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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil streched his arms and sat up. Yawning loudly he slouched down onto the couch giving space for her to have a seat. " Yea sure feel free to have a seat." He wasnt sure why she had come it was quite unusual for her. " No need to apologize your reasons are your reasons. "
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley walked over and sat down on the couch next to him. She looked at him as he stared deep into the television.

    She sat there quiet, but soon she could stand the silence. She had to let him know how she felt.
    "Virgil...Im in love with you" She said as looked away from him.

    She then looked at him and kissed him before he could reply.
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Your WAH-" He was cut off by her kissing him immediatly. Her lips were just as soft as he remembered. He quickly pulled back " Woah Ash you know im with Selena and if she saw this she would literally hang me by my insides. " He sat up cracking his neck. " Why now all of a sudden i mean what we had was then...and i don't think i can go back. i have Selena now and i love her."


    Ashley and Virgil sat inside of a lone castle " Your my everything.....i created you to be perfect for me in everyday." The young boy said as he laid in the girls lap. " I promise i'll never leave your side as long as you never leave mine. "


    Virgil stood up and leaned against the wall praying to himself that Selena would not walk in.
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "So I guess my sole purpose is fulfilled Virgil, I'm just scrap waiting to die...."
    Ashley looked at him as the tear began to slowly run down her face.
    "I was made perfect for you, but I guess that wasn't enough...". Ashley stood up and walked to the door then turned back and looked at Virgil with a heartbroken look on her face. "Well just know you don't have to worry about me anymore". She said as she clenched the doorknob. "Good bye, Virgil. For good."

    Ashley started too turn back and look at Virgil but she couldn't bare it, just simple opened the door and ran out.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Thats not what i mean!" He ran for her but stopped as she ran out." What am i supposed to do huh" He kicked over the chair next to him. " Am i supposed to just leave the love of my life because of a mistake i made back then." Out of anger he punched the wall his arm going directly through it. " She has the entire thing confused. shit why does she have to be like this!" Stomping over to where his katana sat he quickly swooped it up and stormed out of the door slamming it as he left.

    Making his way through the city he ignored everyone that came in contact with him until he reached the tower once again. His favorite spot. Finally reaching the peak he sat down laying his katana next to him. He let out a large sigh dangling his feet off the edge and just slipped into deep thought.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC:: The NC-17 Post was edited to be completed... http://www.khplanet.com/forums/356113-post224.html For Angel and Marluxia, the scene is now over.


    The next morning Angel awoken her eyes. The sun was shine and glistening off of all the life. She felt so sore but more so she felt so great, she felt so... so alive!

    "So you're awake?" Angel turned and look at Lu looking down his body at him being naked.

    "How long have you been awake?" She asked.

    "Awhile but I wanted you in my arms so I didn't get up." He told her. He began to stand up scooping her into his arms bridal style.

    "Lu?" Angel then realized something. Lu looked at her knowing exactly what she was thinking.

    "I wanted to talk to you about that..." Lu began. Angel looked at him and smiled.

    "I have some concerns, but I want it, I want it because you want it, I want to have your child." She told him smiling. "Just I want the child to grow up with no pain and suffering, no war, no light and no darkness." Lu nodded his head.

    "I remember us once talking about this before, I know how to..." He walked over to the pool of water to allow them to bathe in. He sat down, Angel on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and held her head above water as the water was at his mid chest level. She rested her head on his chest.

    Lu examined her body being silent for a while. Angel staring up at his perfect face. He laid his hand on her abdomen and sighed shaking his head. She looked at him concerned.

    "Lu?" Angel asked.

    Selena found herself walking through town. It was early dawn. She turned a bin seeing Ashley running and crying, clearly upset about something.

    "Ashley?" Selena looked up at her confused. "Hey!" She ran after her and grabbed her wrist. "What's wrong?" Selena asked clearly concerned.

    Sky was walking through town and paused sensing somebody before looking up at the tower seeing a Virgil deep in thought.

