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My Soul to Take (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kairi831, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    Alex realized that October was mad. He didn't get it, class wasn't going on? He shoved it off. "Alright, fine with me" he smiled, climbing into Octobers car. The whole way there, October just seemed angry. Alex decided to stay silent until they got there. He didn't want to start a fight. As they walked into an old building, Alex beamed. It was the old factory they used to play in. "Man we haven been here in years." He turned to October as she asked what he wanted to talk about. He walked over to her and held her hands. "October Elizabetha, you are the craziest person I have her met, second only to me. We have been really close for years, but I fear that we have started to grow apart. And, I fear this whole devil thing, and I am afraid I won't have time to say this later, and I don't want to die with us growing apart." He smiled, but spoke in a vey serious tone. "And so, Ms. October Elizabetha, I officially declare that I am in love with you."
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: hope you don't mind...but I need to re-insert myself. and Elijah has had NO screen time.

    IC: Elijah was enjoying the peacefulness of the abandoned warehouse. He had found this place a few months ago, and would often steal away to it's secludedness when he wanted to think to himself.

    He looked down at his phone again. The text from Sarah was still there.

    When you pick me up, we NEED to talk. it read. it didn't sound good at all, what could have possibly gone wrong? It hadn't been that long since school started. The suspense was absolutely killing him.

    Just then, he heard a car door close, then another. He could hear a voice, a boy's voice. Elijah decided to stay hidden. He wasn't going to bother people, and he didn't mind them unless some bad, messed-up stuff started going down. Although, he couldn't resist peeking around the corner. He was a little shocked to see October walking in with some guy. What was she doing here? shouldn't they be in school? Hell, Elijah had spoken to October at the school.

    He could just faintly make out the boy's voice.

    "And so, Ms. October Elizabetha, I officially declare that I am in love with you." he said.

    wow, way to drop the drama bomb, buddy Elijah thought to himself. He prayed for the kid's sake October wouldn't flip out. God only knew what was going through her head, news like that wasn't exactly easy to process if it was sudden and unexpected.
  3. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    October felt an immeasurable amount of pressure. She had no way of knowing, more less thinking, that Alexander had eflt this way before. It wasn't that she didn't like him, she did, just not in the way that he wanted to hear. They were best friends, and she didn't want their friendship to be ruined over something like this. Was she mad? No, just a bit shocked. Alexander was her only friend and what if it didn't work out, then she would be alone. Again. October would never be able to handle that. Without a disrespectful or offensive tone or movement, October stepped back. She took a deep breath, contemplating on what to say to her best friend. Sure the whole devil thing was going around, but how many times did people make up some story about the world ending to get a rise out of people? "Alexander. . . " October gently spoke. What was she to do? hurt her best friend? This wasn't supposed to happen. How could he be in love with her! Thats not what their friendship was about! "Y-You are my best friend. A-And I get where you are coming at here, b-but. . ." Octobers' eyes started to well up and bit and she pushed the on coming tears back before the rushed to the surface. "I-I don't think it would work out. I-I can't." Her voice sounded dead and it seemed like it took every muscle in her body to keep her from burtsting into tears. Even if it seemed like a stupid reason to cry over, she just didn't feel the same.

    OOC - Yeayeayea, your fine. . . .Sorry about my post of it offended your character Xeren, I think I might have something planned, so just kind of go with it. o.0
  4. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    OOC: I ziz a lion >:3

    Alex was shocked, but he held it well. Instead, he burst out laughing. Then realized what he did to October. He managed to put her in tears. "I'm, I'm sorry." He felt really bad. "I though you might have seen I was kidding." He knew he wasn't, she probably did. "What I meant to say was- ehhhh..." He thought for a minute. "We should go and... Find that one demon together!" He smiled awkwardly. He thought to himself, I'm not making this any better am I. "I'm really sorry, I thought we could like, laugh at this."
  5. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    October glared at him now. She was hurt that he would think she was protraying such an image to him, and now he is just oging to go laugh it off and say he was kidding? He knew how she felt about people lying to her, and he just did it! "No." October snapped. "I don't want anything to do with you! I didn't want to hurt you over how you felt, but then you said that you were just kidding? How dare you? You know how I feel about that sort of thing!" October was close to chocking him, but held her clenched fists behind her back so she could stpo herself on doing something that she might later regret. "You know you should NEVER play a joke like that on me!" October scowled and went towards her car. "I'm giving you a ride back to the school to get your bike, then you can just leave me the hell alone."

