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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at him again. "What other guy? There's only me in here!" He barked, standing and clutching his rib slightly. He spat a touch of blood onto the dirt and looked at his friend. "Are you alright man?" You seem kind of off." He said, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder. But then the voice. It came back. "So you don't want them to know about me just yet? Or maybe you really don't realize what you have within you?" It breathed, voice echoing around his head.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel stood there in a confusion unsure how to have reacted. She closed her eyes and pointed her keyblade forward.

    "Light..." She whispered as two beams of light shot out and hit both Will and Jordan locking deep within there hearts whatever darkness may lie there. She wasn't sure how she knew that would work, but she just did.

    "Both of you come to your senses. You're acting like mad men. Jordan you have a darkness trying to control you, Will you let a darkness take over you, but you're in control now, and you both should remain in control until the darkness somehow fights past my lock I just created. Now let's go!" Angel yelled at the two boys frustrated. She looked over at the other girl.

    "And you I don't know who you are but your entire essence is that of darkness." She said kind of annoyed.

    Something was clear though too whatever happened to her changed something about her as her personality seemed different, it seemed to similar to somebody they've crossed paths with before but none of them, not even Angel would be able to place it.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The moment the beam hit Jordan, he felt an immense shot of pain coarse through his body. He stumbled backwards, now feeling a tight grasp latch onto him from the inside. There was something wrong now that she locked the thing inside him up.


    And like that, the voice stopped. Jordan fell to one knee, feeling lightheaded and weak now, struggling to catch his breath. He stumbled around while trying to get up and walked over to Ashley. "I...I'm gonna need...that back," he said, untying his shirt from her wound. He faked a smile and looked and Angel, "Thanks for that. I'm...I'm gonna get my stuff." He began to walk over to the river to get his books and things.
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian looked at the girl when he had heard Angel's remarks.

    Darian looked at the others can could only stand there in disbelief of the event that had went on in front of him. Darian then looked at Jordan and then at Will. "What the hell is wrong with the two of you....." Darian looked at Jordan and said. "And if you have a problem...you can talk to us....you know this.....Same for you Will....we got to stick together. Somethings weird is going on with all of us since....we left home and we need to stick together, fighting is isn't going to help us in any way." Darian said before walking towards Ashley. " Im sorry if we caused you any trouble...It's just we have a lot going on in our lives at the moment.....Im Darian by the way." Darian said

    Ashley stood there in amazement about how the two had battled fiercely. "Wow....I thought you two were friends" she said to Jordan. She then looked at Angel after she heard her remark. "Well I guess I fit the square because all of you have darkness in you....except for him." Ashley said referring to Darian. "So don't say that I have entire Darkness....I have more light in me then all of you. " She said looking at Angel then at Jordan. Ashley raised her keyblade to the air and shot out a huge blast of light."Does that prove something to you...know it all." Ashley said. She then looked over to Darian as he greeted her. "Umm...it's okay...Im Ashley....Nice to meet you all...minus the whole fighting thing..." She said as she man her keyblade disappear into thin air.

    "I know this is kinda all of a sudden....but I have some people after me...and I can barely take them on, on my own...and I was wondering..if I could travel with you guys...at least till we get somewhere far...I...just don't want to die....I have to find my sister....She been gone for 3 years now...and im worried about her" Ashley said as her eyes began to tear up. "Please..she's only twelve years old....I just....I...." Ashley said before she began to cry with her hands over her face and falling to the ground.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virigl stepped through the portal his eyes filled with confusion and anger. He sat down in the large chair. on the top of the chair a crooked crown hung off the corner. "So i'm going to let you explain to me what the hell that was. Because now i have intent to kill that bastard that got in my face."
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel crossed her arms. She looked towards the light ball, but something seemed off. She could feel the darkness in her heart. Not only that it made her heart drawback in pain, the pain of the fear she went through not too long ago.