    "Huh?" He could clearly see he was upset about something but decided he probably just needed some alone time.

    Violet walked through the castle coming to the throne room. She wanted to find Jordan, she needed to convince him of what she proposed.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked at Deimos and said, "Wait here." He walked into the room where Vexen, Xigbar, and Xemnas were currently discussing private matters.

    "Yes, but what if-" Vexen started, before turning around to see Jordan. Jordan folded his arms and growled, "'What if' what? Care to finish that sentence...Even," Jordan asked. Vexen jumped back, a look of fear covering his face. "Jordan?! Wh-Wh-What are you d-d-doing here," stuttered Vexen. Xigbar looked at the boy who came in and smiled, before clapping in joy. "Hey there kiddo! Haven't seen you in a while. What's up," he asked. Jordan's eyes were locked onto Xemnas, the only man he wanted. "You told me Cole was dead," Jordan said to Xemnas. Xemnas sighed and looked at Jordan, ready to respond.

    Cole walked around Traverse Town before walking into Sky. "Oh, sorry about that," he said to Sky, before continuing to walk, not immediately recognizing Sky.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos shook his head, but followed the order. He poked his head in a few times to see what was going on, then, he saw Xigbar. 'That's the pirate? He's supposed to be good at fighting? All of these guys look weak... except that silver haired guy... From the looks of it, he must be the boss.' "Hey uh... Jordan? Are these guys any good in combat? I'd like to do a little training while we're here y'know?"
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley looked at Selena with a cold heartless stare. She then yanked away from Selena.
    "You...Selena...". Ashley looked down at the ground. "I'm leaving, and Im not coming back. Tell Virgil I'm sorry, Tell everyone...I'm sorry". She said before running off.

    Darian looked around the room, he could believe it had almost been 4 months since his friend had died. Darian then looked back at the clock on the wall behind him to realize it was getting late. He then opened at portal to the library in which he had left Ashley. As he got through the portal he looked around the library to find Ashley, but no prevail.

    "Ashley!" He exclaimed.
    "Keep it Down!" The Librarian said as he continued reading her book.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia just sighed, "No such luck my love... My 'seeds' if you will, are plants in their own right. I can tell if any of the eggs were fertilized just by touching your stomach." He hugged her happily, "It doesn't matter right now though, because for now... for now we must watch and wait. Isa has informed me that Jordan has ties, very small ties mind you, with the Organization... It'll be impossible to strike them down as long as he aligns himself with them." He looked in the pool, watching, and waiting.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at her confused.

    "What?" She asked before watching her run off. "Hey, Ashley, wait!" Selena went to run after her. They ran across the second district and she looked up seeing Virgil deep in thought. She came to a stop and looked back seeing Ashley got away. She looked back up at Virgil a bit confused as he sat deep in thought.


    Angel looked at him and laid her hand on her stomach. She looked back at him.

    "The organization? What do we have to do with them?" She asked confused. She looked at her stomach then back up at him. She found herself frowning. She wanted what he wanted, a family, but, it didn't work.

    Violet wondered the halls before coming to a stop in a random hall.

    "Jordan...?" She sighed. She sensed something was up with him.

    Sky looked over seeing Cole.

    "Oh hey! You're that magic powerful guy... Cole right?" Sky asked walking over to him. "Do you think you can teach me how you were able to deflect Jordan's darkness?" Sky asked smiling.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " To hell with this" Virgil said as he sat up. Looking down oddly enough he saw Ashely running off and she had run into Selena. " im going to let things be..." Grasping his hand to his face. pieces of hair fell through his hands. All he could do was laugh at how silly things had become. It had seemed Ashley had the intent of leaving if she didnt get what she wanted. " If she chooses to leave i'm not going to stop her...im not going to give up what i have for her.."

