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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Patamon hops into the air in order to expand his lungs. "Boom Bubble"! the winged digimon shot an air bullet at the stars targeting Aire. The result caused the stars to diminish into fairy like dust showering over the young man. As a toll for protecting his partner, Patamon was hit by the onslaught plummeting him back to the ground and pushing him further back. "Get up!" Aire said forcefully as he ran at Patamon. The digimon stammered as it rose. For a second, Patamon felt Aire's thoughts. The boy lifts the creature but not to care for it instead he propels it forward towards Starmon. "Hane Binta!"
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser shook his head in disapproval. " Tsk tsk tsk he still doesn't quite get it oh well. this will just have to be a lesson for him. " Ashe i know its hard for you to look on but this is something that has to be done. Besides i'm a tad to lazy to stop Starmon right now.

    "Alright then boy you just don't know when your backed against a wall i warned ya din i!" Starmon rushed forward sliding low planting a fist underneath Patamon's chin knocking him clear into the sky" Star upper!" He yelled as the uppercut connected. " Meteor Rain!!" More stars appeared and began to rain down."

    " OOOooo that must hurt. Well if you want Ashe you and Flaremon may step in it is getting a tad rough." Kaiser said leaning against the wall he let out a small yawn out of bordem

    Ri..i ..i don't know what were gonna do i don' think the Digimon have it in them to fight all these guys at once." He looked at the Flaming Digimon standing in the middle. " Who are you and what do you want with us..." Alix said in a irritated tone.

    " Oh lil me...?" Flamemon said pointed to his chest." The Names Flamemon Digital Partner to Kaiser. a name you will know soon enough. But i'm here to ..DO a few things" He said with a smirk on his face.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ri gripped her hand into a fist.

    "Like what?!" Ri asked taking a step forward causing Vix to look back at her.

    "Shiori, stay back." Vix said. Ri shook her head.

    "No, if you're fighting who's to say I can't fight too, I'm not going to let you guys get pushed around. Now you, Flamemon, Flameman, Flame-whatever, tell me exactly what you plan on doing?!" Ri said a look of fire reflecting in her own eyes. She wasn't one to just be pushed to the side, she didn't accept it, nor would she let her friends fight let alone get hurt unless she was fighting too.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Lil fire starter arent we?! i like that" Flamemon dashed in front of her. His flames close enough to burn her skin at the very touch. He doubled back starting to laugh. " Hahahaha!! haahaha! your face. your so pissed of its hilairous" While he was rolling over laughing he pointed at one of the massive dinosaur looking Digimon" Make an example out of her will ya" he said eyes with tears from laughing.

    " Raawwwwwrr!!" One of the Tyranomon stepped forward Slapping her back just enough to knock the wind out of her. " Against my own decision i want to kill you but there are other plans for you. So i'd be mindful the next time any of you decide to get ballzy do you follow me?!" Flamemon said in such a harsh tone.

    Ri!!" Alix yelled running to her side along with Agumon. " I can't let them do this agumon we have to fight" I..i'd like to Alix but..i just don't have any energy left....and these guys are all champion level...were all just rookies we don't stand a chance....i dont know what we can do" he said with his face slouched down.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Zac! Come on in here please!" Lady Sonya winked at a little DemiVeemon and kissed him, encouraging him to have a practice duel. While she is doing that, QueenChessmon in PawnChessmon form went back upstairs and gently pushed Zac and Gummymon down the stairs so that everyone can finish quicker.

    "We have a new friend and ally. Everyone! Please welcome Zac and... Kipper." The digimon smiled and said hi as all of them saw the two. "As of now, we will help him demonstrate and show the two how to prepare themselves in battle in case they are under attack. DemiVeemon, please move to the center."
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Flaremon watched both battles, the one between her brother and the digi destined and the one between her crush and Starmon, but she couldn't decide who to join. She finally decided, jumping off a large cliff and landing behind the digi destined, "Sooo, you're the ones who have been causing my brother trouble, well listen here, that's my job, so get lost!" She jumped off the ground and landed next to Alix and whispered in his ear, "Boo."
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Hi!" Kipper gleefully responded back as he inched to the DemiVeemon. He looked at Zac and smiled, "Ready?"

    Zac looked at DemiVeemon and Gummymon. He looked then at Sonya, "Alright then...uh...who goes first?" Zac asked Sonya,

    This may not be so hard, just a little guy
  8. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "No, you didn't hurt me. It's just-" Katia began to respond to her new companion. A deep rumbling cut her off, and soon enough the four Tyranomon appeared with a Flamemon slipping into the fray as well. Labramon was in full fighting form with fur bristling like any animal on edge. The dog digimon watched Renamon go flying backwards and she immediately snapped to the fore, bounding to the fox's side.

