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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Neo Jordan chuckled and squeezed Saïx's shoulder tightly. "I'm a nice guy, Isa. Don't be jealous because I can still feel, and you can't," he said before laughing.

    Saïx was angry and nearly charged this shadow head-on. He refrained however and merely scoffed and stood in front of Angel and Marluxia, beginning the ceremony. As he spoke, Neo Jordan took a seat to watch and leaned back in his chair, yawning. "This better be a short ceremony," he mumbled.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia smiled at Angel, "Yes, it is time at last, my Angel." He listened to Isa speak the ceremony, and when it came to him to say his line, "I do."

    Deimos shivered, he wasn't sure why, but he felt like something was watching him. '... I think I might be seeing things...' he whispered to himself, before falling back asleep.

    Axel was so excited, it was almost time for his part! He was going to do it right, for Marluxia and Angel's sake.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel smiled at him.

    "I do." She told him. "I most certainly do." Angel told him excited and extremely happy.

    Selena looked at Virgil and nodded.

    "Hed be good for you, though I may need to teach you both good discipline in battle." She teased him. She watched him leave before going towards Sky.

    "Are you prepared for tomorrow?" She asked him.

    "Yeah, I'm excited." Sky told her.

    "Good, give it your all tomorrow is going to be more than just training. Rest up." Selena said before walking off. She walked and soon found herself in the first district. She walked over to the cafe and sat down getting a cup of coffee. She looked over seeing two kids playing.

    "Can you jump up there?" A little girl asked. The little boy looked up and nodded jumping up and grabbing the ledge before jumping down.

    "I bet you can reach it." The little boy told the girl. The girl looked up and frantically shook her head.

    "I cant reach that!" she exclaimed

    "Sure you can. You just need a lift." The boy told her lifting her up. She reached and grabbed the ledge and smiled wide before being dropped back down.

    "Wow I did it, thanks Matt." the little girl said.

    "Sure, that's what bupig brothers are for." the boy, the older brother told the little girl before walking off. Selena sat there not realizing she was crying. She reached into her pocket and found a picture of her and Jordan.

    "I promise, Jordan, I will bring you back and things will return to what they once were."
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil walked around for a while in deep thought till he saw Selena sitting at the local cafe sipping a drink. Walking over he grabbed the seat across from her and sat down with a heavy sigh. " you alright?" he said in concern. he could tell she just finished crying. " Whats the matter?"

    He waved over the waitress. " miss can i get a burger and fries please. " she smiled and took note jogging back to the kitchen
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Saïx smiled happily at the two and said with joy, keep in mind, Saïx has never done either of these things, "Well then, Axel, the rings please. And with that, I pronounce you husband and wife. Lumaria, you may kiss your bride."

    The Darkness side in Neo Jordan began to come, scoffing at Saïx.

    'Disssgusting. A Nobody that has 'feeeelingss'. Humph, how sadd,' It said in it's head, waiting to hear Jordan's reply.
    'Love has no boundaries, whether be this life to the next. The feeling that was once there always stays. Even if he can't feel now, I'm sure he remembers what it's like to feel,' Jordan replied smartly.
    The Darkness groaned and replied, 'How much looonger must we wait? We have been waiting for far too longg.'
    'When we say our goodbyes, we'll pay them a visit. It'll be good to see the old crew again.'
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia smiled and kissed Angel, enjoying her sea-salt taste for the first time in ages. Axel ducked underneath the two and slipped the rings onto their fingers, before being shoved away, albeit gently, by Marluxia. Pausing for a moment, Marluxia questioned, "Was Larxene punished for attacking us by chance Isa?" He then resumed the kiss, excited, and at ease, now that he was finally, reconnected to his Angel.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Saïx chuckled and replied, "Of course. I have my doubts as to whether we'll see her again for a while." He walked over to Axel and stood by his side. "Good job Lea. You actually didn't mess this up," he said, giving Axel a nudge in the shoulder.

    Ne Jordan rose up from his seat and checked the time on the wall behind him.


