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Digimon Generations: Rise of the Deva Kings

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Put your gun down." A gigantic missile-dart was pointed at Gargomon's head as KnightChessmon gave him that order. "We did nothing to your sister. We simply told her the truth. You and Gargomon left our side and she is frustrated and felt abandoned. You abandoned her and now she is gaining her power." "You ignorant rat!" Sonya took out her fan and pointed it at Gargomon, now having her superiority ego take over. "You would dare try to attack me?! Last time I checked, I took care of your sister. I took BOTH of you in." "Such a pity. It seems as though she is the better Combat Species. Now the experiment is taking its toll. A different and rapid growth from her."

    "So... a boy such as yourself is supposedly to be a Digidestined. You are better off backing down now while you have the chance and come back over. The light? You are the White Piece who believes that you must always be the center of the whole board. Always trying to take the first action of attack. The light? What do you care about the light? It seems as though you are misguided."
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "You...YOU TORE THEM APART?! I was going to get her out but I followed YOUR orders to get as many baby digimon out FIRST! And then, while I was getting them away from the fire, you told her, we left her alone?!" Zac exclaimed as he clenched his fists, "I was gonna get her, but when I got back, she became THIS BEAST! She nearly killed me and her own brother!"

    "You...." Gargomon said as he started to form tears in his eyes. He growled at Sonya and then turned away and slammed the ground in a repeatable fashion. He was upset, his sister turned into a Wendigomon.

    "You were experimenting on the two young ones?! Sonya! I have never seen you do this before, what was the reason for this?!" Leomon said in anger,

    "I only came here to make friends that I couldn't make in the real world! I was bullied, pushed around and teased, here I made a friend! I never wanted to be a part of any war! But I can't just let Digimon loose their homes, and from what Leomon said, I can't let Kaiser combine the worlds!" Zac yelled as he cried, remembering the times he was bullied.

    "I don't want to take away what Kaiser has given, because that was when he wasn't corrupt, but I can't let him continue in combining the worlds, otherwise we would all die!!" Leomon said,
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Tore you guys apart? We are not to blame. You little pawns are. Besides, both of you had the idea to leave the side of justice anyways. Why not tell Lopmon the truth? Both of us would ever even believe that both of you want to come back for Lopmon." Sonya flung her fan around to give the signal for Leomon to step away from her. "Experiment? Oh please. Its not like we took several laser beams and injected them with many antibiotics and force them to display their abilities. It was nothing more than a nice, harmless experiment no doubt. It is not as though they were the only digimon of our projects."

    "And so a friendly experiment was started when we found Terriormon and Lopmon. Both of them has their powers going toward different directions. One is perky and upbeat while the other is in dire need of dependence and fear of being alone. So, when Terriormon found you Mr. Zac, his bond grew with you and thus, the two of you are perfect together. Lopmon on the other hand, had a different reaction. Always in need of her dear brother but you were always communicating with the other digimon. To her, you have... in a friendly term, second on your priority list. Both of you indeed did train together but none of you never was able to reach your forms faster. The result must be fascinating."

    "So... from listening to you, you must have experiencing her going through Dark Digievolution. That is the other evolution process which I didn't bother to tell you because it is something that you do not need anyways. You guys are so stubborn. Which side is wrong? Which side is right? Both sides claiming that they want peace. Both sides wanting harmony. This is ridiculous. Back in Russia, there is a saying:

    Благо не может перейти от хороших. Только может идти против зла.

    It wouldn't make sense if both opposing forces are good. There can only be good and evil on the battlefield or else we are destroying our own kingdom. So who is the bad guy and who is the good guy?"
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Why would you do that to them? Splitting them up? I cared for Lopmon as well!" Zac said as he approached Sonya as he swatted his hand at the fan, "I know what side I'm fighting for!"

    "Sonya," Leomon said as he pushed aside Zac and came face to face with Sonya, "If you recall, the Digidestined are called when the Digital World needs them most. Ashe and Kaiser were called when the Digital World was in peril, and they saved it. The new Digidestined are called to save the digital world, from Kaiser. The chosen were never incorrectly selected, nor were they called at the wrong place and time. Have you been so blind about reaching this goal that you don't remember what te purpose of the Digidestined was? Either you are on the side of the Digidestined, or you can aid in the doomsday of te Digital World and the Real World,"


    Wendigomon looked around for the Angewomon that Sonya assigned to help her. She would find Zc and crush him into data, and get her brother back, one way or another.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Kaiser raised his head and started back at Hoshi. " I may need you to do a few things. It seems our visitors have attacked Ashe and his Digimon. " He quickly shot a sharp glare at Ashe sitting at the bar. " The idiot was to cocky and got taken over. I need you to make an example out of someone for now. Go to Leomons treasured Village..." He leaned closer to hoshi. whispering closely to her. " Burn..it To THE GROUND....."Leave no stone unturned at this point. This is a direct result of his rebellion. Also if you have the time do some recon out in the desert. I hear there are some Digi eggs floating about. if you find one bring it to me. i'll need that as a bargaining chip. I hear one of our new friends have a Veemon. He might be interested in such a item."

