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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole thought about the names and shrugged. "Nope, sorry. I don't know any of you. Well...can't remember anyway," he said. He scratched his head and put a hand in his pocket and felt a small object in his pocket, reminding him of why he came. "Oh yeah, heh, almost forgot! Seeing as you all have Keyblades, I was wondering-" He pulled the keychain out and held his hand out as Devlin's old and rusted Keyblade appeared. "Does this belong to anyone?"

    Saïx patted his friend on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring look, filled with trust. "Don't worry Lea. I'd never let that happen." He walked into the portal now and looked around to see if Vexen was nearby. He figured that he must have ran off somewhere and left it alone. He was somewhat right as Vexen actually sprinted away and off somewhere.

    Jordan looked at Deimos with intense, fiery red eyes and grabbed him by his throat, lifting him up with one hand. "Don't you ever fucking talk about my sister, no matter what. I have no problem making sure that if I take your heart, you stay dead," he growled. He threw Deimos into a wall and took a seat in his throne. He slumped down in it, tapping his foot repeatedly. His thoughts were racing everywhere from Cole being alive to Selena. It was an understatement saying he was having a bad day.
  2. Before he had a chance to warp himself, Zenaku was back in the throne room. He then saw Deimos attempt to comfort Jordan, which the Master wasn't receptive to; Zenaku watched in silence as Deimos was forcibly thrown into the wall.

    "Rrrgh..." Zenaku growled in pain as he clenched his chest, falling to a knee. His fractured heart had become overcome with hunger, and not feeding made his hunger pangs intense. Zenaku feebly looked to where his Master was; though he desperately wanted to talk to Jordan about the pain, he could tell his Master was in a bad mood. Zenaku didn't want to risk getting thrown around like Deimos.

    Zenaku stood back to his feet, wobbling slightly. As he walked out of the room, back turned, he said loud enough so Jordan could hear: "I'm going to my quarters. Please send a heartless if you need anything, Master."
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    OOC: Sorry KoD, but sending Deimos into a wall, ain't happening.

    Deimos grabbed Jordan's hand with his gauntlet easily before it even reached his throat, and looked him dead in the eyes, his own eyes emotionless, "Don't misunderstand this my lord, but do not forget who is on your side in this fight. Do not allow your foolish anger make you forget that..." Releasing Jordan's hand, Deimos lifted his gauntlet and created a throne for himself, followed by one for Violet, which happened to be directly next to Jordan's. He created Zenaku's last. "Now that my powers are complete again, my gauntlet can create and destroy, at my every whim." He shook his head at Jordan, "I have not a real heart my lord, so you cannot blame me for not feeling any sympathy for your sister." He frowned at Jordan momentarily before turning around and walking out.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at the keyblade and nodded.

    "It did belong to somebody, it belonged to a keyblade master named Devlin, who sacrificed his life for currently an unknow reason." Selena said returning to
    Her serious self. She walked up to Cole taking the keyblade. She looked it over.

    "How did you ever come across this?" Selena asked.

    Angel stood out on the balcony of the throne room waiting for Lu to come back. She stood now in a red dress and red boots.
  5. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian looked at the boy as he held up the keyblade Devlin used to wield " Where in the Hell did you get that" Darian said as he summoned his oathkeeper keyblade.

    Darian looked at the boy with a fire burning rage in his eyes. He then shot a concentrated light beam at Cole, which hit him in the chest. Darian then stood there and waited for the boy to attack him.

    Ashley looked at Darian, she had known something wasn't right with him. "Darian stop it!" Ashley said as she grabbed his hand.
    Darian looked at Ashley and shoved her to the ground. "This is not for you to interfere, I am your teacher and you are my student. Don't cross me again!". Darian then ran towards Cole and hit him with his keyblade pushing Cole back about four or five feet from where Darian stood.

    As Ashley fell to the ground her eyes began to tear. "He...But-".
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked towards Darian a flash of annoyance flashed in her eye. Before Darian could attack Cole again, Selena flashed in front of him pushing him back with her keyblade and knocking him to the ground.

    "And I am your master." Selena said. "Stand down, Darian, what has gotten into you?" Selena asked. She looked over at Ashley giving her a look of concern to see if she was alright. She then turned and looked back at Cole and walked up to him giving him a hand.

    "Are you alright? I'm sorry about that." Selena said shooting a look that could kill to Darian.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    OOC: So apparently everything Jordan did was ignored I'm assuming?

    Jordan watched Deimos leave and snarled. The instant Deimos even began to leave, The Darkness' heads shot from out of his back, one head trying to strike Deimos. Jordan raised a hand lazily and spoke in a whisper, "No. Impudence doesn't even deserve to be dealt with." The heads pulled back and began to speak in their threatening hisses and growls.

    "Awwww, your sissster no longer caaaress."
    "She wishes for your dying breath."

    Jordan rested his chin on his fist and sighed, closing his eyes. "She just doesn't understand," he said in a low and sad tone.

