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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Nah i'm the silly one...you look beautiful" he said blushing and turning his face away a bit." Grabbing her hand he walked her up a flight of stairs that were to the left of the beach. it led up a balcony that overlooked the entire beach horizon. he stood her in front of him " Stay right there don't move ok?" he turned his back and clasped his hands together almost as if he was shaping clay. a black mist poofed up and he turned to her. " finished! but don't turn around ok? he walked behind her she could feel his breath upon her neck. he reached around her neck and placed a long necklace over her it was silver and black with the pendent a Paupo fruit gleeming in the sun.

    "heh...i can do more with my power than just create destruction. i was quite the artsy guy back when we were younger remember when i used to draw you pictures? Now you have 2 things to remember me if i ever leave...." He placed both hands on her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder." Tell me something...if there was one thing you could wish for what would it be."
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    She reached up and held it in her hand. It was so beautiful and magical.

    "Virgil... I don't know what to say, it's so beautiful..." She said remembering as kids.

    "Keep up Selena!" a little boy shouted.

    "I'm coming, I'm coming!" A little girl with black hair flowing behind her as she ran.

    "You got to see it!" The little boy exclaimed as they ran up a hill at sunset terrance. They came to the top as the boy turned to the other girl who once at the top stopped to take a breath. "Look!" He exclaimed. She turned and looked up at the sunset as it shined across the distance land. it was a beautiful sight who could catch the sight of anybody who looked at it.

    "Oh wow, it's soooo pretty!" She exclaimed running to the fence climbing up on to it to get a better look. The light shined off the land, the sky was casted in pink and orange the stars twinkling higher in the sky. The train tracks below even reflected the light from the sun making it more beautiful.

    "Selena?" The little girl turned and looked back at the boy who kicked a stone. "Do you like it?" He asked.

    "Virgil, of course I like it! It's so pretty!" The little girl, Selena, exclaimed. The little boy looked at her and grinned wide.

    "I drew it. I hope you like it!" He said holding out a picture with color pencil scratches on it for all the different colors. For an 8 year old boy, it was very good drawing.

    "Oh my goodness! It's so good, you are such a great artist, Virgil." She said smiling.

    "Yeah, I was hoping you liked it." He said drawing a picture in the dirt with his toe looking down at the ground when he was slightly pushed by a hug from the girl.

    "I love it, Virgil, thank you so much!" She exclaimed hugging him.

    "I remember all those pictures, I kept them all in a box on my desk." She said smiling.

    "Tell me something...if there was one thing you could wish for what would it be?"

    "To tell the truth, to just get away. There's been so much crap. Battles between light and dark, people fighting with no care in the world, people who don't care, people who pay no attention, people towering over the weak. I used to wish I could stop it all, but I know I cannot. So if anything, I just want to get away from it all. Live in a world or universe where light and dark don't exist or at least coexist in silence. In a world where there's no fighting ever. I dream to go there one day." She told him. "I wouldn't mind not having my friends there..." She said.

    'The only person I'd want there is you...' She thought to herself unable to say it aloud.
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will just stared at his right hand, where the dark power had come out of in his dream. "Let's just hope we can stay clear, make sure we get through." He said, almost hypnotically as he continued to stare at his hand. He then looked back to Queen Minnie. "Well we're sorry to be a bother, we'll head back to our room to rest a bit more. The potion helped but I need some more sleep to aid it;" He said, chuckling as he stood, motioning for Jordan to follow.
  4. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin stopped in front of the thorns a let out a sigh of displeasure. "You really shouldn't be testing me flower boy. I advise you to let me continue on with my previous engagement." He turned around and gave a smile. "Or something bad might happen to you and your little girlfriend that I'll have no control over."

