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The Key To Destiny's Door [OOC & SU]

Discussion in 'Archive' started by girl poison, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    The Key To Destiny's Door

    RP Genre: Realistic fantasy warfare, mild romance.


    Original characters and races are allowed. Creatures and races from any kind of mythology are allowed. Races and/or characters from video games, whether you choose to keep their projected personalities or not, are all allowed. No limitation on what kind of character you choose to use or create for this RP.

    Character Sheet:
    Elemental Alignment:
    Weapons: (picture/description)

    Accepted & Confirmed Characters

    Defenders of Kalina
    Reiku Llykor (played by girl poison)
    Crono (played by fate slayer)
    Arashi Miyamoto (played by BK-201)
    Sherry Kardel (played by Requiem)
    Leah Lindley (played by ü)
    Cordelia Runa (played by Ney Monster)

    Legion of Noir
    Queen of Noir, Destiny (played by Destiny)
    General Thirsha (played by Taboo Sho)
    General Eurydice Apóto Dásos (played by ü)
    General Kandin Serro and assistant Yejide Jals (played by Requiem)
    General Caius "King" Takara (played by Vox)

    General Rules

    o1. All of KHP's forum and RP rules apply here.
    o2. Please read all of the guidelines for an in depth explanation of expectations when joining this RP.
    o3. Maximum two playable characters per person, whether they are protagonists or antagonists do not matter to me. (enemies can be collectively played by roleplayers - see #2 under guidelines)


    This RP is open to anyone who is willing to be committed to participating and can contribute well written and thought out posts. There is no cap to the amount of people who can participate but I would like to see a minimum of five to six players. There are a few guidelines (rules) that should be adhered to in order to make this RP run smoothly:

    o1. Dedication to participating - I dislike posting orders and I would much rather people post when they can. I understand "real life" is always most important but please make an effort to check the thread daily to get caught up on posts, and make a post every few days when possible. Players who have more time to write can fill in the gaps between posts with character development, conversation, and the like.

    o2. Creativity and imagination - An absolute must. Be imaginitive, be descriptive, feel free to take control of the environments and NPC enemies when you are making a post. The latter is a necessity, especially when there are group assaults on a single large enemy or boss-like creature. This is where you may feel uncomfortable with "power playing" but in a situation as described, it's fine. For example, you'll be in control of your character, the enemy, the result of attacks (damage dealt) to both your character and the enemy (if applicable), and lead up to an attack directed at another character or character(s). Alternatively you can put your character in jeapordy where he or she must be saved by someone else - the possibilities are limitless.

    o3. Contributing to the plot - The central plot is a classic "light versus darkness" theme that we all know and love. What I would like to see from participants is the ability to incorporate their character's background to form several sub plots to extend the life of the role play. If you have a cool idea for your character that emphasizes on their background story, race/lineage, etc. just let me know and we can try to fit it into the plot.

    o4. Realistic battles and character abilities - This is an important one to me. This is not an anime where all of the characters are badasses and overpowered. Try to be realistic and play to your characters strengths and weaknesses. Bigger, stronger attacks are going to cost more energy to deploy making your character more tired, and have a larger amount of downtime that might leave them vulnerable. Smaller characters (including many female characters) are not going to be able to contest larger characters (such as strong male characters) in a fight of pure strength unless they are very well trained. When your character is wounded, they stay wounded until an appropriate amount of time has passed or they have been healed.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2012
  2. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    Plot Brief

    The realm of Kalina was lead into unprecedented prosperity by the High King of Aurora. Small towns and villages harvested large, healthy crops and livestock to feed the flourishing kingdoms; crime was minimal and dealt with appropriately by a noble justice system; more than anything, Kalina's people were not simply content - they were genuinely happy. The entire land was relatively a picturesque utopia.

    But for every high, there must be a low - and all good things inevitably come to an end.

