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13 Darkness, 7 Light discussion

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by ADogX, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    ? Sora can wield the keyblade with or without Ventus.
    "Light" is "Light". To be specific, you mean Lea is not one of the 7 Lights to inevitably forge the true X-blade.
    Anyone can be "replaced". The 7 Guardians of Light can be non-wielder of the Keyblade.

    That makes absolutely no sense. Sora gains the ability to wield the keyblade when the ability was passed from Riku to Sora. Ventus's heart allows Sora to wield yet another keyblade.

    The Kingdom Key is his own keyblade.

    Since when was it declared "unstoppable"? Master Xehanort is a tactician. His plans have not been derailed just delayed. It is destined that 7 of light and 13 of darkness recreate the events of the past.
    Master Xehanort lost to Terra and he is of old age so I doubt that he's the "most powerful".
  2. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    I feel like MX could be more powerful but i dont think he was going full out on Terra because he had planned to take his body in the 1st place, why would you mess up the body you want to take? Makes sense to just go easy and have a little bit more fun with your old body. And if the 7 Lights dont need to be wielders than we have to put Goofy and Donald in that group because there as much part of the story as Sora is and they are lights too.
    Sora will be able to use his own keyblade if ventus is gone because its Sora he has a strong heart and yeah cuz hes the star.

    Im sure they wont really add any FF's to the 13 Darkness roster unless its someone we dont really hear much of because Cloud and Sephy have gotten lots of screen time. I think Ventus and Roxas can come out at the same time only because Ven can be woken up Roxas im sure can be pulled out of Sora, just like you can pull the darkness out of someone maybe you can pull their nobody out. It goes hand in hand. Xion will most likely be in flash backs or speak to sora from his heart like when Roxas fought Sora. Axel/Lea i see being bad in the end but Roxas and Xion bringing him back to the light messing up MX's plans some how or him seeing Ventus thinking its Roxas and going back

    Yen Sid will show his keyblade for sure, i wouldnt be surprised if he got up for this fight but was struck down by MX or someone and passed his keyblade on to someone else. We always have to remember that the Ansem the Wise is with Aqua so he could always be another light maybe not with a keyblade but he knows more about Roxas than anybody so im sure he knows how to bring him back out. If he gets his memories back at least. Hecks the person who is the last light might even be inside Kingdom Hearts itself. Now that would be a twist.

    As for Jack Sparrow, even though he can do anything lol im sure he wont be that big i think him holding the keyblade was just for show. If we see any external characters that arent original but part of the story it will be Maleficent because shes been with the story since the start. MX will need her and her Heartless control along with Ansem SOD and he has Ventius so we will once again see the Unversed maybe plus Xemnas will be able to bring nobodies so its going to be a big fight. Im pretty sure we will see Leon and Cloud and Sid etc cuz they have helped us since the start of Sora's story and if we see a mass of enemies were going to need "pawns" so the speak to help us move across the board. Its not just going to be a fight in the keyblade grave yard with a few fighters, we saw how many keyblades there were. If there trying to recreate what happened in the past then theres going to be armies and all the FF maybe Disney fighters that can help us will be there. Thats how i see it at least. A final epic battle when everyone comes together.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_- Sephiroth is not going to be in the Organization. Truly not and if he is, they better give a very good explanation as to why. Otherwise, it is a one super big no. As for Maleficent, I love her and all but:

    1. She works for her own gain.
    2. She opposed Organization XIII.
    3. She seeks Kingdom Hearts for herself.
    4. Master Xehanort only used her as a backup in case anything happens to him.

    XD And I cannot see Maleficent wearing an Organization cloak at all. Maleficent will just end up falling into the fight, making it a 3 way fight. In other words, it will be a Xehanort vs. Maleficent vs Sora fight.
  4. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Im pretty sure she doesnt have to wear a clock but she is a important piece of the story. she wants power and he can give it to her and she might turn on him in the end but she will cause from trouble for sora and them while on MX's side. In theory at least
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I wouldn't mind it being MX's side-VS-Sora's side-VS-Malificent's side-VS-Lumaria and Arlene. It'd be nice twist. The best thing would be the Dream Eaters showing up to help Sora and Riku
  6. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    The whole Malificent thing was a joke. Answer Man brought up a good point. Where do Donald and Goofy fit into this whole thing. I mean that's two so I highly doubt that they would only choose one of them to be the seventh light.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    What about Donald and Goofy? OH! Give them a keyblade too? -_- Meh. THey are going to be the support role help. There is no doubt that they will be there fighting too but they are not going to be one of the 7 lights.
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    What if both Ventus and Roxas were both the remaining Lights? How do you think that would play out?
  9. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Where is the evidence you're using here? The guardians will be keyblade wielders, I'm not sure why you think otherwise.

