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13 Darkness, 7 Light discussion

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by ADogX, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    For those of us who've played KH 3D, we learned about the 13 Pure Darkness and 7 Pure Light that make up the X - Blade. But we don't know who all of them are. For a review, we have:

    13 Darkness:

    Ansem SoD
    Young Xehanort
    Xehanort of different time periods x6

    7 Light:


    Who will be the 13th Darkness?

    Possibilities: Terra, Myde, Dulor, Even, Dilan, Aeleus, Ienzo, Arlene, Lumaria, Pete, Malificent, another Xehanort of A different time, Vanitas, Sephiroth

    Who're the last 2 Light?


    Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Roxas, Captain Jack Sparrow, Cloud

    I say Jack because he's awesome, and don't forget, he touched Sora's Keyblade. Like Aqua to Kairi and Terra to Riku- he might be able to wield a Keyblade now.

    What are your thoughts? Discuss them here!
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    In my opinion the Seven Lights are; Sora, Riku, Mickey, Lea, Ventus, Aqua and Kairi.

    The first four are a given having played KH:DDD, I'll explain my thoughts on the other three now.

    Kairi is an obvious one considering Master Yen Sid asked Riku to bring Kairi to him with the purpose of training her to wield a keyblade. Although I find it confusing that she'll be both a Protector of Light and one of the Hearts of pure Light that need protecting, I'm happy for this to happen because Kairi's just been sitting around for the whole series and I want to see her be relevant for at least one game.

    Then there's Ventus. I'm presuming that he is going to be one of them as well considering the purpose of the dangerous journey Master Yen Sid sent Sora and Riku on was to gain the power to awaken King Mickey's sleeping friends (Ventus, Aqua and Terra). Considering Riku has already used his power of awakening to awaken Sora, they can only use their power on one of the three. But to get to Ventus they're going to need Aqua to open the way through castle oblivion. Leading on to the last of the 7 Lights,

    Aqua. I'm willing to bet that the beginning of KH3 is going to be Riku (and maybe Mickey) travelling to the Realm of Darkness to find Aqua. This is presumably hinted at when Riku finally masters the darkness within him towards the end of DDD, meaning he'd be able travel into the darkness without to much ill effects.

    As for Jack, I've seen this theory around and I really don't get it. Why would they make a character whose world was only included for advertising purposes and never had any significance to the story one of the main characters?

    And as for the remaining Darkness' Nomura stated that they're all characters we know but we may have forgotten and that some of them would be a surprise to us. Maleficent is defiantly not one of them though.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Sounds reasonable. I only added Jack because of his possibility of wielding a Keyblade. As for the 13th Darkness, who would it be? It'd be funny if Myde/Demyx was the last one
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    In case you forgot that scene, we already know who 6 of the lights are. Sora, Riku, Mickey, Terra, Ven, and Aqua. When Xehanort was explaining everything, here's the part of the conversation that explains it:

    The thirteenth darkness was supposed to be Sora, but Lea prevented that.

    As for the seventh light, I don't think it is either Kairi or Lea (Although if it had to be one of them I would guess it would be Lea). The reason I don't think it is either of them is because when we see Lea's keyblade, that's the first time everybody saw it. Therefore I don't think Mickey was counting him. And I don't think it is Kairi because when Riku brought her to Yen Sid, everybody was surprised that he brought her.

    Thinking about it now, I feel as though Roxas is a reasonable option for the seventh light. He may be a nobody, but he has a keyblade and I'm certain everybody's aware he's a good guy. The only question would be how to bring Roxas out of Sora.

    Another final possibility could either be Yen Sid (He may have retired from being a master, but that doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't have a keyblade anymore) or Eraqus (Very unlikely since only Terra and Xehanort are aware that Eraqus' heart is inside Terra).

    I'm not sure about who the remaining darknesses are, but I think Venitas would be one them. Why else would he appear with Young Xehanort in Notre Dame?
  5. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Terra is an unlikely option. When Xehanort was talking about their 6 lights, I believe he was referring to them as keyblade wielders rather than the lights. Also Terra hasn't yet overcome his darkness and he has lost his body. I don't think he's a viable option for one of the lights.

    As for nobody knowing about Lea's keyblade, they did, or at least knew he wanted to become a master. It's why he sought out Yen Sid in the first place. It's why at the end when he reveals his keyblade that it bothers me that Yen Sid, Mickey, Donald and Goofy look surprised.

    I also don't see the point in Kairi and Axel being introduced to us as keyblade wielders so close to the keyblade war if not to have the participate.

    I think Sora seeing Vanitas when he saw Young Xehanort was Ventus's subconsience pushing through giving shape to the familiar darkness.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    13 Darkness-
    1.) Master Xehanort
    2.) Young Xehanort
    3.) Ansem Seeker of Darkness
    4.) Xemnas
    5.) Saix/Isa
    6.) Xigbar/Braig
    7.) Apprentice Xehanort
    8.) Xehanort time
    9.) Xehanort time
    10.) Xehanort time
    11.) Xehanort time
    12.) Xehanort time
    13.) Xehanort time?


