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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    Sodina woke up and looked around. There was no one around except for her winged partner. She got up from her place on the ground and walked towards her winged partner. When she came near it, it woke up and flew to her shoulder.

    "*yawn* So what are we going to do?" Cheranine said

    "We're going to go looking for food, we're almost out" She said, picking up her lunch bag. there wasn't very much in there and certinly not enough for two people "come on"

    they walked though the forest they were in for some time, every bush they checked had no berries or were rotten. Finally the duo came out of the clearing, to find themselves standing on a cliff above a village of sorts.

    "hey that's a village down there" Sodina said

    "Want to check out, they might have extra food"

    "Sure" and with that Sodina started to climb down the cliff carefully to avoid injuring herself with cheranine following
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    -sigh- Ashe's presence always pissed Aire off. He blatantly disregarded his statement and ventured in another direction.

    The Streetlights lit the mid-day digital sky and the uproar of the nightclubs became more and more apparent. Although Quad City was a tyrannical region, ironically the digimon appeared comfortable with their living arrangements.

    He paused as though someone was speaking to him.

    OOC: So I've read.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    It was a Leomon who was speaking to the boy. Zac looked at the Leomon and noticed the Lion man was taller than the Neo Digidestined. He was intimidating. yet, gave a sense of serenity. He looked down at the boy, arms crossed, "Now tell me, who are you?"

    "I-I'm...I am Zac Techika," Zac said to the Leomon, a sense of fear in his tone, "I'm a Neo Digidestined, I work for the Deva Kings. I was just brining these Muchomon food, because you see, I was told to delete or relocate the Muchomon, but they didn't want to leave and I didn't want to kill them, so I gave them some food in a agreement to keep this secret,"

    "...so...you work for those Deva Kings...yet you have no sense of chaos or corruption? You would feel remorse after murder?" Leomon asked with an astounded look upon his face, "If you are a Digidestined...why do you not protect us?"

    "I'm a Neo Digidestined," Zac said, "I am paired with a Terriermon who is back at my home at Sonya's mansion. I don't think I'm supposed to protect those who rebel against the Deva Kigs...am I?"

    The Leomon walked away, gesturing to Zac to follow him, in which he did. Zac followed the Leomon through the forest. Zac was unsure where it was they would go, but the Leomon seemed to know the way. What did this Leomon know that Zac did not?
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26


    Sonya woke up, wondering who called her name. By the time she woke up, she realized that it was her leader.
    "Oh. It's you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have came in here." She stood up but then fell back down since Sonya is still tired.
    "I.. have some gifts for you over there on that counter."

    She finally gained the strength to stand back up and walked towards the window, looking out at the city, still busy as ever. "The boy with Gummymon, he is... interesting. Curious and an amateur but was able to have determination to push his partner to his next form. And as for that other boy?"

    Lady Sonya turned back towards Kaiser and looked into his eyes, her superiority personality quelled and calmed from the colors in his room... or maybe she is still tired from her sleep. "But are we doing the right thing? I mean, those two came from the school. What if there are others? What if it is someone who I do not like? Such feeble minds."
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe sighed and followed quickly after Aire, "Kid listen to me. I'll give you all the power you've ever wanted, and all you have to do, is cause trouble for the other group of kids who came after you. Simple right? C'mon, just say yes, and the power will be all yours..." He stopped and let Firamon ride in a circle around Aire forming a ring of fire that surrounded them. "Well, what'll it be?"
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Well if we don't like em we get rid of em. I mean that Other kid was extremly unappreciative." Kaiser walked over to the balcony overlooking the city. " If it were up to me...i'd kill him" His voice sounded that of a menacing manner. " I don't always have this bloodthirst nore do i want it. But he forgets who brought him to where he is, gave him what he has. and he spits in my face? "

    He turned back to Sonya starting to motion his finger back and forth. " No No no No we wont be having any of that. But i left him to Ashe for safe dealings and if that doesnt play out in my favor then in worse case Scenario i'll see to it that he is how do you say.....Removed from the digital world."

