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Voided Carnage ( OOC+Signups)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by NeRo, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Please excuse the terrible grammar and story. i wrote this at least 4 years ago

    It is unclear from where the symbiotes actually originated, but it is known that their species existed for millions of years prior to the arrival of the Venom symbiote on Earth. It is implied that Galactus, devourer of worlds, consumed a world in which they had taken over and thrived upon. It was mistakenly believed that this was their homeworld. It is shown through the Carnage symbiote that this was a world whose dominant life forms had been overrun by the marauding symbiotes.

    symbiotes were originally an unfeeling, conquering race, taking over any species they come in contact with to feed off of emotions, mainly adrenaline rushes from death-defying feats. As a consequence, the hosts are short-lived. The Venom symbiote was different because it desired a strong bond with a single host, and desired to belong rather than to dominate, leading to imprisonment by its own race, at which point it was brought to Battleworld during the first Secret Wars.

    Now in the year 3590 The symbiotes have returned to the suface of earth. Each of these individual Symbiotes carried the traits and DNA from the Venom and Carnage Simboiotes. They have all found Human host and each has its own personality.

    However lifeforms have now come to earth those that rival the symbiotes in strenths and abliites they are called the Shadow this name was givin to them by the first Symbiote race. The menace that almost wiped out the species of symbiotes. The remaining Shadow's have come to earth to finish off the remaining Symbiote lifeforms..

    The Shadow Menance

    The creatures labeled as the shadow rival the symbiotes in strengths and abilities. however as a symbiote is a liquid mucous form. the shadows are exactly as the name sounds they are shadows. there only downfall is that when they jump from host to host there life-span drops drammaticlly unlike the symbiote that can move from host to host without a problem(Meaning if the host is in danger and the Shadow itself feels threatened it jumps to another host however doing this transition the Shadow is in a weakened state for 48 hours"2days".The shadows are illusionary beings in that they have no solid form unless they latch onto a host. once in the host they become similar to the same set up as a symbiote. A shadow excels in the amount of abilties in comparison to a symbiote. the shadows are immune to certain elements of this world. for example if you put a shadow's host in flames not a scratch or burn will be layed upon him. but for every strength there is a weakness. these rules do not apply to all some are weak against fire some are not it all depends on how they form the bond with host personality. The shadows have telekinetic energy streaming through them. which in itself allows them to control things around them with a simple thought. Elemental energy streams through there particles. which allows them to control a element of there choice. The reasons the symbiotes and shadow's have fueded for so many years is simply because Shadow's eat Symbiotes for life force to sustain them

    The evolutionary Symbiote

    Many years have passed since the original Venom and Carnage also Toxin Symbiotes. The continuous changes of DNA and space metamorphosis have changed the symbiotes. they no longer desire to jump from one host to another. there abilities have drastically increased. They are now immune to most elements. there poly form texture skin allows this. They have telepathy given to there host that allows them to predict movements (spider sense) which was adapted from the original spider man. besides that they have been fitted with a unique techniuqe allowing them to change forms into a hybrid Symbiote a second body of you will. this enables a massive power jump and physical appearance boost. When in this stage they are stronger than the shadows or even with even a shadows strongest power level. the new hybrid symbiotes no longer make sickness worse in there host if anything they heal faster and progress easier. also the symbiote takes on more of its own personality and protects the host from any danger even if the host is alseep or unconscious

    1.) I reserve the right to tell you or ask you to change your character if needed
    2: No Godmoding(Slight godmodding is allowed for Shadows due to there strength)
    3: No Powerplaying
    4: Literacy is a must if your template isn’t you will not be accepted
    5:post "My Inner Me" On top of your temp
    6:please be creative
    7:Have fun


    Symbiote Tempate

    Personality(Reflects on Symbiote):
    Symbiote Name:
    Symbiote Apperance:
    Bio:How they obtained the Symbiote)

    Shadow Template

    Personality(evil.... but elaborate)
    Major Strenght: (Elemental Power)
    Shadow Apperance:

    I'll add more spots if this fills up. I have the right to decline a spot if i don't belive your activity will be acceptable.
    Current Spider-man: ( Open)
    Symbiote 1:Vox)
    Symbiote 2:Open
    Symbiote 3: Open
    Symbiote:4 Open)

    Shadow 1 : Open
    Shadow 2: Open)
    Shadow 3: Open)
    Shadow 4: Open)
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I've got a great (I think) idea for a symbiote.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    My Inner Me

    I was afraid some spots would've already been filled up by the time I got back online.

