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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lady Sonya finally made it to the mansion, only to see that smoke was coming from the inside. A few of the fresh and in-training digimon were running around, yelling as they did not know what to do. By the time she went inside the mansion, fire consumed the flooring. "Get all of the other digimon to safety. Any digimon who is able to use water attacks, rally them up and douse the fire now." Lady Sonya finally went up the stairs, yelling for Zac's name. "Where are you?!"

    She continually kept running around to try to find them, only to see a Puttimon trapped under a collapsed table. She ran towards it, not caring about her own status and risked herself to get hurt. Sonya pushed the table away with as much strength as she can take, picking up the Puttimon in her hand. "This time, I am definitely going to put some sense into him." The Lady looked around, risking herself in harm's way to help any other digimon who wer caught in the collision. While she did this, digimon who had the power to use water attacks finally came, using it to douse the flames.

    "M'lady. Please. Don't put yourself in danger." She looked around with the Puttimon in her hand as she saw two Darcmon walking side by side. "You must get to safety." "I am not going to leave. This is MY mansion for everyone and this place is the sole home for all digimon to train to learn how to protect themselves. I will not let some foolish ally ruin it all. Lead me to him. I will deal with him." Lady Sonya walked with the two Darcmon, walking thorugh the chaos as the digimon worked together. "Where are you..." A few minutes later, she finally came face-to-face with Ashe and his digimon while the two Darcmon stood in front of her to be her guard while she has the Puttimon in her hand.

    PawnChessmon felt weak as she saw Zac trying to help. "Sonya... she is burning..." She sued her lance to try and stand up. "Zac. You do what you must but make sure that you get all of the digimon to safety. Lady Sonya... I felt her. We must keep this mansion intact. If we do not, then the digimon will have no other place to learn how to train and protect themselves. That is one part of the goals that Sonya had in mind."

    PawnChessmon started to walk away. "The two of you can leave this place after you save the digimon. I do not care. This place means much to us." PawnChessmon started to walk, trying to her very best to find Lady Sonya's location.

    "Madam. We have seen a strange light in the forest. We sent in a small group to check out what it is but we came back with no clues at all. We were able to trace the scent though and we are following the scent as we speak." "Good. Maybe we will be able to use that strange light to our advantage!" The large, cactus-like pokemon stood up, looking out into the distance.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Patamon seemed to understand them.

    "Muchomonz! Can you tell us where we are?"

    "Sí, ¡están aqui en nuestro selva digital, Selva Tropical! Puedes viajar por la selva si quieres." An elderly Muchomon stated while bypassing the others.

    "What the hell are they saying"

    "Aire be respectful. They are allowing us permission to go through the digital jungle."

    "Aire eh". The Muchomon Elder moved closer to Aire. "You know, boy! That you were given a special name". He then paused in mid-sentence and extended his flipper. A leaf frailly landed on it. "Aire is the Air in Spanish. It represents Freedom and Hope!" A gust of wind gently lifts the leaf away. "Without it there is no meaning for us to live or to carry on". He turns towards his flock who looked discouraged and weary. "You see my flock and I have protected this land and its secrets for many years, our ancestors as well. But yet my people have exerted all of our resources against the tyrannical Deva Kings. With their foolish ambitions, our freedom, our hope would cease. "Do you understand?!"


    "I am reminded of a boy much like yourself who assisted us with food. Indeed, a courteous gesture!"

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2012
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac got off the room with several in training and fresh digimon in his arms, same with Terriermon and Lalamon, and several more followed the group. "Lalamon, we can't stay, the babies here will be saved but we can't stay, we are leaving now," he said as he walked into the forest, "You can stay and help,"

    "But... I-I will..." she quietly said as she went back in to help get digimon out of the building. Zac and Terriermon kept running through the forest, heading backto where the Muchomon where, as well as Leomon.

    "Where are we going Zac?" Terriermon asked as he held onto Zac's head,

    "To Leomon and..." Zac said but stopped as e saw the Muchomon and..."You?! What are you doing here Aire?! Is Patamon okay?!" He asked as he approached Aire with the digimon he kept holding in his arms. What was Aire doing here? Was he going to cause harm?
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Hey! I'm fine" Patamon said playfully while half hopping and half flying at the same time.

    Patamon examines him carefully. "Why are you covered in soot?" He draws closer. "You smell cooked too?!" he places his wings over his non-existent noise.

    Patamon begins to speak again but his words are muffled underneath his wings.