    Standing up he reached down to grab his katana. Virgil walked foward stepping off the ledge falling forward he threw a small air blast at the ground to soften his blow. as he landed he scratched the back of his head walking over to Selena. " Eh....whats up babe"
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Ashley just said she's leaving because of me." Selena said still confused but shook her head. She looked at Virgil.

    "What about you? You seemed to be deep in thought up there, with you doing that, there's always something up. Are you alright?" Selena asked giving him a look of concern. She dropped the whole Ashley thing because she was confused by it, and more than likely she decided Ashley probably wouldn't really leave.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Its hard to explain really..." he shrugged " He quickly grabbed her hand and tugged her along. " Just come with me i'll explain it back at my place. " He walked holding her hand until they reached the door. " Feel free to relax this may take a while" He opened the door ushering her in as he walked in. Placing his blade against the wall he sat down on his couch and looked at selena. " So yea... its alot to go over about Ashely and why she is the way she is."
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at him confused. So his mood and her mood are connected.

    She made her way over to the couch and sat down next to him taking his hand looking at him concerned.

    "I have time... whats with you and Ashley?" Selena asked.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil let out a large sigh before he began to speak. " Im not sure if you are already aware but keep this between us. Ashely is an artificial being that i created using my fathers research. I thought i'd never see you again so...i took the initiative to make someone like you. " He leaned back onto the couch slouching down a bit." Its not a time im particularly proud of but it is what it is. I once cared for her the same as i do for you. But we were separated and i thought she was dead and long gone. so as years went on my feelings for her vanished. Its not like i wanted them to but one can't control ones heart..."

    He placed his hand over most of his face" You see the problem was and always has been her jealousy. Whenever im not around her or i don't pay attention to her shes gets jealous almost obsessed really...heres something you dont know. Earlier she came here and wanted to talk to me. so i indulged her, but she came to tell me that she was in love with me. and before i could respond she kissed me but as i rejected it she ran off. and that's when she ran into you." Virgil's eyes were that of seriousness it could be easily seen that he was cautious in how he chose his words.

    " Shes madly in love with me and because im with you she will not accept that....and so now im conflicted as to what im supposed to do in this situation."
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at him and thought back to what Yen Sid said. She sighed.

    "You created her for one purpose, Virgil, she has a heart and in her heart you programmed her to be your soul mate, unless you can some how reprogram her to, Virg, she's going to always love you, and you really cant have both of us." She sighed. "Listen to your heart over who you choose."

    Selena paused. She loved him so much but if she did what Yen Sid told her, he was better off without her.

    "Virgil, I love you, I always have and will, but if you choose Ashley, it's alright." She told him.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He jumped back out of anger. " What the hell do you mean if i choose her its alright! do i mean that little to you that if i left for someone else you wouldnt care!" He yanked his hand away from hers. " I don't care what happens i love you but if your willing to just let me go like that then maybe i should just leave then!" He got up and stormed out of the door slamming it behind him.

    Walking about his face showed pain and hurt. Until he walked so far he was far from the town in a open field of grass. He collapsed to his knees and a single tear fell down his cheek." To hell with all of this..."
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena sighed.

    "I guess that leaves me open to do as Master Yen Sid told me." She sighed. I'm sorry Virgil, she thought as she laid her hand on her heart. "But the reason do is I can't love without a heart, and if the darkness is going to stop..." She sighed clenching her fist over her heart. "I need to lose my heart..."
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked back at Deimos with great anger and slammed the door shut. He looked back at Xemnas and said, "Let's do this in private." Xemnas nodded in response. The four men in the room disappeared, leaving the room empty.

    Saïx looked at Axel and nodded before taking his hand off of his mouth and walking towards Deimos. "A friend of Jordan," he asked Deimos, curious as to what their business here was.

    Cole looked at Sky and smiled. "Oh, hey. What? What happened with me and Jordan? Haha, It's easy when your opponent throws weak attacks at you! Well, the first couple were weak anyway. And to tell you the truth, I have no idea."

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