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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    His hands clinched when Deimos slipped out of his grip. Slamming a fist through the wall next to him. a few tears started to dribble down his cheek. " You don't understand....its not that easy to just cast off feelings for someone and im sorry " ENJOY" someone elses company. I refuse it. Theres nothing you can do or say to change my mind on this matter...."
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will took the blows before sliding backwards, boots catching as he started to sprint forward and leap over the spear wielder. When he landed behind him he swung upwards with the keyblade before grabbing it, splitting it in half, and attacking three or more times before rolling to the side, avoiding the sideswipe from the spears as the man turned. Will looked at Xigbar with anger and hatred in his eyes. "Do not doubt the demon... for they will do just about anything to win..." He growled.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin turned to Xigbar, "Braig... would you mind keeping this fight fair? If Will utilizes any other person(ality?) then his current one... Blow his head off." He smirked as he vanished with the wind, reappearing behind Will and stabbed his right leg with a spear, before jumping back launching strong gusts of wind at Will.

    Deimos paused for a second before placing a gloved finger on Virgil's forehead, Selena may have blocked out Virgil... but she didn't block out Deimos. "Selena... he won't listen..."
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil's anger was getting out of control. He quickly slapped Deimos's hand away from him. " Just..just" He opened his hand wide and blasted a hole through the roof" Just PISS OFF!" he jumped through the crumbling hole he blasted through the roof. escaping the area. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop until he was out of the town. He continued to talk a ways away until he was in a open field alone. He sat down with his legs crossed. A dark black mist starting to over take him.

    "This world....i don't care about it any more....."
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Using the last bit of connection remaining Deimos sent 7 horrible words to Selena, "Virgil ran away! He was radiating darkness!" And a static covered "I'm going after him." Before the connection completely disappeared. Deimos ran down and smashed the wall into the room Ashley was in. "Hurry! Virgil's losing it! Only YOU can save him! It's what Selena wants! Let's Go! NOW!"

    Axel, who had left the world to seek out companionship, ran into Virgil, but he carefully backed away and opened a portal back to Xemnas' chamber, his words coming out at a mile a minute, "Virgil he's all like black and eerie and there's like a black hole thing surrounding him! He has NEVER been that deep in darkness!" Of course, no one could understand him, and he collapsed shortly afterwards.
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Xemnas looked down at Axel and sighed. "This one..." He looked up at Selena and replied, "The connection I have with your brother should be of no concern to you, nor does it hold any relevance." He looked at Selena in her eyes then her chest. "However..."

    In a blur he was inches away from Selena, hand hovering over her chest, over her heart. "I can sense the small fragments of the Darkness inside of your heart. It's nothing compared to the actual Darkness' strength, but it resembles it nonetheless."

    Saïx nearly turned around to strike Marluxia until he realizedwho it was. He took a deep breath and replied, "Marluxia. What is it you want?"

    Xigbar scoffed and sat on the wall. "We'll talk more after Xaldin here beats you 'till you're black and blue," he said, smiling.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia pointed behind him at the shadowy cocoon holding Angel as if it was obvious he distressed over that and that alone. However, no words left Marluxia's mouth.

    Demyx sat in his room, strumming his Sitar when he noticed one of his Dancer Nobodies in front of him. "Huh? What d'ya mean Luxord is missing? What? Zexy too? No WAY!" He got up and screamed down the hall, "SUPERIOR! LUXORD AND ZEXION ARE GONE!"
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smiled before clutching the spear in his leg and shouting. "Mimic!" When he appeared above Xaldin was when he released the spear, pulling it cleanly from his leg and riding it downwards, putting his weight on it as well as it entered his opponent. He then climbed it a bit and kicked off the back, pushing it further before teleporting away, feet hitting the ground hard. He then looked up and grinned. "Remember, you aren't dealing with a human here, where one wound would make them toss their sword in defeat." He breathed.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "He's my brother, of course it does." Ignoring Deimos boice and anything else in her head not taking in the words. Suddenly when Xemnas stood directly in front of her she jumped back her keyblade appearing in her hand.

    "Those small fragments grow every single day. The stronger Jordan gets the more it takes over my heart. But that's not all that matters. I am the only one who can stop him and remove the darkness and send it back to where it belongs."

    Ashley looked up at Deimos and stood up worried.

    "What?" She said before disappearing and appearing by Virgil.

    "Stop!" She exclaimed hurrying to him and grabbing his arm and stopping him from running off.

