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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian could only look at the witch as she had put her hand on his chin.
    "Who are you...what are you talking about?"
    Darian couldn't believe what was going on around him.

    "Summon your heart...summon your heart"

    Darian looked around before he closed his eyes and began to calm himself.

    Larxene sat there in her room on her bed looking around. "Marly can't trade on me and get away with it so easily...I will have my revenge on him...I sware of it." Larxene said as she pulled her hood over her blonde hair. She then stood up and opened a portal walked through it.

    When she came from out the portal she was in Marluxia's Castle, coming through the portal she has noticed Devlin and Marluxia. "Well, Hello Delvin,...Marluxia"
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia looked a bit stunned as Larxene waltzed into his castle uninvited, "Larxene? I would say nice to see you, however instead I will question how you knew of my whereabouts." Standing up, the pink haired Nobody appeared behind Larxene, his scythe already at her throat, "Did Xemnas send you? Or perhaps Axel? You will not tell anyone of my location, understood? Or what we once had will be just that. I am your superior and I order you to return to the castle and mention none of this to anyone."
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Larxene laughed as she heard Marluxia's remarks. "So you order me huh?...Pshh...Im not controlled by anyone and you wouldn't kill me if I were a fly." Larxene said. Larxene pushed his scythe away from her neck and walked over to his throne. "Well here's the thing Marly...you not really good at closing portals...I've been here multiple times and when I found out where it was...getting here was a simple walk." Larxene said looking at Devlin.

    "So, I over heard you two coming in...and I was told that you would be training one of the nuisances. Don't think thats a good idea Marly....Saix or Axel or even Xemnas wouldn't be to happy to hear about that." Larxene said with a devlish smirk.
    "Marly see here the thing...your work is very sloppy and I would hate for something....unfortunate to happen to you or your "Apprentice", I'm just here to assist you."
    Larxene then slowly pulled her hood off. "But, I'm not here for you...I want to talk to Devlin about his brother." She said as she looked at Marluxia.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia scoffed at Larxene's comment before speaking, "does The Savage Nymph have a soft spot for Devlin? Or perhaps... Darian? Pathetic, Larxene, simply pathetic. You wouldn't tell Xemnas for fear that he'd punish you for being an accomplice, and you betrayed the trust of Axel and Saix long ago. If I wanted to, however, I could tell Saix you're planning a coup, then he'll tell Xemnas and you'll be grinded into dust. I am the Graceful Assassin for a reason Relena, and don't ever forget it."
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil waved off Devlin while not paying much attention to him. an intruder was in the area and was shown to the public eye by Selena. he placed his hand over her keyblade pressing her to lower it. " There's nothing she can do to harm you shes just a witch." Virgil walked over to her " I'd kindly ask you to keep your hands to yourself lady. I still don't understand what you want here but i'd suggest you spill it now. Virgil pointed at the beings surrounding her " Oh and these ..things they are disgusting me. He shrugged and looked back at Selena. " Im honestly curious as to where Devlin went and i want to see for myself. But ill trust him enough to tell me when he returns."

    Darian let me ask you something buddy, Does my face ring any bells to you" he said with the most evil sneering grin he could muster.
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian opened his eyes and looked at the man.
    "Virg, Virgil..?" Darian said as he looked at the man grinning. "Why would even join Devlin...let alone help him make Selena...evil. I can't believe you of all people would do such a thing...you never seemed the type to be evil...let alone work with Devlin...What happened Virg?"
    Darian looked at the ground. "Why?"

    Darian looked around the room to see Ashley layed on the ground passed out. Darian grunted as tried to break free of the chains. "I can't believe your still following Devlin around." Darian said as he calmed himself.

    "Try me. Im not afraid of Xemnas or you or even Axel and Saix. I have no problem with telling them anything about your dear operation Lumaria" Larxene said as she walked toward Marluxia. "Plus who's going to stop me?, If I get there first who do you think they will believe Marluxia? Me...or you? You already are under watch from assaulting that little brat of a girl you are training." Larxene said as she summoned one of her throwing knives.
    "So if your going to shoot, then shoot Marly...I know your game, and it's getting sloppy" Larxene said as she stood in front Marluxia.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2012
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Ahh he remembers my name!! How i am overjoyed with such a discovery." He started to pace the room back and forth with his hands in his pockets. " Oh don't misunderstand i didnt join Devlin i'm in this for my own reasons...
    " He jumped towards Darian where they were almost face to face. " Dont you dare act all concerned about me now...All my life none of you tried to even find me....not one. And now you of all people dare say " ooo oo virgil how could you" Don't make a mockery of me ...i'll kill you where you are. " He backed up some and walked towards selena. Taking his finger and brushing it against her cheek." I didnt turn Selena evil...all i did was awaken her. She isnt even more so she understands the world better and i'll take responsibility for that.