    Jordan yawned and shrugged at his friend. "I don't know man. I could go for a little more to eat. Plus, I learned a few things from those books and would be more than happy then to try them out." He smiled at Will and looked at Minnie. "Is there any place for training or anything else of that matter here?"
  5. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Now, Now Devvy...lets not get angered...we are all on the same side...ya know..like when we were kids." Larxene said softly as she softly pushed away from Marluxia. Now standing facing Devlin. "We need not seperate...again...I already lost my heart trying to find my...friends.." Larxene said before looking back at Marluxia. "Now Marly...I need you to go and get that girl now....and I'll be there to assist you later....for now I need to talk with an old friend"

    "Devlin...Virgil...I gotta tell you two something really important..." Arlene said softly looking at the two, with them looking back at her.
    "What is it Arlene?" Virgil asked curiously
    Devlin just stood there without a care but paying attention to what Arlene was saying.
    "Well...here's the thing...I gotta go away...forever...I'll never see you again" Arlene said.
    "Why?!?!?" Devlin exclaimed as he heard the shocking news.
    "Virgil stood there in disbelief of what she had just said.
    "You gotta be kidding Arlene...we're...we're all best friends...you can't just go" Virgil said softly.
    Arlene looked at the two as the tears began to roll down her face. "I'm so sorry...I swear I am...but...but.....I just have to go" Arlene said running out of the hideout the three used to gather in.

    Larxene held her head as the memory came back to her painfully.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Virgil let go of selena and stood in front of her. " I'll never leave you i promise..." He said with a smile of over joy he then preceded to let out a huge sigh. " There's something you ought to know...Sometimes i get this ...i ..i don tknow how to explain it. this blood thirst where i just feel the need to destroy things. and .....others. He said turning his back to her.

    But...but when im with you all of that fades away. but when im away from you....i cant always control it. i've done alot of bad things in the recent years. some i even feel no remorse for doing. i've killed families , villages, homes anyone that stood in my way were turned into mere dust before me. This power is my gift and my curse. I thank and curse my fathers rotten name when i think of it. That's why i really don't know what i'd do when i see Darian and the others..if i get out of control your gonna have to be the one to stop me."

    " Virgil punched the air so hard it left a flow of energy" Its just i know i should feel bad for these things and i dont....its like i could kill a child and not care.....this darkness inside of me.....your the only person that can quell it." he fell to his knees and a single tear dropped from his face.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Larx, I can't get her. The Cornerstone prevents me from entering the castle..." He turned and opened a portal to the Destiny Islands, appearing on a wooden bridge. "This is quite the world..." He turned to Virgil and Selena and sighed, "Those with hearts have power... It's quite fascinating really..." A sound caught Marluxia's attention, he turned and saw a young boy and what seemed to be his friend racing in the sands below. The brown haired boy... he could feel a light in him... something powerful, but dormant at the same time. "Hmm..." The pink haired Nobody mumbled before turning and vanishing into the shadows.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at him and sighed.

    "What are you asking of me?" She asked when she felt the darkness in her heart burn and begin to manipulate her thoughts.

    "I thought you wanted revenge, after all they refused to go after you, they prevented me from trying to find you. Isn't revenge good? Make them rot and scream for mercy? That darkness in you, the darkness in me, I don't look at as being a curse but as a gift. Virgil can't you see?" She stood up darkness smoking around her body as the kind, gentle, enthusiastic Selena was pushed away,

    "You can control the worlds, people fear you, so it's only natural to appear to them as who you are, if they deny you then you fight them. You could show them all the truth, the true power of darkness, the power of Virgil. You will reign over them." She said before walking over to him and straddled him with a wicked unnatural grin on her face as she played with his hair.

    "I will be by your side as well. You could have the perfect life, be the king of all the worlds, the weak will bow before you, that is your destiny..."

    "Your majesty." Selena said grinning while deep within the heart plagued with darkness, the other Selena struggled against the mass form of darkness controlling her.

    Yen Sid told Darian where they were resting and he slowly left the hall of the cornerstone but stopped before going out the door.

    "Darian. Your bond to Angel, keep it strong and don't allow anything to destroy it." He said before leaving.

    Angel sat in silence still questioning the mural she sat on. She felt lonely there, it was quiet, though slightly warm, it gave her the chills.

    "How do I get out..." She whispered to herself before hugging her knees as she sat there alone.

    Minnie nodded at Jordan.

    "If you go down the hall you'll come across a grand hall with a door leading outside. Those wooden doors lead out to the stable, the river, and the training barracks. There you can train, you can even train in the magician's tower and learn some magic." Minnie told them smiling.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2012
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin smirked and shrugged as he stood there alone now with Larxene. "Old friend? Ha, that's a laugh. The only relationship I remember with you is seeing you Xemnas introduced me to you misfits," he said, oblivious to their former friendship. As Marluxia left, as did the thorns in Devlins way out. He smiled and saluted Larxene. "That's my cue. Catch ya later kid," he said, walking away.