    He jumped forward almost face to face with her. " But!! We have other pressing things to discuss yes yes indeed. If you doubt my resolve then all you need to is watch me. I'm trying to make the Digital world and the Real world one. Our goal is right as is our Intent. There will be no need for losers or winners. Everyone will be peaceful because some way or another everyone will get what they want in the end. There will be no reason for people to stand over graves because they werent strong enough, no reason for others to be bullied for not being able to defend themselves. I do this for those that cannot do it themselves. "

    " These Digidestined are going to throw a fork in my road and i can't let them do that. i'm trying to avoid a Conflict and go for a more Civil approach but people are slowly wearing my patience thin." Kaiser sat on the bed next to her and fell backwards onto it. " So what are these gifts you brought for me."


    Alix sat there under Shiori still overthinking things. His mind was racing and he couldnt get one topic off to the next off of his mind. But he knew progress needed to be made. " Well we need to head out as soon as this Snowstorm is over. We need to find some sort of direction as to where to go but first. we need to Find everyone and get back together before we set out.

    " Agumon plopped onto the floor falling asleep from eating. Digimon were usually unable to battle or Digivolve without energy and as of how much Agumon had ate once he slept he would be more than ready. " Shiori can i as you something? Why did you even want to be my friend..i mean im not the coolest and i have problems talking to others. I don't think i can ...i dont now LEAD you i don't wana be the reason something happens to you ..ya know?
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "We've talked about this before." Ri said looking at him. She closed her eyes.

    "I was the new kid in school. I was different boys annoyed me, and girls annoyed me even more. I didn't like how girls could be chatter boxes, gossiping about this and that, and how they were into so much girly stuff, then guys though I was into most of the same stuff would pick on me for being the girl. So in recess when I first moved I'd just sit alone observing everybody else when I saw you, doing the same thing, it wasn't until some guys came up to bother you I got up and stopped them because I felt like that was the right thing to do." Ri said shrugging.

    "As for after that, how we really became friends, I'm not even sure, it just kind of... happened." Ri said yawning. "And who says you have to lead, we can work alongside one another, besides lets face it you tend to think things through a little more than what I ever did so you'll probably become the smart, intelligent one of our little duo."
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The Leomon had led Zac into a cave that was lighted by a single torch. Leomon directed Zac to sit down on the ground, in which, Zac did, and Leomon sat down after, crossing his legs. Zac thought he should do that as well and repositioned himself.

    "The Deva are not who they say they are," Leomon said as he explained to Zac, "The Deva were originally two Digidestined, that would be its leader, Kaiser and his twin brother, Ashe. It was a long time ago when they were once proud heroes, defending the digital world. We had respected them, they respected us, protected us, and were kind to us as well. But...times have changed. The two became corrupt with the glory, power, and praise they were given. Soon, a war broke out, Kaiser became the king, his brother was murderous and blood thirsty. Soon, they formed the Deva kings, they have taken over many parts of digital world, those that follow them are unharmed, those who have rebelled...were killed,"

    "...r-really? They were once Digidestined? But... Why did they turn?" Zac asked the Leomon, as he leaned in closer to listen to the tale,

    "Like I said, they became prideful, and soon it consumed them. They became dictators, rather than the father-like kings they once were. Many digimon try not to rebel against them in order to live, but some would rather die than live in a world where they are ruled over and dictated. From what I have heard, a new set of Digidestined have arrived to the Digital World, but my only fear is this... Will they be consumed by pride and power? Or will they right the wrongs the last generation have made?"

    Zac looked down to the ground...he was thinking about all that Leomon has said, giving him fear if he truly was on the wrong side. Terriermon even said few times what Sonya did was wrong... "Are you sure this is true?"

    "I was there when it happened," Leomon said, "I felt sorrow when they turned...many who followed them did. I try not to get into the fight, because I have hope that soon this will be over, because of the new Digidestined, we have a chance. You do not seem malicious, corrupt, or anything like the Deva King and their minions. Maybe...you are one of the Digidestined. I could easily be wrong, but seeing how you didn't want to harm innocent digimon, I see that you are not corrupt. Think about it,"
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sasori looked over to the boy and laughed. "How dare you act like you don't know who I am?....I've been the coolest kid in school for like years know. Im in that band. Huwako Mundo? I'm sure you've heard of us" Sasori said in a cocky way.