    " Looking back at Darian with such content in his eyes he spoke in a very monotone way." I'd never do anything to harm Selena...i love her more than my own self. Do not ever forget that and the more you struggle in my chains the more it will bind you..Besides if you got free what would you do and where would you go...? Certainly you wouldn't DREAM of pointing a blade at me would you ....Dear ...ol...friend.
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian began to grow angry as Virgil spoke. "So no one looked for you huh?....No one!" Darian exclaimed. "If you love Selena so much why hasn't she told you that we never stopped searching for you after you went missing....why hasn't she told you I nearly died trying to find you and Devlin...and you dare say we never even looked. After never finding a simple trace we had no choice Virgil, no choice but to give up!" Darian said as he tried breaking from of the chains. He then began to feel weakened by the pull of the chains. Darian panted before trying to break free from the chains again, this time gaining a little more space but feeling even more weakened as the chains loosened. "What could you possible gain from working with Devlin...you've been following him around since you were younger. Virg it's time for you to take lead...I know your in this because of Devlin, You don't have to be...you can choose your own path." Darian said looking at Virgil, before looking at Selena.

    Ashley had began to awaken as she heard yelling and movements around the room. "What's...what's going on...."Ashley said as she looked around the room to see Virgil, Selena and a chained up Darian.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia slammed his scythe into the ground, opening a portal simultaneously. "Larxene, meet Virgil." The portal led to Devlin's castle, where Virgil and Darian were yelling at each other. "He's been aggravated since he hasn't been able to kill anything yet. Good luck." Using the vines under his control, Marluxia pushed Larxene through the portal and closed it. "Seems that Darian riled Virgil up hmm?"
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Look Devlin has never lead me wrong i may not see eye to eye with him but i know he wouldnt lie to me. if he did..i'd kill him myself." Virgil turned to see a girl wearing a cloack of the Organization step through a portal." Darian did you bring us company?...." He looked at the girl strangely " Who are you..." He quickly turned to selena" Do you know who she is?"
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I don't know her. I sense no heart but darkness. She's a nobody probably from that annoying organization." Selena said walking over to Ashley's unconscious body. She poked at her before kicking her.

    "So Darian, it's been a little while. How is everybody?" Selena asked interested.

    Meanwhile, Angel laid alone in peace, nobody bothering her. She sighed though.

    'Marluxia?' Angel called out to him in her head.

    Her soft voice heard clearly within Marluxia's head.
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin sighed heavily and shook his head. "You THINK she is stronger than Jordan. From what I have seen of her, she has no potential. But Jordan is different. Very different, and in many ways. Even I'm a little absolutely terrified of what he will do." He rubbed his neck as it started stinging a little, but nothing too bad. As Larxene soon entered the scene, Devlin simply sat by and watch it all unfold between Marluxia and her, chuckling occasionally. As she was abruptly kicked out and fed to a starving Virgil, he replied to Marluxia with a scoff and said, "Yeah, he can do that."
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia paused, "Angel? What's wrong?" He responded to her before turning to Devlin, "But you forget, Angel knows of the ancient magic, and she holds a greater power within her just waiting to be unleashed. Besides, Xemnas has no heart, and Angel has two. How could he stand up to myself and her at full power? He can't."

    Marluxia stopped for a moment, then continued, "Why would Jordan be off limits if you see him as a potential threat? You are holding his sister captive after all..."
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "This is splendid. Betrayal at its fullest. I came in at the right time, don't you think so too my pet?" Diablo smiled and nodded happily as they continue to watch the kids bicker. "Your name is Darian correct? Then let me propose to you a gift as your fairy godmother if you like but first," Maleficent looks back at Virgil. "I am off to conquer worlds as I am searching for some maidens. Nothing more. However, the presence from all of you is rather interesting. Silly kids having such silly dreams wielding a weapon that is in the hands of unworthy children who plays in a world that they do not even belong in." She walks up to Virgil as she had her staff up to his chin. "If you think that betrayal and choosing the darkness is true evil, then all of you are surely trapped in your imagination. After you destroy your own world, family and friends, what then?"

