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The Dominion of Everything OOC/SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ventus, Aug 1, 2012.

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  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    The Dominion of Everything



    Many worlds have fallen to the immense powers of the darkness, led by a mysterious group of beings called the Syneptophy. These dark souls are like vampires, who suck away the energy from the worlds. These worlds' weaknesses can be various. Some are in the form of a keyhole and some are in the form of natural beings such as a tree. Many worlds are distinct but The Syneptophy can sense where the weaknesses are with their highly sensitive powers (could be a sense of smell or a compass marked on someone's hand). The Syneptophy are now seeking something more though. Something more powerful than feeble worlds. They want the heart of all worlds and it is not Kingdom Hearts. It is called the Deep Granam, the epicenter of everything; not just hearts. It contains all the worlds' history, all the energy of the universes. With that power, the Syneptophy would control everything and be eternal rulers. Now it is upto five brave heroes to take down this horrible threat. This is the battle for everything.

    Character Roles:

    The Syneptophy

    The Leader (NEEDED)

    Xemnos (Square-Enix, The World that Never Was)

    Xemnos is a being with no heart except for the feeling of love for a memory that he once had. He is now following his masters' orders in exchange for more memories of his former life. He also wants to become whole so when he remembers he can reclaim that old happy memory.

    The Heroes

    Jaden (London ~ Earth; the World of Creators)

    Jaden is a normal boy from London, who is raised by two oversensitive parents but one week ago, he used fire to protect himself against a thief. Now, he will take a transit bus to another world changing his life forever.

    The heroes could come from these universes (Look below) because these are the universes we are mostly familiar and also one more thing; they must be original characters. I would allow the characters to be descendants of your favourite heroes though. If we all agree though on one particular series, then we will include that in the story. We will choose the worlds that they visit

    Preferred Universes (All characters must be original but can be descended from your favorite heroes)

    - Square-Enix
    - Nintendo
    - Any Game Character which is well known
    - Film/Anime Character which is well known
    - Earth

    Sign Ups:

    Universe and World:
    Weapon (I will allow keyblades but try to be creative):


    Original characters (could be a descendant of your favorite hero) unless your particular series is allowed in by the other members of the roleplay.

    6 lines minimum

    No chatspeak

    Romance is PG-13

    All other roleplay rules apply.

    If you do not follow the rules, after being warned twice, your character will be killed off or taken over by someone else.

    My characters:

    Name: Jaden
    Age: 15
    Universe and World: Earth
    Personality: Jaden, being raised by his parents, is smart for his age and people consider him at school to be one of the most pure hearted people they have met. He is extraordinarily kind. Many girls around his school have had a crush on him for years but Jaden is very oblivious to how people think about him. He does not think much of himself (not confident with girls) but he tries to make the world a better place. He loves to meet new people and experience different cultures.
    Bio: Jaden is a kid raised up in the suburbs of London, always being looked after by his parents and as a 15 year old boy, he does not like having his folks around all the time. Whenever he's not around his parents, which is rare, he likes to explore around the city, seeing strange exhibits and weird people around the streets. He often gives money to the poor so he can talk to them about their lives. He is a very talkative person. A week ago though, a man showed a knife towards the boy as he saw the money, demanding for more. Jaden shook his head, wanting to stand up against the man. Suddenly the man jabbed towards him but his hands glew and fire streamed from his hand, burning the thief's arm. Freaked, the man ran away, shouting and screaming but people thought the man was under the influence of drugs and he was playing with the lighter, causing the injury. Ever since then, Jaden has stopped talking to strangers and ever since then, he has tried to figure out what happened on that fateful day but as he takes an empty transit bus, he figures out he is meant to do something colossal.
    Weapon (I will allow keyblades but try to be creative): He will be given his weapon when he meets the others.
    Powers: Streaming fire from within his hands. Other powers will ensue as he grows throughout the roleplay.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Theme: YouTube - Final Fantasy XIII - My Hands
    2nd Theme: YouTube - Vancouver 2010: "I Believe" by Nikki Yanofsky (CTV Theme Song)
    2nd Theme (Reprise) (Jaden's Triumph Theme): YouTube - CTV Vancouver 2010 "I Believe" Broadcast Consortium Theme (Instrumental)
    Other: He will be a very important character in this roleplay. He is the spark of light, who will change everything.

