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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Veemon hit the wall hard yelling in pain. Jordan saw this and yelled, "Nooo!" He ran over to Veemon and slid to his side. "Get up Vex! Get the hell up!"

    Veemon groaned and slowly started to stand. "Y-Yeah....yeah right. I'm getting up." Veemon stood up and began to huff and puff.

    Jordan looked back at the first beast and saw him begin to shoot more blasts of fire. As the blast was coming towards him and Veemon, Jordan picked up the weak Veemon and turned his back to the blasts of fire coming at him, allowing the fire to scorch his back.

    As Jordan hit the ground, Veemon came to his senses and looked at his friend. "Jordan? What were you thinking," he exclaimed.

    Jordan looked at him and chuckled weakly. "I'm a little hard headed." Jordan very slowly tried to pull himself up, only to fall back down. He sat up against the wall and coughed. "Give him hell Veemon."

    Veemon looked Meramon and growled, "You're gonna pay!"
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ri nodded and Vix was already beside Agumon.

    "Let's get them out of here." Vix said running forward. "Power paw!" Vix shouted jumping up and attacking the snowgamon rapidly.

    Ri looked over at Alix then back at the wild digimon.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The Snowagumon were bowled over easily by the two digidestined and eventually only one remained. However before it got a chance to do anything, it was impaled by a claw and exploded into data. "Hahahahaha, Finally some entertainment." The owner of the voice soon came into sight, it was a tall demonic looking digimon covered in ice. The digimon bowed "I am Icedevimon, and I've been ordered... To eliminate you! ICY SHOWER!" it yelled as a dozen icicles flew from his wings.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Eliminate?" Alix stepped back in fear. "I ...i don't know who you are or who sss...sent you ..B..But i'm not...Will not..Be elimiated..By You!" He looke around the room and saw a window blowing gust of air through it. " Agumon Blast that window!!" You got it Alix!' Pepper Breath!!" The window and wood was blasted open. " Shiori come on." Alix said as him and agumon jumped through the window to the snow outside. At least outside the would have more room instaed of being encased into a small area.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Leomon made it into the mansion, hoping Kaiser still was in this place. Little did he know, Lopmon was watching him come in and then went to find Sonya to tell her a Leomom came into the mansion that she didn't know of.


    "I believe you!" a voice said. Zac looked down and saw a cat-dog-ball hybrid of a Digimon bouncing his way towards Zac. He was blue with dark black tiger like stripes, a tiger like tail, a dog like nose, yellow eyes, and a dark blue M on his forehead. It was a Wanyamon.

    "Sonya took me away from my home after it was captured, along with other digimon, everyone said I was imagining that, said I was crazy, but I believe you!" he said with a smile. Zac smiled and brushed his hair, "I'm glad we aren't the only ones who believe that," Zac said with a smile,
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Icedevimon watched the boy jump through the window then he turned his attention to the girl. "A champion against a single rookie wouldn't be a good enough fight. Besides, eliminating you both at the same time will be much more enjoyable" He walked outside, the snow and ice muting his every step. "It's been far to long since I've had an enjoyable match! Go Snowagumon!" Four Snowagumon ran out in front of him and began tearing apart the hut. Icedevimon fired icicles into the air, which then fell around Alix.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2012
  7. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Jordan!" Sasori yelled as he seen Jordan get hit. "Dude, you alright?"He said as he ran to Jordan's aid.

    Elecmon looked at Veemon then nodded. "You ready Veemon." Elecmon said angrily.

    Sasori looked at his digivice. "Maybe if we hold them in the air again then we could make Elecmon and Veemon stronger if I hold this in the air again"Sasori said to Jordan.

    Sasori looked at Meramon then at Jordan and nodded.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Alix!" Ri shouted before looking at Vix. They both ran outside. Ri jumped and pushed Alix away as they slid across the icy ground away from being impaled by the icicles.

    "If you want to play the servant game lets see if your servants can figure this out, kehenkyo!" Vix exclaimed running towards the snow agumon. However there was no attack instead amongst the already several snowagumon another appeared.

    "Vix!" Ri exclaimed worried then realized and grinned. "Clever fox, hey agumon maybe you can go after the snow devil?" Ri said before looking at Alix she still was still partially on top of.