    Jordan smiled and nodded at the queen. He quickly stood up and said, "Thank you Queen Minnie." He turned to Will and patted him on the back, purposely, as he ran off, yelling back, "Catch ya later Will!"

    Jordan reached the river quickly and looked up at the sun smiling. He reached into his jacket pockets and pulled two small books he had took off the ship and one other book he got from the room in the castle. While the other two from the ship covered tactics on fighting and magic, the book he got from the castle reviewed magic and forms of meditation and tai qi to allow him to use the full extent of his powers. He took the book on Tai Qi out first and read over the first couple of pages a couple of times before switching to another book and reading it over a bit. He sat the two books against a nearby rock on the pages he had a hard time comprehending and got up. He took his shirt off and stood on the edge of the river and began to swiftly move his body in soothing motions. He dropped all forms of tension and depression with each passing second, quicklu relieving himself of all stress.

    Nodding, as if agreeing with something, he moved his fist quicker. As he did so, his fists began smoking, and the smell of burning was quickly found. Jordan quickly shot his arm in the direction of the water as a large ball of fire shot from his fist. Having complete understanding of these beginning steps, he closed his eyes of the books and continued. He had no idea that his body too began fuming. But not with the smoke of fire. But that of the aura of darkness.
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Larxene stood listening to Marluxia, then took her attention to Devlin as he began to speak. "Look Marluxia you'll have your time believe me...those brats can't stay guarded forever...Marluxia...in a few hours the cornerstone will be destroyed and you'll have your chance, just be nearby when it happens." Larxene said before responding to Devlin saying "I can't afford to fail this mission...please don't interfere and there will be something in it for you" Larxene said before opening a portal and showing Devlin a keyblade keychain. Larxene then walked through the portal with it disappearing after she went through.

    "Hmm looks just like she said it would." The girl said as she walked into the barracks of the castle. "I feel a strong pressence nearby...." The girl said as began to walk towards where she had felt the power from. "Must be the cornerstone...it's so strong...it's...unbelievable....it's...a child" The girl said as she got within a unseeable distance of Jordan. She looked at his barely seeing him clearly. As she got within good seeing range of him she began to stumble towards him as she began to sweat heavily and her clothes began to get various claw marks and cuts in them. " Help.....H-elp me..." She said stumble within feet of Jordan. Soon she was inches away and she collapsed in front of him. "Help....they...they're...they'-re coming" She said before passing out at his feet.

    Darian was too worried about Angel's condition to hear what Yen Sid had said to him. "Wake up Angel...I..need you." Darian said before kissing her lips, hoping she would awake. "Angel.." Darian said as he looked at her. "Your not alone...I'll be here...when you awake...I promise" Darian said as a tear fell from his onto Angel's cheek.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin scoffed at Larxene's comment and waved it off. "Like you'll even get close to it," he muttered to himself. He continued walking and hopped off one of his relatively low balcony and summoned his Keyblade. He walked through the invisible barrier surrounding his castle and bolted towards the woods, where he was then hidden from sight.

    Jordan did not hear the girl's first plead for help but did feel a strong presence nearby grow weak. He didn't think to give it another thought until he heard the second cry. He slowly opened his eyes, still radiating darkness, and saw that before him were six Shadow Heartless'. Jordan stared at them intensely, thinking they'd attack. But like at Traverse Town they did not. Jordan smirked before summoning his Keyblade and slicing quickly through all six. Beginning to feel the being within coming out, Jordan calmed himself and eliminated the aura that had surrounded him unbeknownst to him.

    He picked the girl up and laid her back against the closest rock to the river. He took some water from the fresh and sparkling river water, and poured it on the girl's wounds, avoiding taking off any clothing so the amount of water he poured was only sufficient enough for now. He turned his attention now to a heavy wound on the girl's side and poured more water on it then previous wounds before wrapping his shirt tightly around the wound. He backed up and sat in front of her and sighed. "Hey, you alright," he asked the unconscious girl, giving her leg a couple of shakes.
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    The began to tremble as she felt the water touch her body, she slowly opened her eyes seeing Jordan.
    "Hey, you alright," She heard as she looked around her surroundings slowly.