    Good time. He looked at Marluxia, who was busy with his bride, and saluted him off. "Luxia, I'm out. Congrats. I better see you in my corner today," he said happily which turned to seriousness with the last part. And with that, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke, reappearing as Jordan's normal shadow, waking Jordan up. Slowly, Jordan got out of bed, trying not to wake Violet, and got dressed.

    He stepped out onto the balcony and looked up at the sky, trying to catch his thoughts. He had this urge to go see his sister and his old friends that he just couldn't shake. He knew he'd see them in the morning, but it would be on opposite sides of the battlefield and as enemies. Granted, they were still considered enemies, but he might at least be able to talk with his sister if no one else.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena sighed.

    "Just thinking about Jordan. I feel like the part of him I know is still there, however there's that other part, those other parts... those dark beings within him. I have to get him back, Virgil." Selena told him.

    Angel smiled into the kiss but the voice of an old friend brought her back to reality.

    "Luxia, I'm out. Congrats. I better see you in my corner today,"

    Angel looked back at Jordan and frowned about the last part. She looked at Marluxia. Then she looked at Axel and Saix.

    She smiled at them giving both of them a hug.

    "Thanks you two." She told them. "Do you mind if..." Angel glanced over at Marluxia before glancing back at them.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel looked at Saix and winked, "We should get back to the castle before the rest wake up. We got a big mission tomorrow... or today umm...?"

    Marluxia looked at Angel, "I signed us up for this one... I wanted to give you a chance to say goodbye to your friends before you came with me... As soon as it's over, I'm going to give you the best honeymoon ever."

    Deimos watched Jordan get up, he couldn't sleep so he went about his routine of checking the rooms. "Hmph... going out my lord?"
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Saïx smiled and nodded in response to Angel. "Of course," he said. He looked at Axel and grabbed him by his arm. "Let's leave the happy couple alone Lea." He opened up a portal back to The World That Never Was and dragged Axel into it, waving away to Angel and Marluxia as the portal shut. "I hope the Superior hasn't noticed our absence..."

    Jordan sighed after collecting his thoughts and settling on what he wanted to do. He snapped his fingers and a dark red Organization coat appeared on him. It had the same properties as a regular Organization coat, being that it masked his darkness, but was different as it was customed for him. With him hosing the embodiment that is the Darkness, this coat masked it all and the rest of his powers. "He did a nice job with this," Jordan mumbled to himself, admiring the coat as this was the first time he wore it. He looked over at Violet and sighed. He truly did want to stay, but he had business to attend to, and Jordan never left any form of business unattended.

    That was when he heard Deimos outside of the door. He watched the door open and saw Deimos enter. Upon hearing him speak, Jordan moved so fast and quietly, one's eyes could not keep up nor ears hear, and pushed Deimos out of the room, closing the door behind the two.

    "You do not enter her room. Understand? And you will not speak if you see her sleeping," he whispered. He realized he seemed a bit on edge so he sighed and patted Deimos on his shoulder. "My apologies my friend. Yes, I have important matters to take care of so I must go out for a bit.," he said remorsefully.

    The white haired boy yawned and put his ship into autopilot. "I'll get some rest now so in the morning I'll be ready to go," he yawned, before falling asleep in his seat, with his coordinates for Traverse Town.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos nodded, "Yes, my mistake my lord... However, I'm afraid I'll be coming with you..." He frowned, "Though it may not look it, I do care for my allies, and as such I will not allow you to go alone. Violet would be devastated if you were even scratched, let alone if you perished, however unlikely that is. I will remain by your side, and," He glared a bit at Jordan's back and hands, "Don't attempt to knock me out. I bought a little stoneskin potion, because I was a bit... on edge..."
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smiled at Deimos. He honestly could always look to Deimos when he needed something. And in this case, when he didn't need something. He patted his friend on the shoulder and said happily, "Deimos, even with that, I could rip through to your heart. Wouldn't be easy, but it wouldn't take long either." He chuckled and snapped his fingers, making a regular Organization coat appear in his hand. He threw it to Deimos and said, "Your darkness will be masked under that. No one will even know you exist."
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos couldn't help but let a small smirk appear on his face. Deimos put the cloak on over his armor and nodded, "The organization's cloaks? Did Marlu... Pink haired dude give you these?" Deimos was never good at pronouncing Marluxia's name, so he called him 'pink haired guy'. "Ready when you are my lord..."