    "Darian!" Angel exclaimed. She looked towards the girl. She pulled him over. "Despite what she shows, what she says, and what she claims. There's something not right about her. Darian, my heart was attacked by darkness. I was imprisoned in my own heart for the attack and nearly fell to darkness. Being around this girl, my heart fears her, it feels like it did when the darkness attacked me head on. There's something this girl isn't telling us." Angel told him.

    Angel looked over at the girl.

    "What are you not telling us?" She asked walking away from Darian taking the matter into her own hands. "And to make such a powerful claim takes an emotion in your heart known as envy, jealousy, and the biggest part selfishness. Those are a few list of darkness. My father taught me about those emotions as a kid. He taught me to use my heart to judge people. My best friend, practically my own sister, was kidnapped and before she was taken she told me to follow my heart." Angel closed her eyes and laid her hand on her heart.

    "My hearts doesn't like you, it doesn't trust you, and you make it shutter from a sense of darkness. I will not allow you around my friends with it feeling like that." Angel told the girl glaring her down.
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grabbed Angel, pulling her back for a second. "Angel, think about it. If what you say is true, Jordan and I have dark beings within us fighting for control. I say we let her come. We could use the extra muscle, and you can just keep an eye on her." He said to her, proving in no doubt that he was in control because of the good nature he had just expressed. "Please, she seems to need our help. I'll even watch out for her." He looked at Angel, sincerity in his eyes.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Angel, your heart has never failed you before, so why would it now. If your heart says she is a danger to you and your friends then why ignore it now? It has never strayed you wrong before, and it never will. The boys, Will and Jordan, are already a danger to themselves as is, so why add gas to the fire with another potential danger hmm? You have the potential to do great things with your heart and if you begin to ignore its cries you will risk facing many more dangers then already necessary. All that needs to be done is for you to use your powers, the powers from deep within to prove what you and your heart already know. You must trust your heart and expose the threats as they surface. Do not be afraid to express the feelings in your heart for they are the most valuable asset any person may have. Do what you believe is right Angel, otherwise you may have no choice but to reach your goal alone. If your friends trust her but you don't, what does that say about them? They'll just make dangerous choices again and again. Just do what you always do Angel, follow your heart.
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley, still there on her knee's crying. "Please....please....my sister needs my help...I can't do it alone, people are chasing me....they want me for some reason..." Ashley said looking at Angel. "And your right....Im not telling you everything....I can use dark and light powers, those cloaked people want me...they want me because they were experimenting on me and my sister, before they could make me into this unspoken war weapon, I escaped...I tried getting my sister but...it wasn't enough time...I was too late...they had...they..." Ashley said as she began to cry more. "I just need help....I just need help." Ashley said looking at Angel.

    After hearing what Ashley had said, Darian began to feel like she needed their help. "Ashley...I understand what your going through....we lost a friend...and I know how it feels to be alone but my friends...they don't trust you,..but I do. I believe you, so I'll help you....just come with me...I'll help you" Darian said holding his hand out to her.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin sighed and walked over to a close window and looked out of it. "I bieve I've told you about my master, Virgil. The man who gave me my Keyblade. Those men were merely his...underlings, if you will. One of the terms to our 'dark contract' was that I must serve him and his men. And as for the one with the foul and disgusting breath, you probably shouldn't get too close. He bites." Devlin tried to give his friend a big smile, hoping he was done with the conversation.

    Jordan fell to his knees by the river and began hyperventilating. He could barely breath, let alone concentrate on getting his stuff together. 'What the hell did she do to me? I feel lime I'm on the brink of death,' he thought. He put his now bloody shirt on and rolled over onto his back in the grass, staring up at the sun. 'Maybe I'll just close my eyes...just for a little bit,' he thought before passing out.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel heard the voice in her head and it put her in a daze for a second questioning the voice. It seemed familiar but it felt warm and safe to her. It was very strange.

    When she snapped back to reality she saw Darian approaching Ashley saying she could come. She went to protest but sighed crossing her arms not happy.