    Name: Xemnos
    Age: N'A
    Universe and World: Square-Enix, The World That Never Was
    Personality: Xemnos is a sad and often silent soul. He is a confused being as well as he tries to figure out who he is. He does anything he is told to do by his masters. He is the lowest ranking person in the Syneptophy.
    Bio: Xemnos is a nobody, born from the innerds of darkness. He does not know much about his history but his master knows much. Xemnos has one emotion, besides being a nobody, love. He has feelings for someone in his past life. Someone he wants to see again and through carrying his master's orders, he learns more about his past. He gets visions of children smiling up at him and then the clouds turning black. Xemnos wants to fight for his memories and he also wants to fight to become human again. He will do anything in his power to fulfill the needs of the Syneptophy.
    Weapon (I will allow keyblades but try to be creative): A dark bladed iron sword.
    Powers: He rains lightning down onto his enemies. He can electrocute anyone around him, if the ground is wet but when his enemies are hit by his attacks, they also suffer through emotional turmoil. They get terrible memories. This is a power, his master, placed onto the nobody. He also has various skills in swordplay and martial combat.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Theme: Heavy Rain 07 Painful Memories OST - YouTube
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2012
  2. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Why don't you copy and paste the old sign up for Malisa? I will read the other sign ups later

    Name: Malisa Jals

    Age: 19

    Appearance: OC - The Spellbreaker by `hizuki24 on deviantART - Path of Redemption -CONTEST- by ~SyngLok on deviantART
    Not sure which to take yet.

    Bio: "I suppose that I'd better start at the beginning. You see, my family is a very prominent family of mages. In fact, we're probably one of the best there is. Not to be bragging or anything. Anyways, this all started. . . I can't even remember the exact date anymore. I think that it was more or less two years ago. Maybe more. So much has happened between now and then. Anyways, my brother Isilma was experimenting with Magik circles at the time. He was twenty two at the time. . . back on topic! I was walking by his room, and he was just sitting inside the circle. I was just going to ask him what he was doing, but then he just vanished. Like, bright flash of light kind of vanished. It wasn't exactly traumatizing, I should say, but I felt obligated to go and find him - wherever he had gone. So, I've been traveling ever since then, and still not a thing to be found. I know he's out there somewhere, I just do!

    Oh yeah, and for some reason I got a keyblade. It appeared in my hands the moment he disappeared. Go figure.

    Personality: It's a bit inexplicable at the moment.

    Weapon: For Hamstertastic: Keyblade by =ValentineAngel on deviantART

    Powers: High Magik prowess. (Currently thinking of a personalized skill list.)
    Spell Circles: She nicked one of her brother's books before she left and has been studying it since she left. all Spell Circle abilities can be readied in their summoned shapes, but not actually be activated.
    - Defensive Barrier: Simply put, a spell circle surrounds the ground she is on and (With a maximum radius of two yards) a barrier erects itself on the edges of the circle. The larger the circle, the more spread out the power is. Also, every hit the barrier takes takes a chunk out of her available mana.
    - Trap Bomb: A spell circle that, once placed, becomes invisible and activates once an opponent steps on it. The effect ranges from a simple 'sticky' trap affecting the speed of an opponent to being like a mine and exploding. The longer this runs (depending on the type) the more mana it takes.
    - Offensive Blaze: Appearing in front of her hands, a spell circle glows and fires a perfectly cylindrical surge of light at an opponent. A moderately powerful spell, but can be extremely or minorly strong if she wills it. Once again, if Malisa uses a more powerful blast, then
    - Reflection Basis: An ability that took Reflect magic as it's base component. It allows the user to conjure up various things, including
    - 1. Several floating circular mirrors - except that they look like a normal spell circle with a sheen rather than a reflective surface. This is more useful than the Defensive barrier in some aspects because it can be used to protect a certain area for a lot less energy - of course, it is only in one direction.
    - 2. Actual mirrors (floating) - Mainly used to reflect spells of light or light in particular, see behind her, and basically any purpose a mirror would serve.
    - 3. Material surfaces - these can actually support weight and would easily serve as steps and the like. Other than that, they're only as strong as a typical dinner plate would be (in terms of damage).
    - Wave Blast: Quite easily a more powerful and draining move in her armament. A circle erects itself around a diameter of her own choosing and a wave ripples outward from the edge of the circle and pretty much destroys things through sheer energy.
    - Transference Balatron: Really just a joke spell, but can be quite handy for many things. Two abilities.
    - 1. Allows the user to change clothes or outfits. Can set this to copy a personal wardrobe beforehand. "Permanent".
    - 2. Allows the user to change their own looks temporarily, usually for a day.
    - Gravity Bascule: A spell that uses Gravity as a base component. Allows the user to place a circle that, inside, either removes gravity entirely or increases it immensely. (There are degrees in between.)
    Persistence of Memory: Only works if her target is asleep. Allows her to alter someone's memories and perception of past events. The procedure must have a willing target, otherwise she must fight a mental battle with the targeted in which her own self could be destroyed in the process.
    Scattershot: Using the Keyblade, Malisa fires a small pearl of light at an opponent which then explodes into about ten more pearls of light, which then in turn each explodes into ten orbs of light the size of tennis balls each. Covers a radius of of two yards, usually.
    Glide: The ability of the Wisdom Drive to float across the ground, as I recall. However, her version of this allows her to travel inertialess or with inertia. Meaning, she can stop and switch directions at will OR Keep traveling forward as if she were in space or something.
    Typical Magiks: Malisa, through the Keyblade and years of training, can perform all tier two magiks (Those ending in 'ra' from the Kingdom Hearts games.)
    - Stockpile: She is able to store the energy of one of these magiks into the form of a bead for future use, in which she can just will the energy back from the form of the bead into the normal form or throws it at an opponent.
    Dazzle: Summons sparkling multicolored lights - can be shot into the air like fireworks or be used to blind opponents. Or, can be used to model things, such as the structure of a building.
    Pervading Aura: A passive defensive aura that surrounds Malisa's body used to ward away elemental attacks. Lessens the strength of Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder-type magiks.
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but I already WROTE the ending to that version into her bio. Doing this again would change that, and thus change all the plans for Future Malisa coming back into her storyline. I could do the AU I was planning on doing, however. (AU is alternate Universe, if you didn't know). In the AU, the Jals family is not a prominent group, but rather a family of gypsies. The scenario abilities are hex and charm based, more on classical magic ideals with a modern twist. You want me to do that? Because otherwise Marie and Kurao are going to be my charas.
  4. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Name: Yumi Kinomoto

