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Mega Man: Project Zeta (OOC/Sign Up/Discussion)

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by FON, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Mega Man: Project Zeta

    The Story

    The year is 32XX, and humanity now lives in peace with Reploids. Humans were implemented with robotic limbs and Reploids were no longer immortal by order of Legion in order to blur the line between humans and robots.

    Today, humanity and Reploids still live in peace, and a network was made of keeping in charge of Reploids from going Maverick. The network was known as MotherBoard, and was given access to all Reploids' "brains" and was able to diagnose a Reploid to be a Maverick, and could also reconfigure their "brains" to prevent them from going Maverick. However, the network went rogue, or Maverick as it is called for unknown reasons, and soon, Reploids began to spontaneously go Maverick, and the numbers increased until most of the Reploids today turned against humanity.

    War struck, and humanity was near loosing. Plans and projects were implemented, either being rockets to leave earth, nuclear weapons to wipe out the Mavericks, every option became preferable. It wasn't until a scientist who invented the Mother Board created a New Project.

    Project Zeta

    This new project would create New Reploids who would be immune to going Maverick, and would be designed so MotherBoard wouldn't be able to corrupt them. The plan was rejected by Legion, who still exists today, saying they could not risk building new Reploids while this war raged.

    The scientist disregarded Legion, and soon went ahead to building these new Reploids, seeing how he was sure these new Reploids would not go Maverick. Legion then ordered an army to be made, and formed The Humanity Armada, and recruited many humans to fight against all Mavericks. Project Zeta was finished, and new Reploids known as Neo Reploids were made, one of which, was designed to lead these new Reploids. Mega Man ZETA.

    The war between good and evil is at its climax, who shall win? Who will survive? And what will follow?


    New Abel City:

    Home to Human Armada and the location of the now World Government, Legion, it is currently the biggest city in the world.

    Hikari Labs:

    Home to the scientist Dr. Light, creator of the Neo Reploids, it is located somewhere on an uncharted island, in order to hide from Legion to prevent them from shutting Project Zeta down.

    Cain Fortress:

    A giant castle like base that belongs to the Mavericks, and the MotherBoard Network. It is home to all the Mavericks, and grows everyday as they spread across the globe, conquering humanity.



    AI Age:
    Version: ( Orginal Reploid/Maverick or Neo?)
    Class: ( What is his or her occupation?)
    Weapons: (If any)


    Class: (If in the Armada)
    Weapons: (If Any)

    Major Roles

    Mega Man Unit: (Taken by Zacax)

    Zero Unit: (Taken by Vox)

    Descendent of Dr. Light(Open)

    Leader of the Armada: (Taken by Wayward)

    Head of Legion: (Taken by Angel)

    Robot Masters/Maverick Commanders (Open, no limit)

    -RB 01: Yami
    -MC 01: Eros


    -No Powerplaying
    -No Auto-hitting, Auto-dodging
    -PLEASE. Respect other players.
    -No Meta Gaming
    -No instakilling
    -No God-modding
    -Have fun!

    NOTE: I'm planning on this to be a 2-3 parter, so do your best to stay active.​
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2013
  2. Noir


    I'll take one Robot Master slot.

    Name: Yami

    AI Age: (Around 15 or 16)

    Version: Original Reploid - Neo Reploid

    Class: Robot Master (can be a spy or a leader of one group)

    Gender: Male

    Yami is a very cautious and strict individual. Sometimes he can be kind and will help anyone who needs him. Although he might look dangerous and evil, he is friendly when important business is not around.

    He is also very quiet and sneaky.

    Yami (normal form)
    Yami (speed form)

    - Modified Purple Saber
    - Dark X Buster
    - Built-in claws

    Abilities: Yami has powerful dark powers, but most of them takes too much energy. He also can absorb energy, electricity and shadows to increase his powers, energy and to keep being alive, like food. He also can turn blue which he calls his speed form and gives him the ability to move very fast.
    He also can jump high, create shadows and dash.