    Well to be perfectly honest I doubt six of those Xehanort's are his times, we have no clue what times. And Xehanort explained he has two of the ones on Mickey's list, Terra is one of them. After all Terra was forced to become Xehanort

    7 Lights...
    1.) Mickey
    2.) Riku
    3.) Sora is safe now
    4.) Aqua
    5.) Ventus
    7.) Lea


    All of them are obvious except for Lea. But here's why Lea. I look at it as there must always be the seven lights and 13 darknesses, I'd believe that if something happens to one, a new one is chosen. Lea was just kidding about the keyblade, he didn't expect to summon it, it's because Terra's light, moved on into him, and this move was via through a test. When Lea came in and helped Sora, that's when it finally worked out for him. It was like his worth was proven.

    As for why Kairi can wield a keyblade. There were several keyblades created to match the X-Blade but only 7 lights of the keyblade are pure. Kairi's is a look alike not one of the seven x-blade lights though. This is known through the fact that she did not go with Sora, Riku, and Mickey to unlock Kingdom Hearts in KH2.

    Yen Sid merely summoned her so she can learn how to fight to protect herself
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_< No. Just no. Just because someone touch a keyblade does not mean they will be able to wield it. If the keyblade does not return to the wielder like it did between Terra and Riku, then the one who is holding the wielder's keyblade is eligible to use a keyblade. However, if the keyblade leaves the person's hand and returns back to the user like it did with Leon and Sora and Jack and Sora, that person is ineligible to wield a keyblade. Not to be mean but just heck no.

    As for the rest of the remaining people... hm...

    1. Vanitas. I know that he has been destroyed... but I do believe that it may be possible for him to come back.
    2. Kairi has to be one of the seven lights. The reason that the seven princesses has pieces of the X-Blades sealed in their hearts are the reason why Xehanort is after them. Since Kairi has a piece in her, she will be able to use her princess of heart powers to create a keyblade of her own while she is training.
    3. If all possible... Xion may come back but only on the dark side. I am not certain but seeing as to how Xion was created from Sora's memories by Xemnas, I believe that if turning Sora to the dark side failed, they can try to bring back Xion once again but I have a problem with this one anyway:

    Xehanort will not choose anyone who is weak or has betrayed Organization XIII. This means that Larxene and Marluxia will not be chosen. With Xion, I am definitely am not sure...

    4. But seeing that Luxord has power over time himself... he may also be a possible candidate.
    5. If Master Xehanort truly has Terra, then he may make the "Terra-Xehanort" as another one of his members. Not sure but it is plausible and is another form.
    6. Apprentice Xehanort can be another form so it can be possible.
    7. There may be a possibility that there will be a big slap in the face and that there is an "8th light". Well, if Terra is one of the lights and the seven lights save Terra during the process, then this will be 8 versus 13. Just a possibility of making it: Sora, Riku, Terra, Ventus, Aqua, Lea and Kairi.
    8. Demyx may be in there. Most of the people may think that he is weak but he show that he can be no pushover sometimes so he can be a shocker.
  8. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I feel its likely Lea will be the final darkness. Or the ultimate fan-service will bring Vanitas back.

    As for the lights, I don't feel confident that Ven and Sora can co-exist on the same team as Sora needs Ven's heart to wield a keyblade, but who knows.

    Lights would likely be: Sora, Riku, Aqua, Mickey, Ventus (Maybe), Terra (Maybe), Roxas (Maybe), Kairi (Maybe)
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_- I just find it strange. Wouldn't Sora need Roxas anyway since Roxas is half of him? I don't know why we would need to bring back Roxas anyway. As for Sora needing Ventus to wield the keyblade, I don't think that we would need to worry about that. Sora was able to prove that he is capable and has saved so many peple so even if Ventus is able to regain consciousness, Sora will still be able to wield the keyblade.
  10. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I'm not so sure thats the case. Ven isn't just "unconscious", his heart is inhabiting Sora. If Ven and Sora end up co-existing, it is likely that Sora will need to do something to gain his own keyblade instead of piggy-backing off of Ven's potential.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    But I have told you before. Sora most likely will not even need Ventus to wield a keyblade. Sora is already worthy and capable of wielding a keyblade already. Besides, Ventus and Sora already existed without in need of each other anyway. He will not NEED VENTUS ANYWAY TO WIELD ONE BECAUSE OF HIS HEART.
  12. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Ventus' heart was only not part of Sora when Sora was a child, and they've made a large point of telling the audience that Sora cannot use a Keyblade without that part of Ventus inside of him. If they were to write that off in KH3 as "It's OKAY he can use one now because he's a good guy!" that would be some truly terrible story-telling. If he and ventus co-exist as keyblade wielders Sora will need to do something to get his own keyblade potential, or I'm over-estimating the script writers.

