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BanLift on Women in Combat

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by EtherealSummoner, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I have no problem of women being in the army... but by natural and protective means, I am not really all for women to directly be in combat fighting. Sorry but that is just me... I just strongly believe that, regardless if a woman is capable of doing what a man can do in direct combat, that a woman cannot truly be in direct combat wile fighting. Being a general and all of that, I accept but still, I cannot for the life of me accept women to be in direct combat. To me, the men should handle that aspect.

    Now there can be some of you (Maybe Destiny since I saw how she acted in my last thread about households) who will try and call me a woman-hater and be stuck on a one-point perspective and trying to say that I do not want equality and blah blah blacksheep but be serious. Do we REALLY want women to fight in ground combat? For me, if I were to be in the military, I would rather be the one to suffer if anything were to happen (Captured, injury, abandoned, etc) than the woman. FOr me, that is natural instinct for the man, as the protector, to go in ground combat than the woman. To me, this is not about "Gender Equality" or "Gender Superiority/Inferiority" or to see if a gender is better at one aspect than the other gender. The point I am saying is if this is really needed and do we know the consequences that comes with lifting the ban on this.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I sorta agree with you. And I'm sure that most women aren't complaining about it either.

    Just to scratch the surface without getting to much into it, I don't think women should be in combat. It's just a bad idea.
  3. xxxJRosesxxx

    xxxJRosesxxx New Member

    I've already stated before that my Mom is a veteran, so I bet you two can guess what my stance is.:)

    Could the two of you better explain what it is you're so afraid of in terms of consequences, so I may better understand your perspective?
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Except that's what it sounds like. *raises eyebrow*

    Personally, I would never, ever join the military in any capacity. There are some amazing benefits (travel, education, retirement, etc), but I know I wouldn't enjoy most of the other aspects.

    That said, I see absolutely no reason why a woman who wants to join, and wants to fight, not be sidelined because of her gender, should be denied the right. I'm not going to get into a rant about how women don't need to be sheltered and protected by men, and that certainly not all men are natural protectors, though it's true, and instead say this: With how the military has been viewed in recent years (by many people at home and abroad who have disliked the US's actions in the middle east, and for other reasons), the military should happily take ANYONE who wants to fight and can meet whatever health, safety, etc. requirements there may be. If they have positions that need filled, why not fill them with willing, qualified women, rather than pass them over in favor of possibly less qualified men? Or if it came down to there really not being enough people to fill positions because of only choosing men, does it really make sense to reinstitute a draft and take unwilling men when there are women waiting for the opportunity?

    How on earth could you be a general and make decisions affecting the lives of people in combat positions if you've never been allowed to take part in combat? This makes no sense to me.

    I don't watch or read up on the news much, so I wasn't aware of this until I saw this thread, but I approve of the move.
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Okay! :p

    If it was up to me, I wouldn't deny a woman if she wanted to fight on the battlefield but if you ask me. I don't think its a good idea to allow a women to fight. In all honesty, having the opposite sexes on the same battlefield is definitely going to have some kind of intimate relationships going on which is just another distraction for both sexes. No telling where that can lead.

    I don't know the exemptions of Selective Service/Draft or whatever. But if it would extend to women, what about all the single mothers.

    Lastly, this sounds sexes and I don't care if it is. But women are just more important outside the battlefield. If we were to have a draft and women are on the battlefield. And it happens to be the worst death toll in American history. Our population would be devastated without these women. Not that women are just for 'making babies' :p. It's just men are more expendable than women in times of war.
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Answers in bold.
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_< Oh my gosh Kitty. I really need to break it down for you.