    She turns away as she had her magic react to the chains on Darian, weakening it. "All of you just need to go back to your proper place. I wonder, should I take the child with me, test all of you? So many decisions. The Heartless will only devour you all." Maleficent walked back to Darian as she had her hand on his head. "You want revenge, do you not? Just say the word. Let me cast a spell for you against these imbeciles. You want to return back to your friends do you not? They may be in trouble, struggling against the heartless. Years and years you have long waited for your brother and what he do to you? He comes back a vicious monster." She stood next to the chair and move closer to his face. "I can be your guardian. Why, I only want to make you happy. Bring your friends with you if you want. Just say the words."
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley stood up and looked around as she saw Virgil standing there talking to Darian. "Where the hell am I?" Ashley exclaimed as she looked at Selena then at Darian. "Darian summon your keyblade!" She yelled out as she summoned her own.

    Darian sat there struggling as he tried summoning his keyblade but nothing happened. He then looked at his chest and had realized the charm that Angel had given him was gone. "I can't..I don't have the charm." Darian said looking at Ashley hopelessly.

    "What charm..." Ashley said before thinking back when Angel took the charm off Darian's neck."Angel took it from you Darian...she stole it when you were passed out in the ship" Ashley said.

    Darian couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Why...why would she..." Darian said.

    Darian then only looked at Virgil with a cold stare as he heard Virgil speak. "Maybe your the one who has been taken control of Virgil, maybe Devlin hasn't told you everything about what he's planning, We both don't know what Devlin has truly planned and we have no idea how to stop what is to come. So why? Why follow him if he isn't honest with even you...his most loyal friend." Darian said before seeing Larxene came stumbling through a portal.

    "You want revenge, do you not?"
    Darian looked up as he heard Maleficent speak. "Yes I do want revenge I do want revenge...revenge" Darian said as he broke through the loosened chains. Darian fell to his knees after breaking free of the chains, due to him loosing so much strength.

    Larxene could only looked at Marluxia as she was forcibly pushed through a portal to Devlin's Castle. Larxene fell as she was pushed through the portal and then was kicked as she hit the ground. "Who are you?" Larxene asked as she stabbed the girl in her lower leg with one of the paralyzing knives she was holding before being pushed through the portal. Larxene then stood to her feet as she summoned more of her paralyzing throwing knives.

    Darian looked up with a devilish smile as he rose to his feet summoning a dark aura covered keyblade which could not be seen due to the dark clouds covering it. " Virgil tell Devlin I'm coming for him..." Darian said as he stood next to Maleficent. "I'm ready to go fairy godmother" Darian said as he held his keyblade ready to attack.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia raised an eyebrow as he looked on at the events conspiring within Devlin's castle. "Seems like the witch is causing trouble with your brother. Here," Marluxia opened a portal, calling several nobodies and sending them through to aid Virgil and Selena and ushered Devlin himself in. "We'll talk more about this at a later time. I have other matters to attend to." He finished and disappeared into his own portal, appearing behind Angel. He placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke, "Are you ready?"
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    in a mist of darkness Virgil's blades appeared covering his hands. " Ebony....and Ivory" He pointed a fist at Maleficent " I like you you brought such entertaining events my way...However you interfere in matters that pertain not to you. But i will say this slaying you down now would only be a waste of my time. You misunderstand my darkness. For it comes not from Betrayal....But in time you will all be aware of this. "

    From beyond a portal Nobodies began to stream forth standing behind Virgil like soldiers at attention. At this moment Virgil layed eyes upon Darian " Virgil tell Devlin I'm coming for him.." The Nobodies grew impatient by the second. " I like your Resolve but i can't let you do that bro" in a low voice with his head looking away. " Attack...." Our of the corner of his eye he noticed Devlin had appeared. " Good timing...i'll leave the rest to you. I have something that im curious of this will only take a second. Oh...and Lil chick with the cloak on if you touch Selena i'll make you wish you never existed. " Striking the air with his blades 2 scythe like dark blades flew from his palms just missing Darian and Maleficent cutting a portal behind Ashley. Just as fast he was behind her and pulled her into it.

