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The White King NC- 17 (OOC & SU)

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica


    The sound of laughter could be heard from that merry going park that sat behind the school, daily. And beyond that rested the woods. The small children of Linwood Falls loved that park. This was a place where they could play. A place where they could talk to friends. A place where they could be carefree. A place where, they thought, they would always be safe.

    The quiet town of Linwood Falls was not always quiet and peaceful. There was a time where there was nothing but turmoil in the town, with children disappearing every week. Fires spewing left and right. For a long time, the town was abandoned, besides a few townsfolk. As everything began to grow more peaceful, things began to look good for this quiet town.

    We grew up, ignorant to the questionable past that had plagued our town for decades, thinking the world was nothing but gumdrops and rainbows.

    It started with Alex Trebel.

    He was 15 years old. He disappeared four months ago.

    He had a tendency to run off into the woods, for no reason, ever since he was a child. Authorities assumed he did it this time and they just were too late to find him.

    Josh Flynch.

    He was 16. He disappeared three months ago.

    He had been having nightmares for years. Nightmares of a man coming to get him. It got so bad, his parents started to home school him. He was utterly terrified of the outside world. The last thing he said to me was to "get out of town" while I still could. I asked him why.

    He disappeared that night. His doors were locked. His windows had been nailed down, an action he took a year ago, fearing that it was going to get him.

    The police figured the only ones that could have done this were his parents. They're currently awaiting trial.

    Joshua Bentley, Gary Smith, Cole Butler, Trinity Howard, and Kevin Bell.

    Ages, seven, nine, eight, eight, and ten. They disappeared one month ago when the five of them went out into the woods together.

    They all claimed that they had to go. That they had to go see their friend. They tried to take the other kids. When the adults asked why they wanted to go to the woods so badly, they all said that "The Tall Man" told them to. Their families have all moved away.

    One week ago my brother told me that He wants the two of us now. I asked him who and my brother just smiled. Then he says that I promised. What promise? Hell, beats me. My brother has been acting strange for the last couple of months, before the disappearences. Going out into the woods with other kids while they're supposed to be in school or during their time at the park.

    I need to figure out what's going on.

    I need to find out what's going on with my brother.

    I need to find out who's the Tall Man.

    Slender Man

    Yes, a Slender Man RP. However, the rules for this RP will be.....different.


    1. Standard RP rules apply

    2. Each character is given 1-3 lives. This will be explained shortly.

    3. You may have a max of three characters

    4. Two other children, besides the younger sibling, may be accpeted

    5. Once the RP has hit 10 pages, it is too late to join

    6. No adults, besides the cop, may be characters. Adults may be controlled but to an extent, where they are not heavily involved in the plot.

    7. Everyone must have had a previous encounter with Slender Man in their childhood, besides the cop. This previous encounter must be mentioned in their history. This encounter will be oblivious to the teenage characters until a certain point in the RP.

    8. Teenagers must be in either 8th grade or highschool. Exceptions are if they are home schooled.

    9. And finally, if you do not know who Slender Man is (have you been living under a rock your entire life?)
    Slender Man - The Slender Man Wiki


    Each character will have 1-3 lives, which is dependent entirely on which you want. Each character you control, however must have different numbered lives. For each life you have, you will be given a number, which I will, fairly, input into a random number generator. If your number is called, for example, and you only had one life/number your character is dead and you must leave the RP. If, however, one of your numbers are called and you have three lives, you live and merely have a run-in with Slender Man. If your number has been chosen, I will pm you, and you alone, so we may discuss how to handle your run-in or death. Any questions about this, don't hesitate to ask.


    The Older Sibling: Taken

    The Younger Sibling: Taken

    Friend 1: Taken

    Friend 2: Taken

    Friend 3: Taken

    Friend 4: Taken

    Friend 5:

    Child 1:Taken

    Child 2:Open

    Cop: Open for reservation for later in RP

    Slender Man: Taken


    Name: (First and Last)

    Age: Teens (13-17) Children (4-9) Cop (20-35)







    Name: Matthew Sigfreed (Prefers Matt)​

    Age: 8​

    Personality: Formally generous, loud, and nice. Now he's quiet, talks to, what seems like, himself, wanders, smiles a lot, easily angered

    Role: Younger Sibling​

    Phobia/Fear: Hates spiders​

    Appearence: [​IMG] (More childish of course)

    History: Matthew grew up all his life in Linwood Falls, along with the rest of his family. He was always a carefree and curious young boy who loved getting to toy with stuff. Since Linwood Falls was such a small and friendly town anyway, Matthew always found himself saying hi to everyone, even strangers to the town. The one person Matthew looks up to and loves more than anyone else is his big ______. He always followed in ___ footsteps and loves to tag along with them.

