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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin smiled and said, "Patience is a virtue, flower boy. I'm in no rush to see my brother whatsoever. That goes for the rest of them. As for Jordan...he'll come around eventually." He followed up behind Virgil and said, "Heh, I get my brother first! You can take what's left. Oh and Marly, don't tempt Virgil do something he REALLY wants." He gave a big smile to Marluxia and went through the portal.

    "This keychain...it...came from her," Darian replied. His eyes began to turn their normal color and his Keyblade stopped blinking. He could see with his own eyes now that he could wield the Keyblade under his own authority.

    Jordan looked at his friend with a look of concern and asked, "Hey, you doing ok?" Right as he said that, the two had entered a hall full of food, reminiscent to that of an all you can eat buffet.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smirked. "Just a little sore, but i'm doing better now." He said, nodding towards the food that they had stumbled upon in the hall. "Well we need to eat, and there is food, so let's go to work." He said, grinning at his friend. He slowly made his way over to a seat and pulled a plate over, starting to grab everything within reach, quickly filling his plate before looking to his friend. "Don't think I'm eating alone, get over here." He joked, sitting and pulling his plate towards him.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Master Yen Sid nodded his head.

    "To give you a keychain like that that in turn has become your keyblade, she must trust you a whole lot." He explained. "I sense there is a great darkness that stirs in you, however due to her own heart and light, you have not fallen to the darkness. If she were to fall though, you would be in ruin." Master Yen Sid explained turning to see Angel enclosed completely in the flower as it glowed and disappeared. He walked closer to the cornerstone of light and inside Angel float in free space light surrounding her being completely.

    "The cornerstone of light acts as a gateway to this world's heart. She could reside there for a long time healing on her own, there's even a chance she could merge with this world's heart and become it's heart. So you must listen to me carefully. I sense you care a great huge deal about her and she likewise to you which means you two have a very special unbreakable bond. That bond is it's own separate power providing light to either one of you if you need it. However she cannot summon it, it is up to you to summon that light and use it to dismiss the darkness in her heart. You must be careful with it, no wrong moves or you could potentially damage her heart or worst- destroy it." Master Yen Sid said. "You must use your keyblade." He instructed stepping away from the cornerstone of light as it glowed some.

    Selena watched Devlin leave before looking to Virgil.

    "What importance to they serve you Marluxia. You mention a power in their hearts, but what power?" Selena asked in pure curiosity.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Selena, would you be so kind as to hand me my keychain? I have need of it for a brief time then you can reap hearts as long as you desire." He reached into Devlin's portal and tapped his shoulder, "Also, Darian has another... something in that heart of his. Though it's only capable of is turning his eyes gold and making him shout 'go back'"

    He turned to Virgil, "Virgil? Would you go speak with a man named Vexen? Long blonde hair and green eyes, you can't miss him. He's in The Castle That Never Was."
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smiled big and jokingly saluted his friend and replied, "Yes sir!" Likewise, Jordan grabbed a plate and took as much food that was closest to him. He went over to Will and dropped into the seat next to him. He patted Will on the back before saying, "Let's chow down, shall we?" And with that, Jordan went to work with his food.

    Darian listened as Yen Sid informed him of Angels condition, and instructions as to how to free her from the darkness. He chuckled and mumbled, "Right...no pressure." He took one deep breath and began to summon up as much power within himself as he could so he could channel it all through his Keyblade. He could feel the monster inside of him trying to come out, but Darian pushed it back until a faint voice could be heard. The same as the behemoth's.

    "Save...Angel. Protect...friends."

    Darian closed his eyes, and hesitantly allowed the beast in. With his eyes a solid white color once more, he shot a beam of pure light out towards the flower where Angel laid.

    Devlin felt the hand and turned back to hear out Marluxia. He smiled and replied, "So everyone keeps telling me. I guess if you're the second person to have seen it, my brother isn't a complete waste of skin after all. Heh, that should be entertaining."
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Larxene smiled devilishly as she emerged from the shadows hearing Marluxia, Virgil, Devlin and Selena talk. "So Marluxia your back from out that brats mind...and you've seen the beast within". Larxene looked at Devlin then at Marluxia. "And I see you've gained some friends Devlin...If you would have just joined the Org like you started to we wouldn't have this problem....but that's another story..". "Let me just get to the point...I want your brother out of the way...I have direct orders to catch a certain little brat in the group and I don't want any interference's while I'm trying to pursue this. Now this is the thing...there's only one way to get you beast...I mean brother...and that's to get the girl...so let us just snatch her and then we have him surrendered...simple right?" Larxene preached.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Larx... I see you found me. Well I was hoping to surprise you but that isn't going to happen." Marluxia slowly sent his vines around the other nobody's body as he looked her in the eyes, "If I had a second chance I'd have made you mine, however, until Xemnas is destroyed we can't have that second chance." He gave Larxene a stern look before continuing, "Angel is of no concern. Her heart has surely fallen to the darkness by now... and in less then an hour... I'll have a new pawn."
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "But Marluxia...are you sure of that...you've seemed to have been failing and disappointing very often lately...and I'm not sure if I want your assistance in my mission." Larxene said as threw a mean look towards Marluxia. Larxene had began to grow irritated, just thinking about how Marluxia had betrayed her. Soon she couldn't hold her rage in anymore and punched directly in the face, as, what appeared to be a tear fall from her left eye. "How could you Marly" Larxene raged.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia caught the fist inches away from his face, he was as confused as one without a heart could be. "I never betrayed you, I only did that to prevent you from following me. Angel was strong and she'd of ended both of us... and she almost did..." Marluxia's thorns were as conflicted as their master, his "feelings" causing them to coil around him. He squeezed Larxene's hand, forging a link with her and infusing his own powers within her. "I'm sorry..."
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel was shot back again standing back up to continue fighting the darkness trying to take over her when shot of light blasted down hitting the monster as it roared out pain.

