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Christian school suspends gay student & fires mother

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Vor, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    Source:Christian School Suspends Gay Student, Fires Mother | Addicting Info

    This is the first time I've heard of something like this.

    Who's job is it to teach people that this wrong and downright stupid?
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I've been saying this for years: Religion is corrupted! (All of them) The Christians and Catholics (Not all) think whatever they believe is true because it was in a bible. All I say is SCIENCE. Science has proven that homosexuality is both genetic and human choice. And to add something, the bible says God created everything without mistakes. So God created gays. And the fact that these people think Gay is a sin, is basically a big F*** you to God and telling him he made a mistake with gays. Do these people not realize this. If you think about it, they're making God sound like an A**hole. Oh, and about the "Legal to fire if gay" is total Bulls***. Where the F*** does it say Gay is bad and illegal in the constitution? I swear, humans are so butt hurt over something so pointless to argue about. =/
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I don't really care if I offend people but I'm kinda in support of this. Discrimination is a pretty tough issue. According to our constitution, we have a bunch of rights and with discrimination you can't help one person's rights without oppressing another. Truthfully, if you have your own business or whatever, you should be able to fire whomever you please. But, that's discrimination when someone can't help the hand that they have been dealt.

    So I'ma say, the school has every right to kick him out because of religious purposes. They are a private school so they have the right to select their students. If it was a public school, I would be completely against it but it's not.
    I don't see how its wrong for kicking him out. The boy being kicked out will not deprive him of an education. Sure, discrimination is wrong but everyone discriminates even if its on a smaller level.

    So what? Everything has corruption at some level. Whatever you believe in is corrupt. Atheism or whatever.
    Woah. What science do you believe in? No one has ever found concrete evidence that homosexuality is genetic. Homosexuality being genetic is a myth and at the very least a theory.

    Sin isn't God.
    Basically, Sin is an act against God's Will. It is disease/death so your way off.

    God didn't create homosexuality. It's a sin that by definition he is against. It's a choice that goes against "His Will".

    It's not genetic!

    In order to argue against a religion, you have to know it first. In order to support your science, you have to know the facts first.

    It's not listed. How homosexuality is handled are states' right. It's not up to the federal government.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_< You really need to read/reread Genesis Adogx. Shame on you. In all honesty, I have no remorse to the son saying that he is gay. The sons should've known the consequences of what will happen if they accept homosexuality. The mother, I will have sympathy because she lost her job over this. I am mad about how the doctor can just say that "the boy is gay." See, this is what I have a problem and I am just going to say this out front:

    1. I just, in all honesty, believe that a man should love a woman and a woman should love a man. Now, if a man just somehow ends up finding another gender attractive to them that they actually want them, in my opinion, that is just lust. Nothing but lust that can lead to adultery. Not realizing it, they then try to take it in and say that it is who they are and try to make it normal. Once that lust is accepted, it can then change the person's body around, which can try to appear as if they were gay from the minute that they were born.

    2. Back to the subject, I just find it dumb that the doctors will straight up tell the parents that "It is harmful to reprogram him." <_< Trick please! If he changes, we call it repenting. He is turning away from him, saying that he does not want it no more, etc, blah blah blah. Just another step to try to make the parents accept something that is wrong.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gotta say, I find that “your son is broken, and it’s your job to fix him” line absolutely hilarious.

    No it hasn't. There is absolutely zero scientific evidence that shows homosexuality having any sort of genetic connection.

    And you have my respect for stating your opinion without caring what others think. We need more people like you.

    I think this is something people tend to overlook. Whether you support homosexual rights or are against them, you have to remember the circumstances surrounding an issue such as this. In case anybody hasn't noticed, some of the more vocal people against homosexuality tend to claim some sort of religion (And I shall take this time to point out that not all religious people hate homosexuals. So do not hate a religion just because people in it have views that are against yours). And where did this suspension/firing take place? At a religious school. Surely nobody is actually surprised at this turn of events.