    Yami is an Original Reploid with free will created by an unknown scientist 15 years ago programmed to control over darkness. The two were very close until they were separated. Yami thought he was dead. His personality became darker. One day he came out and explore the world and became a mysterious Maverick killer, considering everyone being him a mysterious hero but haven't revealed his appearance yet to the public.

    Creator: Dr. Shirou (Arthur Light)

    Others: Yami [闇] means Darkness in Japanese. He has his own title - Dark Hero of the Shadows.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2013
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist


    Name: Mega Man ZETA

    AI Age: 15

    Version: Neo Reploid

    Class: Commander, Mega Man


    Mega Man ZETA's personality is a mixture of Classic, X, and EXE. ZETA is very kind, caring, and thoughtful Reploid, who is just, brave and at times, reckless, and very loyal to his creator and "family". ZETA, however, can be sometimes, hot headed and at points lazy, but part of it was because he was designed as a teenager. Like X, he does worry, which shows over his Reploid "family" and friends.

    Despite his caring and kind nature, he shows no mercy to the Mavericks, after what they have done to humanity for more than a millennia, and will rarely hesitate to fight against a Maverick, but he won't fight the humans, even if his life depended on it, even though they see any Reploid as a potiential enemy.



    ZETA Buster: Like all the Busters of the previous incarnations of Mega Man, the ZETA buster can use rapid fire, charged shots, and will also copy weapons when he has defeated any oppeenant. The only modification is that he can also turn it into a number of tools to help him in any situation, from hacking or to repairing armor.

    -Charged Shots
    -Rapid Fire
    -Copy Weapons of enemies
    -Wall Jumping
    -Changing Tools


    Designed by Dr. Light (Descendant) as a Neo Reploid, he was created so he could lead the other Neo Reploids against the Mavericks. He was designed to adapt, mature and grow like X was, but was also designed with a modification that hasn't been placed in Reploids more than 600 years ago. He was given bal the ability to be "immortal" in order to stay with humanity to always protect them.

    He, like the original Dr. light's creations, is like a son and a brother, but also, wasn't designed originally by this descendant of Dr. Light... Though he was built by this new Dr. light, his blueprints weren't by the descendent, so it is unclear who actually thought of the overall design for ZETA. He was the basis for all of the other Neo Reploids, like Roll and the Gemini Spark Twins.

    He is the older brother to Roll ZETA, best friend to White Gemini Spark, and he is also good friends to Zero, and often looks up to Zero as well.

    Creator: Designs by Anonymous, Constructed by Descendent of Dr. Light.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Megaman Zero Mythos ( Zero Unit M)
    AI Age: 19
    Version: Original model. modified NeoReploid
    Class: 00M 2nd in command Brigadier General
    Gender: Male

    Personality: Outwardly, Zero appears cold and emotionless to others, even towards partners. However, it is shown that he has the capacity to care for others. Zero keeps his cool under most circumstances. No matter what his enemies do to him, he is always able to come up with a retort. Even though Zero does not openly show it, he, too, seems to long for peace between humans and Reploids. However, he has said that he doesn't have any problems fighting, unlike his more pacifistic friend, Zeta. As of late his personality has become more of a arrogant cocky tone but only in the face of his enemies as a tactic to debuff there confidence in battle.

    Appearance: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/253/4/2/425a696965099d582e5e2cf22b893cd2-d4c1y9h.jpg

    Black Zero: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs9/i/2006/016/7/4/Rei_Akume___samusmmx_by_Zeag.jpg

    Weapons: Zero's weaponry - MMKB, the Mega Man Knowledge Base - Mega Man 10, Mega Man X, characters, and more
    Red Lotus Saber:Zero's fastest weapon
    The Triple Rod: ( A energy construct that Zero is able to switch the appearance and stats of into 3 separate weapons ) Chain Rod, Lance Rod, Zero Knuckle. Zero is able to switch these weapons on the fly.