    I don't give a freakin' care of how it sounds like, it shouldn't make anyone feel so butthurt and if they feel so butthurt over this, they need to stick their head in a ditch. I really do not care about the class, type, race that makes one female. I do not even discriminate against that (And those who even try to say I am will get bashed by moi). What I care about is whether or not the individual woman has the qualification of doing a certain job. But if you want to go on and just want to go "But gender this and gender that", then let us play that game. If there is a man and a woman and a woman who is capable of doing a certain aspect of a job, then certainly they will take on the strength of the man and woman (As individuals and not by race). Then, they will decide whether to pick the man or to pick the woman. Then, it all comes down to:

    A. They choose the man over the woman and they give the woman a different task similar to what she wanted to (or can) do.

    B. They choose the woman over the man and give the man a different task similar to what he wanted to (or can) do.

    That is what I see.

    -.- Oh wow. And you never wondered if something like that ever did happen? Whether because of their accomplishment of doing the tasks or because of their good sportsmanship or whatever the case it may be that can put them in a higher rank in the army, both male and female.

    And also, would this even change anything? Oh! I guess you are saying that there is no need to exclude women from the Selective Services and that women must register too then. Yep. So discrimatory about women being a part of the army so why not just have the women register by the time they are 18 even if they are opposed to war? Need to "Fill in those positions that is lacking" like you said Kitty. But then one might say "You douche! Why try to apply that to us as though we're men?!" There was nothing gender discrimitive on those aspects when the law states that women are not subjected to do a draft. Otherwise, there are equal gender equality by having both men and women register for Selective Service once they hit 18 of age and those who try to argue against me saying that it is wrong, they better back it up (especially the women) or else I call them a hypocrite. Yes. I WILL call you a hypocrite. Always talking about "Equality this" and "Equality that" and "Feminism" and "You making us women look as though we are your property. You better think twice because *Ghetto Snaps snaps* we're more than that!" Then answer my comment about having women being drafted like the men. Nothing is wrong with that to me in my eyes. If there is no answer to that, then I do believe that the women should only do the support roles in the army (Wait a minute. Support roles... maybe that can help one achieve higher ranks Kitty. :eek: )

    So you do not have to rant and try to apply about some "Women are bold and can have big muscles just as much as the men" and "Women can have just as much force as the big dude" and what not but I'll go on and do my ranting.

    @Rose So you want to know my own stance? Ok. Here they are.

    1. Are women actually AND truly sure that they want to do ground combat? It has to be a clear-cut decision and not something emotional.

    2. Are they truly capable of not trying to let their emotions get in the way (Now some will try and say "But men can be emotional on the battlefield too!" Just be quiet and understand what I am saying. When I am saying is:

    a. They will not express their feelings that will bring doubt or to compromise a mission at hand.
    b. Women will, instead of using emotions to solve problems, they will take on the active role of solving the problem at hand.

    3. Are women even CAPABLE of operating the PHYSICAL aspects? Not talking about carrying guns (Although there may be heavy guns). I am talking about operating tanks and the like.

    And I have SO much more in my head that I want to get out but who knows. One of you will read this and say that I want to make women as weak beings. I call all of you fools. Your mom Rose is a veteran? Good job good job. Still, did she did support role, active (For this I mean, direct combat) role or a mixture of both? Was she comfortable with what she did, some things she want to take back or regret or even understand what the men go through in a war that may be the reason why there is a decision of not even having women to do active ground combat? Just curiuos.
  8. xxxJRosesxxx

    xxxJRosesxxx New Member

    I'm with Requim on this, if you really back this argument up you would have to apply it to LGBT people in the military too.

    Is really any of your business what a single parent of any gender decides? There are single fathers in the military too you know. My mom is not only a veteran but she is also a single parent and just got back from a tour in Afghanistan. I also doubt there would ever be a draft ever again,

    Ummm...what? How the hell did you come up with something soooo hypothetical for an argument?

    The Earth's population is currently seven billion and here in the US more than a few million, somehow I doubt we'll ever have to worry about our population being so severely dwindled down. Plus men can impregnate more women within nine months more times than a woman can get pregnant in that same time frame.

    Did you know a very large some of China's population are all descended from the same ancestor who raped many, many women during his reign?