    It was not declared unstoppable, but we have no proof it can be stopped while we DO have evidence that it unblockable. Terra shielded his body with his Armor, Armor strong enough to allow him to travel the KH universe equivalent of space, yet it was incapable of preventing that attack. To think that one of Axel's chakrams could when armor specifically designed to resist Darkness could not makes little sense. Also, that was a piece of MX's heart he threw at Sora. Where did it go? Did it just vanish after Axel intercepted it? It makes more sense that it just landed with a new target.

    MX may not be the most physically poweful but there is a bit more to the word "power" than who can beat up who in some fisticuffs. MX can possess the body of others and by that logic has essentially transcended death via natural causes. As he nears his end he simply needs to take another's body to continue to live. He also has the power to manipulate his position in time. Nobody has yet to come close to matching the kind of power he can wield, no amount of hitting one another with keyblades makes up for the ability to live forever, or manipulate the flow of time. He was also likely testing Terra, why would you attempt to kill the body you wanted to take? He was defeated by Aqua soon afterwards but he was utilizing powers he had never attempted to control before while simultaneously dealing with interference from Terra and Master Erauqs. He wasn't exactly in prime condition, which he seems to be in now.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Ventus already is one. I quoted the damn part in the scene where Mickey listed who they have.

    Honestly, I find that to be a pretty weak excuse. Xehanort might've attempted to test Terra, but Terra then completely overpowered Xehanort and was soundly kicking his ass. Before Xehanort takes over Terra's body, he's completely out of breath. If not for the body possession, Xehanort wouldn't have been able to do anything against Terra while Vanitas was down with Ven, Aqua, and Mickey. While Xehanort is one of the strongest keyblade masters we know of, his strength in his old age lies with his scheming. Because he's well past his prime, he's not as big a threat in a straight up fight compared to Xemnas or any younger version of himself.
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I know that, but what would happen if Roxas was a Light as well as Ventus?
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_< Oh my gooosh Adogx. Roxas is now an overration to me; the equivalent to the stupid girls yelling out Setzer's name. Roxas is not a Light dang it. He is not coming back. They tend to throw in Roxas in after he merged back with Sora to show and bring motivation or inspiration to Sora. Roxas is also only a model off of Ventus anyway so just bring back Ventus and boom, you have the original, not some cheap imitation (That is how I view Roxas). Ventus is a light so why bring Roxas too? OH! Because of the fans "OO LA LAA!!" feeling. Just heck no. Ventus may come back; Roxas is not. Boom. There. I will now kill anything that will try to make it as so Roxas should be a light. And to make it easier, I'll make this list:

    Not going to be Light:

    Cloud (Don't like him and has no meaning) Jack Sparrow (Why the heck should he fall into the equation?), Donald and Goofy (They are just going to be there for support), Roxas (Already explained).

    Not going to be in Organization:

    Maleficent (She don't need to even join and I already explained), Even, Dilan, Aeleus, Ienzo, (They are not going to be in there. Otherwise, they would not appear at Radiant Garden at all. Xehanort finds them weak), Sephiroth (<_< Really? Just really), Pete ( Just one big laugh. He's Maleficent ally and henchman).

    And if you guys still want to try and say that Jack should wield one, let me tell you why this is an automatic no.

    1. When it came with Aqua to Kairi, Aqua went and performed an unintentional ceremony with Kairi when Kairi grabbed her weapon in fear. The keyblade did not leave Kairi's hand so oo lalaaaaa. Kairi is now going to join her friends.

    2. Terra is not a Keyblade Master but he is capable of performing the ceremony. He did so with Riku and the keyblade did not leave. That is why Riku is capable.

    3. Sora just went and let Jack Sparrow hold onto it. Keyblade left Jack. Plus, Sora did not even perform no ceremony (Didn't even know that there is one to begin with). As an added note, Jack Sparrow is selfish and butt nasty in his heart filled with pirate greed. Keyblade is not going to choose him. (Kicks Jack Sparrow off the plank).

    Are we good now? GOOD! Not trying to be mean Adogx but I am just putting out logic in this one.
  13. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'm not saying they're not. Most likely all of the 7 Lights will be keyblade wielders but regardless if they are or are not, Donald is a defender of the Light. He is just as good as a candidate to help create the X-Blade.

    The armor doesn't allow him to travel through worlds. The armor shields him from the darkness while traveling through worlds.

    The armor is not all that creditable. Ventus's armor was mantled in darkness while trying to spare Sora from it.

    Keyblade Masters can extract hearts!
    Apparently anyone can.

