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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin shook his head, "Superior, if I may..." He turned to Xemnas and spoke, "Selena is Jordan's sister, so if she has come here then her news is of far greater importance then that of Will's. Besides, she didn't attack one of our members, William on the other hand attack and could've easily killed Demyx if Xigbar hadn't shown up when he did. I believe that we should hear from Selena first."

    Marluxia stood there, watching the dark cocoon surround his wife, yet there was nothing he could do... but wait.

    Deimos' head snapped up, and he sneezed abruptly, "Now who's talking about me? Ugh...'
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley looked at Virgil in disbelief. She couldn't believe a word she was hearing from Virgil nor could she hear more. "I need a second Virgil...this is all too much. You made me like some sort of slave to you..." Ashley turned away from Virgil in disgust.

    "Virgil, I can't be your back up plan anymore." Ashley began to pace around the room.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2012
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil was getting irritated at her responses. She didn't seem to understand where he was coming from. the only thing she would seem to have in her mind was being with him. " im not asking you to be my back up plan. I want you to be happy on your own....even if it isnt with me. I own up to the things i've done. But you were and still are very important to me."

    He pulled a chair from the table turned it backwards and sat in it. " Why can't you understand that."

    In that moment he attempted to get in contact with Selena. " Babe can you hear me? where are you Ash is acting all strange..and i don't exactly know how to deal with this. "
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked over at Xaldin and shook her head.

    "No, Will may speak, I'm quite curious on what he has to say." Selena said when suddenly she heard Virgil speaking in her mind.

    'I'm kind of busy, how so?' Selena asked back telepathically

    Ashley shook her head.

    "You ruined my life and you think by just reprogramming me the problem will be fixed. I risked my life several times for you. I've stood by you always and where's your girl friend now. She always seems to run off, does she really care about you like you do, does she care about you like I do?" Ashley asked getting angry.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Shadow crawled up to the building of a motel of sorts. No one seemed to be in this place. But he wasn't gonna stick around here, someone else might kick him into the wall. He hobbled into the little stream of water and decided to play in it for a bit, the next best thing.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Shes...acting obsessive more so than before. I 've never seen this side of her." He raised his eyebrow. " Busy with what?"

    He then heard Ashley speak and it struck a nerve. He got up quickly causing the chair to topple over to the ground. " I ruined your life!? hell i'm the one that gave it to you. Im not trying to find a quick solution but thats the only option available you yourself told me these feelings hurt. So why continue to keep them!"

    The room was tense with emotions and feelings. Virgil was attracted to her in every way but he kept things of that nature suppressed because he had finally got what he wanted all his life. and he was not going to give it up that easily.

    " Everything you'd do for me Selena would do ten times that amount!" he slammed his fist into the wall. " I have faith in her in everything she does. i support her and she supports me. don't ever question that!

    He quickly shot a response back to selena " Where are you!"
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    'Umm nothing...' Selena said waiting on Will. 'Just attending to stuff involving my brother...' Selena answered back. 'I'm kind of busy ok, I'll be back soon.' Selena said before locking Virgil completely from her mind.

    "you ruined by giving my life! And what reprogram me so I live life a lie!?" Ashley exclaimed angered. "Go ahead see if you can find her, I bet you can't lock in on where she's at you're supposedly bonded so you should be able to unless she blocks you!" Ashley said mad.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil shot back at Ashley fiercly " She wouldnt block me out! i can find Selena wherever she is no matter where!" He heard her say she was busy and responded. " Well busy with what!" But he felt a feeling like words falling on deaf ears. " Selena..Selena!" his eyes grew large as he came to the realization. " I ..i can't contact her what the hell is going on here.." He kept trying to send her messages but nothing but silence was returned. " I..I can't establish a connection..."

    He looked at ashley with intent. " So you'd prefer to live a life of trying to achieve a goal you'll never attain. You wont be living a lie! you control your own way your own destiny. Why is this so hard for you to grasp!! But more importantly how did you know..i couldnt connect to her. " He started to stand up and reached his arm out to grab her. " you've been strange since you returned. Whats the deal!
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I've been watching her! You said it yourself you created me to be Selena. The only difference between me and Selena is she's not worried about her brother, she's not worried about everything in the world, and she's not constantly busy, oh and she's not here with you." Ashley said crossing her arms.

    "I'm leaving, maybe I'll go hang out with that other boy Darian because that's what you want me to do, maybe I'll go see what that girl wants me to do, maybe I'll continue doing your missions with no appreciation." Ashley said getting up angry and leaving.