    Even if somehow the US got into such a massive war that it would truly "devaste" the population that would mean the military would need everyone possible to join.

    So, is your whole basis for your argument entirely on the generalization that women are "overly" emotional? As for the physical capabilities of a woman, look up the strongest woman in the world and see how much she can lift. There are plenty of women out there physically capable of operating the heavy machinery the military requires.

    You also need to take into account everyone who joins the military goes through intensive training and evaluation, preparing and judging whether they're capable or not. Are you assuming that by letting women into direct combat the government will just let anybody with a vagina in?

    My mom is the strongest human being I know, not just the strongest woman. She served in Desert Storm before she had me, where she was military police the closest thing she could get to being in the Frontline. During that time she had a jackass commander of her unit that treated her lesser than the men, until she proved herself. I'm more than a bit annouyed with you questioning what my mother has gone through for her country, and seem to assume she doesn't understand on the same level as the men.

    Her tour in Afganistan this past year she served as a nurse, at the base she was stationed at there were regular grenades and other weaponry shot. So my Mom had to deal with a lot of stress as you can imagine, and she didn't become useless because she needed a shoulder to cry on. She watched people die on the table, pulled the plug on the hopeless, and saved who she could.

    Heres a question for you, SummonerYah how many years did you serve in the military? Have you ever seen first hand what a kid looks like after stepping on a landmine? Did you ever get the news that your friend was killed by the enemy? You questoin whether my mother understands what the men go through, and yet I've yet to hear about your military experience at all.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013
    Moogle likes this.
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    But then again. Your not denying that it won't happen. So what? Rape in the military happens now. The possibility just becomes that much more likely whether your a gay or a female enlisting. Gays in the military, I just left that tidbit out to stay on topic but if you would like to go there. I would apply the same answer with them.

    Anymore? That's thinking in the 'now' not the 'later'. You can't make a decision thinking. 'Oh we don't have draft anymore' and then it happens and our country is not prepared for it.

    As for the fathers, exactly! But then again what is the ration of single mothers to single fathers?

    You don't know me! XD. But I'll be your friend anyway even though it might not be mutual.
    When the men came back home. They started making babies hence the 'Baby Boom' so I don't entirely get your point. Because times have changed, in the last couple of decades after the World Wars. Marriage doesn't hold up like it used to.

    Your answers. 1.Bringing up already known information. 2. Poorly thought out long term plan. 3. A History Lecture. Why did you reply again? If it was to waste my time. Then, unlike me, YOU SUCCEED! :p

    I would but this discussion isn't about LGBT.

    When it has to do with our nation's security, I would like to be a little informed on who we are sending where and how many . I bet in September 10th 2001, a terrorist attack was furthest from their minds but it happened the next day. So we can doubt all we want, but I rather be prepared then to doubt.

    Okay. Men can impregnate more women within nine months more times than a woman can get pregnant in that same time frame. Thanks for the valid point. If this is true, then less men are needed. So those men are off to war.

    Oh really! And leave what for our own defense and remove our women for what reason?
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... The heck? I never said that women are emotional. It is common not to let emotions overcome decisions in battle, both male and female and the army or leader will most likely do not want feelings get in the way of a task. Do not add something into my mouth please.

    And I can say the same thing to you. Did you went through military services? Did you go out there to show what women can do in the army just like your mom? Both of us heard stories, whether male or female, about what they went through but the most common stories of all (Or from what I heard) is with men and their stories, traumatized or not. I have family members who are in the army themselves and I have friends and acquantances who are training for army services themselves. For this, I am irritated myself for this question. What? Trying to say that I have no say so? Then I can say the same to you unless you yourself is thinking about doing something army-related. Unlike you, I am a male and if something "devastating" happens, they will draw a random number and may draw my number to have me to fight while you still get to sit at home and unlike you, who can always decide to volunteer at any time, I can volunteer but at the same time, I do not have any say so or else I get fined and put in jail. I dare someone to say that it is equality right there and if they do, I WILL support for the decision to have women to be drafted with no say so into the army.