    Anyways, here's the start of a SU for Spider-Man.

    Name: Tom Parker

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Personality: He is more serious than his ancestor was and doesn't talk so much during a fight. He follows the "With great power comes great responsibility" mantra that has been passed down throughout his family. He is a gentle person who tries to avoid prolonging fights and overall tries to keep his head down.

    Appearance: Tom stands at an inch shy of 6 feet. He is in good shape, to say the least. His muscles are easily noticeable but they don't pop out like the muscles of a body builder. He has dark brown hair that reaches to the top of his eyes. His eyes are a very plain brown.

    Bio: Tom always knew that he was descended from Spider Man. Of course, being able to crawl on walls since the day he was born was a rather large indicator of the blood that flowed through his veins. Born with powers or not, they did not all immediately show themselves. The super strength aspect of his powers, for instance, did not develop until Tom became 15 years old.

    Tom's childhood was surprisingly devoid of superheroes. Whether the other heroes were too busy being heroes, wanting to give him a normal life, or even unaware of his existence is unknown. Regardless of the reason, Tom Parker lived a fairly normal life in New York. By the time he entered grade school his powers were already developing; already his spider sense had made him fairly agile. With what was perhaps an early attempt at preventing Tom from abusing his powers his parents worked hard to ensure his attention was elsewhere. Their efforts worked surprisingly well, causing Tom to not do much with his powers until he actually became Spider Man.

    It was when he was 18 years old that Tom decided to work towards his ancestor's legacy. While not the same carefree person as Peter Parker, Tom is every bit the genius Peter was. He had found a web shooter used by Peter and had the urge to make his own, just to see what it was like. And the result was him creating his own set of web shooters and web cartridges on his own. And now in a position to actually do something with the power he has, Tom considered it to be his responsibility to become Spider Man and save those in trouble.

    Spider Sense - As with the original Spider Man, Tom has a sixth sense that allows him to sense danger from any direction. When Peter Parker had managed to separate himself from the Venom symbiote his spider sense was unable to detect an attack from the symbiotes. Tom's spider sense, on the other hand, has mutated to allow him to detect attacks from symbiotes.

    Wall Crawling - While this ability isn't limited to crawling up walls, that is the main use of it. Tom is able to stick to objects just like the original Spider Man.

    Super Strength - Self explanatory

    Web Shooters - While not an actual ability, it is still important to be listed. The web shooters and cartridges are modified and upgraded versions of the original. Each cartridge can hold more webbing than the cartridges used by Peter Parker. In addition to that, the webbing Tom makes is much stronger than Peter's web. Finally Tom has created multiple types of webbing, just in case there ever comes a situation where he needs something different.

    Night Vision - Tom is able to see just as easily in the dark as he can in the daytime. Places of extreme darkness that are devoid of light are still difficult to see in.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2013
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Look who's back.

    Name: Rina Starling

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Personality: A quiet, shy type. Although, due to the symbiote, she hears a voices* in her head, and argues with them frequently. Was an eccentric artist of sorts.

    Darks skin, dark hair kept short as possible. Generally wears a parka and jeans. Sort of a sullen look constantly on her face and sunken, sleep deprived eyes to match.

    Symbiote Name:

    Symbiote Apperance: A sliver skin with thicker parts around the joints, similar to medival armor in design. The face is smooth with a slight protrusion for the nose and eyes are glowing yellow. The "Hair" acts as one mass, but has individual tendrils that are constantly moving (while hanging downwards. They don't move upwards unless commanded to).