    "Kid!" Aire straightened himself from off the ground. "Your like a stray puppy that doesn't know when to get lost!"
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I'm not lost, I came back here because I needed to see Leomon again!" Zac said Ashe softly place the in training and fresh digimon on the ground as Terriermon herded them into one spot. Zac looked at Aire with a stern face, then he heard a voice,

    "Eh it's him!" said one of the Muchomon, showing his elder Zac. The elder Muchomon headed to Zac and gestured his flipper and Zac shook his hand,

    "So I guess you are the leader o the village?" Zac asked,

    "Why yes," he said with a smile. Then Terriermon shook his head, then his whole body as he tossed off the soot and went to Patamon,

    "Hey Patamon, how are things with Aire? Did he give you a nickname yet?" Terrriermon asked, happy to see the Patamon. He smelt his armpit and realized his stench. He chuckled slightly.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "No more shall I allow you to hurt my allies no more." Lady Sonya's resolve gave Puttimon the understanding of her heart and she threw Puttimon into the air. "Change the situation around with your good fortune. Good can come out of anything." The two Darcmon flew up toward Ashe and his digimon, preparing themselves to bind the two to give the Lady enough time to stop them. While she was giving Puttimon her emotions, PawnChessmon slowly walked up behind her. "Sonya." "Yes." PawnChessmon reacted to her digivice, changing into KnightChessmon while the Puttimon that she saved evolved into Cupimon.

    "My guards! NOW!" The two Darcmon flew toward Ashe and grabbed him, holding him down by both arms so that Lady Sonya can activate her plan. "Cupimon. Release your energy." Cupimon starts flying around, using its ability to bring love and happiness over Ashe and his Flamemon so that they can calm down. "KnightChessmon. Now." "JOUST!" KnightChessmon used her powerful jumping ability to leap over the two and threw her darts at Flamemon. Once it hits her, it was able to shatter the ring on Flamemon, thereby breaking the ring on Ashe.

    Once the rings were destroyed, the mansion finally ceased from smoking. Some parts of her mansion was destroyed but the digimon who was able to use water attacks was able to save the mansion. "Such a disgrace..."
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe and Flaremon collapsed, Ashe groaned slightly, "Oww... what a drag. Why am I here again?" He turned to the mansion and his jaw dropped, "Oh hey... your mansion was on fire. That could put us at a tactical disadvantage huh... damn such a drag huh Flaremon?" Flaremon dedigivolved into Coronamon and hopped on Ashe's shoulder, nodding. "My apologies Sonya, I pray for the safety of you and all of the digimon. I will get the hawkmon to find any survivors and then I'll get to work on fixing this place."

    Ashe sighed but looked at Sonya sincerely, "Since your home is destroyed... you can stay in my castle until I finish repairing your home. You'll have access to everything but my tor...basement. My private quarters are where you will sleep, and I'll work 24/7 getting this place fixed up. I know we have our differences, and I apologize for my behaviour. For the sake of the digital world and its inhabitants, what say you to starting over?"
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2012
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    From somewhere outside of Jordan and Sasori’s cave hideout, a cackling not unlike that of a well-lit fire could be heard. In a rhythmic pattern, the sound of the ground being burnt to a char indicated the falling of steps as something moved closer to their position. The cackling flames and the sizzling noise of burning earth would only grow louder and louder as the few seconds progressed. Eventually, the steps ceased to fall bringing the sizzling to a constant hiss just outside of their cave, past the view provided by the entrance. The cackling noise began to grow louder, releasing into a deep billowing noise.

    And then it appeared before them. Clearly imposed against the outside framed in the entrance to their cave: a Digimon bathed completely in an inferno of flames, and standing around six feet in height, smirking with a devilish grin at them and their Digimon. “Bad choice of hiding,” the Digimon said, spitting out small swirls of fire as he did. He looked at the four in the cave, and noticed the sticks around on the floor. “Ha! Trying to get a fire started? ALLOW ME TO HELP!” In saying the word “help” the Digimon threw a fist forward, releasing a stream of fire into the cave.​
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sasori stopped setting up the sticks as he began to hear something from a distance, It was getting louder and louder by the second. By the time Sasori had looked up towards the exits of the cave a Digimon bathed in inferno flames stood there.

    "Whoa!" Sasori said as the inferno bath Digimon threw flames towards the gang. "Elecmon, who is that guy?"

    Elecmon looked at Sasori then jumped infront of him saying "I don't know, but I know he's in a world of trouble now".
    "Lightning Knife!" Elecmon said as three dagger shaped lightning bolt shot from his tail, towards the digimon's chest.

    Sasori looked at Jordan and Veemon before saying. "Don't just stand there, we could use an assist"
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2012
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked up at the beast and stumbled backwards in fear. "That guy's huge! Think you can take him Vex," Jordan asked.

    There was no response.

    "Vex?! Don't tell me he ran away!" Jordan looked around only to see a blue figure running on the side of the cave, getting burnt a bit but overall dodging the flames.