    No. I did not assume. This is what I believe what those "Female Power Activists" wants. If a woman can go into direct combat, then ANY women can do just the same and there's more to it than that in my perspective but yet no one do not even bother to think and then it gets to the point where the women goes "WHY YOU DiD THIS TO US?! We volunteered so much and now you are treating us women wrong again!" At least I did not bring up about single parenting (Which is of no concern to me. Throw the bouncing baby to a relative or trusted friend and all that crap about impregnate this and impregnate that is not even important to me in this thread since it can happen at any time. I'll let you and Requiem debate against Angel on that one). And since you brought that statement up:

    So are you trying to use just one person who got buffed who said "ME STRONG LIKE MAN! Me swing dumbell and crush!" and try to say that women are capable of doing just the same? For this one, please don't. You will have to support that and I will be more gender-oriented of male over female. As you brought up about "Any woman with a vagina can get in for direct combat?" Are you trying to assume that any female with their holes open really is able to be just as strong as the strongest woman in the world?

    Bogustry and laughable (For the fact that you are trying to feel as though I want to attack your mother for everything she did). I never did state or said that she does not understand on the same level as men. Curious I am but to disrespect someone's parent would not be right. If your mom fought for the US, then surely she knows how difficult it would be in the military. I find it dumb for you to bring up that your mom was a veteran but once I want to ask questions for what she did, you want to feel offended (Are you trying to prove some point about being emotional or something) and all I did is ask simple questions to know more of what your mother did (And I'll snap if you try to compare me to whatever jerk someone was to your mother). If you do not want me to ask questions (Or on anything else for future references along with someone else who will do the same) then you might as well be careful on what you bring up. On the battle-and-war perspectives, I believe that it is MORE than some petty gender squabbling and I find it an insult if someone says otherwise and needs to grow up.

    For this, I draw a line. Doesn't matter if someone is capable of doing a job. Is it even necessary (Boht male and female) for them to do the job when it is not needed for them to do it even though they are capable? You need to take account for that and this is why I am uncomfortable about the decision of lifting the ban and I am not "Womanphobic". Protective over women, yes I am but for logical reasons (Birthing women and single parenting are not logical to me for this thread), I am uncomfortable. I still yet to see why the lifting of the ban is a good thing.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013
  11. xxxJRosesxxx

    xxxJRosesxxx New Member

    Then why did you bring it up the question if women could or not handl the stress emotionally?

    I wasn't trying to imply you have no say, the issue I had was you were questioning my mom's understanding. I overread what you said as smugness, forgetting that text doesn't communicate the same way as the spoken word.

    Your analogy of the draft seems off, by lifting the ban it makes the possibility of women being drafted that much more possible. Therefore making the playing field in the military that more equal for the sexes. I personally disapprove of any draft to begin with, so you're preahing to the choir on that one.

    Why do you think feminists would want that? What have the demonstrated to suggest this?

    You assume the strongest woman in the world is functionally illiterate and not feminine? My point was that there ARE women out there capable of driving a tank and use heavy military equipment. Even if they're a small percentage they should have that opportunity to serve their country to the fullest extent as the men. Holes open? What does that even mean?

    I overreacted, but would you have asked those questions if I had said my Dad was a veteran? Make a point about being emotional? What? I didn't say anything about emotion in that part of my point?

    Mom read your post and she was the one to ask if you had any military experience, so it wasn't really my question and I should have clarified that.


    Necessary? I don't understand how it isn't, are you aware that it's easier for people who've been in combat to climb the ranks in the military? So wouldn't that make it more difficult for women to climb the ranks? It's keeping progress from going further if the ban hadn't been lifted, and there are women who do want to directly serve in combat so why keep them from it? Is it not a good thing for those women to get the opportunity they've been wanting?
    Kitty likes this.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Asking if women can control the emotion part and saying that women are emotional are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT sentences . You Knowing your mom, she can tell you that it can be hard to control emotions and that the men too can be just as emotional.I am assuming that it can be emotional when on task.

