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A New Monster in Town

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ney Monster, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    Well, as you can see; I'm new here! Joined some some friends and I can get our RPing back up and going! Nice to meet everyone! ^_^ Keep an eye out for me. But please, bear with me... I'm rather rusty. *squeaks and she moves*
    Reprise likes this.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy it here.
  3. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    welcome to the site :) stay active and posts alot and read the rules please :D when you said a new monster was here I was thinking of Lady GaGa for some reason XD.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... I destroy monsters... DX NOW DISAPPEAR! [​IMG]

    XD Ok. I won't do that to ya. I'm Brandon. :eek: May I call you Ney Nay?
  5. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    xD I for SURE am not Lady GaGa!

    I've read the rules, Thanks!

    And Brandon. sure! People call me that all the time. xD

    Thanks for the Welcomes!
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    *Sees that you are a female* YAAAY! You are meh Ney NAaay! My Ney Ney my Nay nay! Hee hee hee. Enjoy yourself!
  7. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    Yeah, I'm a very married female. xD And I will try to enjoy myself.. it seems I can't post on the Chara Profiles thread until it get's approved? o_O; How am I suppose to join a rp then? xD
  8. fate slayer

    fate slayer New Member

    HEY NEY!!!! <3
  9. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    Hi Cliffy! <3
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    :confused: I wasn't asking to marry you. And as for that "Thread needs to get approved"... -_- that has always been a problem. You should not need an approval to make threads.
  11. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Welcome to our humble forums Ney Nay. As for the approval problem, just try posting more, until your post count is at least 10. It happened to me when I first joined too.
    Anyways, read the rules, stick around, be active, all that good stuff. You can call me Ven, Veni, Vani, Vanitas, Venitas, Veny, whatever.
    Enjoy :)
  12. fate slayer

    fate slayer New Member

    Summoner, I'm sure she's just happy to get the word out seeing as she is a fairly newlywed female : ) it's probably most exciting. ^^
  13. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    Yeah, like fate slayer said. I was just putting it out there. No harm done. :)

    Thanks Ven, I sure will. Again. xD
  14. thexwarlord

    thexwarlord New Member

    Ummm... Hey very scary monster.. Don't hurt me!

    Haha, jk! Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay!
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    A person from Maryland! Welcome, welcome!
  16. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    welcome to the forumz~~

    and enjoy your stay here :OO
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I first thought you might've misspelled "New" in your username but anyway Welcome! XD
  18. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    @Angel: No. It's Ney. xD

    @Khroma: Thanks!

    @King of Darkness: Yep, Maryland it is! ^___^
  19. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Haha! I actually was too. . . xD
    Be nice Brandon. . .

    Welcome to the forums Monster Girl xD
  20. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    Thanks Kairi! <3

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