    "Sorry, but you're toast! V-Punch," Veemon exclaimed as he jumped up to deliver the blow to this inferno Digimon's jaw, hoping it would connect.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    She was in a rage that Ashe acted as though it is so simple. Sonya was furious that she walked up to Ashe and pushed him. " Starting over? Tactical disadvantage? Staying at your place? I! THINK! NOT! You are such a fool! Safety? What do you care about safety? You put my own darlings in danger because of your own foolishness. You, of all people, controlled by a piece of crap and yet he still trusts you. Why should he?"

    Lady Sonya ordered the Darcmons to help fix up her mansion as she ordered everything. "For someone who claims that he claims a "Queen" position, you sure did mess up the Scandinavian Defense, the power needed to continue moving our plan. Now I need to find that boy because of your recklessness." Lady Sonya put her fan in Ashe's face and was grieving. "Get out. Stay out. I don't want you to even HELP me. You did enough damage already. I would rather stay at a broken home than to live with an ally who cannot even control himself. I'll take care of all of this myself! I trust Ankoku over you and even he has some respect."

    Lady Sonya turned back around and walked away from Ashe, leaving the area while KnightChessmon stared at Coronamon. "You certainly did it this time." KnightChessmon turned back and reacting to Lady Sonya's emotions, she evolved back to QueenChessmon. "Send a couple of soldiers... and find the boy. And also, where is Lopmon?"
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe groaned at Sonya's raised voice, "You're such a drag. Nobody controls me, I control them. As for you having to stay with me, you'd be alone, while I fixed this place up." He shrugged and yawned, "I admit, I lost control, but nobody controlled me. Now get lost, I have lot's of work to do."

    Coronamon sighed and ran after Queenchessmon pulling her aside, "Please reason with her... Ashe meant no harm, he had no intentions of going this far, and I had no control... Please forgive us..." She bowed.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser walked up quickly behind ashe. He raised his hand as far as it would go while Ashe was parading on about control. -SLAP- Kaiser slapped his hand across the back of Ashe's head " Idiot!" He then punched Ashe in the face knockin him to the floor. " Do you have any idea what you've done! You and your Foolish Behavior are always ruining my plans. God Stop acting like a insolent Brat so much!!. " Kaiser's face was flush with anger his eyes stern and direct. The flames on Agunimon cackled and flared about as Kaiser spoke.

    " How dare you come and attack Sonya after all she does for The Deva Kings!!" He reached down and grabbed Ashe by his shirt pulling him face to face with his Brother. " You son of a bitch don't you spout of nonsense about not being controlled. If you were not then take responsibility for your actions. You will atone for your sins you will rebuild you will get better and you WILL NOT CONTINUE TO EMBARRASS THE DEVA KINGS DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!"

    Kaiser let his shirt go allowing Ashe to fall back. Steadily turning the other direction Kaiser walked out of the crumbling mansion. " Baka..." He clinched his fist tightly " Now i have to deal with these other assholes. Hoshi i need to speak with you. " He mumbled under his breathe as he walked towards her district.

    Alix pointed a hand at the Snowgamon" We didnt come here to start a fight alright, nor do we want to best anyone im sure we can all sort this out in a civil manner." Agumon quickly stepped in front of Alix. " No Alix that's now how they work. even if we managed to get out there pride is to good to let out out without a fight. " He looked back at Vix. " You know what we have to do ya ?" He charged forward tackling one of the Snowgamon Quickly standing up he aimed fire at the crowd. " Pepper Breath!!"

    Alix looked at Shiori" He has a point Ri...we have to do this so lets get down to it"


    A Gatomon was sitting in a tree Overlooking Katia. " Ewww you have a dog!!"
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Patamon tilted its head to the side in confusion. "N-i-c-k-n-a-m-e!" slowly he sounded out the syllables.

    "As touching as this reunion is, we're leaving!" Aire walked towards the flock of Muchomon. Each individual Muchomon moved aside creating a horizontal line for him to pass. Patamon quickly chased after Aire then looked back at Terriermon and Zac with a sour expression and turned away.

    "Wait!" the elder commanded.

    He begins to wattle towards Aire.

    He whispers only so Aire could hear."Head for the Native Forest!"
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2012
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac and Kipper took note of Patamon's sour expression and were perplexed. Patamon was nice to them... What was the face for? They shrugged and walked to see Leomon approaching them,

    "Leomon!" Zac said as he went up to the lion humanoid digimon with a smile. Kipper followed Zac an jumped onto his back and looked at Leomon with a curious stricken face,"Hey Zac, who in the heck is this guy?"