    " You have a certain something about you that i can't shake...Don't worry We are in my Abyss i like to call it. No one knows the location to his area but selena. So seemingly for now your safe."
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As if by coincidence, as soon as Virgil vanished a chakram flew out of nowhere, striking down one of the defenders. "Hey! Witch, sorry, but nobody picks on Angel's friends!" Axel smirked, grabbing his chakrams and then pulling Saix through beside him, "Ain't that right Isa? Darian, revenge'll get you nowhere, I don't think Ashley would like that." Axel shot a few fireballs at the heartless and chuckled, "Burn!!"
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Greatest Battle Music of All Time- Terranort Battle Theme - YouTube

    Selena summoned her blade and jumped away as Larxene went to stab her leg. It slashed her leg some but she ignored it. She pointed her blade at her.

    "I've always hated blonde bitches." Selena said before raising the keyblade up above her head and a dark beam from above shot down on her.

    Meanwhile nobodies appeared to battle Maleficent and Darian. Virgil wasted no time ordering for them to attack. Selena looked over at Darian before glancing back at Larxene.

    "Darian, you're a fool!" Selena shouted at him. "You call us beings of evil, but what have we done. I've missed Virgil, I submitted into darkness pretty easily seeing him. You don't even know if they've done anything bad. That witch just admitted to going around conquering and destroying worlds, if I didn't know any better, I'd say she's the one who destroyed Twilight Town!" Selena shouted just as Axel appeared. She jumped out of the way.

    She then heard Axel's comment and took note that Virgil and Ashley were missing.

    "Devlin!" Selena shouted to him. She looked at the nobodies as they were battling the heartless. "Damn it..." She mumbled before grunting and running straight at the witch. "Stupid witch!" She shouted attacking her.

    Rin' - Sakura Sakura (Instrumental) - YouTube

    Angel opened her eyes and smiled at Marluxia who appeared.

    "I miss you... My friends have managed to fall apart... Plus, I think I'm beginning to remember more, but I feel the only way I can is being with you." She said looking up at him. She looked down at her good luck charm as light burst from it and a locket appeared in its place.

    Locket in hand she reached out and took Marluxia's hand. Unknown to Angel but as she took his hands something shot through her into Marluxia's hollow shell, a connection, a connection once part of Lumaria, Marluxia's somebody, but now the connection connected to him granting him a gift, a very special gift. The gift to feel emotions when with Angel and as long as her heart is safe and not damaged.

    "Lumaria..." Angel said closing her eyes as suddenly a darkness shot up over her body and black vines covered her body like a tight cocoon. The cocoon was going to reawaken the powers once sealed in her. The powers would not be the same they once were, they would reflect Marluxia's new darkness, she would gain Marluxia's powers, and her memories would return. It would be up to Marluxia to take care of her, to protect and nurture her until she reawakens.
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian began slashing through endless nobodies without even trying. His rampage couldn't be stopped till he had heard Selena speak saying.
    "I'd say she's the one who destroyed Twilight Town!"
    Darian then stopped where he stood and turned to Maleficent with his head down as his Dark Aura began to grow stronger but then a flash of light appeared and Darian was holding a light aura covered Oathkeeper keyblade in his left hand.
    "You...you killed my parents, you're the reason I want revenge on Devlin, your the reason Twilight town was destroyed....You'll pay.." Darian said as he went charging at Maleficent cutting through all the heartless that stood in his way. As Darian reached Maleficent he held the oatherkeeper keyblade to her neck and the other keyblade towards the direction Selena and Larxene stood. "Explain now it will be your last breath." Darian said angrily as he stood there with an angry look on his face.

    Ashley looked at Virgil as they came from out of the portal. "Virgil...it's been a while hasn't it?" Ashley said as she paced a few step backwards away from Virgil. "I haven't been here since....well you know" Ashley said as she looked around. "I can't believe you showed someone other than me this place...you must really trust that one huh?" Ashley said as she walked over to a table filled with books and chemicals and broken vials. "Another one gone wrong huh?" Ashley said jokingly as she walked back to Virgil. "So why did you pull me here? What do you want with me?" Ashley asked

    Larxene looked at Selena and smiled. "Im not too fond out you either" Larxene said as she commanded the Nobodies to attack Selena and Maleficent. "I can't believe your working with the likes of Marluxia...he's going to get you killed." Larxene said as she stabbed a few nobodies making them turn yellow and grow a bit bigger in size. "I would actually think someone like you would work with someone more smart, less sloppy, someone like Saix or even That witch over their" Larxene said turning her head looking at Maleficent but still being aware of Selena.
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