    Abilities: Charge shots, Rapid fire blast. Stealth mode.
    Ability to change into Black Zero

    Black Zero: The effects of the Black Zero enhancement are a statistic boost in all of his traits It is activated by Zero briefly re-activating his Maverick Virus while it is still quarantined. it enhances Zero's saber power, it also adds 50% to Zero's weapon energy, it doubles Zero's dash speed and distance, doubles the damage power of his weapons, but halves his defense. This is Zero's Final armor, and considerably increases his already great power. It is usuable for a short amount of time and requires a cool down state of 20 minuites before he can fight again.

    Origins: Zero is a legendary Hunter that has fought countless times against the Mavericks in an effort to bring peace between humans and Reploids.,Zero felt that the best way to rid himself of the original Maverick Virus contained in his body was to seal himself away for a set amount of years nearly 200 years. That time has past, Zero's mind is still in balance but his memories of the past are scratchy, and the new threat of the corrupt Legion and the new Maverick threat. Has Zero fighting for justice more so than ever, as he will continue to believe in fighting for good, despite his creator's original intentions.

    Zero does not find it humorous that he has "befreinded" So many people. Sometimes people can be a deterrent. When not in command he is usually found arguing or spaaring with Black spark. White however tends to itch his nerves quite the bit however. Zeta and the Gemini twins are more important to Zero than he lets on.

    Upon being one of the only Reploids to remove his brain from the Matrix of the Motherboard Zero sometimes has conflicting ideals with humans and there want/need to control reploids out of fear. Only a few beings are aware that Zero does not move through the same means in the Motherboard matrix as the others and that is Megaman Zeta and Dr. Light and The Gemeni Twins. His abilities and unit model was modified after the Massive maverick outbreak. A Mythos Unit data was left in his storage banks which apparently laid out all the details for his complete rescale and upgrades. It seems His previous creator intended for his power to be used for evil but Zero will continue to fight for justice. Zero's abilities will increase throughout this adventure, but his mind and skill will be put to the ultimate test when he confronts the leader of the Armada and the Legion.

    Zero works alongside Megaman in battle and off the battlefield. He see's him as a younger sibling and one of the only people he is close to.

    Creator: Zero was created by the late Dr. Albert Wily sometime in the early twenty-first century.

    "I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero. I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!" ~~Zero~~

    "Even if we Reploids are destined to join the scrap heap when that evolutionary step does come about... We still have to fight... Not only against Mavericks, but against our own destiny as well."~~Zero~~
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Approved, thanks for taking part of this Vox
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Any time mate, i'm looking forward to this story's progression lets make it a good one.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hmm... Not bad at all... I'll join, but I'd like to talk to you about my character before I post him Zacax. Just shoot me a pm when you're able.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'll like to observe then join, if able, if you don't mind.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I'll right then Angel, I understand

    Name: Roll Zeta

    AI Age: 14

    Version: Neo Reploid

    Class: Maid/Combat Reploid

    Gender: Female


    A loving and sweet girl... Or robot. She is caring and modest, and cares for everyone on the team. Despite her modesty, she finds some of the reploids a bit attractive (minus her brother of course), but focuses more on her duties. She doesn't want to fight, which is similar to ZETA not wanting to fight humans, though he refuses to fight anyone, seeing how she is more of a peaceful Reploid.



    ZETA Buster 2.0: A version of the Original ZETA Buster designed for Roll ZETA. It has the same capabilities as ZETA's, though, it can't allow her to copy powers, but it does allow her to still copy weapons.

    -Charged shots
    -Rapid fire
    -Wall Jumping
    -Boosted Jumps (her boots contain small busters/jets that can turn on for a brief moment while in the air for longer air time)

    Origin: Roll ZETA was built after ZETA, and was built to originally be a female version of the Blue Bomber, however, she was modified to be a cleaning unit by ZETA's request so she wouldn't get harmed. She does however retain her copy of the ZETA buster, but does not have the ability to copy powers or abilties like her brother ZETA.

    She is the little brother of ZETA, and often looks up to them, with him looking out for her as well. She was based off of the original Roll built by the original Dr. Light, who was designed to clean the house and aid in the inventions of her creator. This Roll, still has these duties, but also has the ability to use a buster and fight, except she rarely uses her fighting capabilities.

