• Square Elite
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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke raised his eyebrows at all the things she was mentioning. People found so much fun in this festival and he could not fathom how it seemed like a country side hang out spot but it seemed to be very important to the community. " Well you seem to know a lot about history so lets start at the museum i'm interested about learning about the Pokemon of this area and the legendaries if any exist here. " He walked over to her placing his arm playfully around her shoulder. " After that we can grab a bite at the local carnival huh, what do ya say to that!"

    A bright smile was seen upon his face he knew the moment he walked into the festival people would question why he was with her. Especially the women.
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "WHAT?!" Zac exclaimed as he saw the fiery energy ball fly towards Braviary. He knew the professor was a coordinator, so Zac should have expected something like this. Thinking quicky, he came up with an idea, "Aerial Ace straight towards it!"

    At first, the Braviary was confused, but nodded, hesitantly and flew towards the burning sphere. Braviary flew towards the ground at high speeds until he heard Zac cry out, "Spin!" and then proceeded to spin in a twister like formation, wings still out. The flames and energy collided with bird, causing some damage, but managed to extinguish most of the flames by his spinning, and kept flying towards Deerling's shadow. He and his master knew by hitting the spot next to the shadow would be Deerling, an hopefully, they could win.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hmph. Deerling. Acrobatics. Leap for me as you use Faint Attack."

    The Professor gave the Deerling an order once again and it leap straight toward Braviary in mid-air. It then landed on top of Braviary as it tried to hit him and was ready to execute an attack.

    "Double Kick."

    The Deerling took its feet and was stomping on top of Braviary's back so that it can stay down on the ground for Deerling to have an advantage.

    "And now for the finale, spin him like a ball with Double Kick and knock him toward his owner with an Energy Ball."

    The Deerling nodded and went underneath Braviary's stomach to kick him twice up into the air and use an Energy Ball, pushing the Braviary back at Zack.

    "... Stop. That is enough".

    The Deerling then revealed himself in a bowing position while his friends were cheering on for him.

    "... You held on..."
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Valor!" Zac exclaimed as Braviary made impact to the ground. Smoke, dust and grass flew into the sky, and lasted for a moment, but died down to reveal Braviary trying to get up, but quickly fell to ground knocked out. Zac sighed and kneeled while pulling out his pokeball,

    "Nice job Valor, rest up," Zac said as he returned his Braviary,

    "... You held on..."

    "Of course I did," Zac said as he got up, "Another thing my dad said to me and taught me. Never surrender until YOU know when you can't go on,"
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "But you were... somewhat reckless."

    The Professor put on his glasses and took out his baton as his opponent stood near his legs as he spoke to Zac directly.

    " Your fatal mistake was to even try to attack with such a move as Bite. You must realize that in battle, long range attacks can have an advantage against those who uses short range attacks and unless attacks like Bite is able to take down such moves, then it is futile, forcing you to either dodge or else, take the full brunt of an attack... you tend to forget to understand true power from a pokemon. If there's a Rain Dance, oh yes. Your Totodile will have a stronger water attack but have you ever thought about electricity?

    Was even bold of you to try and use your Growlithe against Castform. Had you continue to keep on fighting against Castform, I would eventually flood up the holes you made and use thunder. Still, it was nice for you to use Sunny Day. It would be a never-ending battle to fight for the weather and it would be pointless. My next plan, to use Deerling to use his speed and to have you waste your time trying to hit him. In all honesty, I wanted to use the holes that you have created to completely keep him immobile but the switching of Growlithe to Braviary is the most surprising. The only way to get him out of the sky is to bring him to the ground... and you fell for it. Be lucky that it wasn't a cat dragging him. Such moves that you did as I explained, it is hard for me to see that you have beaten the Elite Four."

    Anemones then looked up and then back at his Shaymin peeking behind him.

    "But... I do believe that you can increase your potency in their skills. So, what would you say about starting tomorrow?"
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2013
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac heard the critiquing his skills in battle, and for the most he felt awful. He was about to explain his reasoning but he knew doing so woul give the appearance of him being disrespectful. Z-Pup and Braviary were some of his most experienced pokemon, but he wasn risking to have both knocked out. He did realize his mistakes however, and for a moment, began to think he was a bad trainer.

    It was the final words from the professor that caught his attention again. He smiled and almost jumped a bit, "Thank you professor! I'll come back tomorrow ready for anything! Thank you so much!" he said as he ran off towards to center to heal up his team, "See ya tomorrow!" however, he quickly stopped and turned around and looked back at the Professor, "Wait! Where and when?"
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Pokémon - Search For The Girl - YouTube

    Michi looked at him shock a bit, but smirked.

