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Kingdom Hearts: Origins (Beginning)

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Abyssal Knight, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kingdom Hearts Origins

    This is a story of a few teens who find themselves getting into some abnormal things. There lives completely change when they a receive an mystical weapon called a Keyblade.


    Darian- He is a young boy, kinda a loner if it weren't for his loyal friends.
    Jordan- He's a cool laid back guys, his temper gets him into a lot.
    Devlin- He's Darian's older brother, he's sorta a psycho-path and only hangs with people of his "kind".
    [​IMG](Minus the nails)
    Cole- A young laid back guys, never talks unless spoken two.
    [​IMG](The one with the white hair of course)
    Ashley- Jordan's twin sister who seems to follow him and his friends around. She is a loud person and very hyperactive at times.
    [​IMG] (With a blue and white plaid button down shit on.)
    Reon- Devlin's "friend" since preschool. Reon follows Devlin around and never questions him. He is exactly like Devlin but a bit more sane at times.

    "Hey...big brother, why do you not listen to Mom and Dad...I mean they are only trying to help you and all" Young Darian said as he looked up as he brother as they walked through a snow piled alleyway. Devlin looked at him after he had heard his brother speak. "Shut Up...I don't follow orders from anyone okay...Mom and Dad tell you lies okay...Santa, Easter Bunny, Sandman, Mother Nature, Father Time, Yeah those guys aren't real. Never have been, so next time you ask me why I don't listen to Mom and Dad think about what they do to you okay." Devlin said as he rolled his eye and picked up his pace. Darian followed not to far behind trying to keep up with his brothers pace. "What do you mean they aren't real...We see Santa all the time during X-mas in the town square.". Darian looked at his brother, He had then noticed that his brother had made an immediate stop and had put his left hand on Darian chest pushing him behind him. "Hush Darian" Devlin said. Darian stopped moving and tried looking around Devlin, but when he did it was a small flash of light and Darian was quickly blinded.

    "What the hell do you want?..I told you leave me the hell alone didn't I?" Devlin said in an angry voice. "You really think I'm going to listen to the likes of you?"
    Darian could only hear a voice from in front of Devlin, and the person didn't seem to happy.
    "Look we can settle this another time. I'm busy alright!" Devlin exclaimed
    "Sorry kid your time's up...Oh yeah and your friend Reon...He's in trouble...might want to come with me to save him"
    Darian stepped back and hid behind a trash can as his heart began to beat faster. Darian peeped his head from around the snow covered trash can to see what was going on.
    Devlin stood there with something in his hand Darian hadn't ever seen before and the other guy stood there with a white cloak on with a hood over his head with light blue hair hanging from the shade of the hood.
    "What the hell have you done with Reon?" Devlin said angrily as he charged at the man.
    "Nothing you wouldn't have in a few years..."The man said as punched Devlin in the gut making him fall to the ground.
    Devlin tried picking himself up off the ground but it was too late the man had already kicked him in the stomach.
    Devlin looked back to see Darian peeking from behind a trashcan.
    "Darian....Run....run home!" Devlin yelled out as he picked himself off the ground.

    Darian looked at Devlin terrified as he heard those words.
    Darian then got up off the ground and began running towards the main street, he didn't even look back, not once.
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    As Darian reached the house he ran to his room not even saying a word to his parents about what had just went on, but Darian hadn't noticed that his parent weren't even home. Darian looked at his tree house out back of his house and had realized someone was in there. Darian then climbed out his window and jumped off the balcony onto the ground. He then ran to his treehouse and climbed up into his treehouse to see Cole and Jordan sword fighting with sticks. "Guys....Devlin...was kidnapped...by...some....dude." Darian said catching his breathe in between every word.

    Jordan looked at Darian as he heard the Devlin was kidnapped. Cole payed him no mind and was about to strike Jordan with the stick before Jordan quickly guarded as Cole struck down towards his head with the stick. "Nice one Cole!" Jordan said as he jumped back away from Cole and charged in at his before jumping into the air and hitting Cole on the shoulder. "Ouch!" Cole yelped as Jordan hit him on his shoulder.

    "Guys!" Darian yelled, getting their attention. "We have to do something I think that guy who took Devlin seen me...what if he knows where I live and wants me too?" Darian said panicking

    Cole looked at Jordan then at Darian before walking over to him helping Darian off the ground. "No ones going to get you okay we will protect you, plus you didn't like Devlin anyways he was always mean to us so who cares?" Cole said.

    Jordan didn't say anything to Cole, he just looked at Cole and shook his head. "We will find him tomorrow I gotta get home, Mom says if I'm late again she's going to ground me" Jordan said as he climbed out of the treehouse and running home.

    "Well I guess he's right, I gotta go to" Cole said jumping out of the tree house and running across the street to his house.

    Darian jumped out of the treehouse and ran into his house, closing the front door behind him and storming up into his room.

