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The Rift- The empires demise

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RoxasZ4, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    During a time the worlds were being created a rift was torn between earth and the moon. This rift is uneen to the human eye due to the contents of the rift. This rift leads to another planet known as Gifo. Gifo is located in a universe unknown to the beings of earth. Tho the beings of earth cannot see the rift it has been in exsitince for millions of years and has branched onto earth . On unknown places on earth people can be sucked into the rift and taken to the unknown planet Gifo.
    The people of Gifo have long known about the rift, so they have had houndered of years to study it. The planet of Gifo is ruled by a man named Zeon. Zeon is a power heartless being. he is of the human species as majority of Gifo is yet he has a great power behind him. Zeon is the lord of a wold wide empire that rules the world of Gifo. Zeon now wishes to send his army across the rift to conquer the planet on the other side.
    When someone from earth crosses through the rift their strenth and speed increase unbelivably. The reason for this is unknown, but for some reason it don't have the same effect if someone from Gifo were to cross over to earth. This may be because many of the people of Gifo are already much stronger and faster then a person from earth.

    **i will have a character known as Zexius Obuda in this story. his purpose is that he is going to be a character that has been on the Planet of Gifo for 7 years. will make a bio for him.**

    **WEAPON- (you will acquire this on Gifo)
    **MAGIC ABILITY- (you will acquire this on GIfo)
    **BIO- (this should tell about who you are as a human on earth)

    ---------------------- RP is open to all...----------------------------

    *name- Zexius Obuda
    *age- 26
    *gender- male
    *weapon- Two normal sized katanas and a sword that rezembales the buster blade
    *appearence- [​IMG]
    *magic ability- None
    *bio- Zexius dosn't remember much from when he was on earth. all he rembers is that he was 19 years old when he arrived on Gifo. Zexius Obuda is not his original name yet he does not know his real name. This is probably due to the fact that when he came from the rift he was thrown into a large mountain area where he hit his head among arrival. He acquired his name from a name written on the wall of the mountain area which he awoken. He has now been on Gifo for 7 years now. He has come to understand his new power on this planet. Very much has happened to him during his time on the planet. he has grown alot and understands how Zeon rules the world with power and athority. Zexius wishes destroy Zeon and his empire. Zexius don't remeber that he cane from the planet earth. he has been on Gifo for so long he belives thats where he was born. He is now stratagizing a way to dethrown Zeon and stop the empire from it reign of terror over the world of Gifo.

    --------------------will make my template for my main character tomarrow..
    lets do this thing and have some fun.. normal rules apply.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hope you haven't given up on this, just discovered this and looks pretty sweet

    **NAME- Gwennavine "Gwenn" Holst
    **AGE- 24
    **GENDER- female
    -bow and arrow: This special bow and arrow was made from a light weight but strong special stone on Gifo. The arrow also has special powers, it can shoot special arrows made on Gifo for the weapon, but also for quick combat can shoot and magic put into it, it turns the magic into an arrow
    -Dagger- a small dagger she keeps sheathed in her boot. (can change/see bio) she received it as a gift from Zexius
    **MAGIC ABILITY- Telepath- she can read people's thoughts if she so chooses, she can speak telepathically to somebody, she can see stuff beyond what her eyes normally see, and she can move things with her mind.
    Mind Arrow- Through her mind and her bow and arrow she can connect to somebody(if they allow it) and use their energy to create a magic arrow. So say somebody has fire powers, if she connects with them she can borrow their energy and create a fire arrow.
    **BIO- Gwenn is a recent graduate of Emory University in Atlanta. Gwenn attended their as an English Writing major with a focus in creative writing as well as journalism. Though her love and joy is in creative writing and poetry, Gwenn also does a lot of journalism as well as being hired for a local Atlanta magazine to write for them whichever topic she so chooses. She enjoys it a lot.

    Gwenn was just recently working on an article about nature in the Rocky Mountains and was taking a quest up to the mountain. She was with a group of guides and other people. One night she woke up in the middle of the night unable to go back to sleep. She grabbed her flash light and climbed out of her tent going on a night walk. On her night walk she discovered a cave and went into it. As she got deeper she stumbled upon some strange ancient carvings. She got to the back of the wave and look at the unique ancient carving on the back wall. She laid her hand on the wall and the wall began to glow when space arround her seemed to shift and change. Suddenly the ground let out under her and she found herself falling towards the ground.