    Creator: Descendant of Dr. Light.

    EDIT: More details to come
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    (Please delete this post)
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer


    Name: Gemini Spark

    Variations: White & Black

    Creator: Unknown(Possibly Dr.Light)

    AI age: White: 21;Black: 21

    Class: Commandant(Only rank higher then Megaman)

    Gender: Both: Male


    White: White has a far more laid back attitude then that of his twin, prefering mischief over training and placing the blame on Black. On the inside, White is insecure, not sure if he should follow in his twin's shadow or take destiny into his own hands. His close friendship with Zeta and Zero have taught him much, and his personality was built off of Zeta. White is a genius tactician, able to outwit even Zero on the battlefield. He relies on his technical skills rather then brute force, and is not powerful in close combat.

    Black: Black is far more serious then his twin, White. Preferring to study and train rather then play around and have fun. On the inside, he has a soft spot for his twin, once standing up to Zero to protect him. He is very aware that his personality was utilized in the creation of Zeta and Zero, even though Zero became more like Black then Zeta. Black is more of a close combat fan, rather then using tactics like his twin. He enjoys sparring with Zero and his cold outside personality has warmed a bit since befriending Zeta and Zero. Though he'd still show no mercy to anyone who harmed his twin.

    Weapons: -Gemini Arsenal Zeta- Both twins have access to a shock buster, elec sword and thunder fist. When together on the battlefield, they can unite to create a powerful thunder beam that annihilates anything in its path.

    Black's weaponry: Alone, Black utilizes his mastery of blades and wields a large sword that can launch thunder bolts when swung. It is rarely known that Black created a variation of Zero's Z-Saber as a gift for the neo-reploid's tenth birthday. The weapon was enhanced with the power of lightning, and it strengthened the bond between the two.

    White's Arsenal: White uses tactics and stealth on the battlefield. Preferring the stun grenades, and thunder bombs over swords. As an act of kindness, Zero and Zeta had a special buster made that allowed White to use his grenades and bombs at a faster rate, while keeping a good distance. White has been making something in return, and it is nearly complete.

    Origin: Gemini Spark was a remade model of the EXE Model Gemini Man, with upgraded capabilities and more benevolent personalities. When Zeta and Zero were created, the Gemini twins were instructed to guide them and teach them the basics, before returning to regular duties. The four became close friends quickly, White and Zeta bonded through mischief and laziness, as well as their dislike of fighting. Black took a liking to Zero, who became a good sparring partner and a good friend. It is unknown if Gemini ever completed their original orders after becoming friends with Zeta and Zero, but some speculate that they reprogrammed each other so they could stay with the two.

    Appearance: See attachment(when uploaded)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Approved, both of them

    Alright before we can begin, we need the leader of Legion and the descendant of Dr. light. I'll go on ahead and make the template for MotherBoard. Expect the template here soon.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
  13. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Kenji Light



    Kenji is a very speculative individual who is capable of deciphering almost any problems, however he often often comes to conclusions that can possibly offend individuals. So in a sense, while he inherited his fathers incredible intelligence and cunning he did not inherit his father's great social skills or generosity. He also works by what he calls the "Scorched Earth Policy", and will often haggle and fight for everything without compromising.



    Dr. Light's Descendant, Scientist, Technician, Mechanic, Tactician, Combat Specialist, etc

    Dr. Light's Descendant


    Concealed Carry:

    Glock 18c-

    Butterfly Knife-


    He carries the weapons above at all time but he owns many other weapons and will equip what he needs for the situation, a his weapons are specifically designed to harm Mavericks. Although he is a human he can still hold his own against other Reploids.