    3 Years Later
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Is this still continuing?
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Yes it is still continuing
  5. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Welcome back to Twilight Town's Struggle Tourney...Today's intense Match-Ups for the Junior division will be Jason Vs Keena, Ashley Vs Rorak, Tion Vs Reon, and Trish Vs Alana." The cool announcer guy said.

    "And the match-ups for our Senior Division will be Corey Vs Darian, Cole vs Quincy, William Vs Jordan, and Selena Vs Brandon...Well These matches will begin momentarily so stick with me and later on today I will be announcing your Junior and Senior Division Champions."

    Darian looked at the Announcer as he spoke about the matches. "Well we made it this far guys, No one get knocked out here okay?" He said smiling as he took out a struggle bat that had a white handle and black end piece. "Time to bring out my lady luck" He said as he pulled it out.

    "Me getting knocked out. After coming this far...Yeah right" Jordan said rolling his eyes. "My match won't be more than three minutes and that's a promise" He said as he strode of towards the concession stand.

    "Well I know I'll make it to the finals, seeing as though I've made it this far." Cole said as he watched Jordan walk off. "Well-"
    "All Call for Darian. Time for your battle, we are waiting for you at Arena 3" The Announcer called out.

    Darian looked at Cole then ran off towards the Arena. "Hey I'll catch up with you after my match" Darian yelled out as he got closer to the arena.

    "Good Luck Broski!" Cole yelled out as he began to walk toward Arena 1.

    Darian looked up at the number 3 sign on top of the Arena and he ran in and jumped on to the struggle arena mat. "Well I'm here....Let's Begin!" Darian said a he threw his bag out of the ring and held his custom struggle bat in his right hand.

    "Well Alright! On Three....Two....One...Struggle!" The Announcer yelled out as the two boys ran towards each other hitting each other with intense swings.

    "Not bad kid....not bad" Corey said as he charged in at Darian.

    Darian watched charged in and as he got close enough, Darian began charging at him. When he reach about twelve feet away from him Darian slid to the ground and clipped the boy with his struggle bat , flipping him into the air and making him fall on his back. Darian then quickly got up and put his struggle bat to the Corey's face.

    "Match" Darian said.

    "And That will be it for this match!" Darian has come out Victorious yet once again in this struggle tourney...will he be the one to go all the way?" The announcer said.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2012
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    OOC: why don't we all take place in this one then if its still continuing .
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... :D YAAY! I'm in it lol. I'll just stop complaining about the color texts but right now, everything is good so far.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Vox, he changed most of the names around. Reon is Virgil pretty much.
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Next up is Cole Vs Quincy! This tournament is really starting to heat up here in Twilight town. I wonder which of our competitors will come out on top." The announcer said.

    Cole stood on the opposite side of the struggle mat Quincy stood on.

    Cole drew his all white struggle bat from his bag and tossed his bag behind him. He then prepared himself for battle.

    "Three....Two....One.....Struggle!" The announcer exclaimed.

    But it had seemed Cole didn't hear a word, he just simply stood there in the same position. He hadn't moved an inch.

    Quincy then charged in and attacked Cole, but it had seemed the attacked did nothing for Cole hadn't even moved after the blow. Cole just simply smirked and hit the boy with butt of his struggle bat. "Might wanna hit harder if you plan on beating me." Cole said softly as he raised his struggle bat and assumed he previous stance.

    Quincy jumped back and looked at Cole "This is it for you kid!" Quincy exclaimed as he charged in once again this time jumping in the air and striking at Cole as he came down.

    Cole smiled as he switch hands he had the struggle bat in then blocked the attack with his right arm and hit the boy off of him with his struggle bat which was in the left hand. Quincy with fly backwards after Cole hit him with that blow.

    Quincy couldn't believe that Cole had blocked his attack and responded to his attack so quickly.

    Cole then charged in at Quincy with his struggle bat still in his left hand. Cole then threw his struggle bat into the air and jumped up after it and caught it by it handle, then attacked Quincy as he fell from the sky.

    Quincy had thought he had blocked that attacked but, Cole had broken Quincy's struggle bat and Cole's attack had hit him dead on.

    Quincy fell to the ground as he was hit by Cole's intense attack.

    "And that will it for this match today folks. It seems Cole had come out on top once again" The announcer exclaimed.

    "Seem's I've mastered your attack Quincy"Cole said as he stood over a grounded Quincy. "Good Match" Cole said as he held his hand out helping his opponent up.

    "Our next match will be William Vs Jordan! Meet me in Arena 2 to watch this epic battle unravel" The announcer said as he waved goodbye to the audience.
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Alright Now Here in Arena 2, and epic battle is about to unravel. So stick with me and be amazed as the two competitors face off. Jordan Vs William!" The Announcer said.

    Darian ran into Arena 2 as he heard that the match was about to begin. He didn't want to miss Jordan's match, especially because Jordan had taught him all he knew about struggle.

