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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac went over to where Kipper was, ony to find that kokomon wasn't there. Insted, when Teriermon walked to Zac, he walked up with a Lopmon. Zac was pretty curious about this... "Where is Kiki?" Zac asked,

    "Zac this is Kiki! She Digivolved into Lopmon!" Terriermon said with glee as he hugged his sister as she blushed a bit. Both digimon looked alike, though one was chocolate and one was vanilla. Zac smile as he stroked her head, going over the stubby spikes which didn't hurt,

    "So Lopmon huh?" Zc asked, "How did that happen?"

    "I was playing with Terriermon today and I felt happy I was with him," Lopmon said, "I felt happy that I was with him again, and then...I Digivolved after we were done,"

    "Well you did battle, and Sonya said bonds help Digimon evolve faster...maybe that's how," Zac said as he looked at them with a smile kneeling down to them, "Kipper we have to go, now, we need to pack up and leave,"

    "Why Zac?" Kipper asked tilting his head, so did Kiki.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan scoffed as Sasori left and looked at Veemon. "Well Vex, know how we start a fire," he asked, never having made one in the past.

    Veemon nodded and rushed away, only to come back with supplies. He sat down and beckoned Jordan to come next to him so he could watch and learn from him. After a few seconds, the two got a fire starting, followed by an exchange of high-fives.

    "Heh, you're pretty smart Vex," Jordan said, patting Veemon on the shoulder.

    Veemon smiled at Jordan and patted him back. "So, what's the human world like?"

    Jordan whistled and replied, "Where to begin! Pretty much, it's boring! Nothing but school really."

    Veemon cocked his head to the side and replied, "School?"

    Jordan fell back in shock. "You don't know what school is?!"
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sasori and Elecmon slowed down as they began to reach a small deserted hot spring. "We can fish here and there are some giant mushrooms over there" Elecmon said pointing at the mushrooms over near the edge of the cliff with his tail.

    Sasori looked at Elecmon and nodded before saying "I'll get the mushrooms and leave the fishing to you."

    Elecmon looked at Sasori then walked over to the hot spring and inserted his tails into the water.

    Sasori had looked over at Elecmon after he had gather all the mushrooms to see that Elecmon had caught a heap of fish. "Wow....Nice Job!" Sasori said as he began picking the fish up and walking back towards the cave.

    He and Elecmon then reached the cave with the weird colored fish and huge mushrooms. "Well lets get to cooking guys" Sasori said as he picked up a stick from off the cave floor and adjusted the stick in between two rocks so it would stand on it's own over the fire.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The door to the hut opened and in walked a dozen Snowagumon who quickly noticed the uninvited guests, Alix and Shiori. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR HOUSE! ICE BREATH!"

    Ashe growled menacingly but spoke, "They attacked me while I was eliminating a smaller group of rebels... Those guys... they did something to Firamon... she's... not looking good." He pointed at his digimon, which had changed to a darker, purplish color.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "It's... kinda hard to explain," Zc said picking him up, "Just don't let PawnChessmon see us okay? Would you like to come with us Kiki?" Zac asked the bunny digimon. She backs away with a sad face,

    "L-lady Sonya is my master... I'm not one of your digimon Zac..." Lopmon said sadly, "I can't be with you, I can't be with my brother..."

    "Momentai Lopmon, we were born for the same egg meant for Zac, after all he is a Digidestined," Terriermon said with a smile,

    "Bwah?! So I'm really a Digidestined?!" Zac asked with shock. Leomon was right all along, he wasn't meant to be with the Deva was he? He shook his head, "No I am not,"

    "Terriermon how do you know that? The Deva said you were meant with a Neo Digidestined, and that I'm not..."

    "Zac isn't like the Deva from what I have seen, he is one of the most kindest of people I have met!" Terrirmon answered,

    "We'll that doesn't mean I am Kipper," Zac said, "But Leomon said I was possibly one, he said I was nothing like the Deva, who he said are corrupt... But it does seem to add up... The Muchomon did nothing to game Sonya, so why would they take away land from innocent digimon?"


  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Furious as to what Ashe did, Sonya opened the door back into the room and immediately walked up to Ashe. Up in his face, she slapped him in a rage and took out her fan to cool herself off. As of now, Sonya didn't even care if Ashe will go into a rage from getting slapped. In her eyes, he deserved it. She then looked back at Kaiser.

    "You can now continue your meeting. I have somewhere else to be now anyway." Lady Sonya told her servants to return once they are done treating the leader well and then left out of the room, slamming it. "And he says that I need to respect him? The nerve of him! Fine. It doesn't matter anyway. I already know what I need to do." She continue to plan what she is going to do next, thinking very carefully as she walked out of Kaiser's abode.

    "First off, I will get him. Ashe don't even know what he is doing anyway and it is best that I will take him in. I better contact the rest." Lifting up her digivice, it shot out a bright, pink beam, signaling and trying to connect with her PawnChessmon and to sense her presence. While trying to do that, she is also trying to trace Aire's location. " It's about time that I meet up with him. I am very worried."