    Rein looked up at him and rolled his eyes. "Sasori stop being a jerk."

    "Hey look Rein, he should've known I'm like his superior and I take no disrespect from anyone." Sasori said.

    Rein stared at Sasori as the group got reached a small cave.

    "Okay...whatever....Im Sasori and yes I've realized were in a digital world or dimension...whatever you call it. I just know I want to get home." Sasori said as he fanned him self with his hand and unzipped his track jacket. Sasori grabbed his stomach as it began to growl. "So how's about we set up camp here for now and get search for some food? Cause im pretty hungry dude." He said.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan scoffed and replied, "Why'd I get stuck with the prick."

    Veemon giggled and said, "You look in a mirror?"

    Jordan laughed a bit and shot back, "Shut it Vex!"

    "Vex? What does that mean?"

    Jordan laughed and said, "Don't worry about it! Just now it perfectly fits you!" He now turned his attention to the complaining boy he was stuck with. He groaned loudly and said, "Ok you guys! Princess here is a little hungry and needs to stop to eat, even though, you know, we have much more important things to attend to." Jordan chuckled and laid against the wall, waiting for Sasori and Rein to stop as well.
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Well, you'd best be returning to your base," Leomon said getting up, "If you believe you are a Digidestined, I suggest you look for the others, they could use you," he said as he left the cave, leaving Zac to contemplate at his Digivice. This was a lot to process... was he truly on the right side? He shrugged it off and shook his head as he left the cave as well and headed back to the mansion, for all he knew, Sonya could have returned, and she might wonder where he was, and he could get in trouble.

    He walked through the forest, heading back to the mansion. Imhis mind, a single thought came to him... What if?
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sasori looked at Jordan and growled. "Princess!-"

    "Sori calm down no need to waste your energy" Rein said as stopped in front of Sasori.

    Sasori looked at Rein and nodded. "So where should we start searching Rein...I mean you do live in this place don't you?" Sasori said looking at him. Rein nodded. "Sasori me and you will go out and look for food. Can you and Jordan go out and start a fire for us Veemon?" Rein said as began walking out of the cave with Sasori not following to far behind.

    "Yeah loser get the fire started, we'll find the food" Sasori said referring to Jordan.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Your brother is a piece of trash. Him trying to take care of that kid? Rubbish. I fear that he will only make it worse. Not only that, I fear that he does not know what he is doing. I believe that we take on a tactician approach. We must make sure that we limit the options of any rebels. " Lady Sonya looked back as she saw her servants with more of the gifts come in. She claps her hands as she had one Biyomon get toe food off of the table and put it on the bed while a Cupimon came around and start using his special ability to make everyone happy in the room, putting out massaging lotions.

    "You are tense. Relax." Sonya start putting some of her favorite Peach Tea massage lotion on her hands and start going through Kaiser's hair as she sat behind him. Cupimon flew and went to the leader's feet. " Do not worry. Let me take care of the battle plans. It is what I do. We must keep our image, no?

    "And where have you been?" PawnChessmon was walking behind Zac, waiting to hear a reply from him and the success of the mission.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac literally jumped and screamed a bit when he heard PawnChessmon's voice behind him. He turned a saw the small knight looking digimon as he showed his power face, "Oh I, uh...back in the forest to make sure there was no more of the Muchomon...yea, it was a success, they didn't leave so I-I de...deleted them," Zac said, all the way his tone had a hint of nervousness that was easy to identify, "Well, if you excuse me I have to check up on Kipper, he has been playing wih his twin while I was gone, thought I'd give him a break,"

    He nervously laughed and walked away quite fast. That, was too close. How long was that PawnChessmon following him?! He was gonna get an earful from Sonya if she figured out...
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaisers Muscles Gleamed from the light that beamed through the windows. " I can appreciate your concern. However, I hope you know fully well what my brother is capable of. You joined our Resolve not to shortly after i managed to quell him. His a Blood Thirsty maniac. you'd do right to be weary of that. My brother isnt the most...elegant but you'd do well to respect him. Disrespecting him is disrespecting me. " He leaned back his back pressing up against her chest. " And im sure we don't want that now do we?"