    The area lit up causing her to shield her eyes. As the beam stopped she looked down at the mural in shock of what she saw.

    The mural revealed her on the left asleep, her keyblade in hand and glowed with light. There were several different smaller circles. One revealed the other image from before of her and her friends on the clock tower of Twilight Town, another revealed an image of her gifting Darian her good luck charm, another revealed an image of her good luck charm, and the last one was what caught her eye.

    It was a rose with several thorns.

    "I'll have a new pawn."

    Quickly she jumped back her keyblade summoned at hand. She looked down to see the mural her wrapped in thorns and across from her on the other side was the black cloak figure with pink hair, a wicked, wild, creepy grin on his face his hands extended in front of him releasing the thorns.

    "Marluxia..." She whispered.

    The cornerstone lit up and Angel lied on the ground in front of it. Yen Sid walked up and laid his hand down on her heart.

    "Her heart I feel is much more natural making me believe she has returned to her normal self. Darian, you did good." Yen Sid said.

    As Jordan and Will walked in the room with the food another small big eared person walked through a different door. This person was a female.

    "Oh! You must be the guests Mickey just brought!" She exclaimed before smiling. "I'm sure you're both hungry. The cooks have prepared this food for you and other guests of the castle." She said gesturing to the table.

    "My name is Minnie and- oh my!" She went to introduce herself before taking note of Will's injuries.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will had finished his food and slouched in the chair, cup dangling from his hand precariously. He lifted the cup and swilled the juice before he looked over to his friend. "Jordan... do you honestly think we'll make it through this?" He asked, voicing the concerns that the heartless inside him had placed within his thought process. It was a vision of his friends having fallen around him, and it was him alone facing Devlin, and he was about to fall, the heartless inside him screaming to be released to fight him. It wanted to prove that it was better than Will, more animalistic, more bloodthirsty. He shook his head lightly to remove the thought and swilled his drink again, awaiting the answer. Then the small mouse queen strode up and started speaking to them. He smiled and said. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Will, and this is Jordan." He noticed her staring at his hand over his rib and he shook his head. "I'm fine, just fought a little too hard." He said to her.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian looked at Angel lying there on the ground. "Angel...You..okay?" He said hesitantly as he lowered his keyblade, now pointing to the ground. Darian then walked over to her and picked her up into his arms. "You have to get better Angel...you have to....I..l..love you..." Darian whispered to her as he was picking her up.


    Larxene surprised that Marluxia had caught her punch. Soon she began to feel there powers mixing and become more powerful. "Oh...Marly" Larxene said as she loosened her fist she was trying to attack Marluxia with and then falling into his body, hiding her face with his cloak. "Marly....you...are something else" Larxene whispered.
    "Why does this...feeling...affection...keep showing towards him...I his words are my surrender...and his wrath is my passion....I can't break away from him....why do I have feelings...let alone feelings towards Marluxia" Larxene thought.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Master Yen Sid, that connection, was it just friendship?" King Mickey asked confused causing Master Yen Sid to chuckle. He shook his head and smiled at the two young adults.

    "No, it's love. Love is the strongest of the light found in different levels, their light is powerful. Love is like a blossoming flower and can cause a lot to occur within a heart, within the mind. It is involved in our destiny as much as our fate." Yen Sid explained keeping private. He walked back over and laid his hand on his shoulder.

    "She's going to need some rest. The important thing is you continue to protect her, as I'm sure you will protect her." Yen Sid said.

    Selena looked around the now empty beach after Devlin had left and turned back to Virgil.

    "I suppose as the rest of the group is at Disney Castle. There's nothing much we can do." She said sighing jumping up to where the papou fruit tree is and sitting on its branch extending out.

    "You know it's very peaceful here..." She admitted looking down at Virgil.

    "So what do we do?"

    Queen Minnie nodded before reaching into a pocket and pulling out a small bottle.