    Bio: Riona Starling was once a joyful artist. Bouncy, bubbly personality - and although she wasn't too well known, she didn't care. It was the fact that at least somebody knew who she was that counted. But, one day something happened. There was a fire in her home - she was asleep at the time, so the incident was a blur. The cause of the fire? The reports said nothing. It was just blamed on a faulty plug. The fire destroyed her house completely, incinerating everything. But, miraculously, Riona survived. Somehow, she was moved outside onto her lawn. Of course, she didn't remember a thing - the paramedics called it, "Trauma-induced amnesia". Of course, the truth lies elsewhere. . . Now, she wanders from place to place, her abilities stealing food and finding safe ground to sleep in.**

    # Heavily enhanced cellular regeneration
    # Able to induce powerful sonic 'shouts' (However, backlash causes the symbiote skin to become weaker for a short time)
    # Sticking to Walls
    # Superior hearing capability/Sonar
    # Can vibrate an object to it's natural frequency*** when touching it.
    # Use 'Hair' as whiplike appendages to a length of 30 feet each.
    # Enhanced physical abilities (I.E. Speed, strength, etc)
    # Able to move around silently
    # Using the natural frequency thing, she can also fuse objects together.
    # Can sling sonic 'packets' like the web bullet ability. They are condensed 'packets' of sound that explode and screech loudly upon hitting the target.

    *I'm not going to RP the voices.
    ** She didn't have insurance. END OF STORY.
    ***That means it can shatter.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Quick question, mind if I make two characters? One symbiote and one shadow?
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Elysia Concord
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female

    Personality: Elysia can be a pretty difficult person to get along with if you don't really know her. She's grown into something of a tomboy, and one with a bit of rough temper at that. She has a harsh and stern disposition towards everyone, save, perhaps, for her grandparents. Though she means well, she has brutal sense of honesty, and won't hold her tongue if she has an opinion about a person or an idea. She is also very decisive, coming to conclusions and making decisions very quickly, and can't stand indecision. She also can't stand abuse; whether it's of herself or of another, she will sttand up against nearly any sort of abuse she sees.

    Apperance: A slim and atheletic build, standing at five feet and seven inches in height. She has shoulder length blonde hair, which she keeps tied up in a tight bun. Her eyes are a shade of electric blue. She generally wears long sleeved clothing, and gloves. She perfers leather matierials.

    Symbiote Name: Val (Pronounced "Vahl")
    Symbiote Apperance: WIP

    Bio: Elysia grew up, more or less, in a broken home. Her father, Julian, was a man dedicated to scientific study. His research in biology was centered almost exclusively around the study of the creatures known as "Symbiotes," and their effect on other creatures. Unfortunately, his research was deemed unnecessary and insubstantial, and he couldn't recieve any funding. Despite this, he had managed to detain a Symbiote, and, in a relentless pursuit of his unrequited passion, begin to run experiments with the Symbiote out of a makeshift laboratory he had constructed in his basement.

    For months, he became obsessed with the creature he had captured, and spent countless hours locked in his lab, leaving Elysia and her mother almost entirely alone. Eventually, Elysia's mother reached the end of her patience, and left the family. Elysia spent the days that followed doing her best to care for her father, but couldn't break his obsession with the Symbiote, and could only rarely draw him out of the basement for meals. Eventually, she faced her deepest fear: her father became completely withdrawn, so much so that he practically lived in the basement lab.

    One day, after several months of listening to her father's tinkering experiements, Elysia returned home from school to find him sitting in the kitchen, face plastered with fatigue and eyes shining with madness. She approached him cautiously, and concered, as it was, at that point, strange to see him outside of the basement. "It's ready," she heard him say. It was then that she was suddenly pulled by her father and forced down into the basement. It was there that Elysia became her father's final experiement. Strapped down to an operating table, she was essentially force fed the Symbiote that her father had procured.

    The procedure succeeded, and Elysia became the host the Symbiote. The effects were instantanious. Her strength peaked, and her senses became more refined. And a strange feeling of energy welled inside of her body. She remained hostage to her father for several days while he continuously studied the effects of the Symbiote. All the while, he was blind to the fact that her strength was growing, and her rage was building. After seven days strapped to the operating table, Elysia used her newfound strength to break free of her bindings. Then, in a fit of rage and resentment, she attacked her father.

    The murder scene yielded no evidence on which to convict Elysia, and the condition in which she was found by the authorities after the event lead many to see that she had been abused. Her father's death was ruled as an accident caused by a technological malfunction, and Elysia was released into the custody of her paternal grandparents, who did their best to held her recorver from the incident. However, she couldn't overcome her resenment of her father, and the Symbiote's presence only increased as she grew up, making her a harsh and burtally honest, even if well-meaning person.