    People are saying it is wrong because he is suspended due to his sexual orientation; something which people claim isn't a choice. And I include the word 'people' (Instead of my sentence saying these things are actual facts) because I just don't care. I'll be honest. The only real reason I posted here is because AdogX was saying the whole science proved a genetic connection thing with homosexuality.

    And to further go against AdogX's little Constitution statement, does it say it is bad to drive over a certain speed in the Constitution? No. There are many (Many) things that are in fact not mentioned in the Constitution. Instead the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and the state and federal governments are not allowed to pass laws that go against it. But if a law does not go against the Constitution (Even something really stupid such as the sale of peanut butter is not allowed on a Tuesday), the state governments can choose to have such a law. It is up to the Supreme Court to decide whether or not a law goes against the Constitution.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree with this. Private schools can make their own regulations, which parents would agree to by enrolling their child. If there's a policy that they do not want homosexuals enrolled (however it may be worded), then that's the way it is.

    If this had occured at a public school, I would be disgusted. I fail to see how anyone's sexual orientation gets in the way of teachers educating or children receiving an education. But it didn't, and so while personally I disagree with the school in their suspending of this child, like I said, private schools do things their own way.

    I'm unsure how I feel about the lack of renewal of the mother's contract. I don't doubt that she probably dealt with a lot of unpleasantness after her son's suspension, but I don't know enough about the medical leave of absence she took, or was forced to take, nor what is meant by needing "intermittent medical leaves of absence" to decide if I think not renewing her contract was justified or not.

    I applaud this family for standing beside their son and supporting him.

    This is a sad excuse. Though true enough, unfortunately.

    I second this. I like to see other opinions on debate, and it seems like too often, these threads are just full of "I agree" over and over.

    I think this is about all I have to say on the matter right now. I don't want to get into genetics versus choice as far as homosexuality goes, partly because I'm uneducated in this, and partly because I don't think it makes much of a difference as far as this incident is concerned. And I don't want to address any of the religious points people have brought up here, because I'll probably end up not being very nice, and while I don't care if people like my opinion or not, I don't want to derail the thread.
  7. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I'm surprised at how many bigoted people there are on this site.

    1 Corinthians 4:5 says "Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God."

    What would've happened had this been because of him being black or disabled? Because up until recently both of those were deemed a sin according to religion. And like homosexuality neither of which are a choice.

    Biology and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Is Homosexuality a Choice? - YouTube

    Its horrible to think that just because this is a private school that it makes it okay. The boy stated his homosexuality on his personal blog, something which has no relation to the school or his education.

    And I think you need to re-read Genesis Summoner Brandon, because it doesn't say anything against homosexuality. It does however say that space is water. It also said that Adam and Eve would die instantly upon eating the forbidden fruit. And what about black people being born of Kain as a sign or his sin? There are many more fallacies in the bible, but that can be saved for another time.
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    to add too what you said ü, doesn't the the bible say "Thou shall not judge"? and I think that it also says only God can judge. Not only that, but I think the bible also says that "God created Man in his image" Thus saying, GOD CREATED GAYS. This school is breaking it's only religion -_-
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't think it makes it okay, but I do think it makes it legal. If laws continue to uphold a private organization's rights to discriminate, as California's appeals court did back in February when hearing a similar case, then they're within their rights. Unless the school is taking money from the state or federal government (in the form of vouchers or what have you), in which case, the government needs to step in and put a stop to it and/or withdrawl their financial support, because don't use our tax money to spread intolerance. :rolleyes:

    Personally, I do find their actions intolerant and hypocritical, because I very much doubt everyone else involved in the school is blameless and you know they aren't suspending every student or firing every teacher who has ever commited a sin (or what the school considers a sin) and hasn't renounced it. But until we change it, I think the law is on their side in this case, at least where suspending the son is concerned. I'm still unsure of my position on the legality of firing the mother.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Ok. I would correct the two of you for even trying to use the "Judge not" verse but that is for a different topic. And yes, he needs to reread Genesis. God made one man and one woman, Adam and Eve. God saw Adam is in need of a mate and creates a woman. Not that he is in need of a mate and creates another man.