    "Are you ok?"
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Icedevimon smirked at her confidence but nearly fell over as his minions began fighting with each other. "You idiots, just attack the digidestined!" The Snowagumon looked at each other before charging at the two digidestined. Icedevimon sighed and turned towards the hut, "EVIL WING" he roared as he cut sharply through the hut with his wing, watching it collapse into nothing. "This is getting good, bring it on digidestined!"
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    “What are you fools babbling on about!?” Though smiling as heinously as ever, the Meramon’s voice trembled with a hint of annoyance at the DigiDestined. The flames about his body were growing more violent from this, and his eyes winced as he tried to pick apart their thought process. “You should know that you’re all toast! You’ve nowhere to run! No one here can protect any of you!” He took another menacing step forward. “Haaa!” He flung both arms about the cave before him, emitting flames in waves panning them about the cave. “BUUUUUURRRRRN! YOU’LL ALL BUUUUURRRRN!”


    “Hoshi! Wake up girl!”

    Hoshi rubbed her eyes as she looked towards the ceiling of her room. But she didn’t see the ceiling. Instead, she saw two large, inquiring cat’s eyes staring directly into hers. She put up a gentle hand and nudged Kuroneko off her chest, much to the cat’s disdain. As her Digimon jumped to the floor, she heard a distinct “tsk” to which she responded with a calm, but stern glare. “What is it?” she asked, yawning.

    “We can’t spend all day sleeping!” Kuroneko said. “Besides, word in the club is that Kaiser’s probably gonna be coming around soon.”

    “How would they know that?” Hoshi asked.

    “Word in the DigiWorld gets around fast sometimes, you know! Let’s go. You don’t want him to see you getting out of bed, do you?”​
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Sonya was sitting in her room, wondering what to do next. "Is our plan for a better world... in vain?" She looked out of the window while QueenChessmon stood there with an expression of concern for her friend. Sonya's digivice was off so that she cannot be reached by either Kaiser or Ashe. "While the mansion is getting fixed, I must see one of them. I will try to find one of the Wisest Digimon and ask for their guidance. That is what I will do. I do not want to be found at all." Lady Sonya stood up and walked to the door, getting ready to leave.

    "But Sonya, you know that the army will need you." "We will put an assistant to lead them in our absence. I am tired of all of this fighting on the battlefield. We must make the enemy fall into a fork."
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Lady Sonya?" Lopmon asked as she knocke on her bedroom door, hoping she would be in there, "I need to tell you something," she said as she waited for a response. Leomon was walking through the halls, searching for Kaiser. His attempts in finding him here have failed. He decided to draw out his sword and carve something into the wall, a simple L, showing that Leomon had come by here. He kept on looking for Kaiser, and if he wasn't here, he would head into town.


    "But what about home? Do we have one?" a Gigimon asked as he looked at Zac and Terriermon. The two looked at each other with a bit of confusion and stupidity. They didn't have a place to keep the little digimon safe.

    "ER...I guess we will have to either find one or make one," Zac said, but then remembered something, "Oh yea! Leomon's cave! We can stay there till we make a good home for you guys!"

    "Yea! Plus it will be deep in the forest, no one can find us!" Terriermon added to Zac's statement. The in-training and fresh digimon all looked at each other first. Then they all focused their eyes, and attention, on Zac an Terriermon, and then all said in unison,

  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Is that so..." Lady Sonya went into her closet, grabbing a veil and had it over her head while she wore her purple cloak. She opened the door and left out of the room walking passed Lopmon with a determined face and went down the stairs. QueenChessmon went out of the room and looked back at Lopmon as she dedigivolved into KnightChessmon. "In our absence, you will lead the digimon while you are training. One of the Angewoman will help you. And another thing... your brother does not care for you. Terriormon and his partner left and abandoned us, running over to the enemy's side. It is sad... but it is the truth."

    KnightChessmon went down the stairs and picked up Lady Sonya and put her on her back. The two then left for the city, determined to stop the lies.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Tears came down Lopmon's eyes as she heard those words...it couldn't be true...his brother cared for him right? But...if he was gone with the human...no...she started to cry as she covered her face and torso with her long floppy ears so that no one could see her crying. She had lost her brother...


    "Terriermon, keep an eye on them, I'm getting your sister," Zc said as he placed Terriermon in front of the little digimon and went off to the mansion to get Lopmon. He was gonna get her, but first he had to help out with little digimon first. If she was Terriermon's sister, that meant she was just as powerful, as she could help out and take care of things for a bit.
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked up at Sasori and smirked. "Yeah, I'm fine. You really think that'll work though? Hell, it's worth a try," he said, slowly pulling himself up. He took a deep breath and held his digivice high. "Ready Vex!"

    Veemon turned around and nodded. "Ready!"