    Abilites: Elysia's Symbiote, Val, would be classified as a bio-electric organism, something to the effect of an electric eel. It has gained nourshiment by sharing the electrical stimuli of Elysia's body, and in turn has reciprocated the deed, creating an on-going cycle of bio electric exchnage and augmentation. The immediate result of this exchange was an enhancement in muscular stimulus, which in turn resulted in sharp increases in strength. This also rang true with her cognitive and sensational abilities. Her senses have been agumented, as has her ability to process what she senses.

    Over time, the bioelectricity began to create a substantial excess of electrical charge within her body. Val's presence over the years has created a running system of bioelectric channels through Elysia's body, existing separate from, yet connected to, the rest of her internal functions. These channels serve a moderatiing function on the intake and output of electrical charge, creating buffer that allows Elysia to harmlessly abosrb electric shocks on various levels, which help to perpetuate and aid Val's effects. It is in this system of bioelectric channels that she is able to store excess charge.

    In more recent times, Elysia has developed the ability to consciously control the excess stores of bioelectricity stored within her. She is able to utilize her body as a cvatalyst for electrical discharge. While taking on her Symbiote form, she is also able to actively alter her personal electromagnetic porperties, which she can utilize to achieve a similar effect of latching onto objects (though it does work more effectively on metals, to the point that she can attract her self to metallic objects and vice versa).
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    @ Zac- lets let the spot stay open for other people to join first. then if we still have positions available then you can have one if its not taken.
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Alright I'll wait a bit then. Expect a symbiote template soon

    Name: Zeke Nerro
    Gender: Male

    Personality: A brave young man with a sense of justice. He is kind brave and honorable, however, he has one trait that serves as both a strength and a weakness, his worry. He worries for others that he knows and cares for, and worries about the outcome of his actions, and often hesitates in pulling the trigger in battle.


    Tall and skinny in appearance, being 6 foot even, and has a lanky build. He has brown shaggy hair, hazel eyes, white skin, and big hands and feet. He wears a light blue t-shirt with a dark blue, plaid, short sleeve button up over the tee, with ripped, navy blue jeans, black, fingerless gloves and grey shoes.

    Symbiote name: Ietaroral (Zeke often calls him Ieta)
    Symbiote Appearance:

    It gives the appearance that it is wearing armor, seeing how some parts of its body are thicker than others. These include his lower arms, lower legs and feet, the chest, a belt is around the waist and a helmet can develope to protect its black head, all of which are blue, while the body parts that are of a normal density, such as the upper arms and legs, hands, waist and neck are all jet black.

    While on Zeke, when the "helmet" is off, Zeke's head and face are revealed, though when the symbiote is not on Zeke (or at least, before it came in contact,) would reveal a black head with green eyes, an undefined nose, ear holes, and no mouth.


    Zeke is a high schooler and lives with his father and mother, both of which are cops. He has a twin brother called Preston, but he went missing not a few months ago. He lives in an appartment in the central part of New York City, and when he returns from school, he is often home alone, originally with his twin brother, and ate easy to make meals and did his homework while watching TV.

    For his whole time in school, both middle and high school, he was considered a geek, and all because of his knowledge in math. However, he learned how to stand up on his own, and learned how to be more brave, and helped out his other friends that were picked on.

    It was only a few months ago when his twin went missing. It was on Saturday, and he woke up to find a note on the bedside table. It stated that Preston left, and said it was hard to explain. He immediately showed it to his parents before heading to work. Since then, they began a city wide search for the boy, with Zeke worried about his brother for countless nights.

    A week ago, he was getting groceries when he encountered a symbiote. It had literally crash landed in front of the boy. He examined the small rock, with the life form on it. It looked like death was surely apon it, until it began to speak mentally to the human. It asked if it could enter Zeke's body, as it needed shelter and protection from something.

    Hesitantly, Zeke promised, seeing how it was pleading so badly when telepathically spoke. And so, the symbiote entered Zeke, and he could feel his body tingle, and felt a rush of energy. Come the next day, he discovered his powers at home on Sunday. In fact, he broke the couch trying to move it, and found himself able to run faster, hear father and so much more till he realized. The alien had improved his senses and body.