    OOC - Yeush! That went well. Now everything is lined up for what I have planned >D
  6. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    Alex just stood there. Not out of shock of what October said, but because he realized what an idiot he was. He turned away from the door. "No... No, I won't trouble you with that. I'll just... Call one of my friends later, I'm just going to walk around for a bit." He started to walk, unaware that a few yards away, Elijah hid in the shadows. He raised his hand in goodbye, and kept walking. "You freaking dooshbag." He thought to himself. "Your one friend in school, and you blew it. Worse even? She was your best friend. Even worse, you love her and you know it, and now she won't even talk to you." With all these thoughts swirling around in his head, he walked right past Elijah and didn't even notice him. He turned back to see if October was there, still managing to miss Elijah.

    OOC: Yay, I love it when I ruin my characters life with tragedy, and I love it when Kai gets an evil plan!

    And now, for a revised quote from an Old Spice commercial:
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  7. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: umm this was bothering me, the spelling is Douche bag. just so you know in the future Xeren. XD

    IC: When October was out of earshot Elijah decided it was time to reveal himself.

    "You done goofed, pal," he said to the boy. "I mean, could there even be a worse way to reveal your feelings for a girl?"

    Elijah knew the kid would have a heart attack, and actually seeing him freak would be kinda funny. He stepped out of the shadows and into the light, but still out of sight from October, he didn't want to be seen by her just yet. She had enough on her plate for now.

    "Anyway, I'm Elijah, and shouldn't you be in school?"
  8. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    October slammed her door shut and tried to keep her anger in. How in the world could someone joke with her like that? It wasn't right and he knew it. All October could manage to do was sit in the parking lot, she couldn't move or speak, for a while she thought that she couldn't breathe. So, is this how it feels to be made a fool of? October thought, narrowing her eyes. Just as she started to back out, after an agonizing 5 minutes of thinking how long it would take her to die, she stopped suddenly and looked back at the person she had almost hit. "Are you ok?" October asked worried at the boy. She didn't hit him, but it sure felt as if she were to apologize.

    OOC - I'm getting to off in my posts, I hate being ADD >.<';
  9. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    OOC: yeah well, it takes one to know one knight XD jk

    Alex just glared at Elijah. He knew him from a party a bit ago. "Yes Elijah." He turned around and started walking. "I know who you are." He chuckled to himself. "And I know how you like Sarah." He was almost beaming now. "Atleast I had the bravery to say it, but you..." He turned and stared at Elijah. "Didn't you hear? Last anyone saw of Sarah, the nurse was trying to put her arm back together!" He was screaming. "Now you tell me, who done goofed." He turned and walked away.
  10. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Elijah's blood ran cold. Alex words echoed in his head like it had suddenly become an empty chasm. Nothing else in the world mattered more than one simple phrase out of one stupid kids mouth.

    "W-what did you say?" he gasped. the air in his lungs had grown stale. he found it hard to breath. It was so hard to comprehend. Sarah was hurt? why didn't he know about this?

    Confusion turned to fear, and fear turned to panic. He had to get to Sarah. she was in trouble and he wasn't there for her.

    "Get in my car, I'm taking you back to school," he said practically shoving Alex into his sedan. He figured since he was going there anyway, he might as well take the brat. Plus, he needed answers. As he pulled out onto the road, he turned to Alex.

    "Now spill! What happened to Sarah?!" he asked emotion filling his voice.

    OOC: Jeez Xeren, that escalated quickly! I kinda thought Alex would be a little more civil.
  11. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    Alex was infuriated. Elijah just shoved him into a car that looked like it had just pulled out of a toilet, and started asking him questions. He scoffed. "All I heard was that she showed up in the nurses office passed out of blood loss. Can you drive any slower? Jesus, Elijah go faster." He turned and looked out the window. He was completely silent the entire car ride, but on the inside he was boiling with rage. By the time they had gotten there, a tear had been running down Alex's cheek, and he hadnt even noticed. He wiped it away, then went and sat on the front steps of the school. He buried his head in his hands. He felt like ripping his hair out. Elijah ran past him, hurrying to see Sarah. He turned to where Elijah was running. "He's so devoted to her." He thought to himself. He cheered up, just a bit. He would talk to October, he'd wait for her here, and they'll be friends again. Right...?
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  12. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    October looked at the boy in awe, he was rather attractive, but she focused on wondering if he was ok. "Heh, honestly, I am fine." The boy said. "Your car didn't even touch me." He smiled and introduced himself.