    "Cure Liqueur!" Labramon barked, drops of an iridescent liquid splashing onto Renamon's body.

    "Paomon, get over here! Those things will hurt you!" Katia cried, running more towards the middle of the meadow. The four giant dinosaurs surrounded the group, so naturally the safest place was in the middle. She just hoped none of them breathed fire or anything.

    "I'm not Paomon, kitty-Kat! I'm Labramon! RrrrretrieverG!" The dog snarled, launching a sonic wave at Flamemon.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Isn't it obvious? Both of you are fighting. DemiVeemon and Gummymon. DemiVeemon is an unusual type of in-training digimon. I do believe that he will give your friend a good challenge." "Do not hold back Gummymon. This is your first battle. Surprise us." Lady Sonya was ready to take out her fan but then looked at Zac.

    "Well don't just stand there. Stand in that small square! You too have a factor in your little friend's fighting. Your energy is necessary to help him in his fighting. Well then, shall we start?" Lady Sonya raised up her fan as the rest of the digimon was watching. "And..."
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac and Gummymon went into the square and looked at the DemiVeemon. Gummymon inhaled till his cheeks were as big as baseballs. Zac nodded as he pulled out his Digivice and nodded, "Alright let's get going," Zac said hesitantly, he wasn't sure about Kipper fighting DemiVeemon...
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Right before Renemaom jumped in to try and stop Ri fr getting hurt but both managed to get pushed back. She looked up at Alix.

    "Yeah, thanks, Vix are you ok?" Ri asked concerned.

    "Yes, though next time becareful." Renemon said before gettin up herself seeing labramon run in next. "No, Paomon, they're too strong!" Renamon exclaimed. Ri looked over at Alic and Aumon just as Flaremon appeared near Alix and whispered something to him.

    "Huh?" Ri looked at Flaremon confused.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2012
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "BATTLE!!!" DemiVeemon charged on towards Gummymon, using Pop Attack in an attempt to ram Gummymon with its head while hopping. "GET READY GUMMYMON! I will not hold back!" QueenChessMon smiled in her pawn form and nods. "Now let us see the boy's strength." DemiVeemon was getting closer and closer, getting ready to crash into Kipper.

    " Where is that idiot Impmon anyway?"
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Gummymon blasted out a wave of bubbles, using his Double Bubble attack, which was heading towards the DemiVeemon as it used its Pop Attack. "WHOA!" Zac exclaimed, taking note of the wave of bubbles coming from Gummymon. Zac was confused and fasinated, Kipper was usually so calm and cheerful, but in battles...man he was a beast!

    "I didn't know you had that in you!" Zac complimented on Kipper's performance, but Kipper was knocked back when DemiVeemon it's attack on him, "Same goes to be DemiVeemon!"

    "We Digimon have a lot of power Zac, even as in-training forms!" Kipper replied getting back on his f-...well just getting back up, he had no feet. Zac pulled out his Digivice which he took notice of, and showed it to Sonya, "What can this do again?" Zac asked Sonya.
  14. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sasori looked at the rabbit like digimon as it made its way back in front of him. "Tsunomon....is that you?" Sasori asked.

    "Of course Im Tsunomon, but I digivolved. Im Elecmon now, but you can call me Rein remember!" Rein said as turned around feeling the presence of another digimon. "Champions..." Rein said.

    "What are champions?" Sasori asked as he backed up seeing the Tyranamon appear along with Flamemon.
    "They are stronger digimon Sori, I'm only a rookie now, I wouldn't stand a chance against them right now I'm too tired to fight again." Rein said

    "We might have to Rein." Sori said as stood in front of Rein.

    Rein looked at him and nodded then stood in front of him ready to fight.

    Sasori looked over at the others. "Guys...what do we do now?" Sori said as he readied himself.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    DemiVeemon took the damage from Gummymon's attack but still wanted to go head on and used Pop Attack once again. "That digivice enables the power to have your digimon to go to its higher form. It can signal you when Gummymon is close enough to digivolve. Control your emotions. Your emotions will enable him to get stronger on the battlefield."

    "Lady Sonya, he is too curious." "That is fine. We shall make him get stronger soon, if possible." DemiVeemon charged at Gummymon once again as he hopped around, surprising the digimon who were watching them battle. "Remember to let your emotions determine the battle."
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac nodded and watched the battle. Kipper was knocked back yet again, DemiVeemon was a lot faster than him, not to mention a whole lot more agile. "You can do it Kipper!" Zac said, "Even though this is just training I still believe you can win this! I mean it!"