    Even Xehanort, heart and body was separated only for a short time. He cannot change what is destined to happen. All the time travel in the world would still amount to nothing.

    The old man was out of breath on his knees!
    You wouldn't kill the body you want to take. You would at least knock him out or some type of weakened state.
    Sounds like an accuse. If he can't handle a broken boy and a defeated master. He's not all that strong.
    His Prime! was about 30 years ago. He's just whole again.

    Actually I wouldn't be surprised if Roxas returned along with Namine. Sora has yet to wake the people connected to him and if that produces yet another title besides Kingdom Hearts III. I really wouldn't be surprised.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2012
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    @Angel The problem that I have with Roxas is that even though Roxas is Sora's nobody, he is actually based off of Ventus. Roxas being a light is a big no from me because he is absolutely based off of Ventus (And nobodies usually would look like their human counterpart). Bring back Roxas, I don't care but trying to have Roxas as a Light, I have a strong doubt about it. Maybe they will bring him back so he can just live in Twilight Town for the rest of his life and maybe bring Namine in that sense too but for the current situation, it is just a no.

    And as for Master Xehanort being an old man, he sure do teleport and attack fast for an old man. XD
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I believe what Sora has said that "Roxas is his own person".

    Plus, I remember a while back Nomura said Roxas and Ventus were not one in the same.

    (So off topic but it does tie in with Sora talking to Roxas. Roxas shows Sora all of his memories. Haha while that is happening Sora is making the ugliest of faces. That scene cracks me up. XD)

    His appearance is based on Ventus. Xion's is based on Kairi *mainly*. It doesn't mean that they are not their own person.
    I don't care if he is a Light or not but I truly believe he will be returning. So many scenes, hint at it. During the "dream within a dream" He sees Roxas receives his memories. He sees Namine and tries to give her the message "Thank you" which he fails once again to do. He sees Xion. Once again Xion and Roxas appear in Ansem's the Wise Data. Lastly when talking to Xigbar. Sora was telling Xigbar. The keyblade chose his friends too.
    This is perfect timing to bring back Roxas and Namine.
    He's limber. (Not a pretty picture)
  16. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Thats exactly what I said about the Armor, it allows him to travel between worlds by making him capable of enduring the darkness there.

    If you're comparing Xehanort's ability to appear anywhere at any point in time to the "stop" spell, you're very far off. It's like comparing a bullet to an atomic bomb.

    Donald is a sidekick. Nothing more. Same with Goofy.

    The armor was cloaked in darkness while protecting the boy from it. Sora was still perfectly fine inside the armor, meaning it did its job. This is not the case only one time, the negation of Xehanort's heart transfer, which it failed.
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    He can travel between the worlds without the armor. That's why I commented. It doesn't allow him to enter the "lanes inbetween"
    No. He can't appear anywhere. There are laws that limit him.

    It doesn't matter what they are. 7 Disney Characters of Light and 13 Disney Characters of Darkness can just as well create the X-Blade.

    It didn't do it's job. Instead of being a liberation. It became Sora's captivator. Sora still remain asleep. If it had protected him efficiently. Sora would have awoken.
    Exactly why it's not creditable.
    Either way your trying to compare Defense to an Attack. Have you seen an attack against a heart. No! so really you shouldn't be all that surprise that Axel's attack stopped Xehanort because you haven't seen an attack against Xehanort's heart until now.
  18. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    That wasn't my point, even remotely. The point is that Xehanort's time travel and "Stop" are completely incomparable.

    It matters very much what they are when you look at it from a story-telling standpoint. You can't look at ONLY the laws of the universe they reside, you also have to take into account that it's a fictional tale and those follow certain rules. Also after watching the ending scene again Mickey says "Seven guardians of light... keyblade wielders", so unless Donald and Goofy get some of the free keyblades Nomura is handing out, they're out of the running.

    It did do its job. It's a suit of armor, not a sentient being. An extension of Ventus' will similar to Terra's lingering spirit, it shielded Sora from the effects of the darkness enveloping him. Had the armor not been there, Sora would've been lost completely.

    I'm not comparing defense to an attack, Axel wasn't using an attack. Watch the scene again and watch him afterwards. He didn't deflect the Heart-fragment at all, he simply grabbed Sora. He's even hunched in a defensive posture and straightens himself afterwards.
  19. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Here's where you're wrong Zenrot.

    The armor did NOT try to protect Sora. It was in control of a ton of darkness, attacked and try to kill Riku, and finally...


    case closed
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    But it did try to protect Sora. The armor encased itself around Sora to protect him from the darkness. Problem is there was too much darkness and the armor got corrupted. Check the journal entry for the armor.

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