    As she stood up and was walking towards the door, her back to Virgil it was truly clear minus a few small details changed by Virgil she was Selena, a Selena clone. The curves of her body were the same as Selena's, the length of her hair, her height, her attitude, even her voice a little bit.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at them. "I did not strike at Demyxx, he attacked me. Second off I understand Selena is interested in what I have to say, but Selena, my dear friend. I will answer your questions away from prying ears." He said, looking over at her. He then cleared his throat, eyeing Xigbar and Xemnas, knowing that their reactions would be bad to this. "Jordan sent me as... well... a messenger boy." He breathed, watching them, fingers twitching. "He wants to cut all ties with you two. He wants no more involvement with you or your plans." He finally said, awaiting a reaction.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin started laughing, "The mighty William, reduced to a mere messenger boy! You couldn't even take down Marluxia, and you think you can take on the founding members of the Organization? Pardon me for taking a page out of your book Xigbar, but, As if. You couldn't even beat me in a one on one match. Let alone take all of us on. You are no keyblade master, you are merely a pawn in our little game, and you will not leave this castle alive with that message." He signaled to Axel, who had been waiting outside and instructed him to seal the castle without saying a word. Xaldin turned to Selena, "Don't worry Selena, once the messenger boy is beaten to a bloody pulp, we'll give him back to you. Because... if their is one thing we hate more in the Organization... It's Insubordination!"
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    A hand quickly moved in front of Her closing the door before she could exit. " Don't get me wrong i'm not making you stay, but something is preventing me from letting you go.." Virgil said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. " Ash look...im sorry and i know it may not mean much but its all i can do. Its the least and the most i can do....I mean what is it that you are expecting me to say?" He started to back pace a few steps. " You want me to say Ashley, i love you i was wrong to be with selena your the one who has been there by my side always.

    " Those are words i want to say but cannot. i can't undo the way i feel about selena just like you can't undo the way you feel about me i hope you understand that"
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will knew the message would be received badly, he immedeatly clapped his hands together, darkness coming up in a pillar from his hands, summoning a new keyblade. When he finished he let his hands fall as an old, rusted blade appeared in his right hand. The metal chocobo, the heaviest and largest blade he knew. He twirled it and set it on his shoulder, looking at the others. "I am not here for a fight, just to deliver Jordan's words. I am not great, I am not prideful. I am human. William is the one you know as the prideful fighter, thinking he is the greatest. I am not him." He said, lifting the blade and readying it in front of him. "I do not want to fight you but if you will not let me leave then so be it, I shall fight to the death in this castle." He said coldly.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin raised an eyebrow but didn't wait for Xemnas to say anything, instead he turned to Xigbar and nodded, before running forward and ramming Will through a window, sending him to the training room. Xaldin landed without a sound and smirked at him.

    Xaldin Weapon Summon (0:57-1:13)

    Xaldin smirked and entered his fighting stance, "Come Will, this will be an excellent warm-up!" He laughed before exclaiming, "Where's the fun in this?" He lifted his hands and shouted, "Wind! Guard me!" as a sphere of wind surrounded Xaldin, as he prepared for battle.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2012
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will rolled in the air, landing on his feet, catching himself with his left hand, his blade out with his right as he looked up, eyeing the opponent as he stood up. "I told you, I don't want to fight you. William is the one with the bloodlust. Not me." He growled, straightening himself and readying for another strike from the man. "I am here because I need to speak to Selena, and I needed to deliver a message. Nothing else. I proved that when I didn't attack Demyxx, even though he struck me!"
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin rolled his eyes, summoning a barrier that nobody could force open or escape from(similar to the one that Selena summoned against Devlin) leaving the two combatants free of interruption. "Hmph, if you manage to defeat me, I'll take you to wherever Selena may be personally. Otherwise, you aren't going anywhere! Now get into a fighting stance! I hate taking cheap shots, so I want a fair match. Stick to clean tactics and I'll let you live when I beat you. Fight dirty... and you die."
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will tightened his hand on his blade, eyeing him. "Fine then, no magic. Only blades. That means cut your shield." He growled, rotating his shoulders and twirling the blade, waiting for a response from the whirlwind lancer. "I will fight you with nothing but my blades, but only if you follow the same terms." He said, striding slowly, watching the man and waiting to see what his next move would be. Will's muscles twitched, his wings quivered. He was prepared to fight for his life.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin laughed and shook his head, "My arena, my terms kid. Magic is allowed, and the first to wear their opponent to the point of no longer being able to hold their weapons, wins." He pointed a spear at Will and smirked, "And you can't use magic to harm me, but you are allowed to use magic. Good luck Will, and prepare to be beaten into the dirt!" He levitated slightly off the ground and lunged forward, his spears rotating around him like blades as he approached Will like a hurricane.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smirked and dodged to the side, rolling away from Xaldin and kicking off the ground, wings beating hard to lift him off the ground as fast as possible as he turned, lifting his hand and making two dark stone pillars shoot from the ground, knocking the spears from their path and disorienting them a bit as he grabbed his keyblade with both hands and pulling it apart, the blade separating into his two shuriken blades as he chucked his left blade at Xaldin, it flying right towards his midsection.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin easily blocked the incoming weapons and slammed two of his spears into the ground, "I'll end you quickly, HYAHH!" He yelled out as he used his wind to launch him and his six spears high into the air. "TAKE THIS BOY!" Was all that could be heard before Xaldin fell towards Will with all six spears pointing down at the younger boy. "This is it for you! HA!"

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