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Fairy Tale Wars

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Italia07, May 19, 2012.

  1. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    Kitt was in the middle of getting ready and dressed for tonight while scrambling for some things she had stuffed into an old worn out box underneath her mattress. She sighed as she pulled out a few pieces of paper with minor instructions and notes that she wrote herself a few weeks back.
    She pulled out a pair of binoculars from the bottom of the box, seeing as they were still new and untouched since the first day she found them lying outside of her apartment room a day after Irving's twisted reunion.

    She was in the middle of unwrapping the binoculars when she heard something buzzing in the kitchen. "...Kitt...it's Josh..." The intercom from the downstairs part of the apartments buzzed through the apartment as Kitt was busy unwrapping in binoculars as Josh's voice still rang through the air, "I....I wanted to know if I can come up..." Kitt didn't get up to answer the intercom or let Josh in as she was too transfixed on the binoculars she was inspecting for any faulty factory mistakes.

    She suddenly snapped herself out of it to stuff her things into a small bag and walking over to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water and going over to the intercom. She took a deep breath before pushing the button and responding back.
    "Josh, get out of my sight right now. I don't have time to talk since we're going to be killing each other within the next hour!" Kitt snapped in a bitter and worried tone as she glanced up at the clock in the apartment as she heard a rather loud sigh on the other end, "But that's why I want to come u-"

    "Josh, if you think I'm going to think I'm going to feel sympathetic and let your sorry ass inside my apartment, you got another thing coming. You better get out of my apartment or I'm hunting your ass down first," Kitt hissed into the intercom as she took her hand off the button and proceeded to finish throwing a few more supplies into her bag as well as a few bottles of her medication, some water, and first aid before grabbing a map of the city, hoping that she scared Josh off downstairs since he didn't respond after her threat.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Laurel growled menacingly at Kinji before grabbing her knife and gun and stalked towards Kitt's apartment where she saw Josh attempting to convince Kitt to let him in.

    Once Kitt was out of site, Laurel repeatedly stabbed Joshua, and carried his body with ease into the woods where she disposed of it and quickly cleaned her knife and positioning herself next to the exit. I'll take care of you Kitt... even if you don't love me back...

    OOC- And thus ends Josh's tale. Made it less gruesome xD
  3. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Kinji witnessed the whole thing, "Shit... Josh..." he said to himself before reaching for his phone and beginning to dial 911 and pulling his suppressed M9 out at the same time, "... shit..." he said to himself as he put his phone away, 911 was useless at this point. "... Laurel... why?" he said as he walked up to her with his gun pointed at the back off her head. "Don't move."
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Laurel pulled a vial of poison out of her pocket and showed it to Kinji, "He was going to kill her, Kinji, so I stopped him before he could kill her. Put the gun down, I don't kill without reason, you of all people should know that. I left you alive, cuz you gave me no reason to kill you. Am I right?" She poked his head and laughed half heartedly, "She'll never love me... but I'll protect her... I'll always protect her."
  5. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Kinji reluctantly lowered his gun before shaking his head, "To think that he would actually go as far as to kill like that... its almost unthinkable..." said Kinji as he holstered his Berreta. "I guess tonight is the night... such a beautiful night for what will be happening..." he said looking to Laurel with a faint smile.
  6. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    Kitt was able to walk out of her apartment when her phone went off in her pocket. She pulled it out curiously before seeing the number of the caller and answering the phone.

    "There better be a damn good reason you're calling Irving," Kitt sighed impatiently as she pulled her hand away from the doorknob as she heard coughing from the other line.

    "Yeah, well... I guess you can say that I was watching your apartment just in case anyone tried to knock you off first," Irving growled in a low tone as he glanced around his surroundings from where he was.
    "Alright, so is anyone or anything happening from what I can't see from my window then?" Kitt asked as she sounded like her phone was cracking a little on her end as Irving held his nose for a minute trying to not sneeze.