    A new kind of army rose from the dark crevices of Kalina to shatter the nation's felicity. The warriors of darkness, referred to as the "Legion of Noir", swept across the lands, plucking souls from the cowering citizens to add to their army. The humanesque creatures encased in swirling tendrils of shadows did not discriminate - not to men, not to women, not to the sick or the poor, not to children and not even to the mayors and kings themselves. Eventually, all would fall to the darkness.

    Background Information

    Kalina is the name of the continent, Noir is the name of the parallel realm. It works like a one-way mirror - the creatures of Noir can see into Kalina, but not vice-versa. The Legion of Noir is comprised of dark, twisted creatures called "Shade". The Shade can look like anything you describe but are characterized by common features such as tangible darkness, glowing red eyes, claws, sharp teeth, fangs, etc. Do not be afraid to be creative with inventing enemies. Shade can be found during the day, but their movement is slowed by light, so they typically attack in swarms at night. Light means survival.

    The central enemy is the queen of Noir, Destiny. There are five generals who command her army - each one holds a fragment of a crest that can unlock the physical door to the realm of Noir. The generals are one of the few enemies I would like controlled by a single person so if anyone wants to adopt one as their character, to either be defeated or later become a protagonist (perhaps freed from the darkness?) please make mention of that when signing up.

    A simple synopsis of the main plot; defeat the generals and gain access to Noir to destroy Destiny, before the Legion of Noir destroys the sun and invades Kalina.

    Questions & Comments

    If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them here and I will do my best to answer them.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2012
  3. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    C H A R A C T E R P I C T U R E
    Attire design (drawn by me, old & unfinished wip, click here, click image to enlarge)

    C H A R A C T E R B A S I C S

    Reiku Llykor
    Age: 10,270
    Race: Wingly
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Elemental Alignment: Shadow, Ice, Water

    C H A R A C T E R B I O G R A P H Y

    Wage war. It wasn't a suggestion or command, rather a permanent way of life in that day and age over ten thousand years ago. Those with failing prowess--that is, if you claimed to be a Wingly--would be slaughtered mercilessly, even by their own kin. The options were very clear; do battle or die willingly.

    Some lasted only a day. Others lived just long enough to bequeath a dream to an able set of ears.. sometimes there was only one ear left to offer. Wingly verus human; virage versus dragon. Wingly and human generals alike spoke the same language, the same laconic incantation of warfare to their veteran soldiers and vigorous participants. Life, purpose, meaning--all lost at the edge of a blade.

    Virage and dragons were merely tools deployed as massive diversions or for full blown assults, and they, too, sustained immeasurable casualities to their races, for a war that wouldn't hold their names. The reality of dragons became legend and myth; virages simply faded from existance as a frivilous concept.

    The dragoon warriors were the only heroes of their kind, able to extract and maintain draconic abilities and qualities from their allies. With exceptional control of the elements, they alone were able to lead the humans away from their oppression.

    They took control of the Wingly law city, Zenebatos, first.

    One by one the dragoons would capture each of the five Wingly cities until the simultaneous claiming of the magial city, Aglis and the captial, Kadessa, would render the humans as the elite race, thus banishing the Winglies to live amongst the shadows of the world.

    Not every Wingly, though.

    C H A R A C T E R W E A P O N S


    "Reborn and Redemption"​

    Reiku weirds two contemporary blades, each bearing a name and a secret. The amythest blade called Redemption symbolizes the imminent return of her fallen race, and is comprised several mixes of metal, including mythril and a rare raw material known as rainbow shell. It is most closely associated with the shadow element. The flame toned sword named Reborn is a reconstruction of the infamous Dragon Buster, the cryptic sword of the Winglies. Over a period of time the shattered pieces of the fabled sword were collected and merged with light filler material--mostly dragon remains--and thus Reborn was forged. It has no elemental properties persay, but is rumoured to be extremely effective against dragons and those of draconic nature.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2012
  4. BK-201

    BK-201 Member


    Human Form-

    Shade Form-

    Arashi Miyamoto


    5 Feet 6 Inches

    145 Pounds

    Human/Shade Half-Breed


    Elemental Alignment:
    Light and Darkness

    Arashi was the result of an experiment that Destiny had started to create a being that could use the abilities of her own soldiers as well as enemy soldiers, and so Arashi was born. As soon as he was created she took him in as her own child and had him trained from the moment by one of her generals, while the training was harsh he slowly grew to become a strong and disciplined warrior. While he loved his "mother" he never agreed with her and tried his best to stop her without hurting, however, as the war began to get more intense he saw that his mother could not be reasoned with and escaped to Kalina with some of her precious battle plans and data on her generals, he then joined Kalina's forces.




