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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Hmph, Devlin you're a fool." Selena said as she stabbed her keyblade in the ground and the ground began to crack underneath their feat, the ground ripped towards Devlin as a vine shot out and wrapped around his ankle to prevent him from jumping away.

    "You do not have the qualifications of a keyblade master, you fail those qualifications so you will never be a master." Selena told him.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin laughed maniacally before his feet were caught in black flames freeing him from the vines. "I don't have qualifications of being a master? No, who shouldn't be a master is your bastard brother," he yelled and pointed his Keyblade at Jordan. "He's the whole reason you and all of your friends are here!" He began to say something else but he quickly remembered what he was told. He could not reveal anymore than what was allowed or what he was told to say. Otherwise nothing would end quite well for him.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Huh?" Selena stopped for a second before pausing.

    "Jordan will make a much better master than you ever could and ever will, he just needs the right teacher, the right master. That's why you will not lay a finger on him, Devlin, that is why you will die here, and once I'm finished with you I will track down your masters and they will fall. I will not allow anything to control Jordan, his darkness will not control him, you hear me?!" Selena shouted at him as she shot a beam of ice at Devlin and in a second she stood behind Devlin holding his soon to be frozen body in the air her hands wrapped around his neck. She had her keyblade in her other hand at his chest.
  4. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will dove through the portal right before it disappeared, rolling to his feet right next to Jordan and smiled at his friend. "Until the end man." He breathed, letting his keyblades appear as he stood, starting to pace the opposite way as Jordan, letting his blades spark off one another every once in a while as he stretched, tensed, and readied for the fight. William was silent for once, but the pressure that accompanied him was there. Will knew that he was there, he just didn't want to speak. And for once, Will missed the odd company of the voice in his head, but he had other things to concentrate on as the fight between Selena and Devlin heated up.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin tried to dodge but was too slow and was frozen. Jordan smiled and banged on the barrier in approval. "Give him hell Selena," he yelled to her. A portal opened high above on a ledge unseen to most of the people below. Without it opening up, an intense concentrated pure blast of dark fire dropped onto Selena and Devlin. Jordan jumped, scared of whatever happened. "Selena!"
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel dove out of the way as the shockwave from the blast subsided. He looked up, and saw what looked like a human shape. "HEY! No interference bastard!" The red head opened a portal to the top floor but whoever the figure was they blended into the dark quite well. "Damn it... Jordan! Is Selena alright?" He called down to the boy, hoping the answer was yes. Axel, made a rookie mistake then, he turned his back to the figure.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena sensed something appear but it was too late as she looked up and saw the blast. She went to raise her hand up as fast as possible.

    She felt an intense pain come over her body and smoke was all over the area. She laid on the ground and the smoke began clearing she saw Devlin also on the ground. She couldn't move though that hit was too serious in damage to her.

    "What the-" She mumbled in pain.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan shook and almost fell as well. He made sure he was ok before rushing to the barrier. "Selena," he screamed, banging on the barrier.

    Devlin struggled horribly to get up and could only get on his knees. He laughed heinously a put one hand up smiling, "Can you give me a little boost at least? Heh, at least you finally joined the party!"

    The red in the man's jacket glew brightly as he walked from the shadows and kicked Axel hard in the back so he would land on the barrier. Before he landed, the man shot a hard strike of lightning at the barrier so it was now electrified. "Hahahaha! Hey Devy! Sorry I'm late, but I had to bring the boys! They aren't too far either!"
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel grunted, but before hitting the barrier he threw a chakram up easily piercing the mans hand. The chakram itself disappeared. "Hoo... I knew you were still up there." The Nobody leapt back onto the platform, spinning his one chakram reflexively. "Sorry man, but your time just ran out." Axel laughed as he snapped his fingers and the chakram combusted from within the man.

    OOC- Knowing these guys, he'll probably be a fire demon in disguise or something lol. Either way, it's your choice if he burns alive or manages to survive.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will ran up, striking the barrier as well, hoping to break through. But the second he laid eyes on the newcomer he felt the pressure of William leave his head, a faint whisper of a death prayer in his head. Will started hacking and hruling fireballs at the barrier, trying his best to break through and help Selena. "Jordan, we need to get in there and help her!" He barked, slashing more and more, dark fire coming off his blades. He could see that she was in trouble, especially since Devlin was standing and she wasn't.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Whaton Earth..." She whispered

    "Get up, Selena." A familiar voice spoke in her head.

