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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia grabbed Angel hastily and frowned, "Angel? What's wrong? Are you alright?"

    Axel frowned and with his long arms, he reached out and pushed her hood down, after which he stepped back a bit shocked, "S-Selena!? Why are you here? What... I mean... Why?" Axel shook his head angrily, "Why do you need to see Xemnas? He shouldn't be of any importance to you...?"
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smiled at Violet's approval. "So whatever you wanna do! Walk around the harbor, get something to eat, you name it and we'll do it," Jordan said, smirking.

    "A message? Hmmm, suspicious." Saïx proceeded out the door behind Demyx, not before saying, "And stop calling me "Saïx Puppy"."

    Xigbar shrugged and replied, "Whatever. Hold your horses kid, you're in no rush." The two shortly made their way to the chamber where Xemnas was currently residing, as he watched the heroes of lights apprentices. Xigbar knocked on the door twice before letting himself in. "Hey boss, you got a visitor." Slowly Xemnas turned around to face Will and cocked his head to one side slightly.

    "Will...is that your name? You seem so...familiar," Xemnas said in his usual toned voice. He had seen this boy once before. He just couldn't remember.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin appeared shortly after Xigbar, his spears at the ready, "Tsk! William. It's been a while hasn't it. Last time we saw each other was when Devlin resurfaced and Maleficent destroyed your home world!" He laughed emotionlessly before, in a matter of seconds, he had Will pinned to the wall with all 6 spears, preventing him from escaping through any means. "You'll tell us why you're here, answer our questions, then leave. If you don't, I'm sure Xigbar's been dying to blow someone's head off."
  4. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smiled as he eyed Xaldin, mouth hid underneath his scarf as his eyes scanned his opponent. "I see someone remembers me, but I am not here to speak to you." He growled, eyeing his opponent with a cold glance. "Now Xaldin, if you wait your turn. I will have my word with Xemnas, then I will slap around the water monger. And then you." He said, voice enough to make a heartless cringe. He then turned to Xemnas. "Now... to business? That is if your pawn will let me down."
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2012
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Despite Marluxia speaking to her, to no avail did she open her eyes yet.

    Violet smiled at Jordan.

    "I'm up for anything, I'm just happy to be spending time with you." Violet told him smiling.

    Selena pulled her hood up.

    "He is, and if you don't take him to me soon something bad is going to happen. Jordan has some sort of connection with Xemnas. I need to know what that connection is. Either Xemnas or all the worlds lives are on the line. So you can take me to Xemnas or I can hurry to Xemnas."
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Despite Marluxia speaking to her, to no avail did she open her eyes yet.

    Violet smiled at Jordan.

    "I'm up for anything, I'm just happy to be spending time with you." Violet told him smiling.

    Selena pulled her hood up.

    "He is, and if you don't take him to me soon something bad is going to happen. Jordan has some sort of connection with Xemnas. I need to know what that connection is. Either Xemnas or all the worlds lives are on the line. So you can take me to Xemnas or I can hurry to Xemnas."
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia placed Angel on the ground gently and summoned his scythe. He carefully cut his way to her heart and when he reached it, he began transferring his darkness into it. "Please... wake up..."

    Axel groaned, "Fine fine, just hold ok?" He grabbed Selena and hoisted her over his shoulder before summoning a fiery dark portal to Xemnas' chambers, in which, upon arriving, he placed Selena down and collapsed with an "Ow", still hurting from his earlier battle.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I can walk into a portal you know. I just don't know the location." Selena said shaking her head but laughing a little bit smiling.

    "Haven't laughed in a while." She said before walking up to the portal.

    Angel's eyes opened wide as they seemed encased in shadows. Suddenly vines shot up encasing her as shadows whipped around it.
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smirked and looked around. "How about a nice dinner? There's a place right around the corner that has a nice variety of food. Then we can enjoy a nice walk around the place," he said. He held Violet's hand, ready to lead her to the restaurant.

    Xemnas shook his hand at Will and said, "That shouldn't be necessary Will. Xaldin, please?" He heard a thud to his left and looked to see Axel and Selena. "Ah, more guests. And I believe Saïx is on his way as well."

    And on cue, Saïx walked into the chamber. He gasped at the sight of Selena and Will and said, "Superior, what are these children doing here?"
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Nice seeing you as we'll Isa, and I believe you're only a few years older than me. I have a procrastinated scheduled meeting with Xemnas, Will I'm shocked and clearly upset to see what I was told is true." Selena explained.

    Violet smiled at the excitement displaying from Jordan as he was clearly in a good mood.

    "It all sounds great." Violet said letting herself be led by Jordan.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned behind his scarf. "Nice to see you again as well Selena. I am sorry to dissapoint though. Now back to what I was saying. Can someone let me down, so I can greet an old friend, take care of my business, and then leave?" He growled, speaking of Selena as his friend. He knew that he needed to speak to her. "Please? I am even asking politely now!" He growled, trying to find a way down from the wall and onto his own two feet.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel groaned "SAIX! Help me up would you!"

    Xaldin sighed but dismissed the spears, "Where's the fun in that...?"

    Marluxia stumbled back, but didn't relent, as he forced his hands through the darkness.