    Three Days Grace - Time Of Dying Lyrics [HD] - YouTube
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    so is this the RP you were referring to huh? i may join this.
  6. OMGItzHaddaway

    OMGItzHaddaway New Member

    I'll probably join as well, I'll need some time to make a profile because I have work, but I'll see what I can do.
  7. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    Thanks everyone so far who is interested in this RP.

    I would like to add now, since it's been brought up to me via PM, that if anyone wants to play the antagonists, the five generals (of any size, race, gender you wish) and Destiny are up for grabs to be played, and we can turn this into a legitimate struggle between light and darkness where the outcome is not yet determined. Being completely honest this is my first time using a public RP forum and I've very rarely seen an expressed interest in playing the bad guys. Again, you can have up to two characters - both good guys, both bad guys, one of each - doesn't matter to me. I also (hopefully) have two friends to join the forum to participate in this RP so that should increase the character count.
  8. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Question: I've got a villain and a hero lined up. Any chance I can give the villain a secretary character, or shall I go with my Plan B Villain? (Plan A is vital to have the villain have the secretary, but my plan B can work just fine without the secretary because his backstory is entirely different)

    EDIT: Also, prospective tech level? Are we talking WWI, WWII, high fantasy, mix, or whatever in reason? I personally think it's kinda like WWI fantasy with airships just as a metric because then my hero could be more handy with the machines. She's a mechanic :p
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2012
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'll probably immerse myself in this action, though probably for another few weeks, since I'm on the road until August. I'll follow this as best I can until then.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I may join as well. I'd be willing to adopt the generals as they're introduced. ^^
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hmmm I'm an evil queen, sweet.

    Anyways, I'll work on a template here in a minute. I'll make a character of the light, but playing an evil queen would be different, so I'll take Destiny as well unless somebody else wants her. Templates will be up shortly.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Character Description/Image

    Name: Thirsha

    Age: 27

    Race: Unknown

    Alignment: Evil/Destiny

    Elemental Alignment: Wind/Dark

    Bio: Thirsha is Destiny's most trusted General. She and Destiny were raised together, and when Destiny took the throne Thirsha was quickly made her first general. Thirsha controls the wind, and manipulates it to intensify hunts. The Huntress, as the other Generals and minions of Destiny call her, likes to play with her pray. She throws them into a survival game for three days, after which if they are still alive, she hunts them herself. She wields a magic spear that is unbreakable and always returns to her. None survive the "Huntress Game," all who have tried hang in Thirsha's hunting grounds.

    Thirsha has wings allowing her to fly.
    Thirsha wields the magic blade- Whisper in the Wind, which is strong or weak with heavy and light wind respectively.
    Thirsha is like an older sister to Destiny.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  13. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I'm trying to sign up but I keep getting writer's block. It's been a long time since I roleplayed...
  14. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I was thinking if possibly that I'd be one of the generals. I'll make my character accordingly but it seems there has been a lot of interest placed in the dark faction so if more good characters are needed I can edit my character to suit;

    Description: Eurydice has a long thin, ethereal frame. Her once beautiful amber skin has taken on a dark ebony colour. She has a long cat like face with slanted eyes that glow like charcoal embers. She stands tall at 6"4. Her long flowing jet black hair reaches the small of her back and in tied into a high ponytail with a gold bangle. She dresses herself in a light, snug fitting dress made of dyed black leather and crow feathers. She travels barefoot.

    Name: Eurydice Apóto Dásos

    Age: Undetermined, has been mortal for 46 years.