    His name is Nathan White. October thought. "My name is October." Does he go to school with me? Do I have any classes with him? All these thoughts and questions were pouring into her mind as she tried to not freak ou tas his udder attractiveness.

    "I am in every one of your classes, well, except for one. Nathan smiled as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. He has seen October before and didn't really think much of her. Just some other girl who dressed a certain way to get attention. Although he was still leary in being in her prescene, he relaxed a bit when she asked if he was ok instead of freaking out thinking he hit her car, or she scraped her tire. Why are you wondering out here?" Nathan asked, slightly curious.

    "Well, I was here with someone, but then he turned into a total jerk. After that one time last month where he hung out with Elijahs' girlfriend or something like that, he changed towards me and what happened in there-" October flew her hand towards the abandonded building. "That was the last straw with him. I can't believe he would pull something like that, especially knowing me."

    Nathan actually felt bad for October. He thought she was some heartless female who wanted attention by dressing weird. An attention whore, but just now, his eyes had opened and he realized that she wasn't like any of those other females.

    "Do you want a ride back to school?" October asked sheepishly.

    Nathan grinned and nodded his head once. "Sure, it'd be nice to talk to you more."

    OOC - This should at least bring them to the school where Alexander and ELijah are, now I think someone can work off of this post.Especially Xeren since your character is supposedly sitting on the steps at the front of the school.
  13. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    OOC: Don't worry bout it sis, I've already planned it.

    Alex had been waiting on the steps of the school for at least 10 minutes, before finally seeing a black Camaro pull up. He smiled. October was finally here, could go apologize, and- who the heck is that? He watched as some boy got out of the passenger seat. His smile quickly turned into anger. He should have known. Not even a car ride back to school and he was already replaced! He stood up, gave October one final glance, and turned. Leaving whom used to be his friend out of his life. He mumbled. "I hope 6-6-6 will hurry up and get here cause I want lucifer to eat his soul." He slowly walked inside. They- he had skipped a couple classes. He walked over to his locker to grab his books
  14. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: Ok. FINALLY I get to post.

    IC: Elijah ran frantically through the halls. Having gone to school here before, he could get around easily without getting lost. He was looking for one place. and one place only. The nurse's office. Running around the corner, he spotted it, and bolted for the door.

    He almost slid from his speed, but grabbed the door frame to steady himself. Sarah was indeed with the nurse. a bandage over her arm, and a red stain, just barely covered up on the cloth. Elijah's eyes widened in surprise, and concern.

    "Sarah?" he whispered. Sarah's eyes widened as well, as she wasn't expecting to see Elijah at the school yet.

    "Elijah?! Why are you here?" she asked him.

    "I came as soon as I heard you had been hurt." He said. "What happened?"

    "I tripped and cut myself, it was an accident." she said. Elijah didn't buy that for one second. His eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything, not with the nurse right there. Just then the nurses, walkie went off, calling her to check on another student who was puking in the bathrooms. She left, leaving Elijah alone with Sarah.

    "Wanna tell me what really happened." it wasn't a question. It was a demand. Sarah couldn't look Elijah in the eyes as she spoke next.

    "I tried to kill myself..." Elijah stiffened, but didn't speak. "I don't know...It was as if every negative feeling I've ever felt came over me all at once, and suddenly killing myself was the only logical choice. The feelings went away almost as soon as they came....but i don't know. I'm scared that I'm mentally unstable now, like I'm crazy or something! What happens if I have another episode like that, I'm I'm not lucky enough to live through it?!?" Sarah was on the verge of tears. Elijah sat down next to her, putting his arms around her. He had never seen her this frightened before. Hell, she never displayed emotions like this.

    Elijah had nothing he could tell he, all he could do was hold her tighter, and hope she wouldn't break down sobbing.
  15. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    As Nathan stepped out of the slick car he noticed a boy who gave him a rather unpleasing look. Who was this guy? He thought to himself, then he remembered what October had told him, about Alex. Was that him? Of course, it had to be, no other guy would give him a dirty look when being around October. Did he like her or something? Even if he did, she didn't feel the same, she couldn't. He had twisted her emotions and made her feel used, in a way.