    Cole took the beam of light without flinching and raised an eyebrow at Darian. "Um, ok? What was that-" Darian was pretty good. Cole hadn't expected for this stranger to attack him so he couldn't really dodge or block. As Selena stepped between the two, Cole scratched his head and smiled. "No offense ma'am, but if you're his teacher, you did a bad job. I didn't feel a thing," he said, shrugging.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos sighed and turned around, "Impudence my lord? You wound me... You struck first, I merely defended myself. You had no reason to attempt to hurt me, for I simply stated my opinion." He shrugged, "In reality, I could of broke your hand beyond repair. Be thankful that I was created to show mercy to my master." His right eye became a black cross as he stared into Jordan's eyes. "Your darkness speaks the truth for once, perhaps you should listen to it this time." Deimos just stood where he was, waiting to see how Jordan would react.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena was caught off guard.

    "You didn't feel... anything?" She asked shocked. He did feel Jordan's darkness hurt him now Darian's light, what could this mean, he has 100% resistance to both light and dark? She thought to herself.

    "What are you?" Selena asked confused. She barely knew Cole, in fact she probably met him once or twice. He was Jordan's friend when they were really young. Selena was probably 6, so even then and now she didn't know much about him.
  10. OOC: Made a change to my last post so that Zenaku would stay in the throne room.

    Catching Deimos and Jordan's argument as he walked out of the throne room, Zenaku slowly turned around to face his master. He looked to Jordan then to Deimos, with incredulity in his eyes.

    "Master... Deimos... please, calm yourselves," Zenaku began. "Arguing with each other, fighting, it will get us nowhere. I beg of you both to consider this... you are not enemies. We need each other now more than ever if we want any hope of defeating the light."

    Zenaku regained his composure, stood up straight, and walked slowly to his throne. It seemed like he was still in pain as he sat in the marvelous throne.

    "Now... I fear I must address a more... selfish matter." Zenaku eyed Jordan. "Master... my heart is weak. I must feed soon, or I will lose my strength to fight. Perhaps you wouldn't mind giving up one of your weaker apprentices? If that is not an option, I'm sure you can come up with a viable alternative."
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    OOC: NO ONE can understand The Darkness Sho, only Jordan.

    Cole shrugged and replied, "I mean when he hit me, yeah
    But that beam of light was practically invisible, haha. But like I said earlier, he kinda hits like a girl." He looked at Darian and said with honesty, "I mean, no offense."

    Jordan raised an eyebrow and stood up. The Darkness retreated into Jordan's back slowly, anticipating Jordan's next move. "What? You'd do what," Jordan asked, confused as to what Deimos, a man he considered a friend, had just said to him. "Break my hand? You? Do it." Jordan stood in front of his throne, arms folded. Before forgetting, he snapped his fingers and three unconscious men appeared in front of Zenaku.
  12. Zenaku looked confused for a moment, but then realized that Jordan had summoned these men for Zenaku to feed upon.

    "Thank you, Master." Zenaku said appreciatively. After seeing that his previous speech did nothing to cool down his master's temper, he simply dragged the men to a corner of the throne room, so that he would hopefully be out of the way if and when anything happened between Deimos and Jordan.

    Black tendrils began to seethe from Zenaku. His teeth turned to fangs. Zenaku's Keyblade formed in his hand and he wasted no time jamming it into the first victim's chest. There was a muted scream of pain, and Zenaku looked to the others to see if the other two had awoken; they didn't even roll over. The Master must have magically sedated them, Zenaku thought. He really did think of everything!

    Finally, a heart was in Zenaku's hands. He studied it for a moment, relishing in the warmth that it gave off. This heart is mostly darkness... but oh well, it will have to do. Zenaku's fanged maw opened wide and devoured the heart. He repeated this process for the other two men as well. When he stood back up, Zenaku had a wide smile.

    "Ah, now that's more like it!" Zenaku said, a bit louder than he had intended to. He cleared his throat and readjusted his volume as he walked back over to the other two. Zenaku would try one last time to reconcile the argument before leaving.

    "Master, Deimos, please! There is no reason to be at each others throats like this!" Zenaku pleaded with his comrades. Turning to Deimos, he added: "Hey, apologize, will ya? The Master does everything for you. He even re-powered your gauntlet. C'mon... can't we just drop it?"
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena couldn't help but laugh some.

    "Cole, girls are stronger than you think, at least some." She told him. "Ashley, can I trust you to take Darian and the rest of the apprentices somewhere to rest. No training tomorrow." Selena spoke before looking at Virgil.

    "We should go and talk, I'll get you caught up about Jordan, that keyblade, and everything else." Selena said.

    Violet shook her head watching everything that was unfolding before her.

    "Jordan, can we talk?" Violet spoke out. "Private." Violet asked especially shooting a look at Deimos.
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole laughed a bit and replied, "Yeah, haha. Sorry." He heard her mention something about apprentices and smiled. "You're a Keyblade Master? Haha, sweet! And what's there to really know about Jordan? He's like, my best friend!"

