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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Zenaku was silent for a long moment. Then, a smile stretched across his face, his fangs bared.

    "And here I thought we had gotten off on the wrong foot," Zenaku taunted. "Now you're calling us two of a kind? My, how fickle you are." Zenaku raised his right hand and hung it off of his face, so that it obscured half of his smile and his eye could be seen between his middle and ring finger. He gave a small chuckle.

    "But you know what, I couldn't agree with you more. I've always felt like the master had a soft spot for those filthy light wielders." Zenaku interrupted himself with a bout of volume-controlled but still maniacal laughter. When he stopped, he looked back at Deimos and continued, still bearing a large grin. "Two things, however: first off, I think you may be wrong about Violet; thought the love she has for the master runs deep, her inner well of darkness has just as much depth, if not more. I think she would help us, though I'm not positive. Second, the master is very set in his ways... that is, it will not be easy to convince him to give up his love for Selena, or the others, for that matter." Zenaku's smile abruptly turned into a disgusted grimace.

    "Putrid. Just thinking of them makes me want to vomit. Anyway, do you have a plan as to how we'll approach this matter?"
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos smiled, "Yes, I do." Raising his gauntlet he focused his power into creating clones of the heroes. "They will not last long, but they will last long enough to fight us and show no mercy. Come." He brought them close to the training field and began fighting the Selena, Darian, and Sky clones. "Hey! Get off me!" He winked at Zenaku.

    OOC- Respective character owners play the clones?
  3. Zenaku was struck with concern upon entering the training field. He didn't know that he would have to re-live his latest defeat so soon. However, if what Deimos said was right, he didn't have any choice in the matter; Zenaku would have to defend himself or the clones would kill him. Zenaku was uncertain, but upon seeing Deimos' wink, he gave back an approving nod.

    "Alright then, let's do this!" Zenaku yelled, as he jumped at the clone of Sky. When he was right above Sky, Zenaku summoned his Keyblade and did a front flip, swinging his weapon and connecting with the back of the clones head. As the Sky clone flew forward, knocked off guard, Zenaku proceeded to fire a large volley of dark bullets at his back. Zenaku landed a fair distance away and watched as the cloud of dust dissipated, trying to see the damage he did to his opponent. Though he wasn't sure how this was supposed to convince the master of anything, Zenaku had an idea of Deimos' intentions, and smirked. If he was right, it would make him quite happy.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Seriously, clones? I have to contol the real things, and now the clone things, so not cool. Oh and Angel is feeling very unloved by a certain lover who has not returned.


    The Sky clone shot through the dust spinning rapidly attacking Zanaku. The Sky clone jumped back and disappeared in a flash of light and appeared behind kicking Zanaku in the air before pointing his keyblade in the air and shot a bolt of lightning.

    The Selena clone stood there watching the Sky clone. Something seemed off about the clone though. In a quick flash it appeared to look like Jordan before another flash the clone returned to looking like Selena.

    "Lu..." Angel stood worried looking up at the night sky.

    OOC:: pain in my butt clones, I tell ya. I'm half tempted to let it be an easy win so I don't have to control them.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole slumped down onto the ground, back against the wall and held his head. His best friend had, for whatever reason it may be, apparently turned his back on his own friends. His own sister. This was definitely not the same Jordan he remembered. But there was something missing. Deep down he knew why, but he just couldn't remember. "We have to save him," was all he could say. He stood up and said in a much stronger voice than previously, "Jordan would never do this. He has to have a reason. We're going to figure out what that reason is."

    Jordan looked at Violet and smirked. "That idea is pretty damn evil. Heh, I like it a little," Jordan replied. He then thought about the idea, and shook his head. "But...they're my friends. I can't just-" He was cut off upon hearing noises outside. "What the hell is that?" He walked back out to his throne room to see Deimos and Zenaku fighting clones of his friends. "What the hell are you all doing?"
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A dark portal opened behind Angel, as a pair of arms wrapped around her small frame. "I'm sorry I had to leave like that love..." He nuzzled her neck and purred in her ear. "I love you Angel."

    Deimos watched the fight, "Lord Jordan! It's some kind of ambush!"
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Well finish discussing it. They would still be themselves, after all you did not change when the darkness took over your heart. It would be just the same as what has happened to you, their light becomes darkness. Selena was always destined to fall to the darkness you know. Her name was etched into the book of dark hearts in the dark realm. Master Hishobi just interfered and through her best friend, our ally, light was placed in her heart." Violet told him. She heard the noise as loud and followed Jordan into the training room.

    Violet shook her head before snapping her fingers and the clones disappeared.

    Angel turned around crossing her arms.

    "The battle ended a long time ago!" She said before sighing. "I'm glad though you're ok, don't worry me like that." Angel said smiling at him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked at the group and chuckled. It wasn't long until he just began to laugh hysterically. He had to calm himself down so he could reply to Deimos. "Haha, ok, ok. Well then, why don't you guys deal with this 'ambush'," Jordan managed to get out. He watched Violet dismiss the clones and nodded at her. "Thanks. As for you Deimos, better luck next time when trying to fool me." And with that, he walked away.
  9. Sky spun at Zenaku at amazing speeds, however, Zenaku was able to bring his Keyblade up and guard the attacks. He backflipped to try and get some distance between him and the clone, though this worked against him; he flipped right into Sky's kick.