    "Where am I..?..Who are? Why am I here" She asked as she jumped and began to back away from Jordan. "Your with them aren't you?...You want my power don't you?!" The girl said as she summoned her Ancient Flame Keyblade and her left hand began to glow with a dark aura. "Look I want to fight you okay..." She said in fright.
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will sat at the head of the table, slouched in the chair with a wicked smirk. "It's funny that you gave me some control for the moment. It's too bad there's nothing..." He started, sniffing the air. "Someone's using darkness, and alot of it. It smells like your friend, Jordan, but there's another one as well. We're going to investigate." He said, standing. As he strode through the halls, getting closer to the source his grin widened. When he finally stepped out he imitated Will perfectly. "Hey, what's going on here man? I heard a problem." He said, voice sounding like Will and not the heartless that was inside.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil's eye's turned a shade of red as his darkness was pulled forward. Selena brought out the best in him and the darkest side of him. with a devilish grin he said to her staring deep in her eyes. " All will praise me and all will fall to me. he moved his had across her cheek and pulled on her hair slightly." I swear babe you bring out my bad side!" He got up and opened a portal." i say we pay dev a visit i want to make something go BOOM!!"
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan jumped back quickly and summoned his Keyblade. "Whoa whoa whoa, let's not do something we'll regret later, ok? Now, my name is Jordan and you passed out a second ago from the Heartless. I was just trying to help." He then cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean I'm with-" he was interrupted by Will's sudden entrance. "He smiled at his friend and started to speak.

    "Oooh, that smellll. It just REEEEKS of darkness."

    "Shut up," he muttered under his breath.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel frowned and turned to Saix, giving him an amused glare. "Did you just suck up? Man Isa, I'm rubbing off on you huh?" The red head laughed and patted his friend on the back, "So uhh... what do we do now? Dress up in drag and do the hula?" Axel stopped laughing abruptly, cocking his head to the side, "Larxene just went off the radar... and uhh Isa... I think Marluxia's back."
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will just looked between the two. "Is something wrong here? I just heard a ruckuss and decided to come investigate, striding along like his injuries had never happened, because to the person who was currently in control, they never did. His hands stretched, wanting to summon his keyblades. "Seriously, you ok?" He asked, starting towards the girl. If he could get one touch he could know what power she held and maybe take it for his own.
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "...Okay....your not with them...Im Ashley" She said as she lowered her keyblade. "Im sorry, it's just...well there a lot going on hard to trust people when your always alone ya know?" Angel said as her keyblade turned into a vortex of flames as it disappeared. "I see your a keyblade wielder...and you control darkness like me..and your friend im guessing he's the same as us...." Ashley said looking at Jordan, then turning her head towards Will as she began to talk about him. "Look I don't want any trouble...im hurt enough already...".
    She said. "Im barely even clothed..." She thought.

    Ashley looked back towards Jordan. "I guess I should be thanking you for..." Ashley said as she walked over and leaning towards him kissing him on the cheek.
    As her lips touched the side of his face she could feel his darkness overpowering her own, she pulled away before it engulfed her.
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan quickly put his Keyblade up to her when she said he had darkness within him. "There is no darkness that's touching my heart, nor his," he said strongly, gesturing towards Will. He squeezed his Keyblade tightly, making it disappear in a dim light. He began to say something else until the girl kissed him, before pulling away quickly. This threw him off guard so he then cleared his throat and began to speak. "Um, anytime. Yeah, I know what you mean, plenty of craziness going on lately. I'm Jordan, by the way. And my friend here is Will." He turned and gave a nod to Will. "We're good Will. Heh, looks like you are too. That potion fix you up?"

    Saïx gave Axel a disappointed look. "I'm a little surprised that you jumped to such a wild assumption. The heart is quite easy to manipulate and toy with. Much more than one would think. I was merely pressing for whatever information he was willing to give on whatever it is Xemnas wants from him.. As for Marluxia and Larxene...Let them be. They are of no concern to us. And I told you, with so many ears around, it's Saïx." He looked over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being heard or watched. "I'm going to go speak to the Superior," he said without waiting for a reply and walking off.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2012
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's face showed a puzzled look for a second. "Potion? Yeah I feel alot better." He said, thought process going. "I need to pay more attention to his actions." He thought. He then strode towards the girl, lifting her hand and kissing it. "William at your service, my dear." He spoke, this being especially odd since he hated that name. "I believe we should get her to the infirmary Jordan, it seems she is hurt." He breathed, glancing towards Jordan.
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