    (if you don't want this next part that's fine...)

    She landed on a mountain side, unconscious with some injury to her arm and leg. Gwenn would soon be discovered by Zexius, a mountain man who plotted to over throw this new world's ruler. Upon finding her injured he took her back to his home and nursed her back to health until she woke up.

    Gwenn was afraid of where she was at, and remembered everything from the cave and falling. But she wasn't sure how she got where she now was. It was then she met Zexius. Seeing him she didn't feel as afraid anymore though most would with his tall structure. Zexius went on to explain who he is and like wise Gwenn told him about herself and went on to ask several questions about where she was now at etc.

    From each other they learned a great deal, and though Gwenn still struggles to grasp the idea of this new world, she has caught on fairly well, it probably helps with her being a creative writer and large ability of imagination.

    Gwenn has been on Gifo for three months for her recovery and now is starting to return to her old self, actually even better...
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2012
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    **AGE- 17
    **WEAPON- Two Twin Gunblades.

    Description: A curious weapon, the Gunblade's handle is of a giant revolver, with the cylinder being larger, and the blade being attached to the barrel. The handle still has the trigger and the hammer.




    Perfect Sight- Zanebono can use magic to make all of his shots close to accurate.

    Fire-Zanebono can eclipse his hands into fire and swing some fire punches at his foes, or use his finger to launch fire like a flamethrower.


    Zanebono came from Georgia, and was a high school student, a Boy Scout, and a had thing for firearms. He oftener would head to the local shooting range with his dad and practiced his aim and technique.

    He was on a Boy Scout hiking trip to the mountains. As they kept climbing the mountains, Zanebono tripped and started to tumble down the mountain, falling down towards a giant hole they avoided. He fell down through the hole and tried to get a grip on the walls, but all he got was bloody hands. He kept falling towards the ground, feeling it was never going to stop. He closed his eyes, believing this was his doom, until he opened them. He wasn't falling. He looked and saw he was on solid ground, without any pain in his back or legs. Where was he?
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
  4. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Sorry huys ive had a little computer troubles lately but im back online. I wanna try to get this goin so if you guys still want it your in and anybody else is free to join.
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    If this takes off I may join.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Alright sweet, had great ideas going in that character so I'm pretty excited.
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Yeah this isn't dead!

    I'm gonna fix the typos and errors on my template though.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm amazed how a single post managed to revitalize an RP that's been dead for 1/4 of a year. And hey, I wanna join as well. But there's some recent stuff that happened in my life and my online stability won't be stable for possibly the entire week.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Are we allowed to make characters that are native to Gifo, so as to have antagonists?
  10. Abstract

    Abstract New Member

    I'd also like to join if it takes off. My first RP
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Might as well let me give this roleplay a try.

    Name: Yeehn (Anagram of Ehyeh)
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace on Earth: Israel
    Personality: Calm but can take on a bold personality to tackle on any situation whenever it is needed. Loves to read and intellect.

    Language: First language is Hebrew followed by Latin, English and German.

    Earth Appearance: Chestnut Brown Jewfro hair with blue eyes. His skin color is a dark-olive skin complexion. Yeehn usually wear a black hat on his head with long, Sepia-colored pants with a Baby Powdered shirt. His shoes are usually fawn-colored elevator 5.5 shoes. His necklace is silver pink that takes on the form of a pendant.

    Gifo Appearance: His appearance becomes more divine-like. His hair becomes a lighter Chestnut Brown Jewfro hair. His clothing instantly changes in Corn Silk color. Also, his shoes changes into a Vanilla color and his elevator shoes are taller.

    Theme Music: Guardian Angels ~ Peaceful Music - YouTube

    Weapons: Usually none. However, if he has tomes with him, it will enhances the accuracy and range (Greatly) of his skills and a small boost to his attacks.

    Element: Divine ( This element when used by Gwenn's Mind Arrow will allow her to pierce through defenses in the form of light energy)


    Translation & Transliteration: Passive abilities that he already have on Earth. He can translate, transliterate and read different languages. In the Gifo realm, this ability is enhanced, allowing him to decipher and break more codes and to use different languages to break barriers, create stronger enchantments and strengthen ally attacks. His main power of all is the power of his words that he speaks.