    Kenji is the son of Dr. Light, the famous inventor who created the Reploids, as a child his main focus was to invent and take after his father. By his thirteenth birthday he had managed to create the first reploid. Shortly after he was given to one of his relatives as the conflicts with the motherboard's corruption, this relative taught him how to fight and even hold his own against other Reploids. He then moved to Hikari Labs where he would help his father create the Neo Reploids.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2013
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    MotherBoard Template

    Name: MotherBoard
    AI Age: 37
    Species: AI, Network
    Gender: Female
    Creator: Descendant of Dr. Light
    Class: Mother, Vaccine, Network,


    Before corruption:

    A benevolent, mother like figure to all Reploids, she was kind, pure, caring, observant and loving to all. She was always happy to aid anyone in anything they needed, and would present herself to the world in a holographic form of a middle aged woman.

    After corruption:

    She became malicious, sadistical, and uncaring for humans, like most Mavericks. Her caring nature was no longer there, as she then took a tyrannical, dictator-like deminoir, and was cruel to all, including her fellow Mavericks. She has no concern for humans or her soldiers, and cares more for humanity to be obliterated, no matter the cost.

    http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/d...d anime girls irisviel_www.wall321.com_72.jpg

    Weapons: None really. With her powers why should she?

    -Curing of Maverick Status
    -Easy access to the Internet and the minds of her fellow Mavericks.
    -A digital form of psychic powers that only apply to Mavericks and old Reploids, such as mind reading, mind control (only on weaker Reploids), etc.
    -Access to most of the computers of the world (exception include, Dr. Light's computer and Legion's due to them being modified)


    Created by Dr. Light to be of service to world of humans and Reploids. She was designed to cure the Maverick Status of Reploids, and was able to access any file on any computer in the world and on the Internet. She designed to help humanity, but, an anonymous being came and caused her to go Maverick. It is still unknown to this date who caused her to go Maverick, all they know is that she is no longer the loving AI she once was.

    She now leads all Mavericks to wipe out humanity, and has control over all of them and uses them against humanity and her own creator.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I demand more people to post. We were doing so well. Lets not slip back into the inactivity again.
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I've got a character or two on the way. Prepare for some ride armor action from me. :p
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator


    Name: Sovereign

    Age: ???

    Gender: Male

    Classification: Head of Legion


    Personality: Sovereign's ruthlessness towards reploids knows no bounds. The Mavericks have terrorized Human Kind for centuries, and eons of turmoil and suffering burn within his cold and desolate heart. Like his name implies, his rule is absolute and his orders goes unquestioned. As far as his anger, it emerges in heart pounding bursts, striking fear to those within ear shot. Truly, he is a man worth being feared.

    Bio: Sovereign was once a ordinary boy with an ordinary name. His parents like most citizens lived in a time of peace and prosperity with reploids. That is! Until they went Maverick! For whatever reason, his parents were slaughtered by the Mavericks without a sheer explanation. Now an orphan, Sovereign rove through the clamitity that befell the world, witnessing only the death and despair of mankind. It is then, did he lose himself and his humble origins and donned a new outlook towards all reploids.


    Gauntlet Swarm: Fires five energy bullets from his fingertips simultaneously. He can do it in the ground and in the air.

    Absolute Blade: A devastating blade with tremendous fight capabilities.

    Homing Laser: Locking targets and fires with homing shot many times, with increasing density and lastly can decimate the enemy.

    Plasma Storms: Two cyclones appear on his side, releasing energy to thrust him forward.

    Cross Blades: Throws Cross Star that spins at the lowest line, which the blades is as big as the opponent himself.

    Tail Pressure: Extends his tail and flying toward enemy, heavily scratch the grounds and flies up after reached the corner.

    Infinite Cannon: A cannon that fires elemental blast in a spiraling motion.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2013
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Just about finished with a maverick character. I've just got to work out the biography.

    I might try to snag up to the 'Armada leader' role if I can. Assuming that hasn't been filled.
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Is suggest waiting for Angel to finish, then I'll decide which one to pick, so if you want, make an armada leader
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Isn't the Armada leader distinct from the head of Legion though? It seems like the Armada leader is more of a military officer whereas the head of Legion would be more of a political figure. And The OP does have the two as separate roles.

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