    Age: 11

    Universe and World: Earth

    Personality: Yumi is an extremely energetic and cheerful girl, she is also very athletic.

    Yumi has a very optimistic and trustworthy character allowing her to be friendly with everybody she meets. While she often comes across as naïve, clumsy, and clueless, Yumi is known for her occasional moments of insight and sensitivity towards the feelings of others, she retains a determined spirit and attachments to those she cares for.

    Yumi's smile is almost undefeatable and is what draws people to her.

    Bio: Born and raised in Tomoeda, Japan, Yumi lives with her mother and father and older brother. Her parents who both lived exciting lives as keepers and protecters of the Clow, an ancient magic force created and controlled by a powerful wizard. Her parents however retired into a quiet rural life to raise their children in a peaceful world they helped create.

    However this changed when one fateful night a mysterious force appeared on Earth, rapidly consuming all life. Confused after being woken up in the middle of the night, Yumi's mother handed Yumi her precious Sealing Wand and Book of Sakura Cards.

    "Take these, your father is going to send you away. It's no longer safe here, I love you."

    Confused, Yumi didn't know what to say, but the fact that her mother was handing her her two most coveted and powerful possessions meant it was something important. Before Yumi had a chance to ask questions any her father rushed into the room;

    "I've sent Toru with my sword" then turning to Yumi "Yumi, I know your scared right now but we need to get you somewhere safe. Find your brother, he will protect you. I love you"

    Before she had a chance to say 'I love you' back, everything went black.

    Yumi woke up in a strange place in nothing but her night gown and her mothers wand and cards in hand, she sat up and looked around for Toru..................


    Powers: Using her Sealing Wand, Yumi draws her abilities from her Sakura Cards, each of which holds its own unique power.

    Appearance: [​IMG]


    I hope everything is okay. I was also wondering if anyone would be up for playing her brother Toru (name can be changed), if so please message me!
  5. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    ü, if its okay with you, I'll play the role of Yumi's brother.

    Kinji Kinomoto




    5 Feet 6 Inches

    150 Pounds


    Kinji's Appearance

    Universe and World:

    Kinji is very disciplined and anti-social in contrast to his sister's cheerful persona, he is very protective of her though and will put his life on the line to keep her safe. If anyone is ever able to find a way through his rough exterior he is actually a very kind person when you get to know him. He also dislikes quitters and those who believe they are better than others and will often get very angry at them.

    Kinji was born into a very interesting family, his parents were the keepers of a magical force called the clow, he however, tried his best to live a normal life and as soon as his parents retired that gave him the chance. While he was a loner at school and had no friends he used his free time for Kendo and cooking. Little did he know his peaceful life would soon end. That night where Yumi was entrusted with the cards he was given his father's sword, soon after his father told him goodbye Kinji also blacked out and woke up in another world.


    Kinji's Weapon "The Black Surface"

    His Father's Sword

    Kinji's Gun (AMT Automag III)

    Kinji is a very skilled swordsman and martial artist but his true power lies in his ability to control and locate the cards, he can augment the power of the cards through his main sword.



    Manafest - No Plan B - YouTube
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2012
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Kazuma Fujiwara
    Age: 26
    Universe & World: Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z Universe; Earth

    Being the eldest member of the Kazuma family line, Fujiwara is someone who holds himself to a high standard. He’s devout towards his ancestors, honoring them with ritual meditation and prayer on a daily basis. He guards his family temple relentlessly against any who might disturb it by whatever means necessary, so as to keep their secrets just that. He’s a strong believer in hard work and dedication to tasks. Rarely is he seen goofing off or lounging around, especially when there’s work to be done. At times, he seems to border the lines of arrogance. No where is his persona more evident than in his treatment of his younger brother Kazuma Chiba, whom he works like a mule and pummels harshly in training, often reaching the point of bullying and abuse, all apparently in the name of making him “more prepared for the horrors of the world.”
    For as far back as any of Fujiwara’s family could recall, the Kazuma Clan was one dedicated to the martial arts, and the use and mastery of Ki. Almost as far back, the Clan could recall that its members were dedicated to protecting the world from the evils that threatened. As far back as five generations, Fujiwara has read about members of the family and the clan that placed themselves in harms way in order to protect the Earth; from petty criminals, to Earthly tyrants and villains, to the occasional extra-terrestrial invasion, the family had been a frontline force in the Earth’s defenses, often dealing the blows that the normal military and police couldn’t.