    ü. He went to a christian-private school. For that, he is saying that not only he is going to school for his education but he is also saying that he is willing to adapt a lifestyle devoted to God and to learn about God along with his education. Since he is, as I am assuming, is being told how to pray, how to obey, how to live a blessed lifestyle and is being taught of both the christian and educational aspect, this is actually has some kind of relation to the school and his education. As I said before, when he decided to be gay, he took the consequences that goes along with it.

    2. @ Kitty As I said before, ALL schools are different, both public and private. With the situation here, this here is a Christian school. Therefore, what you may think is discrimination, it really is not discrimination. Let us put it this way in which all of us will understand. There's a white man and a black man. The white man and the black man works in the same company with the same job. However, the black man got fired while the white man got a promotion and the white man has been told that he has been doing a job well done. Now, someone else would try to say that it is a race discrimination but in all honesty, the black man did not do his job as well as the white man and did not even put forth the effort that the job requires from him. Since the black man did not do his job under the guidelines, he lost his job.

    Therefore, this school also has guidelines. The boy did not abide by them and he got kicked out. Hypocritical and intolerant, I beg to differ. What about you Kitty? Now if you were in the same teaching field as a man and you end up getting fired while a man was getting some praise, will you dare say that the school were prejudice against you only because you were a woman or is it just because you just got laid or just did not do your job right? This is how I am looking at this.

    This is the same for the public school. Depends as to how much the school can tolerate a homosexual with what the person did.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2012
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Consequences? There shouldn't be any consequences for being Gay! It sounds as if you hate Gays! There's nothing wrong with them! One of my best friends is Gay, and he acts like every other human could. No difference!

    Also, the school has no right, under any circumstances, to expell someone over something he/she posted outside of school. Invasion of Privacy much? Is the school that butthurt over Gays that they read posts from every student enrolled? Seriously?

    Finally, I've never even read Genesis. I've been around Christians so much I learn without reading it. My girlfriend is Christian, and even she says what I'm saying is correct (Yes she read this). Now here's the interesting part. 2 Weeks ago she dragged me to her church (So much pain and boredom) and the preacher specifically said "We do not make our choices in life. God makes them, and it is His Will." So he says God created Criminals, Aethiests, and GAYS. Not once did he wrong Gay people. And yes, all this from that one comment you made.

    Side Note: The parents realized Gay isn't a Sin, so there.

    (All this from an Agnostic Sixteen-Year-Old)

    Angel, I will be quoting you next
  12. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Oh you, Christians.

    That goes for everything, Brandon. With that logic even straight realtionships and looking at the other gender is lust.

    I see this as taking the boy's rights taken away, and as manipulation if they would try to change him something what he isn't or doesn't want to be. Homosexuality may be wrong in the bible and in religious countries that prohibit it, but in the modern world it's not. "Re-programming" him being straight just seems like forced manipulation to me, which is wrong.


    I would really like to read more about if enrolling to such a private school was his own choice in the first place, or did the parents "courage" (/pressure) him to apply. If he would had been told to apply by his parents, I would understand this boy much better.

    I understand what you're trying to imply, but that was just a poor example. Even though that being gay was against the regulations of the school, it's still discrimination to kick him out.

    Actually, they do have. I study at a school that I was almost thrown out once because of a Facebook post on my wall. I was infuriated at one of my classmates and said in Facebook that I would like to hang her because I was so pissed off, and because I was a new student at the school and nobody really knew what I was like (I could had been any psycho you know, ha), so someone forwarded the post to the staff of the school and I was almost thrown out because of it. They wanted to make a notice to police of me, but I was saved of that because I didn't mention any names.