    Selena fought and was able to get on her hands and knees at least. With all the force she put into getting up and with Will hitting it, the barrier collapsed into nothing.

    "Who are you?" Selena asked in pain and a mere whisper looking at the newcomer.
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The man hollered in pain and practically was begging for his life. "Oh God, NOOOO," he screamed before blowing up.

    Devlin looked up at where the man had been and started to laugh. "What's so funny," Jordan asked, slowly moving up as the barrier had shattered. Devlin smiled and replied, "Wait for it." And on cue, Axel was kicked sharply in his back and sent hard into the wall. The man had returned with no scars, hood still up. He floated high above the group before slowly landing behind Devlin. He patted him on the back, giving him power. He looked up at Jordan and made no movement. For the first time he seemed calm. "Jordan....we'll see you soon," he said before nodding. He threw another concentrated blast at Selena and disappeared laughing.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel was kicked again, "Shit!" He cried out as he fell face first onto Devlin, his chakrams impaled both Axel's left arm, and Devlin's right leg. However they didn't disappear, but the one in Devlin slowly started to burn his blood and his leg at a high temperature. "God... that hurt." The red head groaned as he pulled the chakram out of his arm quickly. "Sorry Dev, but that chakram is stuck in you until I pull it out. That's the power of my Eternal Flames!"
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    No child of mine shall act in such a manner!!" Virgils father beckoned overlooking the child who was laying on the ground bloody and broken. " F..father i cant walk...i cant move my legs." No son of mine will act like a spineless coward! The man kneeled down and slapped in across the face with ferocity. "Now STAND!!" But father...

    Foolishness Virgil....Foolishness........


    Virgi's eyes Awakened lines spiraled around his inner eyes spinning in a circular motion. His body rose itself as a mixture of white and blue fire surrounded his body standing it up right side. He began to walk forward not speaking a single word as of yet. each step he took burned the very ground he walked on. yet once he left the fire cooled it healing it. His true power was begining to unlock.

    " Phase... 'he said as he vanished and appeared beyond the barrier standing in front of Selena. The blast Devlin shot flared off of his body like a mere pebble skipping across the water. " No devlin.....we will not see each other soon....For you have done to me as everyone else has in the past....." he murmered to himself

    " Betrayal..."

    Selena...you have shown me the path i need to now walk. Devlin must be judged before me at this point he leaves me no choice.." As the eyes began to stop spiraling A single Black Star could be seen where his Pupils would be. His Black Star initiation had begun but it was still incomplete.

    " Foolishness Devlin.....Foolishness.."
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Final Fantasy Music - To Zanarkand (FFX) - YouTube

    Selena watched as the blast was coming at her. She didn't feel anything, she prepared herself for the end. She lowered her head closing her eyes.

    "I failed..." She whispered to herself picturing all of her friends in her mind seeing her life flash through her mind. Devlin illegally in a sense giving her the keyblade and sparking the birth of darkness in her heart, Master Hishobi working with her to control the darkness, her time spent with her friends, her mark of mastery test and her promise to fight for what her heart believed in to use her powers of darkness for good and her heart of dawn to always stay that way a heart of dawn. To protect her love ones.

    She felt tears roll down her cheek then she heard a voice...

    " Phase..."

    She opened her eyes seeing Virgil appear just in time as the blast was about to hit her. Her eyes widened in shock and was even more shock to see the blast do no damage. She listened to what Virgil said but didn't react till he directed a comment towards her.

    "Selena...you have shown me the path i need to now walk. Devlin must be judged before me at this point he leaves me no choice.."

    She noticed Devlin disappeared.

    "Virgil..." She sighed. "Don't go." She told him. She struggled to stand up and she went to walk forward but stumbled and was beginning to fall towards the ground again.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Not wavering in the slightest He clinched his fist. " Selena you no longer need to worry about me. I promise you i'll never leave you alone. Thats starting now. I promise you i will come back to you...But first Devlin and i have some unfinished business. As do he and his little friends. " The Black Star mode was the idea of thought made into reality. Virgil was his fathers experiment a mere toy to him it was a gift and a curse. in a small sense of understanding what Virgil wished to be would be. but of course at a limit the backfire of this was the time limit of which he could hold the form. it was far from perfected but for now he was able to sustain the energy that pulsated around him.