    When Matthew was three, he made a friend whom he called Tree Man. His arents thought it to just be his imaginary friend and thought nothing of it. His imaginary friend, however, has remained with Matthew over the years and his name has now evolved into The Tall Man. Matthew gave his "imaginary friend" this name a year ago. When the town learned of this recently, they began to question whether Matthew may have had any involvement in the disappearence of the other children.

    Since the first disappearence, Matthew began to act differently and talked to not so many other children. He talks to them in whispers and, when talking to them, talks to them about The Tall Man, or sometimes The Operator, and says that he is the Messanger of The Tall Man.

    Lives: 3​
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well dude, it's interesting... and I'll join... on one condition...

    Pm me and we'll talk yeah?
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Sure thing :3
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    I told you I wouldn't join but, I got to be in after reading his description abilities and history. The Slender Man is pretty awesome.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Haha, none can resist Slendy's fifty arms :)
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Name: William Sigfreed

    Age: 16

    Personality: Caring towards most people. A very fun type of personality based on sarcasm. But has a short temper if anyone threatens his younger brother.

    Role: Older Brother

    Phobia/Fear: Complete Helplessness

    Appearence:[​IMG] Wears Jeans, boots, flannels with a t shirt underneath, and an old leather car coat

    History: Having grown up in Linwood Falls he was one of those type of kids who would go out of their way to help anyone. Having lived in the same house since he was young he knows the town very well and is good friends with some of the other kids in the town. He always tried to do right by his younger brother, making sure he knew right and wrong and helping him along with schooling and such. Ever since he was young he had a fascination with horror though, always looking up creepy and unsettling stories, rumors, and such. Which is what made his brother's odd change in behavior even more striking with him. His brother started talking about the "Tall Man" and the "Operator", both of which were characters in one of the stories he read. Then his brother started disappearing off into the woods with other children, unlike where he used to play at the different playgrounds and parks. Then Will started noticing a large, thin man who he would catch glances of at the edge of the woods and such. It started to creep him out, until one day kids started disappearing. He then started looking into myths of this creature and came up with one name. Slenderman. Nothing more. And Will knew something was wrong the second he found that name, because then his little brother started to say that they wanted the two of them. That they were the next targets. And Will shivered at those words.

    His History with Slenderman is both the stories he read as a child, and the sight of him at the edge of woods, right near playgrounds, outside his school. It seems like he has been seeing the being since his brother started speaking of him.

    Last edited: Oct 28, 2012
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Accepte. However, could you put in your history your past with Slendy?
  8. Key King

    Key King Member

    Name: (First and Last) Oliver Spade

    Age: Teens (13-17) Children (4-9) Cop (20-35) 14

    Personality: Always searching for a laugh, even if it is at someone's expense. He is always in a good mood, and it always shows.

    Role: Friend #1

    Phobia/Fear: Being alone

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    History: He only recently moved to Linwood Falls, and doesn't have any parents. He lives with his adopted mother and father, who are old and now retired. When he comes home, his "parents" are always there. He is never alone, and constantly fears being left alone, like he was in the orphanage he was raised in. His mother and father were killed in a car accident. The brakes had mysteriously malfunctioned, and they had crashed into an oncoming truck. Oliver was the only one to survive. When he was young (pre-crash) he found a treehouse in the woods behind his home. He played in it for a while, before a strange man came to join him. Being young, he did not care. Now, he is slightly frightened of that man, and is constantly haunted by him in his dreams. Now, with the rumors going around, he knows he will follow his friends into the woods, so that he is not left alone.

    Lives: 3
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Accepted, very nice history by the way.
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Name: Chaz Heinz

    Age: 9

    Personality: Quiet, Distant from others kind of a loner. Always has an uptempo spirit when around others.

    Role: Child 1

    Phobia/Fear: Heights

    Appearence: [​IMG]

    History: Chaz is an only child,he is used to be alone and not talked to that's why he is quiet and enjoys when he does have others attention. Chaz's parents weren't always distant from him they used to play with him and take Chaz to play in the park all the time, but one day it all stopped. His parents became busy and less interested in Chaz or at least that is how it seemed to Chaz. On Chaz's 7th birthday he took a trip too the woods to search for a rare flower that grew on trees. When he got to the woods he wasn't scared or even spooked about being alone at all it was until he got deeper into the wood he began to worry. But all that went away when he found the flower he was looking for, only problem was it was in the upper level of a tree. Chaz climbed the tree and got stuck. He yelled for help hours no one showed up but then a man showed up and helped Chaz out of the tree. Chaz was a bit frightened by then man at first but that didn't last long he made friends with the man very fast after the man helped him out the tree. The rest of that day Chaz played with that man in the woods till sun down. Chaz never seen that man again after that day. Chaz hasn't been back in the woods of Linwood Falls since he realized the man wasn't to return there.