    What I'm implying here is that when you publish something in a blog post or in the social media, your rights of privacy kinda die as you publish it to the public, just like the kid did, just like I did - it didn't feel very right that time but when I wrote it to Facebook, I should had know what could follow shortly after that.

    So yeah, they really have the rights to expel their students even for a blog post even though it's "outside the school" - the kid made a statement that he's gay in the blog post admitting the fact even though he's enrolled at a Christian school. I don't think that the school staff reads the posts all day, but that a classmate or a kid from the same school forwarded the blog post to the staff of the school.

    I've been in so many different church services, and I've heard that part a million times but there have been priests that say it's our own life to live and God judges us after we die - so there's many different points to Christians.

    But to say this against you, God didn't create criminals, atheists or gays. He created one man and one woman, and the people after them made their own decisions, which made them different - farmers, travellers, criminals, gays, whatever. I've never seen the point when a religious man or woman says that everything is controlled by God, that's just... funny how people think that. Is it my choice in life to write this text saying all the things I said because God wants me to? Or if I jump under a train, that's what God wanted. Gosh, talk about a bored Sims player.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2012
  13. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Well yes, but Adam could hardly reproduce with a male could he? However saying that he was perfectly willing to reproduce with his children and grandchildren. And because its in the bible and Adam done it it makes it okay. What does that have to do with anything being discussed anyway?

    I'm not sure where you are getting your sources or ideas from, but you seem to be thinking of it as a seminary or convent, which it's not. I went to a private-Catholic school, and just like every other school the school is only accountable for your education and actions while in school grounds. There is nothing in private school policies that make you adapt your lifestyle to their ideals or religion, as long as you follow school policy. Which the child done. Also I wasn't Catholic nor Christian while attending the school and it didn't affect my education whatsoever. As for him deciding to be gay, click on either of the links I posted and educate yourself before typing. Doesn't Christianity teach to educate yourself and think before speaking/typing?

    However that's not what happened. What if the black man lost his job for being black?
    Because that is what happened to this kid. Sexual orientation is set as a 'guideline' in any institution, educational or not. For them to do that would defy their own countries Declaration of Independence. This was based off the people in charges own moral ideals rather than that of the schools, which I suppose are the same things but they shouldn't me.

    The child did nothing more than be homosexual, and the mother did nothing more than defend her child. Had he done something else to be suspended and just so happened to be homosexual it would be a different matter. But that is not the case. Suspending him solely on the fact that he was homosexual is discrimination;

    dis·crim·i·na·tion   [dih-skrim-uh-ney-shuhn]

    Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.​
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'm not saying that it is okay but we all have rights. If he was a black, a disabled, or what have you and they kicked him out for that reason. I see that they have every right to. The boy is not being harmed or hindered. If being a homosexual goes against their teachings and culture then respect that and move on. Now, I'm all for his mother for suing the school and supporting her boy. I just believe they have the right to remove whomever they please. Is it morally right? No. But is it within our entitlement and freedom to do so? Absolutely!

    That's about "Hypocrites" and it doesn't say 'thou shall not judge"
    God created man in his likeness and in his image. This has nothing to do with homosexuality. Your assuming its genetic.

    Here is where your dead wrong. Have you heard of cyber-bullying? or Teachers being fired because of photos and posts online?
    Either the wrong church or not the exact words. It's not true either way.
    What does that have to do with anything.

    Leviticus 20:13
    If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a women, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them.
    Take your time.

    It is discrimination. He was treated differently because of his sexual orientation.
    This does not involve his performance at school or whether he gave a crap. This is his sexual orientation, something personal that doesn't affect anything but himself. Your comparing two completely different situation that have nothing in common.
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm unsure why you addressed this rant to me, because I am fully aware that this is a private Christian school. And yes, what they did is still discrimination. Are all the fat kids in school being suspended for failing to renounce the sin of gluttony? However, because it happened at a private religious school, it is legal discrimination.

