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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Virgil!" She exclaimed. She knelt down quickly grabbing his hand.

    "It's ok... this is darkness I control and it falls to the bidding of the light, you can do that with your own darkness." She looked around.

    "All of you can." She told them. She looked back down at Virgil. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a potion she reached for his mouth and poured the bottle's content into his mouth.

    "Virgil..." She felt tears falling. "Please, I know you can defeat this, you're strong, don't fall to the darkness, it is weak, use your light, our light, gain control of it, let the darkness be the slave and you the master, not the other way around..." She told him. "Please..." She said before kissing his lips.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William sniffed, smelling the heavy darkness in the air and licked his lips slightly, shaking a bit. "Don't you dare think about it!" Will roared in his head, knowing what he was thinking of doing. "They can aid us though. Surely in a different way than thought but they can aid us more than they know!" He growled, taking the first step towards the fallen Virgil, mouth starting to water as the keyblades disappeared from his hands and darkness replaced them. "No!!!" Will screamed into his head.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked at the two as they conversed and groaned loudly. "Are you serious Selena? I JUST said I didn't want to fight at all," he yelled in protest. He flexed his right hand in a swift, quick movement cracking just about every bone in his hand. It was coming. "I mean and then your goddamn boyfriend threatens my life but that's ok because you give him a big damn hug!" He cracked his neck quickly and loudly. He shook his head and looked down, chuckling. "It doesn't matter, though. I don't even care anymore."

    Devlin waved his finger and replied, "No no brother. I would like for you to come and join me in our grand finale in this big act. Besides...you still owe me our promise," he said happily. He opened a portal and slowly backed into it, hoping Darian and Ashley follow.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel jumped in front of Will, guarding Selena and Virgil. "Will! Restrain yourself! You are still to weak to defeat me in battle, and you know it! Now back down and wait for Devlin, he'd be a better meal for the darkness anyway."

    Raising his chakrams into an offensive stance he looked at Will, hoping he'd back off. "If you attack, I will not hold back, understand?" Axel would not allow what happened to his former friend happen to Selena. Giving a quick look at Jordan he summoned nobodies to hold the fort.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked up from Virgil.

    "You said something else Jordan, but your actions, your mood as well, says another. You're letting the darkness control you just as it occasionally controls Virgil. She looked over at the advancing Will.

    "Just as the darkness is controlling him." Selena summoned her keyblade and threw it at Will. It didn't necessarily hurt him but did pin him against the wall in the back.

    "Master Hishobi was a keyblade master of the light, but he didn't believe in just the light, he believed in strength and good of heart. He helped me conger my darkness and taught me how to use it to fight in what my good of my heart believed. My heart believes in the light so I use my darkness to fight for the light, all of you can do that. Become the masters of your darkness and make your darkness the slave of you, don't let it control you." She turned back around propping up Virgil's upper body and head onto her lap.

    "Don't let it take over."
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William struggled against the keyblade. "No! I need to feed! I'm hungry!!!" He roared, flailing and shooting dark fire from his hands in great extent. His powers were seeming limitless when he was in control. Will perservered though, fighting his way back. "No, I won't let you!" He barked, skin turning a normal color again as he regained his control. "No, we need to feed in order to be able to consume Devlin! If we do not we will not be able to consume that amount of darkness without losing ourselves!" William roared one final line before being pushed back. Will shook his head as his eyes returned to their normal shocking blue and said. "Let me down. It's me, I promise."
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's eyes grew larger and summoned his Keyblade in anger and slammed it into the ground. He had not realized the increase of strength that he was gaining and so had not noticed the massive dent in the ground. "IT'S controlling ME? And then you classify it with everyone else in the room? No. I merely listen to It. When It talks, I listen to every word. Oh Selena, if it EVER controlled me then someone would have been dead by now." His other hand cracked this time, he only had to extend his fingers outward.

    Devlin walked in on the group smiling. "Heh, did I interrupt a personal matter here?"
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will eyed Devlin with shock as William started to panic, screaming in his head. " We must leave! Let me have control so we can flee!" But Will's thoughts were of a different kind of panic, of the fact that he was pinned to the wall like a meal waiting for the lion. He pushed a bit more, trying to wiggle out from beneath the keyblade, watching Devlin's every move as he struggled to free himself and prepare to defend himself. "You imbecile, run! Don't fight! Your friends are dead if they stay as well!" William barked in his head.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena shook her head.

    "Ever hear of a word known as manipulation. You're being manipulated by your darkness and through its manipulation its controlling you. How do I know? Because you're not the same Jordan I grew up with, you're not the same Jordan that defended all he cared about, you're not the Jordan I care about." She said hoping that struck a nerve of common sense within him.

    "Jordan your darkness has overwhelmed you, you smell horrendous of darkness even more so than Virgil, your darkness is making me gag." Selena told him when she sensed somebody the words he spoke confirmed it.

    "Heh, did I interrupt a personal matter here?"

    Selena stood up and extended her hand out to her keyblade.

    "Will, your darkness you have a stronger control over. Get Jordan and Virgil out of here. I will take care of Devlin..." She spoke out.

