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Will Kingdom Hearts 3 Be on the Next Generation of Consoles?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by VentusSearcher, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....


    At the end of Kingdom Hearts 3D there is a secret message in your glossary. It says something like: Experience Kingdom Hearts in new detail or something. Which means like updated graphics. Do you think this means a HD collection for PS3 or KH3 will be on the next gen consoles?
  2. aliera

    aliera New Member

    hmmm, it's kind of hard to say what this could mean, only people working on the games will know what the full meaning of this is.
    Though, I wouldn't be surprised if the new games are on the new consoles, after all, it doesn't seem like KH3 is going to be coming out any time soon, a KH game in HD would be quite nice, there is a new game console coming out soon called OUYA but it's only just been made. but I think that what you think is probably accurate of what to expect in the future
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I hate this OUYA....I don't want to play Android games on a console. If Apple copies this, the PS3 and 360 could die. I would hate that so much because these iOS and Android games are so small and have no depth to them. The only app I actually somewhat like on iOS is Infinity Blade and I've had my iPod Touch for almost 2 years.

    Anyway, now that rant is over, I do believe Kingdom Hearts 3 will be out next generation but I have a feeling it might be on Wii U and PS4. The Japanese demographic do not like the 360 and recently the Kingdom Hearts spinoffs have been showing up on both Nintendo and Sony consoles. Wouldn't it be cool to go through the menu on the Wii U gamepad/PlayStation Vita? That would be sweet!
  4. aliera

    aliera New Member


    I agree with this, but I think that they should start keeping to one sort of console, the die-hard Kingdom Hearts fans are getting a really tough time of this, and normal fans too! We have to keep buying new software almost every time a new game comes out becuase our old consoles are outdated, and it's really starting to get on my nerves. So I hope that SE knows how much this is costing us!
  5. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    I think it will be on the ps4 cuz they cant really have any more spin offs can they? I mean unless you really want to play as KH1 Riku and see how he got turned to the darkness? We have the prequel and we dont really need to see the 1st keyblade war do we? That would be kinda cool but what does it have to do with the overall story? Unless we see Soras father and find out he started all of it! haha! I hope theres no more spin offs cuz 3DS is the 1st on-story game but its on a small system which makes me very mad! So hopefully its on the PS4 and i hope theres no games on the Wii U cuz i dont wanna buy that!
  6. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Its obviously not just going to be mobile games on a big screen. I think the OUYA is going to be one of the most innovative gaming consols in years. I love the idea that you can have open sourced gaming giving small developers a chance to get their games out there. The PS3 and 360 are going to die soon anyway. Their is always going to be a new generation of consols to over take the current ones. Plus the xbox and ps3 are running on hardware that is now six years old so it's time for an update anyway.... Also their are hundreds of iOS games with depth and size. Some of them even rival DS or PSP games. (I can't speak for android because I don't own one).

    'We've packed this little box full of power. Developers will have access to OUYA's open design so they can produce their games for the living room, taking advantage of everything the TV has to offer.' (quote from the developers)

    I doubt they'll release it for any consol other than the PS3. It's the consol that Square are most familiar with. Also I remember reading an interview with Nomura where he stated that he understood the annoyance of the consumer having to get a new consol each time. Something like that anyway, don't quote me because I can't remember exactly but I'll try find the source for it.
  7. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I personally think it will be on the PlayStation 3. Think about it, the PlayStation 3 will most likely not be announced till next years e3. Then it should be done and on store shelves half a year to a year later. So Sqaure had a year and a half to make KH3 and I would believe they have started working on it.
  8. Forsakenghost

    Forsakenghost New Member

    I need to buy a Ps3 first. I'd rather it be this gen but i think it will be next gen.
  9. Jixx

    Jixx New Member

    My guess is that hd remakes of KH 1&2 will be made for the ps3, then kh3 will be released on the ps3, just because it will probably be a while before the ps4 hits shelves, and I doubt any kh will get over to xbox.
  10. Zatchara

    Zatchara New Member

    Okama Gamesphere. No doubt.
  11. Forsakenghost

    Forsakenghost New Member

    Do i have to chase a talking towel all over the place to get it?
  12. chrispwnu12

    chrispwnu12 New Member

    I think it will be on PS3. We have waited so long for KH3 that I don't think they would wait for the PS4 to come out to make it.

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