    Race: Fallen Dryad

    Alignment: Evil

    Elemental Alignment: Dark/Nature

    Biography: Eurydice was once the fairest of all the Dryads of the legendary Forest of Aokigahara, until her immortality was stolen away from her by a fair faced, smooth talking human.

    Like all Dryads, Eurydice was a beautiful, kind and shy spirit who travelled the forest helping it flourish and grow. Living deep in the forest Eurydice had never encountered any life other than her Dryad sisters and the various forest animals.

    However this changed when she found a human boy being attacked by a grizzly bear. From a distance she watched as the unarmed boy tried in vain to hold off the hulking, frenzied creature. She had heard stories from the birds of the creatures called 'humans' which had come to life very recently and destructively, but she had never seen one before. She was enchanted by the humans looks, his pale white skin, his strange blond hair and blue eyes. He didn't fit in among the green and browns of the forest. Intervening at the last moment Eurydice dazzled the bear with a sweet pollen and snatched the human away taking him to her life-tree.

    Treating his wounds with salves and feeding him honey and berries, Eurydice looked after the boy, much to the disdain of her sisters who claimed she was neglecting her duties as a keeper of the forest. It took several weeks for the boy to wake, Eurydice by his side the whole time. However when the boy awoke he had lost all his memories. Over a couple of years Eurydice had to teach him how to walk again. How to care for and speak the language of the forest. Through all this time Eurydice's sisters did not speak to her. They thought she was wrong for letting the human know the secrets of the forest.

    However the harmony soon ended when the boy began to notice he was aging, unlike Eurydice. Slowly as he began to mature and become a man, more and more things distinguished him from Eurydice. Slowly he began to become aware of the truth.

    Once the truth became to much to bare, he revelled to Eurydice that he knew she had been lying to him, that he knew what he really was. He became angry with Eurydice, he couldn't stay with her knowing that she lied, that she had stolen his life from him. He demanded that she make it up to him.

    To prove her love, Eurydice decided to revoke her immortality and become mortal, announcing her true love for the man. Revoking her immortality angered the Dryads immensely, as it was considered the one and only ultimate sin. The man and Eurydice were chased from the forest.

    Finally brought back to civilisation the man began to lust after the things he never had within the forest. One of these things being real women. When Eurydice learned of the mans betrayal, she became enraged. She had given up her immortality, her family and her forest for him. Eurydice became engulfed with hate and struck the man down.

    Seeking forgiveness she returned to Aokigahara, but she was turned away. She spent years wandering the earth fueled by hate and a desire for revenge against humanity. Her hate warped her appearance.

    She soon found a place among the Shades in the Legion of Nior. She rose swiftly in rank, soon becoming a general. Despite being considered the weakest of the five generals she combines her guile and cunning with her fluidity and grace to perform devastating, beautiful attacks.

    Her body ages the equivalent of one year for every ten.

    Weapons: A black wooden rapier, has the same consistency as steel and a pouch of seeds which she can manipulate.

    Sorry its so long, I got a bit carried away. I'm just excited to join a RP for the first time in a couple of years. I hope everything's okay and if there's any problems just let me know.
  15. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    Secretary is fine. I capped at two main characters per person because I feel that's a manageable number to give people opportunity for intense character development and exploration and should keep numbers balanced between good and evil. Minor characters like the secretary can be treated like a player-controlled NPC and aren't really a problem.

    As for the level of technology, my personal favourite is early Final Fantasy settings. I love airships but I also love the classic unevolved world of magic portrayed in the earlier Final Fantasy games. To accommodate all kinds of players, we can have some of the larger cities or kingdoms be more technologically advanced then the outer-laying towns and villages, who would have succumbed to the Shade at a more rapid rate for that very reasons. To simplify, airships are a definite yes, but I would like to see gun-based weapons kept to a minimum though they don't have to be excluded completely. Little robots and cool trinkets are fine as well.