    Deimos sat cross legged and wondered to himself, 'if she succeeds... she'll die. But if she doesn't then we'll all die. This doesn't make any goddamn sense! She just got back with Virgil and she's just going to give it all up just like that...' He clenched his teeth, but never voiced his thoughts.
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will fell, boots clicking on the floor as he caught himself. He walked over to Selena and hugged her tight, whispering in her ear. "We need a word in private... soon..." He breathed before pulling back, looking back towards the others. He smiled and strode up, summoning his keyblades and slamming them into the ground, striding forwards and leaving them behind as he came face to face with Xemnas. "I would like a word with you and Xigbar. Selena can stay, but this is not the business of the others." He said, eyeing the leader.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin quickly disagreed, "The only who will leave is Axel! I, as one of the founding members, and Saix, as second in command, stay." He turned to Xemnas, "And don't tell me to leave Superior. Because you both know for a fact I'd give my life to reach our goal." He turned to Will and smirked, "You don't get private meetings William, only Jordan had that honor. And that 'water monger' you plan to beat down, is under the protection of Xigbar and Zexion."
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Xigbar groaned at Xaldin. "Ugh, don't remind me. I barely even like the kid," he said.

    Xemnas watched as Saïx grabbed Axel by his arm and pulled him up. "Yes, indeed. Axel, if you would, leave the room. It would seem that there are very important matters to attend to."

    Saïx looked at Axel and told him, "I believe that's your cue to leave Axel."

    Jordan walked Violet to a large restaurant, that looked as if it were about to close. Jordan let go of Violet's hand and ran over to the door before it closed. He leaned against it in a cocky manner and asked the manager, "Hey there buddy. Still open, right?" The manager sighed and opened the door for Jordan and Violet.

    Jordan smiled and walked Violet inside. He went straight to a table that sat in the middle of the restaurant and pulled Violet's chair out for her. As the manager walked past to tell the staff they had two more customers, Jordan grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him in to whisper something. The manager smirked and chuckled before giving Jordan a thumbs up. Jordan sat down now, satisfied with his progress thus far.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel, with Saix's help, got to his feet, and he reluctantly nodded at Xemnas' request. He turned to Selena and frowned, though he couldn't feel, his face clearly showed that he was angry and disappointed with Selena for coming to this world, just to speak to Xemnas of all people. "Yes Superior." He bowed before turning and exiting the chambers, leaving four organization members along with Selena, and Will.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena watched as Axel left.

    "Xemnas I have strong matters to discuss with you, but Will perhaps you can answer some of my questions." Selena said angry.

    Violet smiled at Jordan as they got to the restaurant a waitress soon came and asked for their order before leaving.

    "So how did you come across this world?" Violet asked Jordan curiously.

    Ashley pulled away and shook her head.

    "I'm sorry but it pains me to see you and her." Ashley told Virgil she shook her head. "Why did you do it? Why did you create me based off of her. Now I'm tortured daily. I love you and nobody else, I can't breathe when I'm around you, I'm angry when I see her, I'm hurt and stabbed in the heart seeing the two of you together, and know I can never be with you ever is destroying me." Ashley said.

    "Why did you inflict this torture on me?" Ashley finally spoke out what she's tried saying for a long time.
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley looked down to the ground then blushed as Virgil pulled her close to him.

    "I can't..be with you the way you want me to. but i'll always be by your side."

    "Virgil...I.." Ashley tried speaking but she just couldn't get her word together. She looked up at Virgil lovingly as layed her hand on his face. "I can't help it Virgil, as much as I don't want to be around you the more I begin to love you." Ashley stated before she slowly and softly placed her lips onto Virgil's.
    "Is that you...and...." Darian paused when he had seen the red cloaked man. He couldn't believe his eyes. "It can't be..." Darian said as he looked at Devlin confused.
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil turned his back and placed his hand on the near by wall. " This isnt what i expected to happen ok. i was young stupid, i was only thinking of filling the void in my heart. I wanted nothing to do with anyone but you. You remember this...we spent much time together. " He turned his head slightly to look at her. " I don't regret doing what i did. i have to take responsibility for my actions. this much is true. "

    leaning up against the wall he shoved both hands into his pockets. " You know i still care about you but....i have her back now and i could not bare the thought of loosing her. You'll always have me in your life ..just not the way you may want." Virgil wanted to say more but he was afraid he would hurt her feelings further.

    " You were created to be Selena, you were made to fill the empty place place in my heart that she left all those years" He started to pace towards her slowly. " You know how dark i was...you know the pain i had to endure with my father. I was on the brink of insaity and you saved me from it."

    At this moment he was in arms reach of her. " If you wish it to be..i can reprogram you as i did Deimos. You will no longer have these fleeting emotions...i can even make it where.....you will forget ......me
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan chuckled and and leaned back a bit, after having ordered. "I think it was a day I was doing some personal training. I like to open up portals to random worlds, hoping they're desolate enough for me to train on, which they usually were. So, one day I found this place. I figured, another feeding ground for myself. But after having only one heart, I decided to look around. Who would have guessed that I'd like this place!" He looked around, recollecting the last time he had been here. "Plus, getting to sit by the water calms me down a bit."

    Xemnas replied, "I'd love to Selena, but it would appear as though you friend, Will, was here first."

    Devlin nodded at Darian and put a finger to his lips, and then pointed at the younger him with the red cloaked man.

    "What would you say if I told you I could give you a Keyblade," the man asked.

    Devlin gasped in excitement ane replied, "Really? My own Keyblade?!"

    The man chuckled and nodded. "Yes, yes. And all you have to do is make me a special promise."

    Devlin smiled and held out his hand. "Ok!"

    The man smiled underneath his dark hood and grabbed the boys arm instead of his hand. "Now you grab my arm."

    Devlin was frightened at first by the sudden grab, but grabbed the man's arm nonetheless.

    The man began to radiate darkness, fogging up the area a bit. Darkness began to wrap around both of their arms. The man moved close to Devlin, and told him the promise.

    "Who's Jordan," the curious boy asked in confusion.

    The memory now faded away as the der Devlin folded his arms and sighed. "I found out sure enough though. I sure did..."
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012

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