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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil smiled with a bit of fear in his eyes. " Wait..so i can't even see her? don't you think thats a bit extreme. and i mean you wouldnt really harm me would you. " he started to laugh"

    " Nah of course you wouldnt...Though now that i think about it...i don't think selena and i will ever meet again after....all of this has transpired. she chose her path and i have to accept that.

    Behind the eyes and face that Virgil put up. he was a ticking timebomb. close to the edge of insanity. loosing Selena caused a major gash on his mental health. though no one could ever see it. it would be only a matter of time before it all came down...
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian's disbelief's in the memories Devlin had shown him left him in shock. He had no other words for Devlin except for "Why?.

    Devlin smirked as he heard his younger brother speak. "Well, Darian everyone has reason for everything ya'know..mines was complicated I needed help and Xemnas offered it, and he made and offer I couldn't refuse Darian. You see Darian I was just like you with the in-ability to control a hidden gift, one no one every knew about except for that one person. Xemnas was that person for me Darian he knew I couldn't control the Darkness I was given so he helped me control it. He helped me manifest my darkness into something far more greater than what it was when I was a mere child." Devlin said as he walked through a portal signalling Darian to following behind him.

    Darian stopped and thought for a moment before he entered portal. Darian looked over to Devlin as he entered a completely white room which seem endless from each way.
    "How could you follow someone like him..."

    Devlin looked at Darian and laughed. "You still don't understand do you little brother? Well let me explain it to you like always. Darian when you were younger....Our parents had died and we were placed with a foster family the ones you thought you were your parents weren't.-"

    "YOUR LIEING!" Darian exclaimed.

    "Darian I wiped your memory of our parents and planted false memories inside of you which manifested into something far worst than what I thought it would at this age. Darian that beast you faced when Jordan killed me, was a different form of me, the one you knew before...-" Devlin looked at himself and his facial expression changed as he realized how much he had changed. "all of this..." Devlin said as the beast he had spoken of ran though his body as if he were a ghost and charged into Darian tackling him to the ground.

    "Good Luck little bro...my power's yours now if you can control it." Devlin said as he faded away slowly like smoke.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's expression grew to anger as he was given this new information. "What....card," he growled. He looked down at Deimos and grabbed him by the back of his shirt and threw him into a portal that would send him into his own room. He now looked at William and said, "She knows about me doesn't she? Everything in my past..."

    Cole shook his head. "Using my Keyblade isn't exactly the best idea..." He thought about the usual end results of using his Keyblade. He still had much to learn about controlling his power. Until then he decided against using his weapon. "Anyway, let's go," he exclaimed, ready for his little training session.

    Five of the previous seven men all now hovered above Selena. One was hunched over and stood next to a shorter one who merely crossed his arms, both hovered behind her. Another had his arms folded and hovered in front of her. On her right was the obviously wild one, because of he long lack chain that nearly touched the ground. And to her left hovered a man whose arms just sat to his sides.

    "Well, it's very nice to see you join us," the one in front said. "We've been expecting you for some time now. Have you enjoyed your shocking walk down memory lane?"

    The wild one laughed heinously. "Hahaha! Yeah, Jordan's one fucked up guy, huh? He's been through some real shit!"

    The main member looked at the wild one and growled, "Drona." Drona looked at him before looking away in fear.
  4. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William nodded. "Will did not want to tell you for this exact reason." He growled, talking of Jordan's anger. He strode towards him. "But I... or I should say we, believe that a man should know if someone is coming after him. Give him time to prepare himself. Prepare for his... downfall" William breathed, knowing he would be struck at for that comment. "I am sorry to say it my good man, but I believe your sister is coming to kill you." He eyed Jordan, knowing the news he delivered may have just shattered Jordan's world.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A massive spear impaled the ground next to William, and in a gust of strong wind, Xaldin made himself known. "Don't be so surprised Jordan, you gave me that card last time we met. I granted your request, and gave your sister the info she needed to defeat you when I felt she was ready." Xaldin tossed William into a portal before sitting down between Jordan and Violet. "Kill me if you see fit, you have every right to despise us after what we did to you..."
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena glared at them all and also pointed her keyblade at Drona.

    "Do not talk about my brother like that." She threatened before turning back looking at the leader. "So then who are all of you, what sort of trouble have you all caused in this. I saw you before with Devlin, causing problems with him only for it to relate back to Jordan. So what's your purpose?" She asked eyeing them all before having her eyes fall back on the leader of the group.

    Ashley smiled at what Virgil said and snuggled close to him.

    "That's great!" She exclaimed happy.

    Violet looked at Xaldin mad. Though she needed to stop this before this occurred.