    October glared towards the doors where Alexander had just walked through. How dare him!! October screamed to herself. He twisted her emotions around and he thinks he can get mad at her?! What kind of mess is this? October didn't do anything but get mad, and she had a logical explanation to do so. Alexander had said he loved her, and when October was taken aback, only because they were best friends, he said he was joking. Your not supposed to do that!! October was boiling on the inside and she wanted to scream, maybe even rip that precious little throat of his out. Make him suffer.

    Nathan noticed the look on her face and wandered what it is that she was thinking. He wanted to reassure her, because she did deserve better than Alexander, but he didn't know how she would react. Would she be mad towards him like she was at Alexander, or would she completely fall into him and he would be the hero. You never know unless you try. . Nathan told himself, even though he couldn't try, especially since he didn't know what she was capable of.
  16. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Now was the time to act. Time was running short.

    "We should get you out of here. I don't think this is the best place for you right now." said Elijah.

    "Where can we go? If I am going crazy, then this could happen again anywhere!" sai Sarah.

    "I don't think you're going crazy, what do you know about June 6th, 2006?"

    "It's just a date. Yeah, susperstitious people are calling it the end of the world, but it's all bull, right?"

    "Maybe...or maybe not. If Satan really is returning then, then it stands to reason he'd want to spread chaos and confusion. a few random suicides, maybe a few accidents. Death...everywhere Death. you may have fallen victim to his influences. Nothing more, but you survived."

    "You don't really think that do you?"

    "as far as I'm concerned, it's a viable possibility. C'mon, let's get you somewhere where it'll be easier to calm down."

    They walked out together and Elijah led Sarah into the parking lot. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of October with another boy. He glared daggers at her. She was tied to all of this. but how, Elijah couldn't fathom.

    Sarah was the key, the last link he had to October. the last weapon he could use against her.
  17. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    October turned her attention to the doors as Elijah walked out with Sarah. At least she is doing ok. October thought. Then she felt uncomfortable as Elijah glared at her. What had gotten into him so fast? He was fine earlier and then all of a sudden he had a hate towards her. October wasn't going to let this past and she narrowed her eyes at him, sending back the awful stare into his direction.

    Nathan stood there and noticed the tension abrupting in the parking lot. He noticed both of their stares and couldn't help but wonder what this was all about in the forst place. Was Elijah an ex to October, and was october the jealous type to be seeing him with another female? Nathan shook his head and mentally laughed. October never once mentioned Elijah except for when he asked her about Sarah this morning. Maybe she gave a cold stare towards him because he was glaring at her with such an odd intensity. Nathan didn't know what to do next, so he walked over to October's side to show that he was going to be there for her.
  18. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "Wait in the car for me," Elijah said to Sarah. he handed her his keys and made his way over to October.

    "I know you're connected..." he said when he got to her. "You and Sarah have such a twisted past, it'd be impossible for you not to be. " then he eyed the other boy. "Who's your friend, what happened with Alexander?" he decided to play dumb, in actuality he knew exactly what happened.

    Maybe this new boy could be useful. Just another pawn to be used.

    Another weapon to use against this insignificant girl.
  19. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    October scoffed. Slightly offended. "The hell do you mean by that? Who was this Elijah character in the first place, has she even seen him before besides today. And what does he mean by, it'd be impossible for you not to be. What was she not being? It didn't make any sense.

    Nathan stood close enough by October to protect her from anything that could happen. When he heard Alexander's name, he shivered. "Alexander has nothing to do with you." Nathan growled in Octobers' defence. He wasn't about to just sit there and have her get intimidated by some guy he has never seen before. And even if they knew each other, they wouldn't be acting like this.
  20. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "I mean Sarah is hurt, and I know you're involved in some way. She was perfectly fine until we spoke this morning. She wont talk to me, so what the hell happened?" His girlfriend was just hurt, hell she almost died, so it would make sense for him to be livid. Maybe he was being unclear though...

    His second question was out of pure spite he guessed. He didn't need to know, hell, did he even care? Sarah was the only one that mattered right now. If she died here, Elijah had no idea what he was going to do.

    He sighed angrily. "I'm just...frustrated...I guess. The most important person in my life almost died today, just give me a straight answer on what happened." He had to recover from his loss of composure earlier. What made this girl so special? everything could be traced back to her. Why was she the link?

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