    " He hesitated a moment ." Also hoshi. you um. you look nice today" He said that and tossed his hair back. He didnt wait for her response and walked off.

    " Sis i can't promise anything. Maybe you ought to better control your owner" flamemon shrugged and followed Kaiser into the sunset.

    As it stood Kaiser was always attracted to Hoshi. Physically and mentally though he'd never tell a single soul. He cared deeply for his brother but if hoshi was remotely in danger there would be no limit as to what he would do in retaliation. Kaiser enjoyed playing the game of cat and mouse with his friends and enemies. The game of chasing his opponent and letting them only have so much room entertained him. He was fully aware of the actions the Digidestined had taken and he had plans for it But many things were going through his mind that were driving him to the pinnacle of anger. He brought two people to this world gave them power and a digimon. one abandoned the ideals and took what he gave them and ran, while the other was MIA and if he took the same route as the other. He was as good as dead to kaiser. Leomon was spouting his propaganda. To make matters worse The Group of figures had returned and there first action was attacking his brother. Little by little He was becoming less of a loving king . to that of a Demon.
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Meramon took the attacks full on and stumbled backwards. "Grrr, just who do you think you two are? I'll crush you both," it roared loudly. Meramon began to burn brighter and more intensely as it started to rush towards Leomon at full speed.

    ExVeemon tackled Leomon away before Meramon could get him, making Meramon crash into the wall. "Ugh, sorry 'bout that Leomon. Let's finish this guy!" ExVeemon started charging up his X emblem getting ready for a final attack.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    At the comment about dogs, Labramon went into a barking fit at the Gatomon, trying to bound up the tree again. Katia restrained her once more, this time impressively wrestling the dog into a headlock.

    "Come on, Labramon. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words may never hurt you. . ." the girl calmly muttered, wincing at her own statement a little. The phrase that almost became her mantra throughout the years. She would have spaced out if it weren't for the cat landing on her head. At the mistress comment, the girl looked upwards, dumbfounded.

    "P-pretty? M-mistress?" She blubbered, the statement both making her blush and confusing the everloving heck out of her. " 'M not pretty. . . and W-what do you mean by mistress? And wait, is Kaiser the person who works with Fla- Aah!"

    At that point, Labramon broke out of the headlock to growl at all the cats that emerged from nowhere.

    "I'll bark your legs off!" She snarled with fur bristling. "Rrrrrretriev- urg!"

    The attack was interrupted by a very loud growling noise, coming not from the dog's mouth but her stomach.

    "Kaaaaaat. . . I can't attack when I'm hungryyyyyyyy!" She whined, turning to Katia with beady eyes.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Digidestines protects the world from evil forces and that is the role I am fulfilling right now." Lady Sonya swung her fan at Zac's face and slapped him upside his forehead in anger. "But... why a Digidestined... when I am a NeoDigidestined? Heheheh. So amazing. This is why I am superior." Lady Sonya walked away from the two, disgusted from what she heard. "If you believe that you are fighting for good, then you are wrong. I believe I am fighting for a great purpose. I... I will end this fighting once and for all. As a Deva Queen and a NeoDigidestined, I will teach you guys the errors for rebellion." Sonya's digivice glowed as KnightChessmon was preparing herself for battle.

    "Forgive us Lionel..."
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Leomon readied his blade and clenched his fists, he sighed as got into a fighting stance, with remorse showing across his face, "I am sorry, Sonya," he said as he readied his fist, "Zac. This is where you decide, will you join the side of the Digidestined, or continue with the Deva kings?"

    He launched his fist at Knightchessmon, yelling, "FIST OF THE BEAST KING!" And sent a lion's head made of orange energy at the Chess Digimon. Zac grabbed his Digivice and showed it at Sonya, "I already made my choice. I, AM A DIGIDESTINED!" he yelled as Gargomon ran at KnightChessmon and readied his Vulcan, "BUNNY PUMMEL!"
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Leomon grunted as he picked himself from of the ground and then smirked devilishly at ExVeemon. "Lets do it!" Leomon said as he grabbed his sword from the back of his waist. "Step back you two." Leomon looked at Sasori as he began to approach him and Jordan as he stood there.