    But as time went on, every member of the family was fated to pass. Some went quietly in their sleep of old age. Others were felled by disease. Others still were unfortunate enough to be defeated by foes too powerful for them (to be avenged by other members of the family. It was this fate that, e few years ago, befell the family’s patriarchs. The father and uncles all fell to the hands of a vicious demonic lord. Fujiwara and his cousins and his elder brother, all now passed, were left to the task of defeating this foe. For the next few years the remains of the family retained their duties, and protected the secrets of their temple and their clan.

    But then, the Syneptophy made their appearance on their Earth. Apparently understanding the Kazuma Clan to be a threat to their motives and goals. The beasts swarmed the Kazuma Clan Temple in massive droves in the dead of night. All members of the Clan that remained combated the hoards of foes. Though they put up enough of a resistance to repel the attackers, their victory didn’t come without its price. The battle left Fujiwara and Chiba as the sole survivors of the clan, and left the temple and most of its historical records in ruin. As the clan’s surviving patriarch, Fujiwara took to continuing the training and practices of his ancestors, and to raising Chiba as a warrior, as well as combating the Syneptophy, thwarting their attempts to seize his home world.

    And now he alone knows the Clan’s deepest secret…​

    • Superior Physique; all around, Fujiwara possesses a superhuman physical capability. He can move faster, lift heavier, break through tougher materials, and endure greater pains and conditions than even peak level humans.
    • Output Control; the most basic technique of a Ki user, this ability allows Fujiwara to suppress and augment his Ki at will. This enables him to avoid most detection, and in some cases surprise opponents by suppressing and powering up when their guard is down.
    • Ki Sense; the harnessing of Ki has gifted Fujiwara with the ability to sense other life forms by tracking their energy output.
    • Flight; focuses Ki into kinetic force to achieve flight and levitation effects.
    • Dengan; otherwise known as the “bullet” technique, this is the name for the basic Ki blast technique. Fires a compressed blast of Ki visible as light.
    • Kamehameha Wave; typically created by cupping the hands together, and chanting the name of the move as though an incantation, the Kamehameha Wave creates a powerful, running stream of Ki visible as a brilliant blue-white light.
    • Ki Shield; Fujiwara projects his Ki out as a shield to protect against assaults.


    Approximate Power Levels;
    • Minimum Suppression – 50
    • Maximum Power – 5,000
    • Kamehameha Charge – 6,000

    Name: Kazuma Chiba
    Age: 18
    Universe & World: Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z; Earth

    Perhaps less devoted to his family heritage than his brother, Chiba is, nonetheless, just as hard a worker (perhaps more so than) Fujiwara. However, on that note, he’s also more prone to goofing off when he’s not training. He doesn’t really believe that his training is paying off, since his brother remains in the upper hand in all of their spars, prompting him to take the training a little less seriously. He maintains the routine for the sheer sake of keeping his brother off of his back (not that it does much). His relation with his brother is pivotal in his life, being a love-hate sort of bond. As much as he despises his brother’s attitude, he can’t help but hold a certain level of respect for him, which helps to keep him in line, though not without argument. ​

    Descending from a long line of warriors spanning over many generations, Kazuma Chiba is a warrior in his own right. His family long stood as the leaders of a clan dedicated to Martial training and practicing in the use of Ki as a foundation in the martial arts. Over his life, he’s trained with his parents, his brothers, and his other relatives. As a result of training with much stronger people than himself, he, in turn, grew stronger that much faster. But over time, despite the training, his family steadily fell in battles, leaving others to clean up in their wake. Before long, the youngest generation of the family, his brother Fijuiwara, and a few of their cousins, remained to carry the family.

    With their family in general shambles number wise, the clan temple came under an assault by the Syneptophy. Arriving in swarming masses, they consumed and destroyed much of the temple. As if that weren’t enough, they took the lives of the majority of the remaining members of the Kazuma family. Chiba was left with Fujiwara as his last living relative. He’s since lived with his elder brother, training with him, despite being bullied in the process and driven into the ground more than he sees fit. Whenever the Syneptophy rear their heads up, Chiba accompanies his brother in driving them back, often at a personal risk. ​

    Having trained with his brother Fujiwara for most of his life, he possesses the same abilities, which have been passed down his family line. ​


    Approximate Power Levels;
    • Minimum Suppression – 50
    • Maximum Power – 4,000
    • Kamehameha Charge; 5000
    • Enraged – 5,500
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2012
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Just five? I've noticed those spots filled up rather fast. And here I was considering making a hero. Anyways, the main villain:

    Name: Matthias

    Age: 26

    Universe and World: Earth

    Personality: Tactical, cold, uncaring, bold, unafraid. Will do anything for knowledge.