    *Enhanced Hearing/Sonar
    *Enhanced sight
    *Enhanced physical abilties (strength, speed, agility, etc.)
    *His hands can morph into any weapon, (blades, shields, and a small arm cannon of sorts)
    *His arms can stretch to any lengt, which can be used for many things.
    *Dimensional Pockets (meaning, he can store items and summon them)
    *An organic cannon that can blast a charged shot from when hit by elements such as fire and electricity.
    *Immunity to toxins, fire, electricity.
    *His skin can increase density to prevent from ring hit by bullets and merely crumples them when they make impact.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2013
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Apologes for the late response Vox. School and all. I just used the same temp as before but I did make some very large modifications so let me know if it's still alright.

    Skylore Kingston
    But most people just call her Sky



    Personality(Reflects on Symbiote):
    Skylore herself is a smart, fun-loving, sweet girl who strives for success and knows how to get what she wants. Her friends and family would discribe her as a little high maintenance, but good at heart. She is level headed, patient, condiderite, and strong willed. Simply, Sky is one of those people that you'll either love, or you'll hate. On one hand, she's super nice and fun loving and generally a good person. On the other, she's a little shallow, self rightious, and open about her opinion. Her attitude towards people goes to extremes usually, either she doesn't care about and therefore you barely exist in her universe but she's nice to you if you happen to cross her path. If she doesn't like you, you'll be the first to know because she can pull out the ice queen attitude really fast. If you are one of the few people to earn the title of 'friend' with you, she is the most loyal friend you'll ever meet. She just has this sneeking habit to mother and protect her loved ones which, though is cute to some, can be really annoying to others.
    It's not that she's a bitch or that she's fake, she just doesn't care to pander.
    Personalities that clash with hers are mostly those of arrogant, lazy, immature, or mean people.
    Since Sienna, Sky's bold personality has only deepened. She enjoys physical activity especially running and combat. She is a major flirt and is even more confident (if that's even possible) than before. SHe may be overestimating herself just a little, but that's just how she is.

    • Hair Color: Dark Brown
    • Eye Color: Hazel
    • Skin Tone: White
    • Height: 5'6''
    • Weight: 125lbs
    • Style: She wears mostly dark colored clothing and simple elegant jewelry. Her hair is always kept nice.
    • Body Type: Slender, feminine, athletic.

    Symbiote Name:

    Symbiote Apperance:
    • Much the same as before though not near as much conciousness of physical appearence
    • Glazed over greyish/blue eyes

    Bio:How they obtained the Symbiote)
    Sky grew up wanting for nothing. She had one of those typical teenage fairytale lives with two doting rich parents who spoiled her rotten and spared no expense on her education, entertainment, and social life. All that they asked in return was for perfection, and they weren't stingy with the pressure for that either. Being an only child, she never wanted for attention or care. She grew with a very sheltered mentality of the world, having never had to experience much bad for herself. She had a very rude awakening when she met Sienna.
    She was 16 years old at the time. It was on a typical sunny day during her high school's spring break. She had grown bored at home and decided to go for a run. After promising her parents she would return before nightfall, she set out but took a wrong turn and ended up getting lost somewhere on the wrong side of town. Unable to find her way back. Alone, scared, and getting annoyed, she tried to cut through an ally after dark knowing it was the way she came before she was hoping she might start recognising landmarks. That wasn't a good idea. There was a a gang of people waiting for her there, she was robbed and worse things could have happened but she managed to get away. They chased her quite a few blocks before she managed to lose them but, by then, she was hopelessly lost. Wandering aimlessly through the streets, she heard an odd sound coming from a different ally near her. It was the sound of someone crying. Worrying that there was a child trapped in there and lead by her curiosity, she wandered into the ally but what she found wasn't what she was expecting. There was a grown woman, she begged Sky to help her. She said she was lost and dying and that she needed life. She needed Skylore's life to survive. Skylore wasn't sure what to do, she was promised that she wouldn't die. The woman kept saying things about two in one mind. Confused but driven by the need to help this strange woman, Skylore agreed to do whatever she was needed to do. She doesn't remember much after that.
    She woke up later the next morning in the ally, feeling sore and out of sorts. Lying next to her was the other woman's dead body. Alarmed and feeling sick, Skylore fled and managed to find her way home. To Sky's surprise, her parents hadn't even noticed she was missing. The only comment they had was to her appearence, unkept, dirty, and looking half frightened to death. Deciding not to worry them, she informed them she was merely having a rough morning and quickly retreated to her room to change her clothes. Once alone, and able to calm herself, She heard a voice inside her head. The voice introduced herself as Sienna and Skylore learned from Sienna's memories and thoughts from their now shared mind everything about what she now was and the power she now posessed. Sky was at first angry and confused and she wanted Sienna out of her mind. She wanted a normal life and posession of her own body but Sienna's memories of her life in her previous host in New York City. Those memories made it difficult for Skylore to focus on her wishes to go home and life her own life again. They were overweighed by Sienna's wishes to return to New York.
    Skylore fought with her strange new alter ego for months after the fact. She tried to pretend that it never happened, and that Sienna didn't exist. She continued to try to live a normal life but her newfound powers and constant prodding from Sienna made this difficult. She was constantly caught sleep walking, talking to herself, and exibiting other very strange behaviors that she never had happen to her before. On top of that, 5 months after the event, her family began to fall apart when she returned home from dance class early to catch her mom cheating on her father with some unknown man. It wasn't long after that that her father devorced her mom, and a prenuptual agreement saw to it that neither Skylore or her mother kept any of their belongings. Her father went completely cold on her, insisting that he couldn't even be sure that she was his daughter with his descraseful wife.
    Now with no financial backup, Sky was unable to attend her private school anymore. All of the people she considered friend now wanted nothing to do with her. Her parents, who she had grown to love dearly, had changed completely. Her father, wanting nothing to do with her, and her mom in a deep depression which resulted in her being very absent and hardly ever sober. Having no one left to turn to, Sky opened up to Sienna more. She became her only confidant and friend. When she turned 18, Skylore finally gave in to her Sienna's memories and ran away from home to New York City. She has yet to find whoever it was that Sienna was so eager to find though.