    I was hoping you'd offer to take the part, it only seems fitting. :p

    As long as Destiny and the five generals are being covered by real players we should be fine, regardless of how many people sign up. My cousin and best friend are going to sign up here to participate in this RP and they're both likely to play good characters in favour of Kalina.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Character Sheet:
    dark.pozadia.org/images/wallpapers/61357688/Dark/Anime%20Dark%20Girl%20Queen.jpg <<copy and paste for larger image

    She has pale ghostly white skin, it is very smooth and soft. She wears as little as possible. She wears smooth leather that cover the back of her legs, the front though web across, around her private is looks like a biki bottom. The same material is worn as a skimpy little bra and she has gloves the same as well that go to her elbow. At the middle of her forearm it begins to web across like the front of her legs. She has piercing gold eyes and black lips. She has long foggy brown hair that is lush and soft containing a ton of volume. Her crown is made of the finest yellow gold. She wears a necklace made up of smaller parts of human bones and tiny animals. She has a big gold ring on her finger from her husband which contains special powers to it. Then to top her off, she's never seen without her demon skull magic staff.

    Name: Destiny
    Age: 25
    Race: Unique creature of noir, sorceress.
    Alignment: Noir- Destiny/herself
    Elemental Alignment: Dark Magic
    Biography: Destiny was once a prophecy child. A powerful witch born in Kalina. She was abused by her biological father and nearly killed as a two year old but her magic protected her. It was revealed she contained unique magic ability that could be molded to the way she or whoever taught her wanted it to. The current evil king saw this and in the middle of the night took the little baby.

    The king's wife was unable to have children so it especially worked out for them with Destiny. Destiny would be able to act as the heir to the throne. The young girl was recognized for having immense power and could grant even more access outside of the royal family onto the continent of Kalon. She was raised and taught the darkest of powerful magic and the legion of noir were trained to one day take over the realm of the light and cast it into ever lasting darkness.

    Destiny was constantly reminded about the abuse from her biological fire and taught about other evil doings of the light realm to spark hatred and inspire her to want to take over. Her adoptive parents were older and when she was 20 they died. But during her adoptive parents life she was raised and trained to conquer the world. She was also brought up around other people being raised to soon be her generals, the closest one she was to was like a sister to her, Thirsha.

    After her parents death, She soon married Caius, the strongest warrior of Noir. They rule over Noir and eventually will rule over Kalina.

    Weapons: The skull magic staff in character image.

    The skull staff Destiny wields was specially created on for her. The skull of the staff belonged to her adoptive father. The staff increases her magic making her even stronger. She's already very strong at dark magic, the staff only enhances her powers.

    It's not very in-depth. I'm kind of multi tasking at the moment so I'll probably go back and make it a little more in depth adding more description and such. But here's Destiny's general template, I have a Kalina good character coming as well I'll make later. Kind of exhausted from work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
  17. fate slayer

    fate slayer New Member

    Yikes, looks like I've missed the first train! Fortunately I have someone as wonderful as girl poison to make spruce everything up all pretty like.

    I guess all that needs to be said to keep things as succinct as possible is that I'm one of the "old friends" my lovely GP was talking about earlier. I'm so excited this forum has had so much interest in our brainchild and I look forward to getting to know each and everyone of you in the future. ^^

    C H A R A C T E R P I C T U R E

    C H A R A C T E R B A S I C S

    Name: Crono
    Age: 12, 117
    Primary Race(s): Chrono Trigger, Dark Elf, Dragoon
    Alignment: Good
    Elemental Affinity: Fire, Holy, Shadow

    C H A R A C T E R B I O G R A P H Y

    A planet of peace and tranquility, at least as it was perceived by most of the inhabitants of the rather undersized planet. It would seem that the planet had reached a time of duly timed change. The world had began to see the appearance of a new race, a race called "Homo-Sapiens" or by the planet's laymen, "Human Beings". Mostly inhabited by Winglies prior to this new race this marvelous, infant of a world would soon have its turn to dictate the direction of history. But as of now, a child would be born to a very talented Chrono Trigger--a master bender of time and space--named Izule, along with his beautiful wife Azuri. The family inhabited one of the few human colonies permitted uring the prime of the Wingly reign. And as a testament to a father's hope that his son would succeed him at his own craft, irrational as it may be, the baby's name was Crono.