    He reached to the side of him for a strawberry plopping it into his mouth. " As far as that boy i left him in charge of. My dear lady if you think you can do a better job of slapping some sense into him by all means have at it. Because if i have to step in it wont be any fun." He rotated his shoulders making a small achning noise. " Yea i am a tad tense aiiyeee it hurts. But! There is a local rebel force lead by our old pal Leomon that i wan't you to scout for me. He has came into the Quad city area and left far to many times for me not to take notice."
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Twisted Walls" - Dungeon-esque, evil boss music, piano, drums, guitar + strings, metal - YouTube

    Aire speaks while facing the flames that have been set before him. Their flare wavers in his eyes emphasizing a resolve.

    "You just don't get it. Do you? "

    "Are you just that clueless or are you just that much of a dunce?" he begins to get louder.

    "There must be some kind of bizarre impression in your head that makes you believe I want anything from you! I really can't fathom such low standards of asking me to work for you after the weak excuse of a loss of emotions you displayed just hours ago". Hah Haha HahaaaaHHAAAHH Haaahaahahahaaaaa. Aire starts to chuckle which breaks into an uncontrollable laugh.

    He unexpectingly calms down. "But I'm not going to lie. You and your brother have given me something. Not only this creature, but a way to evolve it further. Into something more massive, destructive, and most of all more powerful. I especially have your brother to thank for that with the incredible feat. He has already displayed!"

    Aire finally turns to Ashe. "Simply, I don't need your help and you can be damn sure. I will cause some trouble and not just for your little friends. As for this fellow, Aire looked downard and surprisingly Tokomon was fully awake. He wasn't his usual self though. His form was much more menacing now and it wasn't just him a dark glow erupted from Aire's hand which illuminated onto Tokomon disrupting Flaremon's flames. Tokomon was once again Patamon but Patamon was different and altered from his prior form. "I'll use him for POWER! Even if it means forcing him to evolve!"

    And with that, a shadow in the form of a dark angel engulfed itself around him. Disappearing! Flaremon's flames re-ignited with Aire's and Patamon's exit.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe smirked, "DAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU SEE THAT KAISER? I DID IT!" Ashe disappeared as well, appearing by Kaiser and Sonya. "It's done. The kid's hungry for power now, and once he figures out we have much more, he'll come right to us." Ashe smiled and shoved Sonya out of the way so he could relax. "Get out of here witch, don't you have a toy to play with? Begone, I must speak with my brother alone."
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " You made him power hungry..that wasnt what i needed you to do. Just fantastic..." Kaiser shrugged and rolled his eyes. " Meh..if push comes to shove i'll just have to kill him. His arrogance is to strong that its stupid. In the end he will be his own downfall. Without the correct sync of a digivice to a Digimon there is only so much power they can obtain. Well matters to me not at this point i'll have him assassinated if he does not show up at this city by noon tommorow. I said i left you in charge of him so if he is not in front of me by tomorrow noon hes a dead man."

    He trailed off a look at Sonya. " You don't have to leave. " He quickly looked back at Ashe. " Were all apart of the same circle whatever it is you need to say to me you can say it in front of her." He relaxed and popped another strawberry into his mouth.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe shook his head, "No. It's about... them..." Ashe didn't know how to put it without angering Kaiser, so he put it the best way possible. "This has always stayed between us and she need not know what her two bosses talk about in their own time. This is beyond serious Kaiser. I'm not kidding around this time... this time... it's for real brother. I fear it's only a matter of time before..." He stopped, remembering Sonya was there. Turning to her, his eyes filled with bloodlust, "I SAID LEAVE!!"
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser sat forward putting his vest back on still shirtless. " Sonya my dear could you give us a few moments i'll be with you shortly. He snapped his fingers and 2 hawkmon escorted Sonya and her digimon out the room closing the door behind her.

    " I'm in a lazy mood today why do you insit on making me work" He rolled around in the bed annoyed, " So what is it?

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