    Remember that the key he's using now is the one Terra left for Riku, and it left Riku and chose Sora because of Ven's heart inside him after Riku became tarnished by darkness. None of this dictates Sora being capable of using a key on his own other than "He's the main character". I don't think Sora will stop being a keyblade wielder, but he's going to need to get his own key, not Terra and Ven's hand-me-downs.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Actually, the Kingdom Key is Sora's own keyblade that came from the Realm of Light. If Riku did not go into darkness, Riku would also receive his keyblade too around the same time but Sora got his first. They are not going to say "Well, Sora is a good guy so he will still have his keyblade". Think about it. Sora was able to do tremendous feats throughout the series. Not only that, Sora regained the Kingdom Key from Riku because of Sora's own heart, not Ventus. Sora's used his own heart to have Ventus to be healed but even if Ventus is able to regain conscious, Sora will still be able to retain his ability to use a keyblade from his own heart and not Ventus.

    The Kingdom Key is not one from Terra that is meant for Riku but is actually a sole weapon from the Realm of Light that chose Sora because of his heart. Riku is able to have his own keyblade later on. Really cannot call the Kingdom Key a hand-me down, especially since Sora is already capable and is chosen to be one of the 7 Lights to begin with.
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Really one can be replaced by another.

    I'm thinking the 7 are:

    Yeah. I believe Vanitas is part of the true organization.

    @Zenrot. Sora can wield the keyblade without Ventus's heart.
  15. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Sora cant wield the Keyblade because of Ventus. I think that's a part of it, but in Dream Drop Distance I believe it is said that the only reason Sora received the Keyblade was because Riku's heart turned to darkness, thus passing the Keyblade onto the next strongest person which was Sora.

    Seven Lights are: Sora, Riku, Mickey, Terra, Aqua, Ven, Kairi. I think just because Lea can wield the Keyblade, doesn't mean that he is one of the lights.

    Thirteen Darknesses: Ansem, Xemnas, MX, Young Xehanort, Saix, Braig, 6 Xehanort's, and one that was meant to be Sora so he might be replaced.

    I think that 6 Xehanort's is unlikely and will probably be filled with more orginization members or insane theory brewing.....Malificent. DUN DUN DUN!
  16. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    "Sora gained the ability to wield the Keyblade when he reached out his heart to Ventus, after sensing Ventus's shattered heart. By joining his heart with Ventus's, he gained the ability to wield his own Keyblade, as well as Ventus's."

    So, he 100% can wield it because of Ventus, I just misinterpreted that he gained his own key as well.

    I'm still fairly confident Lea is going to become the final darkness. When he intercepts Master Xehanort's heart shard being thrown at Sora, he blocks the attack with his body. We've already seen from BBS with Terra that you cannot block or deflect that "attack". Master Xehanort also smiles before Isa attacks Lea, which isn't quite the look of a man who's plans have been completely derailed. Right after intercepting the attack, Lea is suddenly able to wield a keyblade, and as we know from Sora having a heart of a keyblade wielder in you can grant you that ability.

    It's not foolproof of course: Isa, Xemnas, AnsemSoD, and Braig did not have Keyblades, but perhaps his bond with Sora and Riku's hearts also helped move the process forward and MX's heart fragment was just the catalyst. We're putting a bit too much faith in "A good guy gets a keyblade". That's just quite frankly no longer the case given the fact that MX is the most evil person we've seen in the entirety of the series, and he is also the most powerful keyblade master we've seen.
  17. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I do believe Axel blocked the attack with one of his Chakrams. Besides, Xehanort could've smiled for many reasons. Also, fans would be so pissed if Lea became a Darkness. I'm sure SE would lose fan service

    EDIT: I added 2 new possible Darkness and 1 new possible Light

    Darkness: Vanitas and Sephiroth

    Light: Cloud

    Vanitas came up a lot, so I added him. Sephiroth because he's total Darkness, and could return through Cloud's darkness anyway

    Cloud I added because he's really good to the story, and though not a Keyblade wielder, he could be a really good ally
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
  18. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Terra blocked the attack with his Keyblade Armor, it still didn't work. And fan service aside, they already killed Axel once. What more do they have to lose?

    And I don't think the Darknesses or Lights will be Jack, Cloud, or Sephiroth. They won't be anyone who isn't an original character for the series.
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    If Terra isn't one of them, why would Mickey say "My three missing friends" and Xehanort say two of the lights are in his possession? Although funny that Mickey considers Terra to be a friend even though they never actually meet in BBS.

    That makes absolutely no sense.

    These two are the same.

    No, the Kingdom Key was originally going to be Riku's. But then when Riku gave into darkness the Kingdom Key moved on to Sora instead. Why else was Riku able to take away the Kingdom Key from Sora for a bit? They've pointed this out in the first KH game and in Dream Drop Distance.

    They also said it in the first game.

    No. Just, no. Screams bad idea.
  20. Ejox

    Ejox New Member

    that actually sounds pretty awesome, i mean it would be cool to see Demyx reveal himself to be smarter and meaner than he portrays himself in KH2 like he was just playing a role as being the stupid and goofy member,

    kinda like the masked man or "Tobi" does in Naruto, but thats beside the point really.

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