    Jordan walked up onto the struggle mat as he looked at his opponent. He stood there with his custom red and black struggle bat in hand with a smirk on his face waiting for the match to begin.

    "Hey Jordan, some how it always ends up to be me and you facing off against each other." William said as he drew his struggle bat and readied for battle.

    Jordan looked at the announcer. "Let's get this started already, I think William is eager to lose this battle" He said jokingly.

    "Well Lets get this started then. Three!.....Two!.......One!.......Struggle!" The announcer yelled out.

    Darian ran through the gates as he reached the sideline of the struggle arena.

    William looked at Jordan and smiled as he charged towards him hitting him with the struggle bat.

    Jordan jumped back after he was hit and smiled. "Seem's you've gotten stronger William....but not strong enough" Jordan said as he rushed in towards William and hitting him in the chest.

    William quickly responded to Jordan's attack and grabbed his shirt and began let off a barrage of attack on Jordan.

    Jordan couldn't do anything as he was being hit with those attacks.

    William then threw Jordan into the air after he finished his barrage. "This is it for you Jordan!" William said as jumped in the air and slammed his Struggle bat down onto Jordan as they began to fall towards the ground.

    "Jordan!" Darian screamed as he watch William delivered a strong attack.

    Jordan opened his eyes and kicked William making him let up off of him for just a second. As Jordan's feet reached the ground, he had blocked William's Air attack.

    Willliam looked surprised when he had seen Jordan had blocked his attack. He then jumped backwards away from Jordan and put his guard up.

    Jordan then rushed in and hit William with a dead on attack.

    But William had blocked it, and now they were in dead lock.

    Jordan smirked as their struggle bats had clashed, neither of them let up. He smiled then kicked William in the gut making him fall. But before Will could hit the ground, Jordan hit will into the air with his struggle bat. He then jumped into the air and hit Will down to the ground.

    "Well....Will William get back up?" The announcer said as William hit the ground.

    Jordan stood over William.

    "That's it folks, this raging battle is up and our matches for today are done. Congratulations to Cole, Darian, Jordan and Selena on there wins today." The announcer said.

    Jordan put his hand out and helped up William. "Nice battle Will." He said.

    "Thanks....next time I'll win" William said as he walked out of the arena.

    3 Hours Later
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2012
  11. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "What a day huh?" Darian said as he walked with his arms behind his head looking into the sky.

    "I guess so..." Ashley said as she adjusted her bag strap on her shoulder.

    Jordan looked at Darian then at Cole as they walked down the street towards the lake.

    "So why are we going to the lake again Selena?" Cole asked out of curiosity.

    "We are going to meet Reon, Trish, and Selena. They said something about showing us something shocking." Ashley said as she looked at the others

    The gang arrived at the bayside and began to stand near the statue of their school mascot. When the gang arrived Reon Selena and Trish were no where to be found.

    "Where are they, Reon said be here at this exact time." Ashley said as she looked at her wrist watch.

    "They played used." Jordan said as he rolled his eyes at his sister

    "Yeah, they played us...they wanted to cut into our training time" Darian said as he began to walk closer to the lake.

    "There they are guys, they didn't play us they're just late..." Cole said.
    "As usual" Jordan said after hearing Cole's remark

    Reon walked towards the gang with the two girls following on each side of him as if they were his bodyguards.

    "I thought you wouldn't show Ashley...and others...." Reon said staring coldly at Darian, Cole and Jordan.

    "Yeah well were here now what in the hell was so important you had to cut into my training time?" Darian said impatiently.

    Jordan and Cole looked at Darian surprised about his comment.

    Reon looked at the Trish and Selena, and they looked back at him as they whispered something to one another. Then Reon and Selena walked off into the woods.

    "Follow us we have something very important to show the four of you." Selena said with a devlish smirk on her face.

    The gang looked at her then followed behind into the woods until they reach a black and purple mansion with a fence around it. The mansion looked rather old as if no one had ever lived in the mansion or even knew it was there.

    "So what now why are we here?" Darian said to Reon.

    Jordan looked at Cole then back at Reon.

    "Yeah Reon...why did you bring us all the way out here." Cole said sounding aggravated.

    "Okay Okay....shut up already...I took you all out here to kill you."Reon said as he pulled out his struggle bat with a smirk on his face. "Nah im just kidding....I wanted to show you this..." Reon said as he used the knocker on the gate.

    The gang looked at Reon as nothing happened. Cole and Jordan began to walk away as they realized nothing was going to happen. Suddenly as black portal opened up next to Reon and out stepped Devlin.
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    ......the hell?

    Lol, now I'm confused. More interested, but confused.
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    I'll post the follow up tomorrow...

    Im going to try and make this unravel a bit fast. Text me and I'll tell you why.
  14. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Okay so I guess I'll continue this seeing as thought I love this story and it keeps playing itself back to my head every few day xD

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