    "What about the rest of them? You said Selena, where are the rest, Virgil, Ashley, Darian, those little apprentices, and Cole?" Violet asked.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin frowned, "Ashley is with Virgil after Selena essentially broke up with him. As for Darian... he was last seen quite close to Virgil and Ashley's location. As for the apprentices... Zac was last seen training with Sky and Cole. That's about all I know." Xaldin responded to Violet's question with the intention of coming clean... To Jordan at least.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " So now...i wonder what is my next course of action. i don't have any direction. no purpose no sense of reason..." He brushed ashley's hair with his hands exposing her face and kissing her gently. " I'll do whatever you want me to...what would you have me do." Virgil no longer had a direction in life anymore his goal was to follow selena and help her achieve all her goals. now that it was gone he had to find a new way to confirm his existence. However how would Deimos react to the news. of Ashley and Virgil being together.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Alrighty then," Zac said as he then bean to spin his keyblade, but now at a more rapid fashion, "You sure you don't want to use another weapon? I got my gun blade you can use so you at least have some weapon. I don't wanna hurt someone who is unarmed," Zac said as he pulled out his gun blade. He used this as a training tool, and often used it more than his keyblade, due to him still having much to learn. He stuck out the handle towards Cole.

    "Don't worry if it accidentally fires, I don't have any amo in it currently,"
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos sat in his room, his wounds recovering rather quickly. "Damn it... I let it happen. I have to fix this..." Disappearing in a rather large burst of matter, Deimos appeared beside Darian, or... what looked like Darian at least, and he shook him to get his attention. "Your girlfriend is cheating on you..."
  11. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    OOC: this post will be a quick one because I'm on my phone


    "Your girlfriend is cheating on you...". Darian thought he heard the beast say as it trampled over him.

    "What girlfriend! I...have no....girlfriend!" Darian said a he picked himself up ready for the beast to charge once again, this time his keyblade was summoned and he was in his defense stance.

    "Devlin where are you? and what the hell is this beast!" Darian looked around the white room quickly for Devlin but saw nothing. "Why the hell is it talking to me?" Darian thought.

    "It sounded a bit like...Deimos" Darian thought to himself.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos scoffed but felt genuinely bad for the delusional boy. "Yes... Ashley has taken to loving Virgil over you... I'm sure you know that fighting Virgil would be certain death. But... I hear that Angel wants you back... She wants to leave, but Marluxia refuses to let her leave... He is weak, if you strike NOW you can take her back! Go Darian! Fulfill your destiny!" Deimos opened a portal, and disappeared, leaving Darian to his thoughts.
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The later shook his head and replied, "Our identities are of little importance at the moment. All you need to know is that if you wish for no harm to come to anyone, including Jordan, then you'll leave him be...althoughI can tell your set."

    The hunchbacked man behind Selena nodded and said in a raspy voice, "Jordan is to become the King of Darkness. And, perhaps, Supreme Overlord of this world and the other worlds."

    Cole chuckled and took the Gun Blade. "Don't say i didn't warn you," he said, smiling.

    Jordan began to radiate and immense amount of darkness. His hand began to twitch, sparks of electricity shooting from his hand, the hisses of the Darkness could now be heard and grew louder. Jordan raised his hand before looking back at Violet. He slowly lowered his hand and began to back away slowly.

    'Can't lose it...' he thought.

    "I'd murder you where you stand if Violet weren't here," he growled. And with that, he disappeared.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William rolled through the portal, landing face down in the End of the World, the heartless surrounding him. As he went to get up he felt all their blades pointing at his throat, he slowly stood, hands raised. "Calm brothers, it is me..." He growled, eyes glowing a bright yellow for a second before flickering back to their original blue and black. The swords started to lower as he and Willy began to speak in unison."We are currently separated from our host, William. The one whom you all mistook us to be a while ago. But in order to get to him we must strike at a man named Xaldin. He controls Will and our other half along with him. All we ask is passage into your domain." He breathed, all the swords lowering at his final words. Beneath the scarf and hair that covered his face Willy smiled as an immense stench of darkness radiated from where the portal they exited had been. "And here... we... go..." He breathed, opening a portal beneath him and falling into it.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2012
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac smirked and simply said, "If its one thing my dad taught is that I should never fight an unarmed man," Zac said as he readied to fight. He thought the only reason Cole wasn't wanting to use his keyblade was to go easy on Zac. After all this guy must have had more experience, but still he wasn't going to win by fighting someone without a weapon.

    "You sure you don't wanna join Sky? We all need the practice in case something pops up out of no where," Zac asked the other keyblade apprentice.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Violet nodded to Xaldin before looking at Jordan right before he disappeared.