    The digivice began to glow as Veemon leaped into the air. "Veemon digivolve to..." A burst of light emitted off of Veemon. After the light disappeared, what stood in Veemon's place was a larger and more savage version of Veemon that had wings and a large horn on his nose. This new beast growled in pride, "ExVeemon!" ExVeemon looked back at Jordan and smirked. He sneered and smoke came from his noes. "Don't worry, I got this." He faced Meramon as the flames came towards the group. "Vee-Laser," he screamed as the X shaped crescent on his chest shot a similar shaped beam at the flames, causing an explosion of smoke.

    ExVeemon ran at Meramon and growled. "Let's see how you like my Vee-Laser up close!" He stuck out his chest and shot his attack at Meramon.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alix rolled through the snow landing on his chest as he was pushed out of the way. He stumbled up and coughed for a brief second. " Yea... yea im fine. " Agumon looked at Vix sharply and gave her a swift thumbs up. " Count on me!" Agumon rushed in quickly. He rolled over one Snwowagamon blasiting the one behind it in the process. Stamping his feet onto the slowly ground. " Lets clear this up" Pepper Rain!" He spat multiple fireballs into the sky that started to rain down on the snowgamon. However that wasnt the objective.

    " Get em Agumon!" Alix yelled back. Ice devimon would be forced out of hiding from the rain of fire. " I have to spot his location. I can't hit what i cant see.." Agumon said ot himself trodding through the snow.


    Kaiser walked through the streets until he came to Hoshi's HQ. He walked to the door and one lone gabumon jumped at the sight of him. " Go get her for me would you... " Kaiser said as he leaned against the wall.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Alix, we have a problem." Ri said watching the iceagumons coming towards them before her digidestined started glowing and beeping. Vix returned back to her original form.

    "Shiori, it's time for another evolution, quickly!"

    "An evolution?" Ri grabbed the device and held it up.

    "Renemon digivolve to..." Vix began to evolve. "Kyubimon!"

    "Whoa..." Ri stood there.

    "Dragon wheel!" Kyubimon said when the attack was sent out all the snowagumon quickly were attacked and killed.
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac made it back inside the mansion, somehow, undetected. He looked sound the halls for for Lopmon, calling out her name he gave her, "Kiki?" he called, "Kiki? I'm here for you, lets get with your brother,". He kept walking through the halls, as he began to hear a rumbling sound. It sure wasn't his stomach. He kept walking till he saw two red eyes in the darker part of the hallways...A devilish smile formed, composed of razor sharp teeth, and heavy breathing could be heard. The being approached from the shadows and into the slight as a demonic looking digimon.

    "You stole my brother!" it rumbled with its deep, booming voice. Zac stepped back a few feet as the being approached him. Who was it?

    ---------Before the Encounter---------

    Lopmon sat there crying, crying till she couldn't no more. "My brother is gone...it was...because of that human...he stole my brother!" she said finally relieving herself of tears, but now...anger consumed her, hatred as well. She screamed as she stomped on the ground,

    "I wish I could destroy that human! If he didn't show up, me and my brother would sill e together! He took my only family away from me! And he will pay! Mark my words I'll get revenge on that human!" she yelled. But then... She felt something. Her chest hurt as dark pixels began to form around her. They circled over her as a dark cloud formed over her head, with lighting flashing and thunder rumbling. She felt weird. She dropped on all fours as black energy surrounded her, engulfing her body until her silhouette was left. It morphed, it changed, it grew into something horrifying, she was no longer and adorable bunny digimon anymore.

    As the transformation was done, she snorted and examined her new body. No longer was she Lopmon. Now, she had the power to crush Zac, now, she was...Wendigomon.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Icedevimon laughed, "Excellent, a challange!" He disappeared and reappeared closer to the digidestined before a rain of fire fell around him. "Ha you'll need to do better then that to beat me!" He began moving forward but stopped when he saw the light from the digivice and saw renamon digivolve. "Yes! Yes! Bring me your best digidestined!" He roared as he jumped up and came down from above Kyubbimon, "ICE CLAW!"
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sasori looked at Jordan then nodded and held his digivice in the air.
    Elecmon looked at Sasori as streams of data began surrounding him.

    "Elecmon digivolve tooo........Leomon!!" Rein said shrouded by disappearing data stream. There stood buff lion beast looking at Meramon.

    "Sori, step back!" Rein said as he began to roar. "Fist of the Beast King!" Rein roared out as a lion shaped aura went flying towards Meramon. Rein then ran behind the aura as he pulled out the sword he had on his waist.

    "ExVeemon lets deliver a blow together so we can finish him off!" Rein called out to ExVeemon.

    Sasori stood there in shock seeing what Elecmon had became. "Rein.....kick his ass!" Sasori called out from the sideline.

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