    Lives: 2
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2012
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Accepted. Just change you role, if you would, to Child 1.
  12. Key King

    Key King Member

    Thanks bro, and I look forward to finally having another slenderman RP to be in! :D
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Haha, should be good ^_^

    Looking for two more characters, not including the one I'll be making soon, and then we'll start.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'll put up senor psychopath tomorrow when I'm in banking lol
  15. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Name: Athena Kryptic

    Age: 16

    Personality: Quiet and shy, but has an evil side if she doesn't grow fond of you. She can be very sweet and caring and is very protective of friends.

    Role: Friend 2

    Phobia/Fear: Dying. . (If this is acceptable, seems pretty simple though .-. )


    History: Athena used to play in the woods all the time when she was younger. During the day, even at night. She lived for the night and practically lived in the woods. Doing homework, listening to music and even to just escape from life. One night when she was about to run away from home, a tall, very slender man came to her. She was scared and didn't know how to react. She stood there, staring at him, she couldn't tell if he was staring back or not, because she noticed he didn't have a face. When she ran back home she laughed to herself, thinking maybe she ws just scared, and it was night and late so of course the shadows could give off the look of him not having a face. .

    Lives: 3 (if possible, if not, then it doesn't matter :) )
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Deimos Lancaster

    Age: 17

    Personality: Deimos is dark and heartless. He doesn't care much about the recent events around town, and some people suspect him of being the one behind it all. He enjoys watching others suffer, and loves to torture people by using their fears against them. Deimos is considered to be a complete psychopath, and he seems to enjoy the role.

    Role: Teen/???

    Phobia/Fear: Death

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    History: Deimos is a psychopath, but nobody has been able to prove it. He's been accused of murdering his parents due to his obsession with his claw blades that he never removes, and more recently, people have accused him of causing the disappearances as of late. Deimos disappeared into the forest a month before the first disappearance, and a few kids have reported seeing him talking to a strange large man...

    Lives: 3
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Kairi, accepted ^_^

    Sho, I told you I didn't want a Rake and that's what you're guy is looking like. Maybe a crazy teen who becomes a Proxie later, but not at the beginning. And then the claws, I'm not too fond of, or at least wearing them 24/7.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I told you I was planning to be a proxy. The claws are a means to an end, decorative and perfect for a psycho. Just because my character is meeting with a strange large man, doesn't necessarily mean it's Slender, no matter how obvious it seems to be. Who he's talking to will be revealed with time, but you need to be patient. My lessons from Vox will be a great help to you in this extremely difficult rp, and I put my character on the path to be a proxy so I could help you make it a success!

    I've never let you down before and I won't be starting now! Just trust me broski ^^
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Name: Jason Cross

    Age: 17

    Personality: Schizophrenic, quiet, always nervous, shy, paranoid

    Role: Friend 3

    Phobia/Fear: Being outcasted by society

    Appearence: [​IMG]

    History: Jason has had a rather rough life. When he was younger, he used to play with his friends and his older brother all the time. One day all of them decided to go out into the woods to camp. While Jason slept, however, his brother and friends were brutally murdered. The scene was so gruesome, it seemed like something that had been ripped from a dark horror movie. Their limbs and other body parts were everywhere in the woods, with intestines and other organs either stuck in trees or just missing. When Jason had awoken the following morning, he found himself surrounded by the remains of his friends and brother. The police never found the criminal behind the grisely murders and closed the case after two years.

    Jason, scarred for life by that memory, was committed to a institution at the age of 7. He would ramble on and on about the "Tall Man with no face", who he said was standing in the middle of all of the mayhem, to police and family and how he was going to get him too. Nearly every night since then, until he was 16, Jason dreamt about the "Tall Man", fearing that he was going to get him too. His parents took him out of the institution at 16 and moved far away from Linwood Falls so that Jason may forget his traumatic past.

    Jason stopped having the dreams a year ago but has started having them again, ever since the first disappearing child. Now 17, he found his way back to Linwood Falls and lives with his aunt now. He's determined to find the "Tall Man" and end his reign of terror once and for all.

    On a side note, Jason carries a three inch switchblade which he uses for miscellaneous purposes. However, he also plans to use it for future protection. Specifically "The Tall Man."

    Lives: 2

    Just thought you should all know that the RP WILL be up by tomorrow night :)
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    :) Interesting :).

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