3. Kingdom Hearts 2

  4. KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories

  5. KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days

  6. KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep

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  1. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    i liked the multiplayer mode in kh 358/2 days like many other people. IT WAS GREAT. Me, my brother, and two cousins: Roxas, Sora, Riku, and Xion on critical fighting on the mission with all the heartless and then we fought xion
  2. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    The new characters, storyline, graphics and the battle system. Although, i didn't like the way they made Sora look even more clueless.
  3. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

    I'm going to vote KH Birth By Sleep, It had all the good things a game should have, and as of only playing handheld KH games, (No PS2-3) BBS was the best. It even scored a 9.5 on IGNnorent. But anyways, tats my vote... Bjoacx out!
  4. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    The best one Ive played was kingdom hearts 2
  5. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    Gotta say 358/2. I loved everything about it. How they changed the main character, the battle system, the system of days and missions and the fact that you can go on playing the game for months after you beat it with mission mode and multiplayer. (I love challenging my friends very loudly at dismissal) Plus, the graphics were pretty good for a DS game. Plus it's portable, i can take my favorite game with me EVERYWHERE. And i do :p

    Looking back, KH1 was more challenging than KH2 in the sense that it didn't tell you what to do next.
    Oh and btw, I'm back after forever and a day not being here. :3
  6. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

    I dont know if anyone is ever going to pick kingdom hearts chain of memories, ...such a downfall for KH until the re-make came out...
  7. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Kingdom Hearts 1 was the most challenging. I'd like to see more of that in KH3 rather than quicktime events. KH2 was a good game but WAY too easy. Birth By Sleep was almost there but I liked the sense of discovery and adventure in the first. The others don't quite match up to it.
  8. Joekyure

    Joekyure New Member

    I like birth by sleep.. the battle system was more fluid than the previous. The command styles were so much better.

    KH1- The one who started the franchise off.. still can't be sephiroth lol.
    KH:CoM- I thought the card system was going to be lame.. but it was actually pretty good.. I loved it more when it was made for the ps2
    KH2- Amazing.. wayy better than the ones prior. Drives were a great concept.. it was just soo hard to get them.
    KH:BBS- My favorite out of all of them. Command styles, story, online play, option bosses.. Truly the best in my opinion..

    Can't wait for KH 3D and hopefully perhaps KH3
  9. XNihiri

    XNihiri New Member

    Wow... i used to think i was a paria for favoriting Kingdom Hearts 2...

    Thought everyone loved the first one and birth by sleep more ( they are both amazing by the way ).
    Still, while KH1 is ofcourse more nostalgic for me, I have to say i enjoy the 2nd more... It doesn't sound like much... but the improvements to the camera control were SOOOOOOO nice.
  10. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    Best one is birth by sleep, like wtf, I dunno know WTF that means, its mysterious and cool.

    Kingdom Hearts 1, It was just so good, besides its graphics it was very well made and was original, who else would think of a boy running around with a giant keyblade.

    Kingdom Hearts, the best game absolutely.
  11. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    You just double posted man and I think you knew that. lol

    Well I go with Kingdom Hearts 2 Its graphics maybe not as good as Kingdom Hearts 1 but the game Is still awesome!
  12. Vanitas13

    Vanitas13 New Member

    Kingdom Hearts was great, but the story leading after it was even better, Kingdom Hearts II wins me over because of the improved Gummi ship battles the New reaction command that came in quite handy (lolz) and because it had more content than the first more keyblades, more epic boss fights, ultimately Kh2 was just better imo.
  13. SoRoxas

    SoRoxas New Member

    They all have great qualities
    KH: Had a GREAT Storyline-the gummi ship was OHMYGOSH AWFUL
    KH2: Had more creative enimies, levels, and bosses, Gummi was GREATLY improved, but way too easy
    KH: RE: COM: The cards were better, i could play with a controller instead of a tiny gameboy screen
    358/2: GREAT Storyline, answered alot of questions, loved the multiplayer/playablility/ screen small for me still
    KHBBS: Once again, filled up alot of holes in the storyline for me, i likked the fact it had more playable char's, small screen still annoying me
    My favorite would have to be KH2
  14. YourLuckyKeyblade

    YourLuckyKeyblade New Member

    I'd have to say Kingdom Hearts. It just really enveloped me into the storyline and it was probably the most enjoyable game I ever played at the time.
  15. xyoung4EVA

    xyoung4EVA New Member

    I voted for 358/2 Days, simply because of the storyline. Personally, I think it had one of the best and saddest stories in any Kingdom Hearts game. Only BBS can really compete with it when it comes to the storyline (again, my opinion). Also, it was really fun and easy to play, even if it was a little slow at times.

    The only thing I didn't like was the graphics. T.T If only the DS could handle graphics better...
  16. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    Idgaf about Kingdom Hearts 2, Yeah its decent but Birth by sleep is awesome.
  17. geelala

    geelala New Member

    I voted Kingdom Hearts 2, simply cause of the gameplay and improved graphics. I did love the storyline with the the Organisation XIII though! c: I still love Kingdom Hearts 1, but the graphics now are harder to get used to after playing Kingdom Hearts 2...
  18. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    On second thought, though I love the huge improvements in KHII as I stated in my previous post, I have come to realize that due to a more straightforward story and more nostalgia, I'm gonna restate that Kingdom Hearts is my favorite of the series. It was the one that with huge impact started it all, and though it has some control wise issues, it has a very special place in my heart <3

    I gotta say though, that KHII and Re:CoM are very close to my first place for different reasons... but I guess you just can't compete with nostalgia^^
  19. Harrihaffi

    Harrihaffi New Member


    Voted KH1. Only played the 2 original games and bbs! First game has the story and a simple gameplay that fitts better with...the magical(in lack of better words) felling of disney. kh2 might had better gameplay, but then there were even better in bbs.(love the board game) So I was trying to make up my mind about Kh2 or bbs... so that would make KH2 the worst of the games that I have played...really don't care for the twists and 13 what ever...Did like the portal into black n white land and kinda like beasts castle too...

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