    "Take this, this should help, just a plain basic potion, but it should take the pain away and allow if to heal some as well." She said handing him the bottle.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2012
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smiled and took the potion, uncorking it and drinking it in one dose. He felt a warmth seep down into his rib and remove the pain, allowing him to move freely. He grinned before looking back over to Minnie. "Well thank you your majesty. It's such a wonderful place you have here. Well, what we've seen of it. You said that the king mentioned us, did he mention our friends?" He said, referring to Angel and Darian. He knew something big had been happening with Angel. He knew Darian could handle it, but he wanted to help.
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin expressed his anger with the two being in his castle now with much hostility. "And who the hell are you two, entering my castle without my permission or consent," he yelled. He watched the two have their 'intimate' scene between each other before applauding. "Oh my, how touching. False emotions being shared between two Nobodies who will never be able to truly experience what it is meant to FEEL. How about you two express your farce form of affection somewhere else? Like NOT HERE!!!!" Devlin scoffed and turned to walk off. He had much more pressing matters to attend to at the moment.

    Jordan had finished eating along with his friend and had begun to take a drink until he heard Will's question that left him in a bit of shock. With so much riding on this, Selena, their home if there was still hope that there'd be a home to go back to, and their futures, there was no room for failure now. "Yeah...yeah I think we'll be just fine. We keep our heads together and stay focus on the task at hand, we'll manage," he said in a low toned voice. He started to say something else until he saw another small big eared stranger approach them. After watching her and Will converse, Jordan gave her a smile followed by a nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he said generously. He continued off of Will's comment and said, "Yeah, we still need our third amigo, Darian. Not to mention our little Angel, haha."
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia blocked Devlin's exit with his thorns and scoffed, "Not so fast Devlin, you will stay here until this matter is solved. I assure you, after you've done your end of the bargain you will not hear from the Orgainization about your little... secret." Marluxia stroked Larxene's hair for a moment before turning back to Devlin, "She's ready... Angel is mine. Hehehehe... Even Darian can't save her now... for she won't remember a damn thing about him." He smirked and laughed darkly as his thorns took on the shape of Angel with Marluxia looming above her.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil stood with his both hands in his pockets. Yea this place is very peaceful. minus the bafoons that come here to ruin it like that guy with the pink hair that guy annoys me. He hopped up sitting next to her. "ya know what? i'm going to let you in on a secret." he grabbed her hand placing it on top of his as he extended it out. black and white energy started to pulsate. With a white and black mist a keyblade appeared in there hands. "I was chosen to no one knows i have one i stick to my usual knives. but your the only one i trust. Oh and by the way mind telling me what that fruit is ? it looks kinda cool" he said with a bright smile on his face. Virgil had never been this happy since he was a child he didn't even realize it himself.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Virgil..." She couldn't believe he trusted her this much to let her in on one of his deepest secrets. "I don't know what to say..." She said smiling at him. She examined his keyblade, it was so unique and different, it's power she could feel and it was unlike nothing else she ever felt. Which confused her some, the keyblade reflects what the heart is, what she feels from it wasn't the same as she did his heart. She closed her eyes when she felt something from Virgil's heart in her heart, something much different. She opened her eyes being able to feel it.

    It was different, it was kind of warm and protective. It was caring, kindness, respect, as it was also nervousness. She couldn't describe what it was all she knew was she liked it and was kind of addictive to the feeling it was.

    "Oh and by the way mind telling me what that fruit is? it looks kinda cool"

    She looked at him confused some before nodding and reaching up she picked the star fruit off the tree holding it in her hands examining it.

    "I heard those kids say it was a papou fruit. I'm not precisely positive completely what it is, but they were going on about it like it had some sort of special power. Like it could twine together two people creating one destiny. All they had to do was share the fruit with whoever they cared about." She said, not sure if she believed it or not.

    (edit discussing with Sho about stuff, will come back possibly and edit in about Angel)
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "I heard those kids say it was a papou fruit. I'm not precisely positive completely what it is, but they were going on about it like it had some sort of special power. Like it could twine together two people creating one destiny. All they had to do was share the fruit with whoever they cared about.

    He looked at her with a look of curiosity. almost as if he believed it." So that fruit has some sort of cool power that would tie people together? thats pretty neat hold on to that for a while ok?" He hopped back down onto the sand and reached his hand out to her" hey come here for a sec there's something i want to show you. The wind started to pick up slightly blowing his hood over his face where his bright grin could be seen emerging from the shadows of his hood." i bet i look pretty silly huh"
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at the fruit before sticking it in her deep cloak pocket. She took his hand and jumped off when the wind blew his hood up and was blowing her hair around turning it into a wild mess. She couldn't help but laugh a little.

    "Maybe a little." She said laughing. "But the way this wind is cooperating with my hair, I probably look just as silly." She told him brushing the hair out of the front of her face as it began to properly corporate with her as it gently blew in the wind.

    "So what did you want to show me?" She asked curious.
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