    "Do not let you see what?" PawnChessmon walked up behind Zac, looking straight at him as she was curious. "And... Lopmon? You have finally evolved. I assume that you and your training have worked well for you? Nicely done. As for you.... Ticker was it? I believe that you had your fair share of fun with her now. Lopmon, you should return back to your room now. I believe that you should rest up for your first mission." PawnChessmon turned back to Zac, interested as to where he stands.

    "So, I believe that the two of you now understand the proper way to battle and how to handle rebels am I correct?" As she continued the conversation, she felt Lady Sonya calling her with the digivice.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    A ray of light hits Aire face waking him.

    "Where am I?" he stated disoriented.

    A shiny object from his hand gradually vanishes. A luxurious forest spans as far as the eye can see and its grassy plains appears even greener from one side to the next. Aside from the plains, the trees grew by the bushels and swayed like leaves in the wind. The aroma was sweet and not bitter.

    Patamon was encased in thought but then notices Aire.

    "Hey, what's going on?" "Where are we?" "Why are we not in the city" "What happened to the digimon that I was fighting?

    Patamon begins questioning everything. Aire momentarily has the exact same issue with remembering then recalls the events up to Ashe.

    "From now on your friends are no longer your friends"

    "What do you mean?" "What did you do?" "I have to go back!"

    Shutup! and listen. The only reason your alive right now is because of me. Your friends didn't give a crap for your safety. Don't get me wrong neither do I but I at least saved you.

    "No they would never!"

    "Hola muchachos. Por que estan aqui?" an interrupting voice emerges from a nearby tree.
    "Ah Es un Patamon" "Nuestro Hermano!" another voice descends from a branch.

    Bird like digimon reveal themselves. They are Muchomon.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser fell over laughing when Ashe got slapped. " Bahahahhah!!! AHHH HAHAHA" he fell off the bed and began rolling on the floor. " Did ya se..didja see " He was laughing so hard his stomach was hurting. " Oh man oh. that was priceless. she just walked in and POW" Kaiser stood up wiping the tears of laughter from his face. " Ok ok but in all seriousnes. " He still wore a brief smile on his face. " Take your Digimon to the hospital in my district or you can list the help of Hoshi she may have a idea in Digimon Cures, i think she just needs to rest."


    Alix fell off the couch backing up. ' Wha wha wha what the hell!" 12 snow digimon walked in the room angry at the fact that they were in the home. " He looked back at Shiori. " See i told you!!"

    No worries Alix we got these losers!!" Pepper Breath!" Agumon shot out a few fireballs that cancled out the ice breath. " Come on ya lousy bums show me watcha got!!
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "um..." Zac said as he looked at Pawnchessmon as Lopmon left. Zc wasn't sure whatto say, but then Kipper opened his muzzle,

    "We are gonna help the rebels!" Terriermon said with his fist up high, and Zac picked him up and covered his mouth, "Kipper! That's exactly what I said to keep secret!!!" Zac said as he looked at Pawnchessmon and slowly backed away an then ran. He blew it, too quickly...
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    As Jordan finished up his speech about school, Veemon stared at him in disbelief. "Whoa. School sounds like a scary place."

    Jordan chuckled and replied, "You don't know the half of it!"

    Moments later, Sasori and Elecmon returned with plenty of fish and mushrooms. "Haha, nice job you two!" Jordan watched as Sasori adjusted the stick and patted him on the back. "Nice going amigo. But, uh...what the hell do I do with a stick?"

    Behind Jordan, Veemon could be seen shaking his head at Jordan's slowness.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "No Agumon. if they live here, we can leave." Ri quickly stood up Renamon stood near Ri as well. She looked over at Alix and went to head towards the door.

    "We'll head on out we're sorry, we were simply seeking out refuge from the cold and the hut was empty and left open. " Renamon said walking up to the snowagumon explaining their situation.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The Snowagumon spoke among each other for a moment then smiled, "We will let you go, if you beat us and our master." They all stepped back except for two who would be starting the match.

    Ashe roared, his eyes filled with anger and bloodlust. Firamon, as if reacting to his rage, digivolved into a dark version of Flaremon, which Ashe jumped onto. "I WILL KILL YOU!" He screamed maniacally as he charged towards Sonya's castle, destroying anything and everything that got in his way.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac ran back in side holding Terriermon, only to find that Ashe was riding on a purple Flamemon...destroying Sonya's mansion?! Zac wasn't caring about Sonya's place, but rather the digimon inside who could be killed! "Terriermon lets go!"