    Six years of uninterrupted peace were granted towards the infant and his very small family, but as untimely as it may seem, disaster struck. In one day, the young boy of six years seemingly lost both of his parents. His father was assassinated for speaking out against the reforms calling for equality among the races. Shortly thereafter, his mother reached an equally tragic fate. Although still alive, the loss of Azuri's mate left her weak and fragile, deep depression coupled with an untimely famine slowly destroyed the crimson haired child's only remaining family.

    At the tender age of seven the boy stumbled across a stroke of good luck, apparently wandering the world left with only the blade of his father would not keep him alive long enough to see another year, but even he fell upon a stroke of luck. The man went by the name of Lord Remiel, he was one of the few humans gifted with a "lavish" lifestyle on Earth at this time. While in his stay, the young boy focused himself on swordplay, eventually becoming rather proficient with his father's blade.

    Five years would pass before he departed from the manor of Lord Remiel. He was burdened with four more years of silence, solitude, and utter tranquility. It made the boy rather reserved by the time he was 16, the beginning of the well fabled "Dragon Campaign.". During his battles against the supreme race the Winglies, Crono obtained the fire dragoon spirit "The Red-Eyed Dragon" triggering his transformation into the dragoon gifted with the element of fire.

    The humans had won, Winglies had been thrown aback by the "superior" race. But the victory was an empty one for Crono; mindless bloodshed had seen a victor but at what cost? Following the final skirmishes, he faded away from the existence of the earth, blessed with a potent manipulation of time and space he wished to live out his years anonymity.

    Yet history left a few blank pages in bitter anticipation...

    C H A R A C T E R W E A P O N S


    Darkfury is a blade that was handed down by Crono's father. The blades beautiful dark hue is misleading as is the name. Properly known as "The Blade of Holy Fire," it is one of two in his possession. Additionally, when the blade's darkened tint resonates, the hue indicates the blade's current functionality: killing beings of holy/good affiliations. The blade is also capable of glowing white, representing that the blade's purpose of killing "lesser" beings. Usually the blade is its neutral color, representing the ability to kill either being at any given time.

    It is said that Darkfury is capable of talking to it's master, but no one else has heard it's words. The blade is made of a very strong metal known as mythril along with a few elemental aspects imbued within the metal; hence the name "Holy Fire". The blade is practically unbreakable but with the right weapon it is possible, yet it has not occurred to date.


    Lightgrace is the sister sword to Crono's other blade Darkfury. This blade was also handed down, but not by his father this blade was handed down by his old master after Crono left on his own journey. The blade is also in contrast to it's name, Lightgrace was officially given the moniker, "The Blade of Shadowed Storm". Usually in battle Darkfury and Lightgrace are used in unison, but unlike Darkfury, this sister sword cannot be selective on its enemies.

    The blade is implanted with the element of Shadow and forged by the metal Adamantite and coated craft fully with mythril the coating mixed with minute portions of other metals, producing an opalescent color for the blade. Surely the blade is much more eloquent than Darkfury and it almost matches it in power, but is Crono's secondary choice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2012
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Then I'll go with my plan B hero. I don't want to do anything too technologically advanced and throw out the balance.