    "Y-yeah, well I saw that Laurel dragged Joshua to the woods, don't know if he was unconscious or dead. But I think I saw Kinji and Laurel talking about something about poisoning you," Irving muttered before a sneeze went through the time as Kitt looked around her apartment with a nervous look on her face, "So don't use the front door basically. Anything else?"

    There was another loud cough as Irving responded, "No, but if you reach the fire escape, you should be able to hide in the dumpster below your window for a while if they try to make their way up there." Kitt tried to keep calm as she muttered Irving a small thank you and goodbye as she hung up her cellphone and headed for the fire escape. She took a stop as she suddenly ran back to the kitchen turning on the gas on the stove without a light.

    She sighed feeling a little bit at loss and grabbed a few other things before going back to the window and crawling down the fire escape, making sure to carefully close the window behind her so it seems that she left no trace, besides the gas leak from her stove.
    Sorry Grandma, but it looks like you might have to pay for damages, Kitt thought to herself as she made sure to not make any noise coming down a few feet away from the dumpster.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Laurel groaned and poked her head around the corner spotting Kitt. "Kitt! Thank god you're okay! I saw Josh with a vial of poison... so I killed him... Please... we have to stick together!" Laurel emptied her pockets, her boots, and everything that concealed weapons to reveal she meant what she said. "Even if you don't feel the same, I'll always love you, and protect you... Please Kitt..."
  8. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    Kitt almost fell off of the fire escape ladder when she reached the dumpster when Laurel can from the other side of the corner scaring the red off of her hoodie.

    She managed to scramble down safely as Laurel was speaking and dumping all of her own personal belongings onto to the ground trying to prove her point that she didn't want to hide a thing from her.

    Once Kitt regained balance on the ground, she just raised an eyebrow at Laurel noticing how sincere she was being about the two of them sticking together. Kitt sighed as she started picking up Laurel's belongings as she spoke, "Laurel... If you're really serious about... your affection for me, us sticking together to get through this nightmare... There's one condition I have to make, and I know that.... you might not be able to do this request."

    "To how you answer in taking this condition and keeping that promise... It will make me positive if i want to work together with you or not," Kitt commented as she held out Laurel's stuff out to the love-intoxicated girl hoping that the girl agrees to her mini-contract.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Laurel thanked Kitt, returning the items to their original places. The taller girl smiled for the first time in her life... at least, it was a smile of happiness not pain. "Anything... I'll do anything... just tell me and I'll do it! I swear!" Laurel would do anything Kitt asked, even jump off a cliff if she had to. Laurel was always vicious, but she protected her friends from the other bullies, and now... she'd protect Kitt.
  10. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Kinji poked his head from behind a tree as the two women talked and when the time was right he came out from his hiding spot from behind the tree, "Now that touching... but may I remind you that you two love birds are in a game of life and death... rather than making out I think we need to find a much safer spot to relax." said Kinji as he surveyed the area for enemies.
  11. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    Kitt sighed shaking her head and runs a hand through her hair before pulling her hood up, "Laurel, it's not going to be easy for you.." She was thinking about how to say her part of the condition to the girl who could of snapped by the minute Laurel finished processing her words.

    Kitt leaned her head up as she saw Kinji and nodded silently to his suggestion of finding somewhere safe to hide.
    "Well, the farther away from my apartment for starters. I know it probably won't be the best idea, but we could always try the sewers for now," Kitt muttered low enough for the two of them to hear her and hope that no one else was around to listen in as she walked past Laurel and back onto the sidewalk on the quiet street she lived on for the past few years.

    She looked back at Laurel and Kinji smiling as she figured out the details,"Well, with Kinji here, it makes this easier for you Laurel. If I get injured to a point where I'm going to need serious medical attention, just put a bullet through my head and get the hell out of this city if you can."

    Kitt turned back around to face the street again as she shifted her bag on her shoulder as she continued to speak, "Besides, even though Newt is holding us here because we have secrets and friends, it doesn't mean that you're obligated to stay if everyone's going to be dead anyways from our dark little secrets.."

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