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How Many Nicknames?

Discussion in 'General' started by NekoNeko, Jun 23, 2008.

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  1. NekoNeko

    NekoNeko New Member

    mine are...

    Jelly Bean - o_O
    Neko-chan - Insiperd NekoNeko
    Cookie Monster - hehe
    Mullet Hair - i woke up and my hair looked like a mullet
    Cheshire Cat - Old Grin i had
    Ducky Smile - Dad called me
    Key - i have no idea
    Young Destiny - some person on an old forum said i had a destiny about me or something like that o_O so they called me Young Destiny or Young Destined One

    and also

    Shitty Arse - Mom called me it -__-' hehe...

    so... 9
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I only have two nicknames:
    Miss Kitty cuz when I wuz 4 I wuz a cat for halloween and my grandmother called me Miss Kitty,
    Genie: when I wuz 8 I had really long hair and when I put it in a braided ponytail my uncle would call me Genie from I Dream of Genie TV show.
  3. Leon-seriously!!
    That's it I just have that one.
  4. NekoNeko

    NekoNeko New Member

    at least yours are alot more normal than the last two of mine hehe ^^

    one nickname is alot easier than loads ^^
  5. Rhodis=Jynx

    Rhodis=Jynx New Member

    Stickman:Because I am tall and really thin.
    Z.P. I got that nickname a long time ago. It's just my initals so everyone just calls me ZP. It p's me off though.
    Red: My favorite charecter to play up is the Red death so the nickname stuck after me and three friends dressed up.
    Lord of the dead: Only called this by my family because I prefer to be left alone and I am a night shift worker.
    A$% Hole: IDK,
  6. NekoNeko

    NekoNeko New Member

    The last two are charming ^^'

    meh no ones perfect at making up nicknames. i get called Cheshire Cat and that was bang on, then again...they were the best nickname giver on the who forum, it was a big forum too *babbles on* hehe
  7. Rhodis=Jynx

    Rhodis=Jynx New Member

    Thank you, I wish they called me cheshire cat, but since I am writing a darker horror novel version no one is willing to call me that. :(
  8. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    My mom always calls me Dudealy i don't know why.

    And she also calls me Dingbat.

    And my brother calls me Migit. (I'm short for my age)
  9. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Umm.. I have only four nickname.

    Yukou - It means Sunshine in Japanese. My real name mean Sunshine also.
    Yukie - Short form of Yukou
    Smey - The last four letters of my real name.
    Slut/Whore/Bucket/Hoe - Cuz I am a flirt. I don't stick to one person at a time. I like hoping from people to people.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Let's see:

    Desert Warrior. My brother would be the only person to call me that.
    Desert. Same as above.
    TNT. It is my name in Airsoft.

    Besides two shortened down versions of my name, that is it.
  11. NekoNeko

    NekoNeko New Member

    xD sounds fun

    Migit is what i call my sister, she's 6.

    a also get called Shitty Arse by my parents ^^ the last made me laugh

    Two? hehe awsome ^^ i have loads i just can't remeber them hardly...hehe
  12. Default_User

    Default_User New Member

    well, let's see....

    Xau Most people from my old school calle dme this. Well, it started with Xaxaudia, then it went to Xaxa, and then lower to Xau... now it's either Xauzeca, Xauzinha, and so on... i don't like it because there a commercial in TV with that name and it's soap for clothes, or whatever, and the jingle is: "Xau, the most intelligent choice!!" ... everytime they said the jingle, i hated it...

    D_U or Default_User has been my nick in the internet for so long, that people I know from the network in Portugal and around the world always call me this.

    Assucarinho (this one I doubt you can spell it XP) this is actually one of my middle names. if i try to make a direct translation to it, it means somthing like Sugarly... only my driving instructors and one ex-boyfriend call me by this nick, because they say it's "sweet" -_-

    Coelha This is my nick for the closest friends and in university. It's "bunny" in portuguese... and this one is a long story, really = P

    and that's all... wow, my family only threats me by my name, nothing else! im surprised to see some family members call you guys by nicks... in Portugal, that's sort of odd, unfortunatly.

    EDIT: Ohh!! I just saw the post from above!! I'm also called very times whore and slut and so on and on, because I'm the same as her =) i like to flirt. when i dont have a boyfriend, i eager to get one, and once i have one, after 4 or 5 months, i can't wait to be free again XP
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  13. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Mr. Walker - I got F^ck up drinking Johnny Walker.... yummy.
  14. Omega

    Omega New Member

    eh, too many i can tell ya that
  15. Default_User

    Default_User New Member

    awww, come on, omega, say a few!! there are many people with many nicks, just say a few, it wont hurt... I think :p
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Yeah, just don't say the ones that would lead to embarassment.:D
  17. Default_User

    Default_User New Member

    Are you kidding?? those are the most fun =P

    sorry for going out of topic... I'm not a spammer, though, pay attention to that!!:p

    Looking at the siggy reminded me... I've been called Sephy, before. Call me crazy, but well... I wish a lot Sephiroth was real as he looks super gorgeous, and I can admit I've been (and I probably still am a bit) in love with him. A few of my best friends knew, and they started to call me that
  18. twistedmage

    twistedmage New Member

    mine are:
  19. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Dyl, beause of my real name Dylan.
    fat boy slim,my mam calls me this,why?I do not know.
    monkey boy,Because of a very embarrasing photo.
  20. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned

    Ren 'cause my real name is Lauren.
    Chuck i really have no idea why my grandpa call me that. haha

    in most of basketball and soccer game, they call me thief 'cause i stole their ball a lot.
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