    Sasori looked at Leomon. "Rein...." He then stepped backwards as Leomon had said.

    Leomon's sword then began to glow a bright yellow color as he began to charge it up. "Same time ExVeemon let's go!, Beast Sword!" He said as he swung his sword in a upwards diagonal slash, which let out a large yellow aura slash which flew towards Meramon.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Kyuubimon was hit by the attack Ri quickly shouting out to her running towards her only for Kyuubimon to quickly brush off the attack.

    "Headbutt!" Kyuubimon headbutted Icedevimon with an all out force to knock the digimon down. But Ri was worried about something the fact that icedevimon and Kyuubimon may just be evenly matched.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Arrgh!" Icedevimon roared as the headbutt threw him in to the ground. "Damn digidestined, you come and invade our home, come to eliminate our saviors! You aren't heroes! You're brutal, merciless thugs, and I'll be the one to end you!" He kicked up from the ground sending him towards Kyuubimon, "Take this! EVIL WING!" He roared out, bringing his wing down onto kyuubimon like a sharp blade.
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Immediately at Ashe’s request, the Sukamon behind the bar began busying himself. Pulling numerous bottles from the shelves, he mixed what seemed to be a random medley of drinks into a single mixing container, and shook it with all his might. As soon as he removed the cover of the container, an aroma swiftly floated into the air, which in itself was intoxicating. Quickly pouring his concoction into a glass, the Sukamon snuck a few ice cubes in… to hopefully water down the aroma. “Here ya go kid,” he said to Ashe, placing the drink in front of him. “Good luck.”


    “So he wants us to burn down a village?” Hoshi questioned. “Sounds simple enough. Don’t you think, Kuroneko?”

    “Yeah. But that Leomon guy is pretty tough remember?” Kuroneko said. “He’s been giving Kaiser all sorts of trouble, hasn’t he?”

    “Yes. But he’s no match for us. You know that,” Hoshi replied. “LadyDevimon is more than a match for Leomon.”

    “Ha! He won’t know what hit him!” Kuroneko exclaimed. “So… what was that Kaiser said to you before he left?”

    “Oh,” Hoshi said, suddenly having a hint of embarrassment in her tone. “Probably just talking nonsense,” she added quickly. “He always has girl troubles. Now let’s get going. We don’t want to leave our friend Leomon waiting for us.” Hoshi looked into the nightclub, which was beginning to fill with the usual crowds. Her eyes quickly fell onto the bar, where the Sukamon bar tender had just served Ashe a drink. “We could use some help,” she said. The walked into the club, back towards the bar, instantly being caught in the pungent smell of Sukamon’s mix. “Looks like he’s really trying to do himself in,” she said, looking at Ashe.

    “SUKAMON!” Kuroneko shouted as the pair approached the bar. “I told you not to go making that silly drink! It smells horrid! People’ll get drunk just smelling it!”

    “Not now,” Hoshi said, cutting her Digimon off from a fear-stricken Sukamon. She sat down next to Ashe, and spoke. “I know you don’t want to spend your night staring into bottom of a glass.” ​
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ashe laughed darkly at Hoshi's comment, "Don't care... but listen, whatever comes out of my mouth after I drink this, be it good or bad, is all true. Keep that in mind eh? Dahahaha!" He smirked and chugged the drink down in one go. "Tsk, that it? Give me more!" He turned to Hoshi and sighed, "Kaiser ain't all bad, fact of the matter is my emotions are all whacked up because I've become attracted to him. Course, I wouldn't say that to his face! So I take my emotions and redirect em at Sonya through hatred."
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    KnightChessmon jumped into the air, avoiding both attacks so that she can let Leomon's attack hit Gargomon. Once she landed, she readied her missile. "Knight Lancer." She starts charging at Gargomon and threw the missile dart, aiming for an explosion. "What an infidel."
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Lemon's attack accidentally hit Gargomon after KnightChessmon jumped into the air. He helped Gargomon up and tossed him aside when the Missle was launched at them. He was blown away to a nearby tree when the Missle hit, and used his sword to help him up.

    "Leomon!" Zac exclaimed as Leomon was launched towards the tree. Leomon grunted as grimaced as he got up and looked at Zac and geustured him away, "Go Zac! Find the Digidestined, get those little Dgimon to safety, your time to fight the Deva isn't now. GO!" Leomon yelled. Zac hesitated for a moment, but then nodded to Gargomon and the two went off with the baby digimon.