    "I can easily tell you that all legendary pokemon have been through here, though legends say the one that takes up refuge here is mew, however mew only shows up to those of good nature, and some times the descendants apparently of Teressa." Michi said but led the way to the museum anyways.

    She walked into the museum stopping and waving at the museum receptionist, Sue, Michi knew her then again Michi knew practically everybody who lived in town and even those who came to the festival every year.

    "Hey showing our special guest around." Michi said smiling.

    "Alright that's fine." Sue said smiling before her eyes gazed over at Deviluke. Michi only ruled her eyes it seemed like a lot of younger women her age or slightly older seemed to be attracted to Deviluke, some even seemed to glare at Michi as the two walked together. Michi though she wasn't interested in taking part in any foolishness, she looked at hanging out with the well known trainer who was a guest of the festival a part of her job as the soon to be official gym leader.

    "Alright so this is the museum, it's pretty big." Michi walked over to a miniature scale map of town and surrounding area. It held great details for everything her house that was even there had a slightly younger version looking figure of her grandmother and a little girl playing with Riolu, a younger her as a child. It was quite obvious that her family has had a huge role in town, her grandmother being like a town elder. But many other people of town resided in the map and in the wild areas and even some of the areas in town it showed several of the pokemon that resided. Many bird pokemon were perched on buildings and such, in the parks showed some of the urban pokemon playing and living.

    "This obviously doesn't show all of the pokemon in the area plus they vary year to year due to migration but this shows many of the pokemon in the surrounding area, all living peacefully." Michi explained before reaching into a pamphlet holder that was stationed by the map pulling out a city guide and handing it to Deviluke.

    "We get lots of trainers who come through, researchers and breeders too curious about the pokemon in the area so every three months we publish an information pamphlet in town which contains a page of all the pokemon that appeared in the previous three months. Good to keep around for you though as well to get around town, a little more detailed than your typical town map." Michi explained opening up the pamphlet of the detailed map of town pointing to a spot on the map. "Right now we're here, in the museum. In the museum there are several exhibits from old pokemon fossils found around here, old artifacts, the legends, art work, you name it." Michi stated.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "In my hotel. However..."

    Professor Anemones threw a couple of notebooks at him and smiled.

    "But this will require some lessons. For that, I will require of you to study on the nature and power of fire. In addition to that, you will tell me which aspect power that fire types are the strongest in: attack, defense, special attacks, special defense or speed. Have a good evening."

    Professor Anemones walked off with his three pokemon behind him but was waving back at Zac. Shaymin was inside the researcher's coat however as it looked back in curiousity.

    "Hm... I'll take a trip down to the museum first..."
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Don't worry! Your gonna have a mouthful on fire types Profesoor!" Zacsais as he ran off to the Pokemon center with the notebooks in his hand, "I won't let ya down!"

    The trainer had felt like when he was young again, when he first started his adventure and the excitement he had when leaving home with Z-pup, the excitment, the fear, the joy, the nervousness, he was filled up with all of these emotions yet again with hope in his heart that he could do it. He would beat Deviluke.
  10. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    nero had jus arrived at the fest as he looked down at his charmander who was not in his pokeball most of time. "you ready to go win this tournament" he said to his charmander. charmander nodded and grinned back at him. Nero and charmander then headed to the stadium where the tournament was taking place. "i hope im not too late" Nero said as he walked into the stadium and towads the front desks.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Tom himself had wandered into the museum. He had been exploring the festival. He had his fill of festival food and games for the moment. Now he figured he'd take the time to learn more about the town. And what was more of an obvious place to learn than besides the museum? As he walked he heard the quite murmurings. The hushed words of excitement. Tom even saw the topic of these quiet words. The man himself, Deviluke, was in the museum. And not only that, but he was hanging around the announcer from the tournament matches. Tom simply glanced at them and chuckled to himself. "Should I be the annoying fan-boy who tries to get close to him? Or just keep to myself. Then again, that announcer girl logically knows a lot about this town. She would be good as a guide. And I should probably be more social with people, instead of just a friendly act and then never really see them again. Hmm... Decisions decisions."
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac had ran into the Pokemon center, being oblivious, he kept running through the center until he slammed himself and caused him to rebound into the ground.

    "Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" the nurse asked,

    After a groan, the trainer got up and acted like that never happened, "Yea I'm fine, but I would like to heal my pokemon," he said as he placed all six of his pokeballs on the counter, re composed as he leaned on the desk,

    "Of course," the Nurse said as she took the pokeballs and walked over to the machine. Zac thanked the nurse and waited for a few moments.


