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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will growled in anger, acting like he was tensing to kick the man off, but Willy spoke in his head. "Think. He is on top of you with six spears bearing down on you. There has to be some sort of power you have to knock him off." he hissed, reminding that Will was not using darkness. "I have to say... you have me here, but I still have a few tricks!" He barked, slamming his fists on the ground, making darkness explode outwards from his body, knocking the spears and Xaldin away. Will rolled backwards to his feet and summoned his two keyblades.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin roared in pain, covering his eyes briefly, "ARGH! DAMNIT! That was dirty kid! Using the darkness in a brawl! TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME!" He slammed the spears into the ground summoning hundreds of his dragoon nobodies. "JUMP!" He commanded as all of the nobodies, jumped into the air and piled onto Will. While they did, Xaldin fired his wind beam, for he knew that even if Will broke free, he'd be shredded by his beam.
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will gripped the nobodies close, using them as shields, the beam destroying them and knocking him back to the wall. He landed shakily on his feet and called his blades to him. "Not... not bad... How about.... we call... it even..." He panted, trying hard to stay on his feet and slowly walking towards Xaldin. He grinned shakily. "Not bad... at all... proves that we both have the abilities to stand... now I believe... I was to have a word... with Selena..." He groaned, almost dropping to one knee before catching himself, using his blade as a prop.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin scoffed, "Really now Will... do you take me for a fool." He stood tall, towering over the young boy, "I think you forgot the rules... we need a winner, and I don't think you deserve mercy after pulling that cheap trick of yours and nearly blinding me! So..." He smacked both keyblades aside once again and placed a foot on Will's chest, spears pointed at him once again.

    Xaldin smirked and whispered, "Submit boy!"
  5. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smiled, speaking to Xaldin like an old friend. "Please. If you kill me these wretched voices end and my misery is finished. A higher torment would be for you to leave me alive..." He breathed. "You kill me and I become human once more..." He sputtered, pulling Xaldin's boot to the ground and kneeling in front of me. "I am week from lack of feeding... I can not fight anymore. It is your choice to show mercy and end this curse, or let me live as a monster..." He breathed, showing humanity for the first time since Jordan left.
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Saix jumped back after seeing Marluxia's memories and looked at Angel to Marluxia. He had to think. The only thing he could think of, and he absolutely hated it more than anything in the world, was to ask Jordan. "This...this is beyond me Marluxia. Unfortunately," he spoke with a bit of disgust in his voice, "I think you'll need Jordan on this one."

    Devlin chuckled and looked at Darian. "Yeah, and? I'm surprised me talking through death amazes you but a giant magical key doesn't!" He gave Darian a pat on the back and pointed forward. "Now watch."

    The memory Devlin raised an eyebrow and walked forward. "Go on," he said, waiting to hear what arrangement Xemnas may have,

    Xemnas smiled and continued, "We will take you under our wing. We must have sufficient time to prepare for you, but nonetheless you will join us."

    Devlin scoffed. "Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna give up my heart buddy."

    One of the hooded men stepped forward and said, "As if we want you to join us for real! No kid, we want you to join us for mentoring purposes! Duh!"

    Xemnas nodded and said, "We will need, at least, four months. And then we will be ready to enlist you."
  7. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian looked at Devlin.

    "Now watch."

    Darian then turned his attention back to the memory. Darian watched as listened closely as he heard Xemnas offer Devlin to join him.

    Darian couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he knew he wanted to know more about what was going on.

    "Show me everything..." Darian murmured as he eyes were focused on memory Devlin and Xemnas.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin smirked but backed up, dismissing his spears. "I'll let you live Will... and I'll end your pain at the same time!" He grabbed Will's keyblade and threw it into the air before picking up Will and lifting him above his head so the keyblade fell... and opened his heart, freeing him from Willy and William... but at the cost of his emotions. Xaldin placed the boy down and smirked. "How do you feel Will?"