    Axel hugged Saix quickly and smiled, "I'm so... happy...? Man... I'm happy! Isa!"
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked at him. She frowned.

    "Must we? I didn't really... Leave on good terms, except maybe Selena. I'm shocked Jordan even came." Angel admitted. She sighed.

    "What did he mean by on his corner?" Angel asked him confused. She really, really did not want to go. Not only did she want to just spend one on one time with Marluxia, she had a bad feeling.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia ran his hand through Angel's hair and smiled, "Jordan is my ally... I gave him shelter, and allowed him to feed on the people foolish enough to attempt to 'storm the castle' in return for my hospitality, he offered to aid us in obtaining our dream. He wants me to be a full ally, but I remained neutral because you mattered more then Jordan and Selena's petty war." He paused, "You should know... Devlin's dead."
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William was persistant though, pushing an all to unwanted message into Will's head. "You don't understand. Your friend is still there, we must feed on the darkness within him to do it though. And he has had a year more to feed than you. You are weak compared to him!" William barked, making Will's head ache more as the voice rattled around his head. He gripped his skull and strode out the door, the headaches becoming a constant pain to him, now that he realized everyone left he spoke back. "I will not feed... I will not give in..." He breathed, almost panting as he headed to his room. "You want to, I can feel it. It's always in your thoughts. You want power, retribution, and revenge. And I can deliver!" William barked as Will strode into his room, kicking his boots off and reaching into his dresser, grabbing a potion and swigging it to relieve the pain as he plopped onto the bed, eyes distant as his mind wandered.
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Everything seemed calm and still as the waves crashe up against each other and the wind blew threw two beings hood as they sat on a beach meditating with their keyblades posted into the ground next to them. "Okay that's it for today, it's getting late and we have to get back, I have a training session in the morning and can't be late for it." The boy in a white cloak and hood said as he rose from the sand and placed his hand on the girls shoulder, who also wore the same exact cloak and hood but with a blue flame emblem on the back of it. "Okay," the girl said as she rose from the sand and opened a white portal to Traverse Town.

    Ashley looked at Darian and nodded as Darian walked through the portal and she followed him through closing the portal behind her. They stood there in the center of Traverse Town. "Get some rest tonight Ashley, we had an intense training and your are becoming better" Darian said as he pulled his hood off his head.

    Ashley looked at him as if he were a different person, but she had known what had went on and she hasn't spoke of it since Darian told her about it. Ashley just simply nodded and walked off into her house.

    Darian stood there with a blank expression on his face as he looked at the sky to see a star filled night. "Happy Birthday Brandon" Darian mumbled as he walked off into the house along with Ashley.

    Darian looked around as he sat down on a nearby bunk-bed. "Goodnight Ashley" Darian said as layed down on the bed. Ashley smiled at Darian as she layed on a bed on the far side of the room.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel frowned.

    "What exactly happened?" Angel asked. She felt so lost not knowing much but at the same time she could sense it.

    "Lu, I don't know, I just don't have a good feeling, if you must go, please do not have me go." Angel begged of him.
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan shook his head and smiled. "Someone else gave it to me. Someone you'll all get the pleasure to meet soon," he said before turning around. He was about to teleport to Traverse Town but remembered that he was the only one he knew that could do that so chuckled and instead opened a portal to a high Traverse Town building that overlooked Virgil and Selena and walked through.

    Saïx looked at his friend with a frown and replied, "You THINK you feel happy. Remember AXEL, you are a Nobody. I still don't quite understand how Marluxia can feel what he does, but I do know that you and I are still Nobodies who can't feel." He pushed his friend off and began to walk inside of the castle.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's headache increased as a smell of heavy darkness hit his nostrils. "He's here! He's in Traverse Town and you're just going to sit there like a whipped dog?" William screamed, making Will's head feel like it was on fire. Will clutched his head as he finished the potion and laid back, turning the lights in the room off and trying to regain some sort of normal feeling. He felt like his head was splitting in two, ironically enough. Yet it was just William screaming again. "Just shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep..." Will breathed.

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