    Bio: Matthias was born in 13th century Europe. At a young age, he was exploring a forest when he was attacked by wolves. He ran into a cave. Inside this cave, there was a glowing blue portal. He ran through the portal, arriving in a different world. He spent over a decade in this new world, learning everything he could. He started drawing upon darker and darker knowledge, corrupting his soul. Eventually, he had one single goal. Infinite knowledge. Truly infinite knowledge; knowing every possible outcome, what has happened, what will happen, what could happen.

    At one point, Matthias learned of a spell that slowed down his aging. Not granting him true immortality, but enabling him to live for eons. There was even one rumor that Matthias went to sell his soul to a demon, but tricked the demon into eternal servitude.

    In his multitude of lifetimes gathering knowledge there was something that caught his attention. There was very little information about it, but what little information could be found was enough. Deep Granam, the method for Matthias to achieve his single-minded goal. So Matthias searched for people who would have the strength to assist him.

    Weapon: He creates any weapon we feels like using. If it is a unique weapon it will be a copy and may or may not include any latent abilities of the original.

    Powers: A multitude of magic that he has learned in his long life. Aside from basic spells he has a few he especially enjoys using.

    Clone magic: A clone walks out of his body as if it were a ghost and becomes physical.

    Binding chains: He can make chains appear from the surrounding area. These chains are incredibly hard and durable and are very difficult to break free of. Oh, and they have pointy ends to pierce people with.

    Gravity magic: He's able to use it to both mess with an individual's center of gravity and form high density objects that are similar to black holes (Although not as strong as a black hole, since one of those would suck up everything in an instant).

    Storm of blades: Using the same magic that creates the weapons he uses Matthias is able to cause a large number of weapons to rain down upon enemies.

    Soul crush: He is able to reach inside somebody and pull out their soul. He can instantly kill somebody by doing this, or he could use their souls to control them. There are several restrictions with this magic (Or else it would be too OP) and some people's souls are more difficult to pull out than others.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    And of course I can change things about him if there's something you feel is too strong. Although in my defense, isn't the main bad guy supposed to be really strong and hard to beat?
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well not many people here like to be the bad guy. Probably because they think that they always have to be cold-hearted, self-serving maniacs. I do hope that my character is in as a hero. Though I could make it work if they're villains.
  9. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Let me try this. . . again.

    Name: Marie Ross
    Class: B
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Series: Zerieth's Aura world, but with a few tweaks
    Personality: Dominant/Submissive-Moralistic (Knight Protector/Homemaker)
    Marie is one who goes at obstacles with logic and common sense. The latter was something that she was born with while the former was something she developed for herself with her sensibility. Though she faces her problems with logic, she guides herself with her own moral compass, deciding for herself what was right and wrong. That isn't to say that she'll break the law in order to see justice; Marie just won't go down without a fight. Her caretaker-likeness is an impression her mother left on her, and her pursuit of justice is from that of her death.
    Description: Marie's body type is very slender, built like a runner. As she had inherited a few of the height genes in the family, she ended up being at an even 5' 8", standing fairly tall against most other women. She has long, wavy chestnut brown hair that is normally tied up in a braid in the back, though she does like to put it in pigtails when she feels like it. Her style of dress is normally very loose, affording mobility and comfort over fashion, though the three often manage to overlap anyways.

    Aura Weapon: Rotor - A metallic yo-yo impervious to the elements and nigh unbreakable. It has a rather ornate design on the sides, one that would remind the viewer of what the inner workings of a clock may look like. The yo-yo uses Aura for a string, but it has a built in string in case she needs to go incognito but wants to play with it. Also built in are curved, short razor 'teeth' that spin themselves out as the object spins outward. These, however, are not very good for doing harsh damage to something more than thread, and as such are really only used when Marie needs to cut through something. They can be activated or completely deactivated at will.
    - Mantra: Drab as a fool, aloof as a bard, Rotor!
    Other weapons: Marie from collects bizarre weapons as a hobby, such as the pistol sword. However, these aren't linked to her at all, and are really just another amusement.
    Affinity: Spirit

    History: At a young age, Marie was always exceptionally bright. Okay, exceptionally is much of an overstatement. She was simply imbued with more common sense than the average person, which gave her a head start in real life. This natural sensibility culminated in her breezing through her early years of life, impressing adults with her prowess. Her mother, a kindly woman, was a stay-home mom. She was the caretaker and driving force behind Marie's life - her father, not so much. This factor of encouragement allowed the girl to pursue what she wanted to pursue. As she grew older, Marie developed a passion for gymnastics and with the aforementioned support she became something like a gymnast genius. She was set to take the Olympics by storm. Then, disaster struck.