    "I need to go." Violet said angry and worried at the same before disappearing in a dark portal.

    Sky laughed over at Zac.

    "Of course I am, though to say the least Cole without a weapon is pretty powerful, I'd love to learn to fight the way he does, so I'll accept it, I may be able to pick up on some things." Sky said sounding honored.

    "As much as I'd like to see you learn young apprentice, I'm afraid I cannot allow that to happen." Sky gasped looking around hearing the female voice before turning and seeing Jordan's one apprentice, partner, and lover Violet standing there.

    "Cole I desperately need to speak with you... alone." She said as a dark portal opened behind her and she walked through it leaving it open for Cole.

    Sky turned and looked at Cole confused.

    Ashley kissed Virgil cuddling up against him.

    "All I want is to be with you, I don't care about anything else, oh and I'd prefer you not near Selena but by the sounds of it we don't need to worry about anything." Ashely told him.

    Selena stared at them.

    "Our identities are of little importance at the moment. All you need to know is that if you wish for no harm to come to anyone, including Jordan, then you'll leave him be...althoughI can tell your set." Selena stared at him and shook her head.

    "Your identities I'd say are pretty important-" She said before being interrupted by the hunch back one behind her she quickly whipped around him to face him.

    "Jordan is to become the King of Darkness. And, perhaps, Supreme Overlord of this world and the other worlds." Right when he started laughing Selena disappeared appearing behind him stabbing her keyblade through his back murdering him.

    "Shut the hell up." Selena said before looking up at the rest of them pulling her keyblade up facing them all. "Anybody else? Then you will tell me what I want to know." Selena said looking at them angry. "I'm not some precious little angel princess of heart, of course not thanks to you so congrats you created a monster and your end." Selena said to them all angry.

    "Now then tell me who you all are." Selena demanded.
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Alrighty then," Zac said proudly, as he spun his key blade yet again and readied to fight. But then, he heard the voice of a girl. He turned his head and fixed his eyes on the newcomer, "And speaking of things popping up who is this?" Zac asked as he pointed his keyblade at the girl. He then noticed the portal that opened. He readied his keyblade again.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil wrapped his arm around her but inside something still felt off or even go as far to say wrong even. But it was what it was and there was no changing that fact. He kissed her on the forehead and sat up. a black mist covering his body his clothes returning. His black jacket open exposing his bare chest. " I'm going to go out and train for a bit..." he said as he started to walk through the door closing it behind him. The weather was starting to get colder for this time of the year. as he exhaled pufts of smoke blew from his mouth. " I need to find a purpose..."

    Virgil walked the town till he found himself at the same Cafe that Selena and him sat at every evening . pulling up a chair he placed his head down onto the table covered his face with his arms . He started to cry.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William appeared in front of Jordan's castle, the large gateway closed as they paced back and forth, dual shuriken blades out and twirling as they growled, sparks coming from the blades as they connected. "Here shall be our final stand... you realize this, right?" William breathed, breath fogging in front of him as his feet clicked on the stone. Willy smiled though, chuckling lightly. "That's why we don't lose... we become one..." He giggled back. William shook his head slightly before continuing to pace, eyes flicking at the shadows, watching for Will.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he took a step towards the portal. "Hey Zac, I'm gonna need to borrow this sword of yours for a bit," he said, gripping the weapon tightly, prepared for whatever he may encounter. He took a deep breath and walked through the portal.

    The group of men merely stared at Selena as she "killed" one of the men. The body that had been killed disappeared and reappeared on the ground, brushing himself off. "I must say, that was interesting. But I'd assume, by now, that you'd have known that we are not ones to be so easily destroyed," he said in a raspy voice.

    The lead member looked down at the old man and said, "I believe you should go. Before you do something you may regret...all of you." And like that, they all vanished, except for the lead member and the boy sized member who was next to the old raspy-voiced man.

    "Now then, as I said, our identities will be revealed over time. However, now is not the appropriate time to do so. We did not create monsters, Selena. I merely worked to make sure that history played out the way it should. Jordan is the only one thatcl can contain the Darkness and become its king. I just wish for this to be so."

    Jordan stood in the middle of a forest, panting out darkness. From his back were the two heads of the Darkness, hissing loudly and snapping at Jordan.


    "Heheh, no way. And let you take over? Not happening," Jordan panted. his eyes were beginning to settle from their burning red color to their regular hazey gray. "Calm down Jordan...so she knows...so what? I'll just...adapt." Jordan could hear chatter in the distance, among poachers who weren't too far away. "In the meantime...I'll have a little snack."

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