    "Fine, Darian I'm leaving you up to her. I still don't trust you, there's something about you and I don't like it." Angel said.

    Selena stood there.

    "A Dark Contract. I thought you told me Master Hishobi was your master, you know Angel's dad? Does that mean since I'm technically your apprentice I fall under this contract as well?" Selena asked confused.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel wasn't going to let Virgil or Devlin get away from him, and as an Organization Member he was good at cheating. Using Virgil's portal before it closed Axel was able to reach the realm of inbetween. Taking the next closest portal he ended up in the throne room of Devlin's castle. "Devlin! Let me out of here!" Axel had left his own dark portal in the realm of in-between, though like Devlin said, he wouldn't be able to escape, it'd let Saix in. He was definitely going to need back-up.


    Marluxia stood still for a moment and smiled a bit. "Such light exists it would seem. The this time I will not fail. My plan will not fail." Opening a portal, Marluxia appeared in front of the Radiant Garden castle. "This place... is so empty... a Bastion of its former glory, and I shall be its hollow master. This place is Radiant Garden no more. Now it is Hollow Bastion...." Marluxia entered the castle and warped it to his liking. Vines shot out of the walls and covered the halls in roses and thorns. The world itself was distorted into a flowery graveyard of what Marluxia had become. This world belonged to him, and so, it would only be fitting for it to reflect him.

    After the changes were made to the world, Marluxia took his spot on his throne of vines. He had a second one made for his queen, which he lacked. "Soon... this seat shall be taken... My queen shall awaken, and the void in my chest shall be filled once more!" A massive ball of energy surrounded by vines appeared in front of him, showing Angel. "Soon, Angel, you will belong to me."
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2012
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin shook his head. "Hishobi was a mentor if he were anything at all to me. And no. You do not. However, I will say it'd be better that you follow them either way. All three of our powers combined still cannot reach his. Not wise to cross him," he said, looking out into the forest. He turned quickly once he heard the familiar voice. He groaned and out of tiredness and anger he threw a ball of dark fire at Axel, purposely missing. "How about you head back in the forest? I'm more than sure that the crazy one you saw earlier is hungry!"

    Saïx walked out of the Superiors room satisfied that Xemnas so openly forgave him. As he continued walking down the hall, he could feel something calling to him. He instantly recognized it to be an Organization member, but who? "Damn it Lea," he mumbled as he hurriedly walked down the hallway to his room so he could portal away unseen. Just before he could reach there, Xigbar fell from the ceiling above him and smiled. "What's up kiddo," he said cheerfully. Saïx merely frowned and tried to pass by him to ni avail, as Xigbar put an arm around him and walked in the opposite directon. "Come on kid! As if I'd let the 'Second in Command' walk off without knowing the Organizations current state!" Saïx said nothing and just went along with it. 'I'm coming Lea. Just don't get yourself killed,' he thought.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel frowned, "Devlin, you told me I couldn't leave without your permission. However, I'd like to know this, why do you, a being of darkness, need to listen to some freaks of nature? We do not listen to our Superior. He gives us missions and we complete them, sure. But that is for the completion of Kingdom Hearts... Oops... I wasn't supposed to say that." Axel backed away slowly, he had screwed up big time.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil yawned out of boredem as Devlin talked. From what he understood it became apparent to stay clear of those guys but even in that sense Virgil was not moved by it. " Axel..just leave please " he murmured under his breath palming his head wih his hand. The tension int he room went from anger to confusion and curiosity. Selena seemed confused if she fell under the same contract and even if she did Virgil would let no harm come to her.

    " Selena even if you were under the contract you don't have any obligations to those bastards. oh and Devin bro the one that bites ha i'll punch his teeth in." The more time waned on the more virgil's darkness needed a outlet he had not killed or destroyed anything in so long that the more this went on the stronger his darkness became. If he wasnt given a outlet soon he was surely to go on a rampage. it was dangerous for anyone to even be around him at this point.