    Marie (age 17) couldn't have done anything; she was off at another competition. Her mother, out on a routine errand run, was killed by a bank robber - the robber's proof that he was serious. This devastated the girl. Marie withdrew from all social interactions, dropped her competitions, everything and spiraled into a deep depression. It would be two years before she would even attempt to rejoin her passion. Before her first competition back, Marie was doing some basic stretches to loosen up her body, but suddenly they began burning like the Dickens. She was carted off to the emergency room, where it was found that she had Aura potential. An agent was soon on the scene and informed her of her choice. Either to continue her life as usual, with the occasional intervention if her powers somehow went out of control, or joining the Academy. Marie made her decision, and off she went for training.

    Train she did. The routines were easy to get into, given her prior experiences with routine. Top of her class. For the Academy, all was good. Until a rebellion of opposing Aura users appeared, that is. But even that was quelled relatively quickly, and all seemed well as Marie graced her final years of training. All was not meant to be, unfortunately, and soon a Rot weaved its way into her world, and the Academy leaders were baffled. The phrase Syneptophy came up several times in their research, and soon a plan was hatched. The Rot spawned from a parallel-running earth, one where Aura didn't exist yet or possibly even at all! So they deviced and invented, creating a device that would send but one person across the dimensional gap. Marie was selected out of thousands, primarily for her fairly unique Spirit Aura powers (The leaders surmised that her abilities would protect her as she traveled between the two realities) and her excellent marks.

    The device was activated, and soon Marie woke up in a familiar, unfamiliar world.
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Since that finally worked, let's try this! A villain!

    Name - Kurao Teri
    Age - 29
    Gender - Male
    Series - One Piece
    Powers - Zoan Type - Leo Leo fruit. Essentially, forms of a cat. One for speed (Cheetah), one for stealth (Tiger), and one for Strength (Lion). If he consumes a Hyper Ball, then these forms are upgraded immensely in their own categories. He can't have too many Hyper balls in a short timespan, otherwise he'll get sick.

    Appearance - Ruffled black hair, bright blue eyes, and a face that just cries lazy. Fairly strong build, though. It's less bodybuilder and more "proper sailor" in terms of structure. As for clothing, he dresses appropriately, with a sash to hold his weapons and a bandanna to keep his hair out of his eyes. Everything else follows logically, like a loose shirt and pants to fit his transformations easily.
    Personality - Sleepy, slackerish (Mostly).

    Bio - Teri grew up on the same island as Hoshi, for the most part, but didn't meet her until during the tragedy of her parents, in which he had found her right after she had eaten the Wa-Wa fruit. Of course with her bouncy personality counteracting his lazy one, they became friends instantly. A year or so later, he stole the Leo Leo fruit (Which looked a little like a cross between a Pinapple and an Orange) from a fruit stand, and ate it, not knowing what it was. He nearly drowned a week later, and later figured out he had eaten a Devil Fruit. Unfortunately, he didn't know what its abilities were - but he was clued in by a fish addiction.

    Years passed, and Monkey D. Hoshi became the next King of Pirates, leaving Teri as second mate. But he tired of the life of piracy he led, and wanted something that was worth far more. Really, it was only a matter of time before the Syneptophy contacted him with an offer he couldn't refuse.

    EDIT: I can't include them both in the same post. Sorry about the double post.
  11. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Name: Leo

    Age: 19 appears to be 12 when in pendant form.

    Universe and World: Kirby Universe

    Personality: Happy, Joyful, Playful, and Childish

    Bio: Leo is a descendant of Kirby. Kirby is his Grandfather's Great-Grandfather. He like most of his kind are very joyful. When Leo turned twelve he left his universe to search for other beings and universes, He stumble upon a universe where "humanoid beings" had unknown "gifts". When he arrived there he met a man who taught him all types of combat skills Mainly Chi blocking and the Mastery of his birth power, the Copy Ability. Soon after Leo mastered his training's he was given a pendant to give him a humanoid form. When Leo finally settled in that Universe the worlds began to disappear and began to get wiped clean of life. Leo couldn't take it no more he had know what was going on, when he was on his way to leave that universe his Trainer had died from the destruction of the world he was on. Leo barely made out of that universe and he crash landed on Earth not to far from London, Leo has been blending in by going to school and trying to make friends. But he has only been on Earth for two weeks,.

    Weapon: Power Absorption Orbs- Little orbs with different powers in them, when consumed by a species like Kirby.
    Meta Knight's Sword-

    Powers: Copy Ability- By absorbing or touching another being it gains the power of the being that was absorbed or touched. (Touch absorbed powers are temporary)

    True Form:
    (The white Kirby)
    Pendant Form:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2012
  12. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Hey, you don't mind if I sign up do you?

    Kudlak Wynters

    Kudlak is older than he knows, especially given the time differences between the farscape and reality. He appears to be around 42 however, though his features are distinctive of someone older.

    Universe and world:
    Earth/Original - Chekoslovakia.

    Years of searching in an infinite desert have caused him to be secluded and wise, while also being as calm as the oases he rarely found. His history in blood magic causes him to find great delight in others' pain.