    "Kipper, meet Leomon," Zac said gesturing to Leomon. Leomon nodded an then began to speak,

    "So, you have returned, why is that?" Leomon asked the human boy. Zac took a deep breath and looked Leomon into the eyes,

    "I know who I am, I am a Digidestined," Zac with a confident tone in his voice. Leomon smiled and laughed as he pat Zac's head and kneeled to him, "Wise decision, you have proven that you are confident in who you are," Leomon said as he got up and walked to where the Mansion was and sighed, and then saw the in-training digimon and fresh digimon, "Did you save them in the fire? If so, well done. I may return, I have to see someone," he said as he ran towards the mansion, with Zac and Kipper to tend to the baby digimon.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe took the beating his brother gave him and groaned as he fell on the ground. "Oww. Tsk, now I can't move my plans forward. Sorry Coronamon, but taking out Leomon will have to wait until I'm fully recovered." He turned towards Sonya and shook his head, "Don't think that this little beating means anything. He's still my brother, we just... aren't the best at containing our words. Anyway, my offer still stands, if you change your mind, you know where to find me..." He turned around and limped away, and after he was out of sight, he disappeared into flames, reappearing in his castle. "Ughhh... What a drag... Well, I suppose we're even now right brother? I ruined your plans and you ruined mine." Ashe turned towards a tall figure who was covered in ice. "There are two kids out in the cold region. They're battling Snowagumon, though I doubt those rookie digimon will do anything but lose. Go deal with them, then report back to me with their digivices as proof. Be smart, and don't underestimate them. They put up a hell of a fight against Kuwagamon, and survived a pratice assault by Flamemon and Flaremon. I'm trusting you to do this right, we need to weaken the digidestined because I delayed our plans by destroying Sonya's mansion, and now I have to fix it. Go, and remember what I taught you about gaining a tactical advantage. Use your abilities and species type to blend in and ambush them when they finish off the Snowagumon. Don't fail me. Now get lost." The figure smiled in the shadows and responded, "Of course master Ashe. The kids will be eliminated by tomorrow, I guarantee it. Hahahaha." The digimon laughed evilly as it disappeared in flurry of ice.

    Ashe just sighed, "I really hope I don't regret giving him that order... Oh well, if he's deleted I'll entrust the realm lord the job of eliminating them. Dahahahahahahaha!"

    One Snowagumon jumped out of the way, while the other was hit and evaporated into data. However, another stepped up and took his place. "Frost breath!"
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Are you gonna leave me when you do?" Labramon asked, with soulful eyes sending spears of emotion through the girl's heart. Katia looked away. Her dogs back home did the same thing.

    "I don't know. My parents might care because you're a stray dog." She replied, trying not to make eye contact. "But they might not care, too. What's one more dog in the mix?"

    "Then. . . can I have a dumpling? PLEEEEEEEE-"
    The dog pleaded, taking on a far more cheery tone than before. Katia finally relented, reaching into her bag and saying, "Oh, alright already. Silly dogmon."

    Of course, just as she was reaching into her bag, she heard a voice from above exclaim, " Ewww you have a dog!!"

    Labramon immediately sat up and staired at the cat, beginning to bark, "Hey! Kitty-kat! There's a cat-kitty up there! I wanna chase it! I wanna get the cat! Please oh please get down here so I can getcha!"

    "No, Labramon. That isn't nice. Come on, just because it's a cat with a quick mouth doesn't mean you should go after it. It's too high up the tree, anyways.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The Meramon laughed in a dark hysteria as the DigiDestined scattered from his fire. Still chuckling softly and grinning like a madman, he took two steps forward, charring the cave floor with the landing of each foot. The Elecomon's attack struck him square in the chest, but inflicted little damage other than a sting that slowed the Meramon down for a mere second. The Veemon proved more bold and foolish l, attempting an up front assault. "Hiyow!" Meramon shouted with a high-pitched voice straight out of a horror movie. He whipped his arm out in front of him, a move which would likely brush the Veemon off to the side and into the cave wall. Giving something of a shriek of glee, he threw two more punches, streaming fire towards his prey.​
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Leomon made it out of the forest and saw the burnt mansion. Hopefully, Kaiser was still here, he had to do something now, no longer would he hide in the shadows while Digimon were slaughtered. He walked towards the mansion and began to look around to find Kaiser, hopefully the other Deva, if they were here, would see him.


    "So...Lady Sonya isn't a good guy?" a Yokomon asked Zac and Terriermon, with a confused look on her face,

    "How do you know?" a Babydmon asked with a stern look,

    "Because Leomon said so, all the Deva are bad guys!" Zac said to the Digimon, kneeling down to them. They looked at each other with confused looks. Could they trust Zac?
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe moved a game piece shaped like Leomon towards Sonya's mansion. "What a fool, huh Coronamon?" He grabbed his digivice and sent the alert signal to Sonya and Kaiser. "Hey you two, look sharp. Leomon just made a bold move towards the mansion and he seems like he's in a hurry according to the Hawkmon. This is the jump we need right Katz? DAHAHAHAHAHA!" He ended the transmission and moved his Snowagumon pieces closer to the two digidestined, smiling.

    "Let the games begin..."

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