    "Oof!" Zenaku grunted as he flew into the air. He was able to right himself just in time to see Sky cast a Thunder spell, which Zenaku was able to dodge, though a portion of his clothes got singed. Whew... that was a close one, he thought. This is like the real thing! I can't slip up...

    Just as he was about to attack back, the clones disappeared. "Huh?!" Zenaku yelled as he went hurtling toward a wall, which he was thankfully able to kick off of. He made a sliding landing and skidded to a stop in front of Violet and Jordan. He looked up just as Jordan was walking away. Standing up, Zenaku brushed some dust off of him and sighed.

    "Deimos, that isn't at all what I thought you had planned. Maybe you should explain a little better next time?" Zenaku said rather coldly as he walked out of the room.

    OOC-Edited to make it more clear what Zenaku was thinking.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ooc- Uh uh uh Nicole, the clones were created by the gauntlet, meaning Violet can't dismiss them. They're as real as the real things.

    Ic- Marluxia sighed, "I apologize... I was a bit upset about not being able to kill Darian... He hurt you... so much. I'm sorry my love..."

    Violet's attempt to dispel the clones ended in failure, for the gauntlet created the matter that made them, only it could destroy them. "Hmph... So she spoke truth... Selena's darkness is indeed from Jordan... Well then." Turning back to the Selena clone, Deimos punched it in the gut, destroying it instantly in front of Jordan. He followed up by destroying the Sky clone only to be taking down, by a clone of Devlin. Of course, Deimos had only heard brief descriptions of the evil lord, it was more then enough to create a slightly identical copy of him.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    OOC: Jordan has already turned his back.

    Jordan returned to his room and laid across his bed. He closed his eyes and sighed. 'Apparently Deimos can hear you because of his gauntlets. Humph, although I don't understand how that's possible, I say we don't speak around him from this day on,' Jordan thought to himself, speaking directly to The Darkness. Hopefully Deimos couldn't read his mind as well.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC:: That's exactly why. The Gauntlet has to have a source as to how. Especially since he did not interact with everybody. Plus his gauntlet is darkness and is created from darkness. Violet is like the princess of the realm of darkness, maybe even queen. She has quite a bit of control over the darkness and therefore good bye clones.


    Violet shook her head.

    "Better luck, next time, Deimos. Next time think about your lies more clearly, Jordan and I are not stupid. Most of those clones were made up of artificial darkness, darkness from you. Only about a bit of it was darkness from the warriors of light." Violet shook her head before walking off.

    "Make yourself useful, Deimos, and just guard the castle." She said before walking away.

    Angel shook her head.

    "None of them really hurt me. I'm upset at them for what they're doing now, even what they were doing before, but I can't help that. Just next time, don't fight, aid Jordan some other way if you must. If we must fight them it'll be for a reason important to us." Angel said before turning back around.

    "So..." She looked back at him to see if he remembered something important.

    Selena nodded.

    "Precisely. I think our Jordan is still there, he just needs separated from that darkness."
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    He followed behind them as they walked away. Staring Selena down.

    Darian looked at Selena then at Cole. "You aren't my superior, nor should you act like it!" Darian said looking at Selena. "And next time you cross me...Just don't cross me" Darian then walked back towards Ashley and helped her up. "Sorry" He said quickly and bitterly.

    Darian dismissed his keyblade looked back at Selena. "Know your place"

    Ashley looked at Darian and nodded as he helped her rise to her feet. "I'm sorry Master Darian, I just-". "No need to explain yourself, just come on" He said walking towards a nearby library. Ashley looked at him as he walked off then looked at Virgil. "So when will I get to train with you?" She asked.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2012
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil stared back at Darien as he spoke to Selena in a manor that He didn't in fact like. He sneered up but leaned back against the wall crossing his arms.

    "So when will I get to train with you?"
    He looked back at ashley and his eyes widened. he just remembered why he created her in the first place. but he had Selena now and he hoped ashely wouldn't revert to her old jealous ways.

    " Whenever you want i have nothing but free time unless Selena needs me for something." his hair draped over his eyes to hide the fact that he was looking at her body.
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    " Whenever you want i have nothing but free time-"

    Ashley looked at Virgil and smiled.

    "-unless Selena needs me for something."

    Ashley rolled her eyes as she heard Selena's name. "Is that all you care about!" She said as she stormed off behind Darian.

    "He's always rejecting me for her...I thought he made me perfect,...Perfect for him."
    Ashley had her head down as various thoughts ran through her head, she wasn't even watching where she was going. Nor did she care.

    She then bumped into Darian and then looked up at him.
    "What th-" Darian said then paused as he noticed it was Ashley.
    "What's wrong?" Darian asked her as brushed himself off looking at his clothes

    "Nothing!" She exclaimed, "I mean nothing..."Ashley said wiping a oncoming tear from her eye.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos paused, confused as to how Violet destroyed his clones. "Well, guess that didn't work either way I was hoping... I wanted to train and distract Jordan but now I got neither... Perhaps..."