    Then why in the world you brought up the point about the strongest woman in the world? That did not make any sense at all. As for feminists, I have overreacted.

    Uh, yes. I don't see why I shouldn't ask someone whose a veteran whether male or female of what they felt in combat (And if they did not want to talk about it, I won't force them).

    I am assuming that one can still climb the ranks even when they are not in ground combat. So what if they throw the women into ground combat. Then what? They may still not get Lieutenant, general, Brigade or any of the other ranks because there may be claims of seeing women "unfit for titles" such as those. Then you will have another fight in their hands of women having the desire to do aeriel combat.

    And as for the "necessary" part for example, what if both man and female were going after the same job and the captain said "The male soldier will take on the frontlines and the female soldier will be his backup." Will you call that gender discrimination? If the captain wanted the female to be the backup and to take over something in case the male soldier is unable to do something, will that still be gender discrimination because the captain did not "let the female soldier take on the frontlines and just give her the job"? I find it bull if this is seen as gender discrimination when all I am seeing beyond this one is tactics and strategy. If something such as the example I made conjure up a ravaging and pointless debate about what a someone did in the army because of some decision which the people debating most likely do not even know what they are even talking about, then yes, I am questioning on this banlift.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This is absolutely ridiculous. For one, it gives no regard to people having, I dunno, professionalism, or loyalty to whatever families they may have at home, and two, well, office romances occur often enough in any profession. Should women and men never work together?

    Who is to say that any of these women who were out on the battlefield and died would have even wanted to have children, whether or not the population was decimated? Unless of course we'd just forcibly impregnate any women left over to get the population back up.

    Honestly, you don't need to break it down for me. I don't say I think you hate women, since as I don't know you, I have no idea how misogynistic you may or may not be, intentionally or unintentionally. However, your statements, in this thread, in the Household thread, and other places, are incredibly sexist and belittling, no matter how you try to spin them.

    Actually yes, I do think it is unfair that men have to register for the draft and women don't. Though if all men have the attitude you do towards women, no doubt that will never change. As I have said, I personally have no interest in the military and I would be praying like hell that the draft never came up, but if I were required to, I would sign up for it, and I do wonder a little why there hasn't been more of a push about this. Don't jump on my case and call me a hypocrite without knowing what I think about a stance. It makes you an ineffectual debater. And the personal attacking quality of your posts at times makes me think you might need a refresher of the debating guidlines as set out by EbAl.

    And as a comment to the single mother/father argument that's been going on, from what I understand, having a brother-in-law relatively high up in the military and a sister who was former military, and having known others, the military isn't keen on sending anyone overseas who is the sole parent of their young children. I'm sure some people want to go anyway, and have other family/friends who can step in for them, but if there is one father or one mother who is alone, with no support, caring for kids, I doubt the military would force the kids into a foster home while the parent is deployed.

    I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about here. You don't want to give women rights because you think we'll whine about them once we got them?

    Depends on why this call was made. If the only reason the female soldier was backup is because of her gender, then how could you say this isn't discrimination?

    I'm not sure what else I can say in this thread without getting angry. I suppose to finish it up, women with the correct training and the desire to do so can manage to do just about anything that might be required when serving in the military, and a sexist, centuries old belief like "they might be too emotional to handle it" or "women should be safe at home to make babies" is no reason for men to stop them from doing as they desire. And women do not need the condescending, patronizing "protection" of the likes I'm seeing in this thread.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Fine. Then let them be sexist and belittling to you. To me, YOU want it to sound like I want my statements to be sexist and I'll keep on saying what I am saying, knowing that I am not being a sexist. In my eyes, you need stuff broke down since you always want to claim that I am being rude towards the women and with you talking about how you are "Trying so hard not to be angry" and saying how or how not "misogynistic" (Which making me truly believe that you intentionally or unintentionally want that to be me) I may be and as though you want to put a spin on that. that is how I am seeing it right now.