    ~All five senses hightened.
    ~Extreme flexability far more than any double jointed man.
    ~Speed and endurance. She has yet to meet someone who can keep up with her when she really tries.
    ~Camoflauge. She is very good at staying unseen and unheard when she wants to.
    ~She can't stick to surfaces but she is a good climber without that ability. She can find a way to climb up any surface unless of course it is a smooth.
    ~Weaponry. She hardly ever runs out of weapons because unless extremely weakened, she can create things out of the matter around her.
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Your all approved i'll make the Thread sometime soon. lets see how many more we can get to join. i still need to make my temp.
  11. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ill make a template, Idk ifim eligible due to my absence. But I will have my Template up by tomorrow.

    Name: Vince aka Ven
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Ven is the quiet mysterious type, he doesn't talk much unless he is spoken to. His actions show his emotions at times, but his emotions are almost never shown. Ven has been like this even before being possessed by his shadow form
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    Major Strenght: Electricity
    Shadow Apperance:

    Beserk Appearance: [​IMG]

    Free Form Appearance:
    Bio: Before the shadow took over Vince, He was a college student working on a mutation that would cure all disease. This cure would mostly focus on mutations and life threatening viruses. Vince was close to a conclusion until one night he decided to go out and party with a few friends. That not Vince was so intoxicated that he had wondered into a Space Facility where he stumbled upon his other side...Ven. When Vince went into the Space Facility he had no Idea what he was doing when he stumbled upon a dark shadowy space fragment that was concealed inside some type of glass. He put his hand on the glass and the fragment moved. Being startled Vince jumped backwards falling onto a lever which raised the glass which contained the shadowy fragment. The fragment continued to shake, Vince only watched as it shook. He then moved slowly towards it and reached his hand out.

    Now Ven was born. Ever since Vince touched the fragment he has been known as Ven by his friends and his family. It was like a complete personality boost when the shadow corrupted Vince. After total corruption by the shadow, Vince was gone it was just the Shadow moving and talking, it was just Ven. Vince was gone.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2013
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    When do we start?
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Most likley i'l post the IC tonight. so you guys can start fighting symbiotes etc lol
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I think Elysia would be battling Shadows.

    Speaking of which... Knight, you and I are gonna have some problems.
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Sorry it took me a bit to post, tried to figure out how to start out.
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Problems how so? @Wayward
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Both of our characters will have electrically-based abilities.
  19. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    I can change if need be, want me too?
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    No. I was just musing that our characters might make good rivals.

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