    Kipper smiled as he returned to his ground, looking at Zac with a determined look. It was then the screen of his Digivice glowed a pure white, Zac looked at it and nodded, "So I gotta have faith...and I do have it in Kipper...let's do it!" Zac said as he raised his Digivice in the air as watched as Gummymon glowed white, morphing a bit as pixels surrounded around him.

    "Gummymon digivolve toooooo!Terriermon!"

    By the time this was done, a small dog with long ears stood place, "Wow..."

    "I got this," Kipper said, J"TERRIER TORNADO!" Terriermon said as spun around into DemoVeemon
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2012
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Hmph." A chuckling grunt fell dull out of Hoshi's mouth as she watched things proceed. She had arrived at the prairie, a distance away from the actual fighting several minutes ago. However, she had chosen, instead of fighting, to sit back and watch Flamemon and his cohorts deal with the DigiDestined their way. And it wasn't exactly the most graceful of separation operations. In fact, it was probably the least graceful one she had ever seen from Flamemon, which made her immediately regret asking him to pull the favors from his friends. She rolled her eyes, and stopped watching the battle.

    "Silly boys!" Kuroneko said with a purr. "They have no subtlety!"

    "Amateurs," Hoshi said in agreement. "Maybe we should show them how it's done, Kuroneko."

    "You got it girlfriend!"
    the BlackGatomon hissed happily, finally excited to have something truly interesting to do. "BlackGatomon Digivolve to..." In a flash of digital light, the feline creature transformed into a tall, lean, demonic gargoyle sort of creature with bat-like wings and razor sharp claws. "LadyDevimon!" The evolved digimon wasted no time getting to the action, as with a flap of her wings, a swarming cloud of thousands of small bat-like monsters erupted out from her. vicinity. "Evil Wing," she state, allowing the small monsters to swarm and corral the the DigiDestined away from one another. "Not as strong as they would normally be, so they'll get those children scattered instead of burning them to ashes."
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smiled at Sori. "What do you mean 'What do we do'? We kick ass," Jordan exclaimed.

    Veemon walked in front of Jordan and said, "By we, you mean me, right?" And there he went, running into battle.

    Jordan scoffed and mumbled, "His cockiness is starting to annoy the hell out of me..."

    Veemon ran up to one Tyranamon and exclaimed, "VeePunch!" He hit him in the leg and kept running, not even thinking about what little impact he made. He moved on to Flamemon and jumped up. "VeeHeadbutt," he yelled, hoping he'd hit Flamemon.
    Abyssal Knight likes this.
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Hoshi! hey i had this under control!" Flamemon spouted out as LadyDevimon appeared on the scene. "Hmph..your lucky i can't digivolve right now." He turned his head just im time to hear "VeeHeadbutt," " ugh!!' He spun around with his tail it becoming engulfed in flames" Flame Tail!" Whipping into Veemons Attack canceling out it knocking him back into Jordan " Your outmatched fool back up off me!"

    "Oh...no LLLL....Lady De..Devimon" The larger Digimon all said in unison. they were frightened each of them forming into digital data leaving the area." Flamemon rolled his eyes" Punks" He said under his breath" Then i'm heading back to Kaiser". Flamemon said as he vanished from sight.

    Alix swung his fist at flaremon as she was in his ear. " Get away from us!" Agumon jumped at her " Pepper Breath!" he said shooting a fireball her way only to be stopped by Lady Devimon. " Alix...we need to this is not good not good at all!" But even before they could contemplate the thought of a escape plan they were all sucked into her attack. Alix quickly Grabbed onto Shiori's hand " Hold on to me!" He said as they were all carried away.

    The Digidestined were now scattered over the Digital world. Dropped off in seperate areas in groups of two each. It wasnt intentional but it how things ended up. Hoshi was instructed to move them thats all, no particular order.

    Alix and Shiori were dropped In the Zone full of Wind and Ice.
    Jordan and Sasori were dropped in the Rocky Mountainous zone. Full of powerful fire type digimon.
    Katia and Sodina were dropped in seperate zones but very close to one another.
    Katia fell into the Tropical area surrounded by sand and the ocean.
    Sodina was dropped into the locale safari zone full of Jungle and bush.

    Each one of them was in for a major adventure even though they were not yet aware of what awaits them.

    Map of where you are all located.

  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Agh..." Ri muttered before sitting up. She looked all around seeing nothing's but snow and ice. Just when she felt a gust of wind roll by she began to shiver. That's when she noticed Alix and their two digimon but not the others.

    "Alix!" Ri exclaimed getting up and hurrying over to him.

    "Ri..." She saw Vix getting up. "Oh no, agumon." Vix hurried over to the other digimon.

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