    Before recorded history, what me millenia ago now, Kudlak's father, Edgar - an alchemist, had his once genius and innocent teenage mind corrupted by darkness. He forayed into dark arts as a result of growing up in a land ravaged by famine and poverty. He hoped that one of his experiments would bring fame and power for his family.

    As Edgar grew older, his experiments became darker. Leading him to become an apprentice blood mage, frequently using the crimson liquid in alchemical experiments, usually resulting in the creation of horrid life-forms and ill-advised tonics. When Edgar was 27, his father died leaving him alone with his mother, though he was soon to be married to the woman of his dreams, Kathryn.

    His father's death caused Edgar to realise the burden that death would bring on his quest to find fame and power. Worried, he set out to find a way to lift this burden from himself. A demon shrouded in a black cloak, carrying but a scythe in his cracked white fingers, offered to allow his life-force to subsist on the death of those around him, in return for a sacrifice - his wife. Edgar considered the offer, but could not bring himself to murder his newly-wed.

    Several weeks later, he became tha father of two twin boys, Kudlak and Udric. By this point, Edgar's mind was so twisted, and hell bent on reaching his goal, he decided that Kathryn's purpose had been fulfilled, and negotiated with the demon once more, murdering his own wife in their cellar.

    The demon planted the tip of his scythe into the dead woman, absorbing her life-force and metamorphing her still warm body into a swarm of bats, which proceeded to fly as bats do, in a hasty flurry of squeaks and flapping. Biting Edgar and Kudlak before escaping the house and wreaking havoc on other parts of the world.

    Edgar and one of his sons were now vampires, however, Kudlak's transformation had not been peaceful, being only a child and born of Kathryn, whom actually happened to be the descendent of a Goddess, the trauma caused him to unleash his latent powers; powers that would have otherwise lay dormant.

    16 years later, Kudlak returns home one night to find his father stood, a bloody knife in his hand, over his twin's dead body. His corrupted mind had given up on hopes of finding a method to power through his alchemy, and once more struck up a deal with the hooded demon, begging to become a lord of the vampires which had been unleashed 16 years prior. The demon agreed, requiring the sacrifice of his child. Luckily, Kudlak had been away, and his father was so insane with angst he grabbed a knife and killed the first son he could find.

    A shrouded figure stepped out of the darkness, admiring his father's crude, demonic work. Kudlak, in a fit of rage, snatched the scythe from the demon's hands and stabbed it into his father. In killing his own dad, he became Lord of the vampires.

    He then reasoned with the demon, now easily recognised as Death to those who have met him personally, to allow him to enter his brother's 'farscape': a personal desert which the dead must traverse in order to fully die, the desert acts like a judgement for those who walk it.

    Death agreed on the basis that two murders in one day had overly-satisfied him, and besides, it's unlikely Kudlak would ever return.

    Once inside, Kudlak ventured forth in search of his brother's spirit, hoping to release him. Here he spent several millenia before eventually finding his long lost sibling.

    Upon meeting, they had both realised that only one could truly escape from this world, otherwise it would collapse. In order to maintain peace with the worlds, Udric volunteered to stay, though he promised they would meet again, giving his brother a sword forged from part of his soul.

    When Kudlak emerged to what you and I would call reality, he found his journey had been quite taxing on his body, greying his hair and paling his skin considerably. He donned his new sword and set out to find a way to re-unite himself with his brother.

    Now Lord of the vampires and a master of blood magic, he has alligned himself with Matthias and the 'Syneptophy'. An organisation which hope sto control the Deep Granam, the most powerful entity in the universe. He hopes that with this power he can reverse his father's sins, wipe out the vampires entirely and be re-united with his brother.

    To this end he donates his skills and lordship over other vampires to help Matthias achieve his goal. In return, Matthias has made him second in command and shown him how to drain life from entire worlds in order to use his blood magic, increasing it's strength ten-fold.

    He wields the sword his brother gave to him, he is a master of sword combat and can use the power of his brother's soul in order to use various skills, such as projecting a shield with a short life span, creating energy waves that ripple through the air that can potentially kill and more. This sword appears to be a silver longsword that glows blue when using it's powers.

    His cliche bat-like wings can also be used, though usually only in very dire circumstances, as a weak shield or a weapon being aple to whip enemies and gust some weaker ones away.

    Blood magic, allowing him to drain the life of those around him (whether friend, foe, or himself) and planets.in order to cast dangerous and powerful spells, including possessing other's minds, and animating the dead.

  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Just a small note, Dyl, but magic technically doesn't exist on "Original" earth until Jaden and the Synectophy's meddling. Unless you mean it's an original version of earth. In which case, disregard this post.
  14. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Yeah I meant it's an original version of Earth, just like how you could regard Twilight's and Harry Potter's worlds as an 'original' version of Earth.

