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Woman Fired For Racism on Facebook

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by EtherealSummoner, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Denise Helms defends her racist, threatening Obama comments

    Turlock Woman Loses Job over Facebook Post | KTXL FOX40

    *Facepalm* Facebook is the death of intelligence....
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This is why you have to be so careful what you post online. It's just like that kid a while ago who got kicked out of his private school because he posted about being gay. Sometimes I wonder if people realize that other people actually read what they write.

    That being said, I think it's completely overreacting for the secret service to investigate this woman. She's a bigot, yeah, but if they investigate every person who mutters under their breath that Obama's a (n-word) or mentions the word assassination, I daresay they won't have much time to investigate real threats. Our tax dollars at work. :rolleyes: And I have to wonder if this is a double standard, because you can't tell me no one mentioned assassination in the same sentence as George Bush while he was mucking around in office, and there wasn't a big stink about that. If Romney had won and a white person had bashed him, would it be a big deal?

    And while I kind of understand that the company may have had to do something if they were getting harassed because this woman was an employee (which is just more stupidity, because it's not like they told her to post that), I have to wonder what she did that interferred with her ability to do her job. I kind of have feelings about employers using facebook to track and potentially fire their employees, which is part of the reason why I don't have one and have no interest in hearing about what my employees are up to on there.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Best not to get a facebook at all. Some people express their feelings too much and right now, some jobs now either requires you to have a Facebook or that if you have one, they will look into it for personality reasons to make sure that they are hiring a better person. Too bad for the lady. She should've kept her mouth closed to me.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    When I was applying to the college of education at the university I attended in Florida, they came right out and told us that it wasn't permitted for teachers to have facebooks. And while I've never had an interest in it and so it didn't affect me, I can't help but agree with that. It potentially puts too much familiarity between teachers and students in a way I don't quite find appropriate. I think everyone, though, would benefit from thinking about what they're writing before posting it.

    This lady is an idiot, but from what I've heard from friends and coworkers who were on facebook after the election, there was a lot of nastiness going around. So I find it hard to believe that what this woman said was so terrible and out of the norm that she had to be made an example of and that this had to turn out into such drama. Which doesn't excuse her, because she should know better than to have comments like that in writing, but isn't there anything better to report on?
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    When it comes to teachers, that is completely fine and acceptable (Although I wonder if college teachers can have facebook). As for the report of the lady, oh please. This was coming sooner and not later. After Obama won, I kept on seeing it becoming more of a racial issue. "Obama lost many white votes to Romney but Romney did not have the power to reach out to the minorities (Latinoes and African Americans)." And then there was this one report of someone hanigng a Obama doll with a rope (What was the reason, I forgot).

    I believe you though. Some people that I know was on facebook about the elections and one of them were complaining and she (by what the other peers were saying) didn't even vote. My teacher kept on saying "This is 2012 and if you are racist, a discriminator to gays, blacks, pink and purple or any of the sort, you should just fall over and die. No one should be acting like that in this day and age," but it is sad that it is still happening. Now that Obama is reelected and he is trying to get what he promised done, people are resisting.
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I find this situation completely hysterical because of the fact. On Wednesday, my profesora was speaking to the class about the media and a high ranking general who helped get men out of Iraq and became the head of the CIA. Well, this man had an affair and it's all over the media. The FBI got involved and the details you can find on your own time. Anyway, The guy resigned. And again that same day, the kids at the Boys and Girls club were learning about Choices and how they have consequences which brought to attention Rihanna and Chris Brown. Again, the media.

    On topic, the things you put out there tend to catch up with you. Honestly, I think this serves the lady right. Although, I'm sure the media blew it way out of portion then normal. You shouldn't be able to say anything you want and expect little to no consequences. But whatever, I'm sure that there will always be racism and people ignorant enough to exploit it or anything else.
  7. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Just another racist who hates black people. This is almost as bad as when a man (in Florida I think) wrote "Fuck you Obama" (or something like that) on his Will before committing suicide. Can't wait till I move to Canada. Won't have to deal with the retardation of this country
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Or how a coworker of mine got busted selling tobacco to a minor and then posted on Facebook about not caring about that part.

    Of course not. It's not racist if it's against a white person.

    Please, I beg of you, point out to your teacher that this statement has got to be some form of bigotry in and of itself.

    This doesn't necessarily make her racist. Hating Obama does not make you a racist person. I dislike Obama. Does that make me a racist? No. In fact I have absolutely no problems with any race of people as a group (My dislike goes towards individuals). My dislike for him has nothing to do with his skin color or anything, and I'm fairly certain the example you gave is the same way. I'd be much more willing to call this woman racist than to call the man who killed himself racist.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lol. The teacher is very intelligent and I would love for you to try and have you go against his statement. He was kidding about the dying part just to point that out but in all honesty, I do believe him when he say that no one should not even discriminate or be prejudiced like that. As for a form of bigotry... hm... never thought of it like that.

    @ADogx But as for the "F Obama" thing, there was nothing racial about that. The person just do not like Obama.

    Still, I find it irritating. Obama has many thigns that he wants to get done. Did the health care, supported Latinos and gays. He is just "One person" but yet, so many people want to push the blame on him and there are people in Congress who do not want to be in the same boat. I will admit that unemployment rates have went up (Because of people having attitudes that they got fired, laid off, business went out, etc), whatever the cause is, it went up instead of going down. It is going to take a lot to try and get back to where we need to be.
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    True, but it did leave positive marks on history.
    That is what happens in a recession. High Unemployment rates. I'm sure that the country will balance itself out with or without Obama's interfering.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Look at the sentence as though your teacher was completely serious. Basically, if you discriminate you should just die. That is a horrible sentence if it is said seriously.

    My issue with him is that he continually pushes the blame on somebody else. "I had to inherit a really bad economy from Bush." It's been 4 years. It's about damn time he admits it is his economy and not Bush's anymore.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, the reason the secret service got involved was because of the word "assassination", not the word "nigger". Yet somehow I still doubt a white person calling for Romney's assassination would've gotten headlines like this broad has.

    In a perfect world, it might be like that. Personally, I believe everyone is prejudiced in some way, in some degree or another.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    @Desert I do admit that it is now on Obama's shoulder's to fix the economy and that he will now have to stop pushing the blame on Bush now. Some to most people know that by now or just do not care at this point. Some things Obama had to react quicker and there are some things that it is Congress' fault.

    And as for you saying that it is a horrible sentence to say if it was serious, oh well. Even if it was serious, I would honestly agree with him (Not about the dying part) that people will just need to get a grip. I guess he is discriminating against discriminators. XD You have your Non-prejudiced Discriminators, your Prejudiced Discriminators, the Prejudiced-Non-Discriminators and then there's the idealistic Non-Prejudiced Non-Discriminators. Which one are we?

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