    Virgil stood up kicking wall for a second. as for your master i can see why to stay clear of him but for his l lackeys. i'll say this as my father once said to me " True suffering is not known till you faced hell itself" I'll show them...a hell. But with that being said what are the next plans for a move because if you dont give me something to do i'll start to work on my own and im sure no one wants that. "
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin smiled at Virgil's response and replied, "Heh, say what you want about him, you'll have your hands full with the three you saw back there. As for your punching bag, you got hothead over here. Until those kids get off that world, we're stuck here." Devlin folded his arms and sighed. He turned his head to look at Axel and gave a coy smile. "Who said I didn't already know that, fireball?"
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel burst out laughing, "Fireball? You remind me of Isa... Wait... You mean you know? That's great!!! Then you can help me! I need all the ups I can get on Xemnas and if you help me, I'll get rid of your boss. Easy as pie. I'd just need the Organization on my side and we'd crush him... Right? I mean he isn't really super powered is he?" Axel frowned at Devlin for a minute and continued, "Wait wait, hold on. Don't put him on me! Umm... I know a way past the cornerstone!" Axel covered his mouth and cursed under his breath.
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin nearly bursted into laughter, the same as Axel but held his composure. "I have a feeling if you saw the things he could do, you'd dig your own grave and jump in it," he said smiling. He acted as if he were yawning and continued talking, "And I have no quarrel with Xemnas. I care less about whatever vendetta you may have with him, I don't believe in harming innocent people. He gave a small chuckle and began to shoo Axel. "Now shoo! Go play in the woods or something."

    Saïx was now growing agitated with Xigbar and his consistent annoyance. "Heh, bet you didn't know I knew a good majority of the Organization in their past lives! Yup, I even have most of memories intact!" Saïx groaned and replied, "Mhmm." "Even knew pinky boy, heh. Such an innocent kid...I think," he continued rambling. Saïx just repeated, "Mhmm." Xigbar started to slow up his pace and smiled. "Even you and Lea." He started walking forward as Saïx froze in his tracks. 'How does he now Lea's name? Maybe Xemnas told him...that's all,' he thought. Xigbar smiled back at him and waved him off. "Catch ya later Saïx!" And with that, he disappeared. Still baffled, Saïx grudgingly opened up a portal and disappeared through it.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel laughed agin and shot a fire ball at the ground creating a large hole. He then proceeded to jump inside the hole and feign death. "There we go, jumped in my own grave. How was that? Now ahh... Virgil, you may want to rethink your actions. I made the same mistake... I thought my friends had betrayed me and forgot about me but even after we lost our hearts Isa was still there for me. You never know... they may have had their memories changed or something of the sort. Anything could happen if the Organization is involved. You are powerful and the Organization, mainly Xemnas and Xigbar, like to manipulate people. Keep that in mind alright?"
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin started to laugh at Axel's actions and looked at Virgil. "Heh, the guy's pretty funny, gotta admit it," he said smiling. He walked over to Axel and crouched over by his 'grave'. "So, Axel right, I won't help you against Xemnas but if you have any other secrets, I'd love to hear them."

    "Ugh, where you want him?"
    "Just lay him there. Go retrieve Even."
    "Yeah, yeah, I know the drill. But, you don't think this is at least a little wrong? Hell we don't even know this kid! Why not get someone like that Lea kid or even Lu-"
    "If we want to have a subject with an unbiased opinion of us, it must be a stranger."
    "As if his heart ain't biased, we kidnapped him! He's probably terrified!"
    "Fear is what the darkness feeds on. It is this that will help us understand it. And if we do this right, we'll actually be able to

    Jordan abruptly woke up after a sightless dream. There were no figures, only voices he had never heard before. And even after just hearing it, he forgot large portions of it. He shook his head of the dream and stood up feeling better. He felt as the way he did before there was a lock on his heart. He smiled and laid back against a rock, waiting for the others to finish up in the training ground so he could get back on track to what really matters: his sister.
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