    Your other examples do not apply here because the student in this case had done nothing to interfere with getting his education, or stopping others from getting theirs. He posted on Facebook (or myspace, or whichever) that he had homosexual feelings. He didn't stand up in the middle of class and shout it out and cause a scene; he did this on his own time on his personal blog.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    @Kitty I don't know how else I can explain this better then. I'm just trying to show how what may looks like discrimination may not be at all, which was supposed to be the similarity oh well. I just don't think that the school saw it as discrimination. ??? And where did it say that he said it on a blog? But anyway, as long as the family at least stay together, I'm all ok for them.

    @ Adogx *Facepalm* You are so... wrong-minded. Don't care if that is not even a word but it is today. -_- I am just saying that you are not even in a position to say that God created gays, criminals and the like that oppose everything that in him is good when you did not even read the bible to find out for yourself. And I definitely know that the pastor is FAR away from what you are saying. :rolleyes: Good luck trying to say all of this to the muslim. They definitely do not like homosexuality and they will even kill you for that. I'll let Cameron and Angel tutor you.

    @ü I guess I was thinking that it is a seminary-type church. As for those links, then tell me how you are going to tell the ex-homos (One who is not gay anymore) that they are still gay. I did read those links and I have doubts about them (Which is not religious). I understand that it is discrimination now. I just didn't see it at first. -_- And I am going to read the Declaration of Independence again to see which and which does not interfere with it.

    @Cameron Manipulation... maybe. However, if the boy says yes and did that willingly, then he is not losing his rights. This is what I have a problem as I told ü.

    If a gay person then went straight, are the "uncle gay cells" still in them or not since they are not even attracted to the same gender? What if they are just unique cells? Oh. So, if Angel (Just using an example. XD) have a big dick and everything above that, on average, which it says in that wikipedia link, that means that he is gay. I am not going to just go up and go (OH! ü's link says this so I might as well accept this) because to me, something is just wrong there. In all seriousness, I am a small guy and I have a small hand but would that mean that I am gay because I have smaller hands than the average guy? If a woman is around a boy baby more often or a father is around a girl baby more and vice-versa, would that even determine if the child will be hetero or homo? What if they are just different cells and body parts and are just that?! IF a person does not fall into any of the categories, yet they decide to love the same-gender or love both genders, then... yea. See where I am getting to? I just have some BIG doubts and reasons about this and why I just don't trust this at all.

    This is why I say screw it to the "I was born this way" quote. As for the boy asking to go to a christian school, if he says he don't want to and they did not and he decides to change his mind later on, then that was really all of his choice. If he did post that he was gay on Facebook (Which all of you now are saying that he did), oh well. Even the work force and some jobs will start going into your Facebook just to see what kind of person you are and to make sure that you will not have any negative influence in their company. Now everyone can get in your business whether you like it or not. :)

    And ten bonus points to you Cameron for the nice Sims player quote. *Tries to adjust the rep power to 10* -_- Oh wait... I can't...-__- And I just don't know how to make good examples.
  17. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    It does answer it in the video link. They're still homosexual, they're just repressing/not acting on their feelings.
  18. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Except your examples didn't do that at all, really, and anyhow, this student's treatment is a clear case of discrimination. He wasn't suspended from school because his grades started slipping or he started fights, or got smart-mouthed with his teachers. He was suspended because he wrote on his blog that he was gay. I don't see how anyone could argue that this wasn't discrimination. It's simply that because it occurred in a private organization, it's legal for the organization to act in this way. Doesn't make it morally right, but I hardly expect any better, if I'm being honest. The deeply religious seem to be the most hypocritical to me, which is part of the reason I'm pretty much turned off religion in general. But that's besides the point.

    And straight from the article in the opening post:

    The mother had been teaching at the school for ten years, so my guess would be that she enrolled both her sons around that time, if not earlier, when they were too young to really have an opinion on it. But I haven't seen anything anywhere that says for sure.

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