    Make yourself useful Deimos, and just guard the castle.

    Deimos growled at her and punched the ground, disappearing in a blast of energy. This time however, he reappeared at the battle scene in Traverse(Twilight?) Town. "Shit..." He hid behind a corner when he saw that the all the heroes were still there. He sighed, 'No other way through... damn it. There's to many, I'll never make it.' He frowned before disappearing in yet another blast of energy, hopefully, Deimos thought, Virgil wouldn't sense that he had been there.

    Marluxia smiled, "So... are you ready for our honeymoon?"
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel smiled at him and inched her way closer to him leaning up against his body and up to his ear. She slowly breathed excitement breaths surely felt by Lu.

    "Lead the way." She told him.

    "Now then..." Selena looked at Cole. "About that keyblade..."

    "That keyblade belonged to Devlin, Darian's older brother in case you remember him." Selena started. "He disappeared shortly after you did, nobody knew what happened, except me. When Devlin left he performed the keyblade inheritance ceremony on me, his duty for me though was a dark task. Sure enough Devlin had started working for the darkness, particularly some strange dark organization of a sort. Six months ago I was kidnapped to join him, but was released, all I knew and began fighting for was Devlin wanted him to go to the darkness." Selena told Cole.

    "Devlin to my beliefs was tasked with the duty of his 'masters' to get Jordan to open and accept the darkness. Devlin though I realized at the end of our battle, he was saving Jordan from being killed. It leaves me to believe he joined them to try and figure out why they needed Jordan, beyond that I'm not sure." Selena said.

    "Devlin had done some evil things in the last few years of his life, but we died a true keyblade master, just I don't know completely what Devlin was doing to protect us and Jordan. Devlin though he saw something else and either way sacrificed himself so Jordan wouldn't get killed." Selena stood up by the window turning around to face Cole.

    "His keyblade is of no use here, or I'm sure to anybody, the fact you've been able to travel with it here, I'd say you'd be worthy of having that keyblade, but Cole..." Selena paused.

    "How did you go about obtaining that keyblade?"

    Violet went to her own room and locked the door behind her. She shook her head.

    "Stupid apprentices." She mumbled walking to her closet she grabbed a black cloak and put it and the hood on.

    "Jordan will learn one day either his friends will die or he, the only way he can keep them and his life and converting them to darkness." Violet continued talking to herself. She sighed opening up a portal she walked through it.

    She appeared in some sort of dark forest. She was here once, by mere accident, accident on her part at least, the truth was she was summoned by dark creature of a secret dark organization. They were like the council of darkness. When she was brought here she was informed of being the child of the dark realm and to live she had to follow all they ask as her and they would be her new masters.

    She stood there and looked over at bones leaning against a tree. Bones belonging to a keyblade master by the name of Devlin, the first heart devoured by Jordan.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia smiled as he covered her eyes with his hand. He led her carefully to the courtyard directly outside the castle, he grabbed Angel's key and unlocked the door. Before bringing her in he looked inside, it was just as he left it all those years ago. "Okay... ready?" He pulled his hand away from her eyes.

    Deimos reappeared next to Jordan's room. He was surprised to see Violet leaving, but he didn't dwell to much on it. "Lord Jordan... That boy, Cole? Doesn't look like a threat... do you know him?"
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil sighed briefly for a moment. it seemed she did in fact revert to her old ways. " Shes really gotta stop this...i can't leave selena for her and she knows this so why does she persist." He walked over to cole placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. " Hey you , do you remember me or know who i am" he said looking at the boy as if he knew who he was but couldn't place it.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel opened her eyes looking around in awe and surprise.

    "The garden!" She exclaimed smiling and looked back at him. "It's still here." She said smiling at him. "I thought for sure it would have been gone, the rest of Radiant Garden appears to have been destroyed, but the garden it's safe." She said walking over to a few flowers popping out of the ground.

    "Just needs a little love and attention." She said touching the flower that appeared to be dying before perking back up again looking healthy and full in bloom. She looked up looking around then looked over at a cherry blossom tree with its pink petals.

    She looked down at the ground. The spot she was looking at looked plush and comfortable to lay on staring up at the sky or in the tree. The plush bed on the ground had tiny pink flowers blooming up.

    Rin' - Sakura Sakura (Instrumental) - YouTube

    "Lu... wasn't this..." She began to say walking over to it. She laid her hand on the tree looking down at it. She closed her eyes remembering that treasured lost memory now restored.

    She was very young, Lu was as well, but they were in love, they were destined for one another. They were a graceful elegance of lovers. She opened her eyes back up looking down on the spot.

    She couldn't help but smile and let out a small giggle. She watched the spot watching the memory of the two young lovers. She was so naive, so in love though too.

    Angel looked back at Lu. And smiled at him.

    "You know, it's funny." She began. "As just a kid, I wanted to spend my entire life with you, but every force seemed against us, even when we were going to run away. But here we are today." She said smiling at him.

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