    Flight: This is a passive ability in Gifo for Yeehn to be able to battle in the air.

    Sacrificial Vessel: This ability can be used to split his powers to his allies. He can be automatically vulnerable. However, his abilities among his allies may evolve within them, allowing them to accomplish remarkable feats.

    Enchanted Shield: Yonah can bring up a green barrier in front of himself or his allies to stop attacks.

    Glorious Retribution: His main and only offensive attack. It can take on many forms depending on which language he uses. His power when shared with an ally differs.

    Breathe of Life: His healing and support skill. Since Yonah is mainly a supporting fighter, he is mainly uses this skill to heal wounds and to strengthens himself or his allies. The language that he uses also brings various effects to his skill.

    Bio: Yeehn is from Israel but he usually study and travel abroad. He is a fan of reading from a child and he was raised in his family to read, teaching him to know what is fact and to always make sure to do research. Because of this, he would like to know what it is like outside of Israel and travel to different places and learning many different languages. This made him a translator.

    In Israel, he was going through some ruins, traveling until he found himself in a different place without even knowing. He was there for a week, traveling and doing more research as he realized his abilities in the strange realm. Enjoying the company of those in the realm and finding another portal to get back home, he decided to travel some more and to see if there are other ways to get back into the realm of Gifo like the one he found in Israel.

    So far, he found a portal in Jerusalem, Rome, Rock Island, El Salvador, and Belgium.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2013
  12. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Im glad to see so many people interested. yeah your character can be native to gifo. just poet your templates and we can get this started soon.
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The big question then: is Zeon available for use by a single player? Or would you prefer to leave him as an NPC?
  14. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    if sombody would like to be Zeon they can if not he can be controlled by all throught the story.
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'll throw together something for him.
  16. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    okay. Im going to post my main characters template tomarrow then we can get this going.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Were we starting this? Super excited for this love, the story hate to was another three months on it
  18. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    im going to start the first post tonite. Zexius will be my only character. there is also still room if anybody would like to join.
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    So how do we start?

    Are we already there or what?
  20. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Kenji Nakumura

    17-18 (He generally doesn't keep track)

    6 Feet 2 Inches

    147 Pounds





    He generally wears the same thing every day and washes his clothes only when they get smelly, his long brown overcoat has rips and tears in it due to all the battles he's been in, his high collar button down shirt is usually wrinkled, and his pants have many rips and are patched in several places.

    Magic Ability-
    Illusion Magic- He can generate illusions that can look and feel real, he uses them mainly escaped although they can also be used for battle in order to trick people. His illusions can be as simple as generating fog and can be as complex as creating clones of himself during battle. He often uses this technique to dissolve into black leaves.

    Incredible Speed and Reaction Time - Kenji is arguably the fastest being in Gifo, he can string together sword slashes faster than the eye can see and dodge blows that would be unavoidable by others. However, seeing as he puts all his ability into speed and strength his defense is much lower so he can't take as many hits before getting incapacitated.

    Kenji is generally very lazy and gets irritated rather easily, his motto is "If I see bullshit... then I'll cut it up." although he normally uses this phrase to intimidate people so he can scare them away. He doesn't do this because of cowardice but rather due to laziness and the fact that he doesn't like to kill.

    Kenji was a regular middle school student who was an avid player of RPGs and an active roleplayer on many forums, even though there were many RPGs to play and RPs to join he was always bored with life and longed for something new. Soon he found a new interest, solving mysteries, so during most of that year he sharpened his mind and gained the knowledge that would allow him to solve many mysteries. One in particular that puzzled him was the disappearance of a group of students who were on a field trip near Mt. Fuji, so he decided to take a look at it. While searching at the spot where the students were supposedly hanging out before they were found missing, he stepped on something a fell through what appeared to be a crack in the earth. When he woke up after losing consciousness he found that he had somehow landed on the ground of a whole new world. He even found that he had even become stronger and faster, so, using his deductive abilities he picked up the world's customs and managed to join an academy that trained people on how to use swords, taking what he learned from the academy as well some of his own techniques he became well-known for how fast he could use his sword.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2013

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