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KH3D Favorite World

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by VentusSearcher, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Exactly what it says, what is your favorite world?

    Mine would have to be The Grid. It was the most modern, which I like and Tron Legacy is my second favorite movie of all time, so it was really cool to see how the movie interacted with the Kingdom Hearts universe.
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    The Grid, unfortunately, is probably one of my least favourite KH worlds ever.

    My favourite worlds were The Land of the Musketeers and Symphony of Sorcery.

    Seriously, as Sora, the Land of the Musketeers is my favourite KH world ever. It had everything you could want in a world, depth, beautiful scenery, good boss fights, good enemies and it was fun. I still enjoyed it as Riku but not so much.

    The opposite is to be said about Symphony of Sorcery. As Riku, its such a fun, challenging and immersive world. As Sora it just seemed to easy and too sort. Although the part in the clouds that sounded like marshmallows was really cute.
  3. aliera

    aliera New Member

    I have to dissagree with you! my favourite world was and is The Grid, it's just so different to anything else, and I love the atmosphere, on top of that the Light Cycle race with Riku was amazing! and everything else, also the outfits for both Sora and Riku are my favourites from any of the games! I love the supporting characters, (Sam, Quorra ect..) though having said all this I am a TRON Legacy fan.

    I LOVE Pranksters Paradise!!! The whole world was just so energetic! I was laughing like a moron through the whole thing, (funfairs excite me okay?) and the fact you oculd ride the Ferris wheel and rails for the 'coaster just did it for me! on top of that the music is ADDICTIVE!!! BEST WORLD EVER!!!

    Symphony of Sorcery is an amazing world, and the music for the world was amazing! I love all the worlds, but my favourite was definatley The Grid
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2012
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    La Cite des Cloches

    Hunchback of Notre Dome's world was the best to me. It seemed big and open not confined by walls. Frollo was a real Disney threat who like many others succumbed to the darkness.

    And who doesn't like Quasimodo?
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    The World That Never Was. We get to explore more of the city and the castle, plus we get a ton of easy experience =)
  6. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    It bothered me so much that (spoiler) you didn't get you fight Frollo. He didn't feel like a villain or a threat because he's just there and then jumps off a building.
    Napoléon likes this.
  7. Ejox

    Ejox New Member

    That bothered me aswell :/

    My favourite world would either be "The land of the musketeers" or La cité des cloches, because even if you didnt get to fight frollo the boss in that world was fucking awesome!
  8. KHGatomon

    KHGatomon New Member

    The Grid and a new world

    I loved The Grid, the Light Cycle race was awesome! I also enjoyed Traverse Town because of the TWEWY characters and story. But the music in Symphony of Sorcery was incredible!

    Now I know this isn't a world but once I started playing the game I got this idea for a new world. Wouldn't it be cool if Princess and the Frog had a world?
    As Riku you would be human and could interact with Tiana, Naveen, Facilier, Charlotte, Lawrence and Big Daddy all with in the town (New Orleans) and as Sora he'd be a frog (or some other Bayou animal) and interact with Frog Tiana, Frog Naveen, Ray, Louis, the shadow monsters and Mama Odie all in the Bayou. I thought that would be a fun idea for a world. :eek:
  9. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    I also loved La Cite de Cloches, it is a great world that shouldn't be missed!
  10. Muntgrumble

    Muntgrumble New Member

    Symphony of Sorcery was my favorite.

    I thought the music and sound effects in it were so awesome, that I actually plugged in my earbuds and listened rather than turning off the sound and listening to the TV like I usually do when I play DS games.
  11. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    I loved both The land of the musketeers, and Symphony of Sorcery just because I love Mickey, plus in The Land of the Musketeers Donald and Goofy cracked me up.

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