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2013 My Gallery

Discussion in 'Audio and Visual' started by FatewithFury, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Just Gonna put whatever i make this year in here, because they come out higher quality this way.
    You may Criticize them as much as you want :)

    I put all good and bad signatures i have made so please don't judge my skill by looking at my previous work. thank you.

    But, Please Do not mindlessly post and say things you do not mean. be Serious when Criticizing. Thank You.










    Last edited: Mar 29, 2013
  2. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member


    I'm Really Loving this one.
  3. Blain

    Blain New Member

    Are you sure you did this?

    Because it seems like a pro did it. Admiring hard bro, maybe you can teach me your ways sometime.

    not srs.
  4. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    ^_^ I did do these. Although just coming back into digital art they aren't the best. And of I get the chance I would love to make you a tut on how to do a sig :)
  5. Eli

    Eli New Member

    I like the overall concept. My only issues are the color and font of the text you used in both sigs. Now, I'm not an artist, so I can't give any pointers, its just personal taste lol Overall, these look great and you should seriously stick to it bro.
  6. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Thank you, when I made the first two, I had no installed text except for the original stuff. Now I have some newer stuff. Like in my personal sig I have better font
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Edit: Referring to the last signature, since I forgot to point that out:

    The text kind of makes my eyes bleed. It's bright and not that easy for me to read, and I dunno. It doesn't appeal to me at all.

    The colors and effects of the background don't look like they have anything to do with the render you chose. You've got Axel with his blacks, reds, and oranges, and then the light, bright blue and grays of the background, and I don't think the colors are very complementary. The flow's a little off, too- the background follows along the lines of Axel's body fairly well, but the flames go in the opposite direction and it doesn't look quite right to me.

    I think it's important for the render and the background to appear as one- that the effects complement the render, that the colors chosen for said effects are pulled from the render itself, are complementary colors to the colors found in the render, or some combination of the two, and so on. And if I could make a general suggestion, I would try experimenting with changing the blending modes on the c4ds you're using. On normal, some of the time, they just look messy, but if you move them around and erase icky parts and try them on different blending modes (like Lighten, or Linear Dodge, for examples), they can add a lot of color and lighting to the piece.
  8. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Thank you kitty I always appreciate your advice. I will try fixing some of the things in that sig tomorrow blending may be a good idea. And yes I had a poor choice of colors for the background.
  9. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    First one i made this year. yes it is horrible, but I will still upload "Fails"

  10. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    This is my favorite piece of work. I'm definetly gonna make it my new signature. :D
    It could probably use a c4d in it.


    EDIT- With C4d renders

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2013
  11. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member


    Like it?
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Please know how to use primary (Red, Yellow Blue), Secondary (Orange, Violet, Green), Tertiary (Red-Orange, Yellow-Green, etc). Also know about complementary colors (They are usually on opposite of a color wheel such as violet and yellow, green and red, orange and blue). It is great to know which colors you want to use but also to know what colors expresses. Will you use warm colors (Red, yellow, orange) or cool colors ( Green, blue, violet)?

    That and then there's monochromatic (variations of the same colors with different intensity and value) and analagous (Colors that cycles throughout the color wheel that is next to one another) and Triadic (Three colors of equal distance on the color wheel). Learned this in college and I think it is best if people know how to use colors. If you know what colors to use for the render to blend in with, then you can get the effects that you want.

    1. [​IMG]

    Not great. See, black is used as a shade color to lowers the value of a picture or object. Hues, values and intensiy are all important properties of colors. You have a lot of black but then there is the white mist-like effect you have by Xemnas, which is not really working well at all with the black. Since Xemnas is white and black, having a grey or silver color background would benefit more. Not only that, the black background is in its pure form but that white mist (Or is it grey), it is dull tto me. The blue text will never work because it is a cool color though its hue is darker than normal. That and the wierd effect of that blue light at the bottom left along with the green and red effects that you have is not in harmony with one another. You have too many different colors.

    2. [​IMG]

    Blue, blue-violet and violet. Nice colors... but the render does not fit with the background. It would be different if you changed the color of the render. Brown and green on Goofy does not work well with the color of the background. Text needs to be blurred in my opinion. Right now, the emphasis and attention is not on Goofy but is more on the background in my opinion.

    3. [​IMG]

    ... Where did the light blue/blue green effects in the background came from. If you were aiming for a Triadic harmony background, yellow would be great with the blue background instead of silver/grey. The text red is not working well because it is darker. If you lighten the text, it would be better. The flame effect is better.

    4. [​IMG]

    Not a big fan of the text on the sword. If you want it there, then the color of the text should suit with the render. I like the symmetrical rhythm and pattern that you have going on... until I saw those blue wavelenghts that you had behind Cloud. That and Cloud does not go with the background. He carrying dark colors with no cool colors. The background has cool colors. Change the color of the render.

    5. [​IMG]

    Best one you made. Well, I think the color of the text should be different. Orange is a warm color and the colors you used in the background such as blue is a cool color. Then there's the part about blending the render but other than that, I like it.

    6. [​IMG]

    ... Meeeh. I honestly do not know what to say about this picture to be honest. You have different colors of gray, black and white in the background. It would be ok when you had the render there since it can fit with the background but once you threw in the red and orange, it really separate the attention on where to focus for me.

    Not being rude or anything. Just something that I have learned in college and to me, I think that this kind of criticism is better than to just hear the smae thing over and over about (You should blend this and use the blurring effect here and linear dodge and glamour glow there and there). I just believe right now this semester in college that if you know which colors to use, know what kind of effects the colors brings, know the color wheel and know which colors goes with what, then you will have better blending. Everything else such as Opacity and the like is a last resort to me.
  13. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Halo Tag | Points for use of color in the background and text font. Deduction for one, blending: two, lighting: three, text blending.

    Into The War Tag | Excellent choice in stock and render. Effects look slapped on and bad. Render needs some blending. Text small and standoutish.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think I prefer the version of the Halo tag without the c4ds. I don't feel like they add very much overall. I also think the lighting could be positioned better- it looks a little slapped on. The color choice is better.

    Into the War tag: A decent attempt at adding depth to the tag. The fire effects look a little cheap, but the idea isn't a bad one. The text is a little small, in my opinion.

    Keep at it. XD
  15. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member


    Its almost impossible to get a good colored Text on Gimp...

    Atleast for me haha
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2013
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Gimp has a Color Wheel for yo to play around with and you can always play around with the Hue, Saturation and Value with the Text. Just play with it. It is not impossible.


    You can always move that text to somewhere like the uperr left of the picture. Yellow-green does not go well since you do not have a red-violet color somewhere in your picture. you could change the color of the text to brown just for it to blend in and match with the render. Use Pixlr.com if you want for different types of text if you want.Yellow-Green does not ocmplement with brown or violet. Yellow itself is the direct opposite of violet, therefore it can complement with violet.

    It was ok but you had used white, a tint light color, give more attention to the left side of your picture than it is to the right side of the picture, which is shades of black. I would like it better if the brown and purple kept on going behind the render on the right side.
  17. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Simple not much but it is still something. im trying to have a "one sig a day" motto just so i stay active in it.

  18. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member


    Fixed the awkward text color problem
  19. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member


    its been quite a while O.O hoping to be more active with it though.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2013
  20. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member


    IcyFire Requested it :p tell what you think kinda rusty eh

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