    Character Name: Sherry Kardel
    Character Species: Human
    Character Gender: Female
    Character Age: 26
    Character Appearance: Not quite brown-haired, but most certainly not a redhead. More of a orangey brown color hair. Lighter brown eyes. As for her height, she's rather tall - amazonian, in fact, with lanky arms and legs, measuring at about 6 feet in height. Her physical stature isn't quite so bulky as the earlier term amazonian implies, though still quite fit for an individual. A kind of childish face, but not one that would make her seem completely naive. Only mostly.
    Character Personality: Kind of a dunce, but speaks from her heart. Her mind is still somewhat that of a child's, but she does show much maturity in some decisions. Submissive Moralistic (newborn). Curious to a fault.
    Character Fears: Being mocked because of her intelligence. Sherry isn't that bright, and she knows it.
    Character Health Issues: Mainly, Sherry lacks brainpower what she's got in brawn. She's curious, but lacks the processing ability to put two and two to make four.
    Character Backstory: Her parents were miners. Mining all day, sleeping all night. And that suited them just fine. But one day, Sherry came into their lives, and things changed a bit. Now only her father went to mine while the mother stayed home to watch the child. And as Sherry grew up, she heard her parents talking, saying things about her. And like any curious child, she listened secretly. And her parents talked about her - specifically, her intelligence - and how she was "different". Different how, she wondered? This question got itself answered in a few years time, when some local children made fun of her for not understanding their games. It wasn't her fault they were so complicated! But she never got mad at the others, oh no. She simply let it fly and let herself forget. And soon enough, Sherry was out in the world on her own, making her own fortunes. Or at least, enough to sleep with a full stomach. This was not meant to last. She heard her parents disappeared in one of the surges on a mining town, and enlisted right away.

    Abilities: Purple Mana - Sherry has harnessed the ability to use Purple mana and manifest it into physical form. She must first charge it and bring it into being, with the exception of the Burst, before she can use any of the techniques below.
    - Purple Burst - Short but wide burst of mana, shredding potential.
    - Indigo Support – A secondary strike that follows in the shadow of a first, imitating the type of attack.
    - Lavender Shredder – an exoskeletal claw forms over hand, very sharp.
    - Mauve Extension – Propulsion of extra force after a strike (I.E. A punch that extends from a punch) Yard max.
    - Plum Step – A burst of mana from the feet to aid in speed, force, or jump.
    - Lilac Ghost – an acidic trail that follows the motion of strikes.
    - Wine Breath – Purple mist that stuns or poisons one temporarily.
    - Amethyst Fling – Short ranged attack, fires a shard of mana propelled by a hooking punch.
    - Violet Blade – Cutlass formed of a purple metal that has no special abilities be sides being able to be created by the mana.

    And my General

    Name: Kandin Serro

    Role/Title: One of the Five Generals

    Age: Mid thirties

    Race: Hume

    Bio: Kanin was a born leader in a noble family. Smart. Charismatic. Strong too. He was headed to someplace big in life. Somebody else saw his potential. Saw Kandin as a threat. Decided that Kandin was too dangerous to let live. So that somebody, a higher level official with connections to the Serro family, ordered Kandin's assassination. It failed. But the young man knew of his danger and went into hiding soon after. Years passed. He heard of many more tragedies befalling his family, until none were left to carry on the name but Kandin. His honor demanded revenge, but his will would not hold out. So he went a different route. He sought power, and found it in Destiny. A transformation took place and a more powerful man emerged. But he needed a stabilizing agent, somebody who would keep him from taking too brash an action. And that's where Yedije comes in.

    Personality: I'm beginning to see him as Symm, except more dark and moralistic in nature than him. So yeah, that. He seems hedonistic, but really he's bound by his own code of conduct.

    Powers/Strengths: A series of specialized weapons. He can charge them with the basic three magics (thunder, fire, blizzard) in order to achieve both the elemental effect and an added attribute, such as speed, power, or defense, respectively. Also, he can combine two of the weapons at any time to produce a new weapon with custom attributes. See below
    Honor, Spade - Rapier with a curved handguard - Can only strike an opponent's front. Otherwise becomes perfectly dull. When used properly, dueling skill is increased tenfold.
    Justice, Club - One-sided warhammer with a tiny thorn in the center of the head - Can only strike a defense (wall, shield, heavy armor) Otherwise becomes perfectly lightweight and useless. When used correctly, striking force is increased tenfold.
    Vigilance, Diamond - Tower shield 2/3 his height - can only block heavy attacks (Catapult, cannon, greatsword, powerful magic, etc.) Otherwise becomes perfectly breakable. When used correctly, protects Kandin completely.
    Sacrifice, Heart - Ritual Dagger - Can only strike from behind, otherwise becomes entirely flimsy. When used correctly, steals soul energy from his target.
    S+C: Greatsword, made for smashing through blocks.
    S+D: Dueling Sword and Buckler - The perfect duo to nearly any combat situation
    S+H: Rapier and Side Sword - A counter to any would be swordsman who wishes to challenge Kandin
    C+D: Armored gauntlets, made for bludgeoning the hell out of a person.
    C+H: Scythe, for reaving soul energy.
    D+H: Elbow gauntlets with handguards and short blades built into them. A good way to rapidly attack.