    The man walked over to the museum, decided to browse around the place, seeing how he hadn't been in here in quite some time, he thought of seeing if they had any new exhibits. He entered the museum, and began to looked around. He already took note of some of the new artifacts they had found. He could already remember the days as a kid and encountering this town on his journeys with his Charmander and Growlithe.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Devluke was paying attention however being who he was he took time of course to wave and wink at the many girls that passed by. " Hey how ya doing!" A few of the girls screamed " We love you Luke!!!" He continued to walk with his arrogant smile as usual. Listening to her as she gave him a pamphlet of the area" Well hey thanks for the tour its nice to have someone show me around. " he started to look at her body and spoke to himself. " Someone so good looking as you...is a definate plus." he muttered so hopefully only he could hear himself. " Hey if you don't mind could you take me to see the Fossil's you guys have stored here and afterwards. i'd like to see some old atrifatcts, as well as learn more about the Legends of this place. Also...about this mew have you seen it before?"
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi looked at him.

    "Right..." She turned and glanced at girls who were staring at Deviluke before glaring at her causing her to raise an eyebrow.

    "We can do that. And about mew..." She stopped to think before deciding to tell a small lie. "I did once as a little girl, I was probably 5 maybe 4 and it may or may not of been mew." She said stepping in the elevator as it took them to the floor where several fossils laid around all of different sort of pokemon.

    "The fossils." She said walking up to the fossils before stopping at the main exhibit of a large giant pokemon.

    "This ones the oldest, believed to be the servant of the dark pokemon king who ruled over the land long ago." She stated.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Todd browsed around the museum, though something caught his eye. Well, first he heard loud screaming, in which, he turned his head to see girls surrounding a man and another girl. He wasn't quite sure just who the man the girls were going gaga over were, but it might have been because of how they were surrounding him,

    "*SIGH* At least my daughters aren't like that..." Todd muttered as he continued to look around the museum.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Bye Luke!!!" all the girls squeled in unison as he stepped onto the elevator. " Stepping out that one fossil alone caugt his attention. a voice in the back of his head muttered out" magnificent isnt it..." He walked a little closer to Michi to the point his arm was brushing against hers. " This sure is quite the masterpiece of work you guys have here. i have a simlar collection of rarities and old pokemon fossils. i have the kabuto, kabutops both species of omanyte and Aerodactyle. Currently doing cloning trials to see if we can reproduce there genes to bring them back. I'd be able to add more rare pokemon to my collection. they would be well taken care of of course. " He was telling her this not to brag but he felt he could trust her with this sort of information. " So tell me more...about this king."
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Told you just about everything back at the cave." She said turning around angrily. She sighed and shook her head.

    "He ruled over people, made them slaves and servants. People lived horrible lives. Pokemon were kept as slaves as well. The only one's who fought him were the warriors of mew. The pokemon mew fought hard and special humans descents with a special... power... fought alongside." Michi just told him.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Woah woah there pretty lady just asking a question." He shrugged and started to laugh. " Gee is this how you treat all your guest hahaha!" Well in return i did say i'd start answering questions for you." He walked over to a nearby window. His hands behind his back as the sun shone bright through it. " The pokemon world...surely something spectacular..i've seen and done nearly everything but part of me still feels incomplete..."

    Turning his face to hers with a cocky smile. " So hey wana grab a bite to eat and you can ask me whatever you'd like. i'd like some private time with you anyway if you don't mind."
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi looked around the museum most guest observing the exhibit. She sighed mentally before nodding.

    "Alright." She said as they began to head out of the museum before stopping at the elevator. "But first I want to show you something."

    She went up to another floor stepping out was several paintings but she hurried over to one particular one.

    "I want to make this clear about legendary Pokemon, this is a painting without legendary Pokemon in the world. Filled with destruction, pain, misery, even deaths. You see this is why I insisted back at the cave this why I'll always be insisting on the fact that legendary Pokemon must remain free so they can keep balance in the world and so they can protect us." Michi said making her point obvious. Lucario who followed his trainer in silence crossed his arms agreeing with Michi as well.

    "It's fine to observe legends just to see them perform a miracle, but that's it. People do that, though I don't always agree with the method on how they observe, people do it and it ensures safety to the legendary Pokemon in the world, but no catching them or partake in a battle." Michi continued. Before she turned to him.

    "As for lunch, I'm game for that, I guess." She said shrugging.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    As Michi and Deviluke were leaving, Tom happened to bump into Michi. "My apologies." He spoke as he caught Michi's wrist to prevent her from falling down. He quickly let go of her arm. "Sorry about that. Y'know you can travel all around the world and still never get into a habit of watching where you're walking." He then turned to Deviluke. "And you're that celebrity they have here for the festival, right? I do hope you'll forgive me for not being completely familiar with who you are. Again, with all the traveling I haven't really stopped to pay attention to any news about celebrities. Although I suppose I do tend to use stuff created by your company. So on behalf of trainers everywhere, I thank you for your service."

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