    Marluxia paled, but reluctantly opened a portal to where he last felt Jordan's darkness.
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will eyed him coldly, no spark in his eyes. "I... don't care..." He breathed. He looked at him before clasping his shoulder. "I thank you. Before if you would have let me live I would have said I owed you something. But now, I could care less if you died. I could care less if Selena, Angel, Virgil... any of them. If they died I would shrug and walk away..." He breathed. He looked over towards the other room. "I have business." He breathed, pushing past Xaldin and heading towards Selena.
    Below in the streets a separate entity was flung from the castle, landing in the courtyard of Memory Skyscraper.
    When the being hit it hit hard and loud, almost like an explosion. When dust cleared the man started to stand, one eye black as night, the other a bright neon blue. The long blond hair was now black, falling into the man's face as he lifted a keyblade from the rubble, one with a black blade, bandages circling the large blade and handle. "I want back in... I want to be whole..." It breathed, looking back up at the castle with a wicked smile.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena summoned her keyblade at Xemnas.

    "I'm sorry but that can't and won't happen." Selena said. "If you're referring to Cole, maybe but only that of true darkness can actually remove the darkness. And yes the void whatever you wish to call it. I know precisely what I need to do, but you know something, Xemnas, tell me." She said holding the keyblade up for combat when suddenly Virgil appeared to her left.

    "Virgil?!" She exclaimed shock seeing the darkness.

    "It's as I said. I'm not going to be there soon Virgil, let Ashley be your guarding light just like she helped you with your father. Let her guide you, accept her. There's going to come a point where I'm not going to be there, I'm going to die and that will not change." She told him.

    As Saix and Marluxia were observing the strange cocoon in front of them it began opening as Angel fell out and fell into Marluxia's arms clearly weak.

    "Lu..." She whispered laying her hand up on his cheek as the memory visions she experienced in the past all of them but the last one she couldn't remember began to flash through his head before fainting. She needed rest.

    Violet smiled but it wasn't what she was quite referring to as she slowly ate her food.

    Ashley stepped back looking at him worried.

    "I'm sorry Deimos..." She whispered looking at him feeling it was her fault. She was clearly upset and worried.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin raised an eyebrow before calling to him, "Will, your first order is... protect the Superior, and tell Selena NOTHING!"

    Marluxia was relieved as Angel finally returned, and he turned to Saix and at last, spoke, "Can... you help... us?" Marluxia could also feel the effects as he was connected to Angel. "Please... she needs rest... back to my castle." He muttered as he changed the destination of his portal.

    Deimos hugged Ashley, he had to be the brotherly figure now... it was for their sake...
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " No way! you want me to just accept this as it is! you just want me to roll with the punches the way they are!" He swung his fist into his chest. " No! i made a vow to you, to never leave your side. why do you wish to cast me out like this. Why do you have to die! I cant just eject the feelings i have for you. I can't and i won't theres nothing you can do or say to change my mind.

    The darkness flared about around him like flames crackling." Let me...Help you. Thats all i ask just let me come and help you!"
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena gripped her keyblade hard before facing him.

    "You won't, you can't, you never were able to! Look at you, I'm getting to a point where I'm close to falling, you come near me and you will fall and you shouldn't and won't! Don't fall to the darkness, you have a chance, take it, I don't. This was bound to happen from the beginning. I love you, that will never change and that is why it is the way it is. If you come to me I will fall if you don't come to me I'll fall but I'll have a chance to get rid of Jordan. Quit making this so difficult and accept the truth, Virgil. Why is that so hard for you to accept?! Good bye, Virgil." She reached her arm up hand smoldering in darkness casting him out and away before turning to Xemnas.