    Waving his hands the barrier lowered allowing the others to approach. Still with his back to the others" Jordan... Will Selena i want you to understand something. I am a bieng that was never meant to exist what my father meant to do was kill me but i was the only complete experiment. Because of this i've always felt a sense of seperation from everyone i've ever come across. "

    He snapped his fingers and a portal opened up. " Devlin never was good at covering his tracks his darkness is like a foul stench you can track like foot steps in the snow. Finding the connection to his portal was child's play. " It appeared as if Virgil had become another entity in the sense of the word. " Any of you that wish to follow ...Lets go.

    He turned his body to face all of them and a bright smile rose across his face he raised his fist in the air and slammed it against his chest. " You are with me and Together we will not fall and we wil not fail!"
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian stood there shocked at the outcome of that battle. He couldn't believe what had just happened.
    Darian watched as Virgil broke the barrier and had came to Selena's aid. Darian then rushed in afterwards hearing Virgil speak. Darian put his head down and looked at the ground as Virgil spoke of killing his brother, He couldn't think of doing it himself, or even watching it happen. Darian's fist began to tighten up as Virgil opened the portal leading to Devlin's location. "I'm going!" Darian stated confidently as he walked into the portal after Virgil.

    Ashley looked into Virgil's eyes and only nodded as he went into the portal. She then followed behind Darian into the portal. Ashley knew this was her time to prove herself worthy to Virgil and Darian. She knew that when the time came she was going to be ready to follow them.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena stood weak. She looked towards Virgil. She nodded her head. She raised her keyblade casting cure feeling a little better, but not a whole lot.

    "I'm standing by you, I'm not going to lose you neither though." Selena told him standing in front of him. She raised her hands wrapping them around his neck. "Please promise me you won't be too reckless or get yourself hurt." She told him even though she'd be there.
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Placing one hand around her waist he looked back at her and smiled "You know me to well, but of course if i go to far that's what i have you for yea?" he winked at her in the most playful manner. The Virgil she knew and loved had returned and it seemed that for now he was here to stay. " I don't want you to strain yourself this time around. All i need you to do this time is watch me. " He flicked the necklace he gave her which hung around her neck. " Watch me carefully and i'll wrap up all this business"
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan, after knowing Selena was safe, looked to Virgil and nodded. "I'm going in too. A little buddy told me that Devlin wants me mad, so I should show him that he's failed...badly," he said happily. He walked to the front of the portal and looked back slightly at the group. "This is it, huh? Virgil, no matter what you do, make sure Darian gets that final shot. We have to at least honor their brotherhood." He took one step into the portal before hearing the voice.

    "If you walk through this corridor, there will be no going back to your past life."
    "Your entire life will change forever."
    "And we promise you that before this is over, you will finally embrace us."

    Jordan shook his head and replied quietly, "My life changed the moment you entered my body. But there is no way you'll ever get out." And with that, Jordan slowly entered the portal.

    "I could have killed her! With that power you gave me I could have finished the job easily! But now you expect me to I'll her while they're ALL here," Devlin said, speaking frantically and scared. In the largest clearing the satanic and evil forest had to offer, Devlin stood in the center, with seven men standing at the edge of the clearing in front of him, all in their hoods. The chains that were, once around their arms were gone from all of them except the wild mannered one who, surprisingly enough, stood tall with the others. "Calm down Devy, we won't let you die until your job is finished," the wild one said. Devlin scoffed and walked in a circle, the chakram in his leg mysteriously gone. He still, however, limped badly on the leg he was injured in. One of the thinner, shorter men laughed and said in a very cold and mean tone, "Looks like you could use a hand Devlin. Or maybe just a leg."

    Devlin angrily walked up to them about to confront them until they set up an extremely powerful dark barrier around them. He bounced back and fell into the center of the clearing again. The seven said nothing and only put their hands out, dark essence coming out and leaching onto Devlin, making him incredibly stronger. "We are all giving you a percent of our power. Which means you will be more than enough of a match for even Selena and even Virgil's Rockstar mode combined." Devlin laid on the ground for a minute before jumping up and smiling at the group. "Why thank you, kind sirs. I feel great already!" He turned around slowly to the sight of a portal opening up. "Right on time," Devlin said. The seven men stood in what looked like perfect unison, ready to watch. First would come out Darian and Ashley, followed by Jordan. "Ah, good for you all to make it! I won't start for your sakes until everyone arrives."
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