    (God, did I really just use those two franchises to get my point across :( )

    No harm done though.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Copy old character or create new character... decision decisions, anyways save me a hero spot while I decide.
  16. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    There will be more than 5 hero spots if necessary. When I find the time to look through the sign ups, I will do it!
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Decided to do new

    Name: Miku
    Age: 15
    Universe and World: Square Enix, The Land of Departure
    Personality: Miku is a very kind and friendly girl. She will do anything she can to help people. She also has a strong personality matching with her fighting skills. She is very honest but in a good way. She also feels awkward at times depending on the situation, usually it comes down to somebody flirting with her or if she likes somebody. Miku in the past has followed her fellow apprentices but now out on her own she has her own sort of natural leadership skills where she'll take the lead.
    Bio: Work in Progress
    Weapon (I will allow keyblades but try to be creative): Though I'd be creative, I'm a classic Keyblade person, so...
    Powers: work in progress
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well one would generally assume that in the collective existence of multiple realities, there would be more than five heroes to save everyone from assured doom. Perhaps a quintet of 'chosen few' that hold some sort of greater, omniversal power, hand-picked by you based peoples' RPing merits so that people don't get into a fight over it?
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Um... may we have an update on the list as to who is on the villain's side and who is on the hero's side?

    Name: Seraphin
    Side: Villain
    Universe/World: Dragonfable
    Position: ArchMage
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Ruthless to the core and is angered from the eternal flames that he is trapped in. Unstable.

    Appearance: Tall, 6'3. Wears red, yellow and black-colored robe on and has long, black wings.
    Weapon: Mainly none but has an orb morphed into his fist which he can then released to help with magic damage in exchange for giving up accuracy.

    Abilities: To use magic and the power of fire. Also has a strange power as to where instead of spending magic power, he gains magic power through the casting of spells. However, he has to be careful not to overload.


    Acid: Spell that slowly burns the opponent from the inside.
    Fireball: Shoots a fiery ball at his foes.
    Fury: Deals damage to everyone at an extreme damage.
    Super Blast: Conjures up a large-super-sized orb and sends it down to inflict a tremendous blow.
    Flamethrower: As the name implies, shoots out flame from his hands forward.
    Firestorm: Conjures up a storm full of fire to rain it upon his foes.
    FireWall: Brings up a fiery shield to block attacks.


    In reality, he is a part of a memory that stems from a tragedy that consists between two mages. Because of this, the memory was able to gain conscious and was able to become a living being. The memory was living a normal life but the main, current tragedy that the human continue to experience slowly had him to doubt on his existence and had him to go forth and to research. Becoming a mage, he somehow start to experience other memories that is not his. The more he research, he realized that with his magic, he can gain magic strength instead of losing magic strength with each spell that he cast. He thought that it would be nice to continue using his spells over and over but he reached his limit and he almost lost his stable mentality.

    The Archmage decides to be careful not to use spells so much and decide to research as to why his powers activates the way it is. As he continue to study one day, he faced a traumatic memory. One of the heroes went to his abode one day but saw that the Archmage has disappeared. However, a dark portal was all that was left and his magical orb was broken. As the Hero tried to figure out what has happened to the Archmage, another entity appeared and destroyed his world. This entity was known as Seraphin. Now, he joins with the Synetophy to gain more power. The people is still on the raging search to try to find the Archmage for the Archmage can rival him but he is nowhere to be found. Instead, they have found "The Seer" instead and "The Seer" was able to help those who lost their world to Seraphin to hide in safety.

    Name: Ice Empress Snædís
    Age: ???
    Position: Ice Mage
    Side: Villain
    Universe/World: Dragonfable
    Personality: Bitter, desperate in despair and ruthless.
    Appearance: Hair stands up as though it is that of Medusa's. Skin is blue with purple lips and blue eyes. Wears a sapphire dress with purple lining and a tiara and small, black glasses.

    Abilities: To cast ice spells and to float in air.


    Ice Coffin: Traps her opponent in a block of ice.
    Arctic Blast: Focuses ice energy and shoots it. Once it explodes, it knocks the opponent unconscious.
    Shiva's Rage: Lowers her opponents resistance to ice with ice energy.
    Ice Strike: Shoots several blocks of ice that can lower the fire resistance of her opponents so that those who uses fire attacks can have an advantage.
    Ice Shield: Forms a wall of ice to block attacks.
    Hailstorm: Sends a powerful blizzard that attacks everyone.
    Weapon: None. Uses magic.

    Biography: The Ice Empress is actually bound to a curse stemming from bitter memories. Studying on memories, she herself used to be a researcher. However, Snædís has found herself caught in an accidental blast that encased her in a block of ice, having her seeing the same memory over and over again. This gave birth to another conscious from her memory that brought forth the Ice Empress. Now joining with the Synetopsis, she is trying to imprison the world in ice, to get rid of love.

    Snædís was a mage too, studying on the different elements in the world. Everything else is just a secret only to be revealed in time.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2012
  20. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Everyone is accepted and I hereby abolish the "5 Hero Rule."
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