    Did I call you a hypocrite or said "Kitty, you are a hypocrite for not answering my question with a claim"? No I did not. Please read and reread and I need no refresher especially since I did not downgrade and insult anyone. If you are not not going to provide anything, I am going to go against what someone say and I will question. No rules on that.

    You may took the "you" in the last sentence as though I am speaking ot you but since I had "them" I was mainly referring to those who want to even debate without proving a point.

    No offense but you REALLY need to show and explain what kind of attitude I have toward women and where it seems as though I am a Nazi against woman. Seriously. Right now, this is very ineffectual and provide NOTHING.

    I myself did not say I do not want to give women rights. I am all for women rights but when it comes to something like "letting women at the front lines" I doubt if this is truly about women rights or something else completely different. I am merely saying that I do not want to hear any complaints from women once they receive what they want or from any men about what happened or something bad happened with the population after women joined the army and etcetera.
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'm curious! Let's flip the script and you all can go on the defensive. Why should women be accepted in the infantry?

    By all means, kudos for those people. Realistically, these people are deployed and don't know if they are returning so the temptation of them cheating is not all that ridiculous. What happens overseas stays overseas.

    A friendly work environment doesn't compare to the life and death situations of an infantryman.

    At least, they would have their whole lives to think about it. Why have a mind if your not allowed to change it. But okay.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    And what would that something else be, exactly? Because by denying the women the opportunity to serve in combat, you are denying them rights.

    You can keep typing it until your fingers go numb, but how else other than belittling and sexist is anyone supposed to take your statements? I'm not some feminist nazi, as I expect you think I am, always out to spit on men and take everything offensively. But your comments are patronizing, whether you intend them to be or not. And if you don't even realize how patronizing your views are, assuming your views are the same as those you express, that's even worse. But I refuse to keep arguing about this, because you do nothing to make me feel you mean any different, and just make me more upset over it.

    @Angel: Seriously, what kind of war would it be to kill so many people that this is even remotely a concern, given our current population? Not to mention that no one is assuming that every woman in the country will rush out to potentially be killed on the front lines, just because now we can. Even if the female soldiers who hypothetically died hadn't enlisted AND were heterosexual AND decided to birth kids, how many people would they actually be adding to the gene pool anyway? Two each? The majority of people in our society aren't popping out ten kids like they used to. And what about women who are sterile for whatever reason? They won't be needed for childbearing, so are they free to serve in combat?

    With this whole argument, are you really trying to suggest that soldiers would shirk their duties in order to have sex? That they're just going to get down and fuck in the middle of a minefield? Because that sounds like grasping for straws to find an excuse to be against women in this situation. And regardless, if someone really wants to have sex, they'll have sex. What's the difference between a male soldier having sex with a female soldier, as opposed to a female civilian of whatever country they're stationed in? You can't tell me that doesn't happen.

    I'm assuming you mean go on the offensive. And why shouldn't they? Any person who can do the job competently should be able to. I've yet to see an example of how women aren't competent enough to serve on the front lines, so I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to. Men on average may have an advantage in size and strength, but if the job still gets done, I don't see why it should make a difference to anyone whether or not the person who did the job has a vagina.
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    It is not a constitutional right to be able to serve in the military as an infantry so women aren't denied any 'rights'. Equal opportunity is another thing.

    Yes, wouldn't everyone?|Of course that's not what I'm saying. Intimacy doesn't belong on the battlefield. I'll have to give an example. Single-Sex Schools have a better proficiency rate than Coed Schools. An all male/female sport team will be more aggressive, fast paced, and be more prone to give it their all compared to an Coed Sports Team. So by how much would a Coed Infantry be hindered? Taking in the account a more stressful environment filled with anxiety, difficult decisions, and 'in the heat of the moment' emotions that comes with the introduction of the opposite sex.