    "RAGH! BEAST SWORD!" Leomon yelled as he jumped into the air and swung his Beast Sword at the knightChessmon. Zac and Gargomon were running and running until they encountered a small village, with many digimon that had some bandages on them. Zac and Gargomon entered the village, with Zac walking up to a Grizzlymon with a broken arm.

    "Hey, what is this place?" Zac asked the injured Digimon,

    "This is Leomon's resistance village. We are whatever the hell is left of the failed rebellions we have had. Most of our members were killed by Agunimon and Firamon, along with the other followers of the Deva kings... Where is Leomon anyway?"
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Agumon Run support for her!, give her the opening she needs. "

    You got it Alix
    " Agumon dashed forward blasting fire at the snow digimon as they tried to hinder him. Tossed a massive fireball into the sky. " Pepper Rain!!" The fireball bursted into smaller flames that started to rain down onto IceDevimon. " Now Close off his exit route!" Agumon dashed under neath the large digimon and blasted a Flame wall onto the ground behind him this closed his escape. For a rookie at this level Agumon was showing a spectacular showing.

    Kyubimon its on you now!

    Nice One Agumon!! Alix yelled to his partner. His digivice continued to beep as it had a line of light it was feeding to Agumon this was strange but it seemed to be fueling him.

    Kaiser proweled the streets his blood boiling of anger and his fist clinched with rage. He reached to his side grabbing his digivice and he spoke into it. " Sonya what is your location and have you found that Zac boy yet!"


    The gatomon reached down and grabbed her chest forcefully" Oohhh!! these are nice and full. lord kaiser would like you lots and lots i think i'll tell mikemon about you!!" The gatomon hopped down in front of the now 10 other Gatomon present." The sad part is. we were instructed to kill you But i think we will just capture you instead Meow!
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Katia's face quickly grew red with embarrassment, the girl shooting upright and standing. A hand almost reached to smack the gatomon, but faltered and fell back. She leaned against the tree, fearfully gazing on the herd of cats, then briefly pondered the proper group pronoun for multiple cats before returning to fear. She covered her chest by folding her arms protectively.

    "L-leave me alone!" She meeped, trying to bury herself in the tree. She looked to her digimon, trying to get a response from the dog.

    "I can't do anything kitty-kat! I'm too huuungry!"


    The girl's arm dove back into the satchel she wore, pulling out one of her dumplings from earlier.

    "Catch!" She barked, tossing the meaty pastry forward to her partner.
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Well, he is fighting a Deva in order to protect us," Zac said to the Grizzlymon. The Grizzlymon looked at Zac and then started to break into a cheery laugh.

    "HAHAHA! Leomon is back in the game! Finally we stand a chance!" Grizzlymon cheered, he pulled Zac in with his other arm and gestured him to sit next to him, "So, how did he get back into the fray?"

    "Well he found us after we were with some Muchomon, and he is protecting us because we are Digidestined," Zac said, and continued to tell the Grizzlymon about their short time here. Meanwhile Gargomon he reverted back into Terriermon and began playing with the other baby digimon in te village, along with the ones they rescued.


    The Wendigomon prowled though the halls of Sonya's castle, many digimon started to back away from her. Wendigomon wasn't used to Digimon being fearful of her. She liked it. It gave her a sense of power, respect, and made her feel like a commanding force.
  20. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The tree hit the ground with a great thud that echoed throughout the jungle. The crash awoken a few bird digimon who flew from their treetops. "Nooooo!" Patamon wailed. "Humans are so weak! Us digimon don't need them. TRUE Digievolution comes from oneself not others!" "Too bad that you won't ever experience it." Vegiemon lifted Patamon high into the air and extended its tremendous mouth. "Down the Gulle---Bleh blurp" Vegiemon was choking and began spitting up. Nearby, a boy was standing with vegetable like stones in hand. "Bleh Blah. This is Cannibalism or maybe Vegiebalism" Vegiemon spouted while still coughing. Patamon used the opportunity to free himself. He fell towards Vegiemon. "Slamming Attack" With gravity and the force of his attack on his side, the impact made a slight burst and Vegiemon's body went inwards and sprang out like an accordion. "You..." there was rustling in the bushes behind him. You fool! You can't beat a boy and his pet! Three more Vegiemon appeared and the digimon that was speaking emerged. "RedVegiemon!" "They just momentarily caught me off guard." "You'll see! "NO!" "Your a disgrace. I'll take over!" With those words the RedVegiemon leapt into the air and landed in front of the beaten Vegiemon. "Both of you will make an excellent entrée.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2012

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