    Jordan turned his head to look at Violet and sighed. He had a guess as to way she may have wanted. His eyes turned misty gray as he cracked his neck. He gave one more look at Deimos before heading over to Violet. "Lead the way."

    "Yes, yes Xigbar! It would seem that's the case! Now, please allow me to speak to the Superior," Vexeb pleaded to Xigbar. Xigbar was standing outside of Xemnas' chamber and wouldn't allow Vexen entry. He smirked devilishly at Vexen and replied, "So you mean them kiddies are pretty much all together, eh? Humph, long as they don't remember my face I care less." Vexen groaned and said, "But Jordan remembers! That must mean the memory of everything else is somewhere in the minds of the other two!"
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena nodded leading to the abandoned house locking the door behind her.

    "Jordan, the one you remember, the one I love, has become the host to darkness. It's changed him, not a lot but a bit. He feeds off of hearts of light, the purer the better. There are 7 pure hearts of light, if Jordan consumes their hearts life in the realm of light, in our realm will change." Selena began.

    "6 months ago a witch was in progress of gathering those princesses for her own world domination. If Jordan gets his hands on their hearts, the worlds will fall. The Jordan we know doesn't want this, I know he's in there, but he as accepted it, giving into its control." Selena continued. She paused to allow Cole to get caught up.

    Violet led him to her balcony and sat him down.

    "You miss your friends and sister, don't you?" She asked a look of sympathy etched on her face.
  16. Zenaku bowed formally as Jordan and Violet retreated to the Master's private quarters. Zenaku looked at Deimos, not with anger, but with a look of confusion.

    "What are you trying to prove, huh?!" He shouted at Deimos. "Why would you taunt the master like that while he was obviously in a bad mood?" Already knowing that Deimos would likely react aggressively to the comment he added: "Tch. Whatever. I'll be in the training room if anyone needs me." Zenaku headed toward the door of the throne room.
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole couldn't quite understand what she was saying. The last memory he had of the two of them, they were enjoying ice cream after a long day of Struggle fights. "No way, Jordan's a great guy! There's no way he'd give in to the darkness, or whatever demons he may have. Heh, besides me, he's the strongest guy I know...well at least I remember he was," Cole said. He looked down at the ground and leaned against the wall. Now that he thought about it, Jordan could be a completely different person.

    Jordan sucked his teeth and looked elsewhere. "What does it matter? It's obvious I'm not wanted the way I am by any of them," he said.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Yea sure.." Virgil said to Selena in a confused manner that she wanted to talk to him she seemed serious. He followed them into the house and stood against the wall. He listned cautiously to the words she spoke but there was very little anyone could say to change his mind about Jordan. at this point he hated the very fact that he existed.

    Virgl hit his closed palm against the wall behind him making a minor crack. He murmured under his breath." Fight your own sister and go against your own ideas you once held dear. Yea your a trooper arent ya bud." He said it low enough where he didnt think anyone heard him. Examining Cole confused him. His memories were patchy from when he were a kid but there was something about the boy he couldn't shake.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena nodded agreeing with him.

    "I know, never in a million years did I believe Jordan would align himself with darkness. To be perfectly honest, and though it scared me, I always thought, I'd be the one to align myself with darkness. But it is what it is." she sighed glancing over at Virgil she sighed.

    "Cole, the Jordan you were friends with, the Jordan who was my protective brother, he's still in there, but like I said he allows the darkness that uses his body as a vessel to control him. I've made it my goal, training all these keyblade wielders, to fight and give Jordan back his body. To have the darkness leave him and to find refuge in the realm whence it came. To find refuge in the dark realm." Selena told him.

    Violet shook her head.

    "It does seem that way, but they are plagued by the power of the light and the lights constant fear of dark. Hell, that's why my father abused me all those years, he was afraid of me, a child or the realm of darkness." Violet told him.

    "What if you were to cast out their light with your darkness. One by one, turn their hearts into darkness, allow who they really are be released, theyd have you to thank and you'd have your old friends back, and your sister. After all, Selena's darkness that is caged in half her heart did come from you. And you told me about Devlin kidnapping her and Virgil adding artificial darkness in on how it changed her. Sure she became a servant to Devlin, but that's because it was artificial darkness, yours Jordan, is pure. You can release them from their fears of the dark and join us in this life." Violet told him.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    OOC- DON'T underestimate the power of Deimos' gauntlet, IT can understand Jordan's darkness and Deimos CAN understand the gauntlet.

    IC- Deimos smashed his gauntlet into the ground as he disappeared in a massive bomb of energy, reappearing in front of Zenaku, "You don't get it do you? Jordan is conflicted, which makes him unfit to lead. Violet is to far in love with him to see that, but you and I... are different. I do not ask you to betray our lord, but I ask you to help me convince him he is wrong."

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