    No. Defensive. You weren't defending a statement. You were attacking it.

    Still, you didn't really give an explanation; Why? Your just promoting equality and equality isn't a right, especially in regards to the military. If it isn't a right given to you by our constitution then I don't see anything wrong us continuing to keep the ban, especially since its been apart of our world's social order since way back when. So do you have a reason why they should because I have yet to see one? Whether your capable of doing something in a peculiar field doesn't give you the right to be apart of that field.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Answers in bold again.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
    Kitty likes this.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    @Kitty I am tired of you always shouting "You are patronizing. PATRONIZER PATRONIZER PATRONIZER!" You always want to act as though I am all out for some "superiority" junk and want to make all women as though they are inferior and the way you type, you certainly do act as though you " always out to spit on men and take everything offensively." and you really need to get the whatever meaning you have of that word fixed. Go on ahead and refuse to give reasons. I care not. This is not about some "Man Superiority/ Woman Power" junk. This is about if whether or not all of this "equality" and "rights" mess is really doing anything.

    And besides, in my view, equality itself does not TRULY exist (Not to my knowledge anyway), whether we want it or not (And don't go trying to use this statement and try to say that since I think of it this way, then I am wishing for women to not do the same thing as men. That is bull).
  20. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Req, Give me a real good reason why women should be allowed in the infantry; to promote equality isn't a real reason. I'm not talking about race or how it was before now, only women on the battlefield. You seem to dodge the bullet and spout on about what I'm saying. But you truly haven't said anything on the matter. I do appreciate your sly comments but that's not enough to make your point if you have one; I haven't read it. I don't want some opinion from you if I wanted that I'll go to church. Give me something real and I'll consider it but so far you've given me nothing but opinions. So if you really want to make a point, Here's your chance!

    What? Then we can constitute just about anything as 'rights' which is absolutely ridiculous.

    But we aren't talking about slavery are we? We're talking about Women in the infantry. I don't see the need to bring up slavery unless you have no real argument against this, which you don't. But since you insist. According to our Constitution all men are entitled to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. If we had went by that Logic, we wouldn't have slavery, would we. Case and Point. I appreciate your efforts!

    It doesn't matter to me who it is.

    Okay! Keyword functions less. That is what I'm arguing and we finally agree on something. Now let's apply this to the battlefield and you'll see why. It will affect the efficiency of our soldiers. I could care less who is at fault. If men are at fault then so be it that does not change the fact that team efficiency will be hampered. You practically said so yourself.

    It happens so what? A team having sex as oppose to civilians are not comparable. A team's cooperation and synchronization is what leads to success or failure. Whatever relationship you have on the field with your men/women in arms affects your performance and ability to cooperate. So yes, there is a difference between civilians and soldiers. How can women truly have "Brotherhood" and "Camaraderie" with men if their so called brothers 'sexually assaulted' her. I'm sure; it does apply to women but so much could happen out their with men and women that it's foolish to think otherwise.

    Race has nothing to do with this discussion. You just lump them in there to try to make your statement plausible but it's not about them. It's about women. If I were to say 'YES' to keeping Blacks, Females, Asians, and Latinos from serving in the military. Then what point have you have you made about women? None! Whether you believe sending people to fight a 'war on terror' is beneficial to our country is surely opinionated. Who is it benefiting? There will always be terror and terrorist. I don't see how people killing people is beneficial to anyone? It might make you feel secure but we aren't given some prestige award for sending people to die or to kill. But I applaud the use of the race card.

    Well until I see an amendment on this. I don't see your point on giving me a history lecture.

    Well aren't you a perky character. Some things just shouldn't be acceptable to change and if our foundation were to ever come to that point then that is truly stupid.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2013

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