    "Or at least hold him off some." She whispered the last part so nobody would hear her.

    She walked up in front of the group and stood in front Devlin, her keyblade in hand as she stood in a battle position ready to fight.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "What's your problem?!" Axel yelled at Jordan in anger, "You come here, thinking you can do whatever you want! Well you know what? I'm sick of it!" He summoned dozens of nobodies and they surrounded Axel. "If I have to use force to show you that your logic is wrong then so be it! Devlin, you can wait your turn, because I need to teach this kid a lesson!" Axel and his assassins charged towards Jordan.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will fell and threw his hand out, making a wall of dark fire between Axel and Jordan. He then went to Jordan's side. "We need to go, Now!" He barked, grabbing Virgil's arm and hoisting him over his shoulder before glancing back to Selena. He then concentrated, bringing up a dark portal to the first location that came to his mind. But the funny thing was, it wasn't from his. "Just trust me, you'll be safe." William breathed as Will eyed the portal. He started towards the portal before looking at Jordan. "I'm not leaving you man, come on!"
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan had taken a step backward from Selena upon hearing her harsh words. His mind racing wildly on what to do until finally settled on something. "If none of you will even listen to me and what I have to say...I'll show all of you," he said calmly. He shot around at Will and shook his head. "This is a fight Will. Haha! And you know me!"

    He looked at the wall that divided him and Axel and slashed at it with his Keyblade. Nothing happened at first, but it soon began to dissipate. He quickly rushed Axel and made short work of his Nobodies. He stopped right in front of Axel and growled at him, "Don't make me destroy that hollow shell of yours." He then jumped in front of Selena and shoved her back. "GO!" He looked at Devlin with serious eyes. "Oh, goody! Me and you Jordan? Well I guess it's better this way, huh," he asked, smiling the whole time.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgils eyes snapped open and looked at who was holding him up" Yo....you? why are you helping me...you hate me just like the rest of them dont you.." His eyes glanced back at Selena standing at the ready to battle Devlin." I can not...and will not let this happen. " He said coughing hard his body had become extremely weak at this state. "Selena...get back" he said in a low voice

    Jordan had stepped in the mist of the impending battle between Selena and Devlin but even still Virgil felt the need to stop this.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Jordan, no. You get out of here, all of you!" She exclaimed moving her hand swiftly as Jordan was forced backwards by a strong unidentified source. She raised her hands as an invisible strong force appeared between Devlin and her only. No one would be able to get through only if she was hurt severely or she let them through.

    "Devlin I don't know what your full plan is, you never revealed it to either Virgil or me, but you're not getting my brother, you're not getting Virgil as your own soldier, you're not getting me as your brain washed puppet, you're not getting anybody. You hear me?!" Selena shouted at him ready to battle.
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will growled as he started towards Jordan. "Because I've been friends with Jordan and Selena for long enough they're like family. Now, here!" He growled, throwing Virgil through the portal into a world known as Traverse Town. He then turned, Selena's force field knocking him back a bit. "Selena, no! You can run and we'll hold him off. You don't need to do this!" He barked, suprised as Jordan collided with him and they both fell through the portal and into the next world. As his back hit cobblestone he saw that Virgil laid not far from the portal, Jordan landing near the portal on the other side, and the portal was slowly dissapating. "No, we need to go back through!" He barked.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel sighed staring as the barrier went up "You die and Jordan and Virgil will be left with nothing! Are you really that selfish?!" He glared at Devlin and Selena his chakrams gripped in his hands tightly. Axel did not see why she wished to fight alone. She was outmatched, clearly. "I hope you know what you're doing Selena... I really do." Axel stood outside the barrier, watching, and waiting.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian nodded and walked through the portal. "Ashley C'mon....he's not the enemy...for now" Darian said before stepping completely through the portal with Ashley following close behind. "So what now Devlin?" Darian asked before realizing that he wasnt there.
    You are light, You are Dark, You are the key
    "Brother!!......No Leave My Brother Alone!"
    Darian shook his head as he thought about the past. Ashley stood next to Darian and held her hand out as a vortex of blue and red flames engulfed her hand as her keyblade appeared.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jkrdan looked on from the outside, frantically pacing back and forth. 'Damn it Selena. What the hell are you doing,' he thought. He continued his pace, hoping for the best.

    "So you're goin to be my first opponent," Devlin said to Selena. "You better not run Selena because running will get you nowhere." He looked around and smiled. "I respect Virgil, but if he's not here that means I can kill you." He smile turned into a serious expression as he summoned his Keyblade and got into his stance. "Come on," he roared.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I'll be your one and only opponent. By the way..." Selena paused grinning.

    "It's Master Selena to you!" She shouted running at him moving her hand forward as she shot out a bolt of lightning before jumping into the air and bring her keyblade down on him ready for his defense and strike back as well so she could strike immediately even after.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    He stuck his Keyblade out and took on the lightning and shot it up at Selena before doing a backflip away. He laughed slightly and shook his head. "That was an amateur move Selena, even for you. I do not have to refer to you as a master if I do not wish. You don't know that my Master is far beyond your level and trained me to be a Master as well. You can almost call ME a Master!"
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