    "Now where were we?"
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will turned, eyeing Xaldin. "Fine. But I still have my business with her." He calmly breathed, striding towards the door.
    Will pushed the door open and looked around, deciding that he would have to speak to her later. "I guess I will go see Jordan then." He breathed, stepping into a portal into Jordan's throne room, sitting down in the throne to await his friend.
    The man sprinted through the streets, avoiding all the heartless that were trying to follow him. "We need to go offworld, he has left! If there's any chance for us to reconnect with him it would be at Jordan's Stronghold!" One voice barked as the blade slashed out at a few heartless. "You think I don't know that? God... now I understand why Will found you so annoying!" Another growled back, almost venom-like as he slashed through more heartless. He sprinted down the alley, away from the spot where he landed.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin frowned and followed Will, and soon, he too was at Jordan's castle. "I don't recall telling you to leave the world. If you want to speak to Selena, then you should do as ordered. We both know she doesn't have much time left anyway... So by all means, lie around, waiting for the traitor. I have business to take care of..." He smirked before disappearing through his own portal, returning to Xemnas' side.
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will calmly breathed out before stepping forward, entering the portal and following Xaldin, boots clicking heavily behind him. "As you wish... superior..." He breathed, eyeing Selena and Xemnas. He knew he needed to speak to Selena but now he understood why. He looked at Xaldin. "Will any of my missions have anything more to do than keep you alive?" He asked, almost like a student would ask a teacher.
    The man finally sprinted into a dark alley and into a random portal, dumping him onto a new world. The new world was dark, yet bustling. "Traverse Town... it's been a while. We can lay low here at Will's old room..." He breathed, striding off towards the hotel, the stench of darkness emanating off of him as he pulled the scarf over his face, his eyes the only thing showing between the thin strands of hair. "Well... I know the place from Will's memories. I believe this is where he first started my conception, correct?" The other asked, causing William to just growl in irritation.
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The little rattles had stopped playing in the water and decided to go explore again, heading towards the nearby hotel, luckily it was only a few feet away. He melted to the ground so he wouldn't scare anyone and melt into their shadows. He crawled under the door to the hotel and crawled around on the floor, looking for a shadow to hide in.

    I really wish someone would play with me... Shadow thought to himself as he looked around, temporarily back in his regular heartless form and looked around, Is anyone here?
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin chuckled, "Yes, you'll have other missions. Of course, your main priority is protecting me. I freed you from your other two pieces, but I don't doubt that we will see them again. Until that time comes, I will train you, and make you stronger. Then when they come to reunite with you... you can crush them." Xaldin placed his hand on his shoulder and gave him a keychain that changed into a keyblade with a similar appearance to Xaldin's spears. "I expect great things from you Will... Don't disappoint me."
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smiled back at Violet and made quick haste of the rest of his food. As he finished, he sat in his chair with an unsatisfied look. He called the waitress over and whispered something in her ear. She smiled and nodded and walked away. "I'll be right back," he told Violet, smiling. He got up and followed the waitress into the back room. He needed to have his main course.

    Xemnas raised an eyebrow at Selena. "Humph, I had thought you to be much wiser than that Selena," he said to her, almlst disappointed. "You could dismiss simple darkness but we are not talking about something that has come from the Realm of Darkness. We are speaking of something that RULES ALL of the Realm of Darkness, and much beyond that. The only way you, yourself, can beat him...would be with his own blade. And you'd have to claim his heart." Xemnas looked over at Xaldin and Will, who now came to his side. He looked back at Selena and finally said, "I think I've answered enough questions now."
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    His body remained motionless. His positon did not falter. His eyes blank and emotionless. His hair, drapped down his face to cover the slow rain of two tears that slid down his cheek. His fist both clinched. Slowly he took in a deep breath. " Very well.." He said calmly underneath his breath. Closing his eyes slowly the darkness that flailed and cracked died down. upon re-opening his eyes the black stars were gone and the darkness around him slowly turned into air.

    He raised his head to the sky, the grass moving so with the wind." So....this is how it ends" He oepend his arms and fell onto the soft grass. " Good luck.." he said as he closed his eyes.

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