    "Right! TERRIER TORNADO!" Terriermon said as he jumped off Zac and flew at Flamemon in a spinning tornado. Zac looked and saw Deputymon getting into the fray by firing his signature move,

    "JUSTICE BULLET!" he exclaimed as he launched a bullet heading towards Flamemon. It was Zac, Terriermon and Deputymon against an ultimate level digimon. Yup, this oughtta be good...
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hm?" Lady Sonya looked back around to see that while she was heading back, she heard screaming in the city. She hurried on back only to see that it was havoc. "What in the world?" "AAAAAAAAH! He's at it again! We're doomed!" "What is it this time?" The Lady walked up to one of the digimon who was bruised up, fanning it as she was wondering what happened. "The leader's brother... he went on a rampage... we did...nothing. He went that way." "Just as I thought Ashe is a nuisiance as always. Wait a minute... MY DARLINGS!" Lady Sonya ran back towards her mansion, trying to make sure that her digimon will not suffer.

    "Lopmon. Stay behind." PawnChessmon ran after Zac at a steady pace. By the time she caught up with him, he saw the two fighting. "What is the meaning of this?!"

    In the forest, so many digimon were worshipping a digimon who ruled over the forest. In the forest, a large plant digimon resides as ruler over the land. She was pleased.

    (I am going to use a digimon plant against RoaringFlames but I am not able to give out the name. Need to go to class.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe and Flaremon roared in unison, "GET OUT OF THE WAY KID! I'M HERE FOR SONYA ONLY!" The tornado from Terriermon did nothing short of pissing Ashe off further. " YOU ASKED FOR THIS..." Flaremon roared at Terriermon and Pawnchessmon, "CRIMSON LION DANCE!" was all that she said as a huge wave of fire tunneled forward, engulfing everything in its wake.

    The Snowagumon watched the two carefully, eagerly awaiting the two to make the first move.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac grabbed Terriermon's ear, who then got on Zac's head and then the human grabbed Pawnchessmon and carried her out, Deputymon still in the hall, knowing he could give them some, "Bring it on partner!" were his last words when the flames eclipsed the mutant digimon's body as he was deleted, with digital data separating from him.

    Zac managed to get the others into another room while the halls eclipsed in flames, "Leomon was right! These guys aren't peacekeepers!" Zac said as he got up and headed for the window, "Lets get as many digimon out of here as we can!"
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    a hand quickly covered Zac's mouth and pulled him aside. " Shh shh you shouldn't say things like that." The person pulled zac a bit further into the room letting him go. " It just might piss someone off" There stood Kaiser and his Digimon. " What my brother is doing is foul, i hope it doesnt speak for me as a person. And yes i admit what you have been seeing as of late isnt exactly the most kind of ways to deal with things but you say we are no peacekeepers but you have little idea of how ravished this land was before i turned it into what it is.

    Drop this kid, he's only going to get in the way. I have intel that he has been meeting with Leomon behind our backs!!" Kaiser's eye raised his fingers tensed up slowly. " Ahh. i see i see....i'll reserve judgement later. He walked forward to the door which was hanging by a hinge. " Zac i'm going to deal with my brother and Lady Sonya. You have two choices. If you are here when i return then your allegiance is with me. However if you are not here when i return. You will have made your own choice...." He turned his head slightly " Consider this my generosity...I hope you appreciate what i have given you and what i have done for you..."

    He jumped forward into the hallway with Flamemon. " Now !!" Flamemon Digivolve to!!!!

    The tall digimon focused a Ring of Fire around it circling Both Kaiser and itself. Sister You must stop this!
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe was beyond angry, and it seemed that whatever had been done to Flaremon had affected him as well, for a dark purple aura surrounded him as he and Flaremon laid waste to Sonya's castle. "I... can't control it... The rage is to great!" Flaremon spoke slowly, like each word took an immense amount of energy to form. As her tail flicked, a large black ring could be seen around it. The same ring, was visible on Ashe's waist.
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac thought for a moment... who should he trust? Kaiser? Or Leomon? His head sank, as he moaned in annoyance, being confused on who it was he should trust. Terriermon tugged on Zac's hair slightly and Zac focused his eyes on the floppy eared dog,

    "Zac, what does your heart tell you?" Terriermon asked as he looked into Zac's eyes. Zac looked trough the window and saw the forest. So far, what Leomon had said was true, Ashe was blood thirsty, so that was true... The Muchomon had cause no mischief or harm to the Deva, and both Leomon and they said that they were the ones who were good. Zac got up and ran to the window and opened it, heading through it. As he did, he saw Lalamon heading his way.

    "Come on, we need to go," he said to her as he pulled her stubby arm as the three entered the forest. He felt something in his heart, and also something that was gone. He felt like he did something right, with no remorse. He remembered something first though and went back inside to save the digimon in there. "Come on guys follow me," he said as he picked the digimon in the room and got them out.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia stayed slumped against the tree, her head craned backwards to look at the foliage and sky above.

    "Whatcha lookin' at, kitty-Kat?" Labramon asked her partner, resting a fuzzy head in the human's lap.

    "Home." The girl responded, stroking the dog-mon's head affectionately. "It's only been a couple of hours, but I don't know how I'm gonna get home."

    "Aww, cheer up, kitty-Kat! I'm sure you'll get ho-"

    "It's not that I want to get home. Not now, anyways. it's just thatI have no idea how I'm going to do that when i actually want to."

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