• Square Elite
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The Rift- the Empires demise(RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RoxasZ4, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Zexius was awoken to the sounds of screams in the street "what could the be" he said to himself as he got up and looked out the window next to him. he seen the emipres soldiers raiding and destroying homes and even possibly the village if somthing was'nt done soon. Zexius quickly equipped his gear and ran out into the streets "Im going to kill all of you" he screamed as he attacked several soldiers. After a few soldiers were defeated they began to seem as if they were fleeing to a large ally not far from where they were. As zexius began to put his weapon away he seen the soldiers began to stop and turn around "what could this be" Zexius said as a group of empirial elite soldiers appeared out of the ally way. Zexius grasped his weapon "its been awhile since i've been in a battle like this" he said to himself as he drew his blade.
  2. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Kenji looked at the imperial elites from afar, while he ussually didn't like to engage enemies himself he also wouldn't stand for all the killing going on at the moment so he decided that he would make a rare exception and try to make peace between the soldiers and Zexius. Kenji sighedthe imperial elites drew closer to Zexius he took his chance as a storm of black leaves surrounded the two forces. Kenji materilized from the leaves and sighed, his sword still sheathed. "Now lets think about this logically, you want to take out the warrior that single handidly took out your other soldiers just now... that's stupid if anything... so I present you with this proposition: if you don't move another inch towards eachother I won't cut you up." Kenji said, one hand warm upon the handle of his sword.
  3. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    The Imerial Elite soldiers stopped as Kenji formed and spoke before them. As the solders spoke amonungst themselfs they slowy began for form up and leave the village. Zexius was supprised to see the Imperial soldiers jus walk away like that but he was more worried about the mysterious man who got them to leave. With his blade still in his hand he looked at Kenji "who are you and why are you here".
  4. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "My name's Kenji Nakamura, I was here to hopefully find something to eat and a place to sleep... unfortunately at this point that won't be 100% possible... anyway now for my question." said Kenji as he sheathed his sword. "Do you have any food or water... I've been traveling for about 2 days without anything so anything would help." he said as he approached the large man. "Also you should sheathe the blade if you're not fighting."

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