    Appearance: Dressed rather slick-ly when off-duty, like a chilling yakuza member. Which is to say, whenever he feels like it. When he is on-duty, he sticks strictly to business suits with star-speckled ties. Has messed up, slicked back jet-black hair, and eyes that are perpetually hidden by a pair of sunglasses that are slighly oval shaped. On his right hand, he has four rings (one for each finger), each with one of the four suits of cards on them.

    Theme: Three in the Morning | Homestuck

    And now, the secretary.

    Name: Yejide Jals

    Role/Title: Secretary and assistant to Kandin.

    Age: 24

    Bio: A mage from a very prominent family, she got her start when Kandin came to his power originally, proving her worth to him by taking down a militia regiment all by her lonesome when the Noir raided a villiage near the eastern coastline of Kalina. She was one of the handful of Noir that wasn't converted into a beast when she joined. Presumably, she sought Destiny because she could tell Destiny could win. But her reasons are much simpler than that.

    Personality: Subservient to her superiors, but commanding to those beneath her. In other words, the perfect assistant.

    Powers/Strengths: Very intelligent, and high magic prowess. Able to use books as a casting medium.

    Appearance: Her appearance is always prim and proper, Sporting a bob-cut and a suit. She has her family's usual white hair and lavender eyes.

    Theme: Clicky
  19. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    To progress Eurydice's story I decided that I'm going to need a Kalina aligned protagonist. Leah Lindley is that character. She is also the character who will bring Eurydice to her inevitable demise.....

    Description: Naive in appearance, Leah in a bright young girl with a fresh-faced complexion. Short in stature she has shoulder length curly blond hair and dull blue eyes. She dresses herself in simple blue robes with a thin silver necklace as her only adornment.

    Name: Leah Lindley

    Age: 15

    Race: Human

    Alignment: Kalina / Lawful Good

    Elemental Alignment: General witchcraft and sorcery. Has an affinity for fire and light.

    Biography: Leah was born into a prestigious magical family, her father a powerful Sorcerer and her mother a renowned Witch and Healer. The youngest of four children, Leah was the only one not to live up to the high expectations of her family name. Barely able to cast even the simplest of spells Leah has brought nothing but shame and disappointment. Showing no potential she was ignored by her family, pushed into the background like a stain eager to be forgotten.

    However, determined to prove herself, Leah ran away into the night to join the Kalina resistance taking with her, her fathers most powerful Grimoire and her mothers most prized Broom. She is adamant to learn and unlock the magic within her and finally prove herself worthy of her own identity and name. (In her family it is tradition to take on your fathers name, in her case Lindley, until you have proven yourself worthy of your own name. She is the only of her siblings who has yet to receive her own name).

    Weapons: Her fathers Grimoire, full of some of the most coveted and powerful spells and her mothers broom which was famed for being the highest flying broom. She is only able to cast the most simple of spells, like small flames or orbs of light. She is also able to use the broom, although she can't go very high and is quite unstable.
  20. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    All characters with profiles have been added to the op (hopefully I didn't overlook anyone, it's 5:45 am and I'm dead tired). We have two slots for generals open and I believe my cousin Ney Monster recently signed up and is waiting for her post to be approved (she'll likely play a defender/lawful or chaotic good character). If anyone wants to double up on characters for a general, now's the chance.

    I'd like to get this rp started soon and if anyone wants to join at a later date, like Wayward or anyone else, we'll figure a way to fit people in.

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