    "I'm sorry this is my fault..." She said crying.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin roared in pain, pulling the spear out of him and taking a quick look at the wound that was now leaking blood and darkness. "You will pay for that boy!" He jumped into the air and manipulated his spears laughing as they grew to a far larger size and connected to create a massive dragon like creature. "Beware the winds of despair!" He said as the dragon fired a large beam of wind directly at Will.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smiled, jumping to the side and avoiding the wind, boots clicking as he kicked off the ground and landed. on the wall as he started to run up it. When he reached the top he slammed his keyblade into the wall, swinging up and resting on it, like a bird on a perch. He looked down at Xaldin and smiled. "Up here. Come on now, don't make this too easy!" He barked. As Xaldin turned towards him he leaped, calling his keyblade back as he stabbed it into the adjecent wall, the blade dragging down with Will's weight. He then kicked backwards, landing behind Xaldin.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2012
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Virgil was trying to break free of her grip. " Just let me go Ashley! your just like everyone else i've ever come in contact with. you use me for what you need and cast me away when your done..."

    The darkness around his body was starting to radiate. The grass started to blow in circles. Everyone that knew Virgil knew the only thing that kept him sane was Selena. without her it was a lost cause.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos arrived shortly after, his black cross active in case he needed to step in. "VIRGIL LISTEN TO ME!" Deimos screamed over all the wind that seemed to be coming from his creator, as he moved in closer and grabbed Virgil's other hand. "We aren't like that! We'd give our lives for you and stand by you until the end! You know that! Please just come back to us!" He paused, remembering what had set him off, "You told me that Selena's destiny was intertwined with yours! If you fall... She'll fall too!"
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Xemnas smiled and shook his head. "Such a naive child. Do you honestly believe that you are so mighty that you are the sole person to destroy Jordan's destiny? No, there are other ways and more deserving people to do that." Xemnas turned his back to Selena and alked towards the wall. "Besides, you wouldn't want to kill your brother for merely fullfilling his rightful duty would you?"

    The waitress returned to Jordan and Violet's table with their meals. Serving Violet's dish first, followed by Jordan's order of two steaks and a plate of broccoli. Jordan thanked the waitress and, with no hesitation, dug into his first steak.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Oh then tell me who and why. Jordan's darkess is also in my heart so for the darkness to be destroyed permanently the darkness in my heart should be too, so I'll take Jordan's darkness and myself into the darkest part of the realm of darkness." Selena explained.

    Ashley shook her head at Virgil.

    "You know too well that's not the case, I've always been there. Please..." Ashley said.

    Violet thanked the waitress.

    "So what is planned ahead of us?" She decided to ask.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin laughed as he disappeared in a burst of wind and appeared above Will, "HYAH!" He roared as he fell at top speed from only slightly above Will, all six spears facing the boy. Xaldin smirked, he knew better then to get cocky, so moments before hitting Will he teleported behind him and used his spears to knock Will's weapons to the side before tripping him up and pointing his spears into his face, "SUBMIT!"
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Saïx gazed in awe at Angel's current state. He walked around it, eyeing every aspect of it before going back to Marluxia. "What is it," he asked curiously.

    Xemnas looked back at Selena. "The Void?" He turned to face Selena and corrected her, "You mean THE Darkness? Jordan does possess the Darkness, yes, but the Darkness is an entity entirely of its own. I'm surprised you're even alive and sane at this point. You will, soon, lose control. I hope you know this. Now, as for the man who truly deserves a fight with your brother....I believe you acquired him earlier today. Similar to that of an angel falling from the heavens." He looked up at the ceiling, imagining the starry sky.

    Jordan made quick work of his first steak and even finished half of his plate of broccoli. He wiped his mouth and replied, "Our walk around the harbor, if that's what you're referring to."
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He was finding it hard to wrap his arms around Ashley. His hands were trembling as he slowly moved them. He knew what it would mean if he embraced her. Though his anger was not allowing him to think clearly.The mist around his body started to vibrate faster. " Get Away from me!" He pushed both ashley and Deimos away from him. He ran a few feet away from them. Using his black start he forced a connection through with Selena. She would be able to see him as if staring through a glass mirror.

    " Tell me now, what you meant by enjoy my time with ashley!" it was a message she could not avoid.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos ran to Ashley and held onto her, "Please trust me, we have to let him talk to her. If we interfere it'll just push him further away. I know you despise me, and I'm not a huge fan of you either after you left me to die, but I've cast my feelings aside because my purpose has and always will be to protect the two of you. Let him do this... and then and only then will the truth be revealed."

    Marluxia sighed and shrugged, he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Instead he placed his hands on Saïx and let the memory that kept replaying over and over in his head... That of his own death.
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    As Darian began to come too he had seen a younger Devlin talking to Xemnas.

    Darian looked over to the current Devlin in confusion. "What do all these memories mean...explain that to me" Darian turned his head back and looked at Xemnas as he spoke with Devlin. "Why are you showing me these things!" Darian asked his older brother confused on what was going on.

    Darian shook his head in total disbelief. "This can't be real...Devlin you died..." Darian said.

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